Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 274 The experiment is underway, and everything is free in the frost sky

"Look, if the other party is not sure, how could he bring this matter to the table..."

Ji Chang smiled and said.

What appeared in the scene was the scene where the Suiren family fought alone against a dozen creatures of the same level without defeat, and then killed them one by one.

"Well, the strength of this creature is pretty good, but isn't it a bit hasty to identify that being just because its names are the same?" Boyikao nodded and acknowledged the strength of this creature, and then raised questions. .

To be honest, for a person like this who monopolizes dozens of creatures of the same level, there are also such ferocious existences in his kingdom. Whether he can rival the number of creatures in other countries is not of great significance.

What really matters is whether you can defeat the number of beings of the same level in your own kingdom of God. If you can defeat three of them at the same time, you are considered to be a peerless talent.

After all, the background is too surprising with other divine kingdoms, and there is no comparison. But if it is in one's own divine kingdom, the meaning is different.

If it could hold up to more than a dozen gods at that time, tsk tsk, then either this divine kingdom is too rubbish and only has one manifestation of mythical creatures, or this creature is too powerful and can destroy the manifestations of other mythical creatures. change.

"Well, I am also thinking about the country's resources. It is not too late to experiment after it is confirmed." Boyikao suddenly thought that there was some sensitivity between the two people's identities, so he changed his words.

"I know what you are thinking. You are right. This matter should really be focused on." Ji Chang did not blame Boyikao, but nodded and affirmed.

After all, the country's resources are used for experiments, and they are not ordinary resources. They are the treasures of the country.

Immediately afterwards, Ji Chang suddenly appeared in the divine realm with a thought. It would be better to check this kind of thing in person.

After a while.

Ji Chang smiled and nodded and said: "It is indeed the projection of mythical creatures. Not only is he a projection of myths and legends, but all other human races seem to be projections of legendary creatures, but I have not found other existences. Only two corresponding ones were found, namely the legendary three ancestors. The other two ancestors are the Chao clan and the Zhenyi clan, but they are not as powerful as the Suiren clan, and there are even many other human clans that are stronger than them. "

Ji Chang's spiritual thoughts came in person and instantly paid tribute to all the creatures that appeared in the divine realm. He found that they indeed had the aura of legends and myths, and all of them were, which was extremely strange.

But I didn’t think too much about it. Anyway, that guy Ye Xuan is already a miracle. He was able to create the world of Chaos, a notorious waste world, and turn it into a peerless world that everyone in the upper echelons of Daxia Kingdom knows about. Spirit world.

Yes, with Ye Xuan's fame, the world of chaos has completely become the world of gods known to everyone among the top leaders of Daxia Kingdom, and it is the most awesome one.

However, although they knew what method Ye Xuan used to create a world of chaos, when they found the test subjects, they discovered that it was increasingly impossible to create a world of chaos.

For a moment, the chaotic world seemed to be the same abandoned world.

It can be said that if Zhu Yuanzhang, Ji Chang and Ying Ji were not behind him, Ye Xuan would have been pulled over by the senior officials to be sliced ​​and studied.

"That's normal. After all, the two ancestors of the Chao family and the Mingyi family are not widely spread. What's more, in some legends, the Suiren family is the emperor among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. We must know his existence. How powerful he is, both as a human ancestor and as a human emperor, tsk tsk..." Boyikao couldn't help but marveled, and then he said: "Since it is confirmed to be true, then I think we can indeed take care of Ji. Let’s try Dean Fa’s suggestion to see if a new Suiren clan can be born again.”


After Ji Chang got Boyikao's approval, he nodded and started to apply to the superiors.

As long as he gets the approval from above, he can start to handle all of this.

The reason why you apply after getting the approval of Boyikao is to get the approval of one more person, and it is not necessary to apply for the approval of Boyikao. These are two different things, and they are two concepts at the same time.

"You first search in the Tongtian Ranking. Don't let go of the previous ones. As long as those who meet the above requirements make a list for me, I will personally investigate and find a hundred first."

After Ji Chang spoke to the application above, he then spoke to Boyikao.


After Boyikao agreed, he began to sift through the Tongtian Ranking to see if there were any divine kingdoms with mythical creatures. Then he could only invade each divine kingdom through billions of clones of his spiritual thoughts to search for whether there was a creation god who met the conditions.

This project is extremely cumbersome and consumes a lot of energy, but fortunately, he is a sixth-level creation god. Not only can the other party not detect it after the invasion, but he can also divide his mind into billions, and he can explore a world with just one thought.

"The superiors agreed."

Ji Changyouyou said.

People like them are so inferior in doing things. If something is sent through a spiritual thought, it can be conveyed immediately. No matter how much time and space they are separated from each other, it is a joke in front of them, sixth-level or even seventh-level creation gods.

One thought can reach the sky, one thought can penetrate the earth, one thought can reach the sky, one thought can reach the netherworld, one thought can destroy the world, and one thought can last forever.

"I've only found thirty-one that meet the requirements so far, and I'm still looking."

Boyikao took the time to answer, and then his spiritual thoughts continued to run rapidly, searching for a qualified divine kingdom among the billions of mythical divine kingdoms, and then included it in the list.

After a while.

"Huh~ I finally found it."

Boyikao breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the cup of tea on the table, and took a sip. Instantly, a refreshing fragrance filled his whole soul. That was when Ji Chang was searching for a qualified creation god. Brewed specially for it.

Although this tea is not a rare treasure, it can still help the God of Creation restore his mind.

After taking a sip from Boyikao, the fatigue caused by searching for billions of divine kingdoms disappeared instantly.

He then sent those lists that met the requirements to Ji Chang's Tongtian Ranking.

Ji Chang's spiritual thoughts moved slightly, and he instantly selected ten from the one hundred creation gods' kingdoms.

The ten creation gods he selected are the ones that best meet the conditions of Ye Xuan's kingdom. It's not that the environment of these ten kingdoms is very similar to the chaotic world, but that the avenues mastered by Nuwa are relatively different. She is more like Nuwa in Ye Xuan Kingdom.

"Selected, bring these ten creation gods here..." Ji Chang nodded and continued.

As for whether the ten creation gods agree? He never thought that there should be no brainy creation god who would refuse this matter, not to mention those so-called creation gods who had no conditions to choose.

It doesn't matter at all whether they agree or not, what matters is whether they get here alive.


Boyikao nodded, and immediately left the place in a flash.

About an hour later.

Boyikao returned to where he was. With a wave of his right hand, ten creation gods appeared in front of Ji Chang.

"Are you the dean of Dazhou College?!"

Among the ten creation gods, someone immediately recognized Ji Chang and immediately exclaimed.

The other nine people also quickly saluted and shouted.

"You're welcome. Do you all know the purpose of calling you here?"

Ji Chang smiled and shook his head and said.

Now that people are here, there is no need to be too anxious.

When the ten people heard this, they shook their heads. They originally thought they had been poisoned, but they found out that they had been brought here.

Ji Chang glanced at Boyikao, who spread his hands and said: "I went directly to take them away. They wouldn't refuse anyway, because it would be too troublesome to explain them one by one. It's better to explain them together."

"Ahem, in that case, let me tell you. I brought you here this time because I want you to help complete an experiment."

Ji Chang coughed twice, then changed the subject.

As his words appeared, the entire experiment appeared in everyone's minds.

"You shouldn't be unwilling, right?"

Ji Chang asked, but without waiting for their answer, he said to himself: "It's useless even if you don't want to. Okay, I've explained what needs to be explained to you. Are you ready for the next step?"

The ten people's faces were all overjoyed when they heard this. Although the reluctance mentioned later was useless, in fact, there was no one who was unwilling to do this...

Immediately, they all nodded, indicating that they were ready.

"very good!"

Ji Chang nodded, and ten copies of the Heart of the Gods and the Soil of Creation appeared in front of everyone. Then Ji Chang said: "Let me tell you first, the ten materials here are the key, and they are not given to you free of charge by the country. You will have to pay back the 200 million divine source fees per person in the future. Of course, the losers do not have to pay back. They should regard it as a free benefit for the country's experiment. But if it succeeds, you will need to pay 200 million divine sources. Source, these fees do not need to be paid back in one go, but they must be paid off.”

After everyone heard that they had to pay back, their expressions changed, but then after they heard that losers don't have to pay back, only winners do, their faces became much better.

After all, no one wants to be pulled over to do an experiment without any problems, and then not only fails, but also has to bear the debt of 200 million divine resources for nothing. You must know that 200 million divine resources is an astronomical figure.

But today's losers don't have to pay back, so they no longer have the psychological burden. After all, failure means losing as much benefit as those who failed, and they also got a perfect human race for free, but they didn't appear. The Suiren clan's legendary sacred human ancestor is nothing more than a blood profit.

As for success, although it requires paying 200 million divine resources, it is equivalent to obtaining a perfect human race and a legendary human ancestor in the country with a loan! This is also blood-earned, so in fact, no matter whether they succeed or not, they actually make blood-earned money.

"Okay, let's create!"

Ji Chang waved his hand, and the materials fell perfectly into the kingdom of ten people.

Then the ten creation gods guided Nuwa to create the human race.

These ten creation gods are all fourth-level creation gods, and they are all kingdoms of gods that have not yet created the human race. Not all kingdoms of gods are like Ye Xuan.

Some of the Nuwa Empresses in these divine kingdoms are the creator gods, some are one of the Three Emperors, and some are ancient gods. The roles they play in each divine kingdom are different, but they all master It is the Avenue of Life and the Avenue of Creation, and it is considered the best among the hundreds of creation gods in the Kingdom of God.

Among them, there may be some races created by Nuwa, but it is no surprise that she did not create the human race, otherwise she would not have chosen them.

Experiments were being conducted in the Da Zhou Academy of the Creation Continent, and huge things happened in the prehistoric world at this time.

The reason is nothing else, all of which are a series of events caused by the expansion of the prehistoric world.

The most fierce war was not between the two races of witches and liches, but the war between the dragon race, which has been ruling the four seas since ancient times, and the sea races. It broke out crazily, and it was an unimaginable war.

Although the scale was not as large as the war between the three races of dragon, phoenix and unicorn in the past, it was not inferior in strength. On the contrary, it was a few points better. After all, after so many years of development, countless Daluo Jinxians were born in the sea race. Although there were few Hunyuan Zhense, there were also some.

It’s just that there were very few people in the Hunyuan realm, and there were no more than three Hunyuan realms in the entire sea race.

So, it can be imagined that this war was a one-sided war between the sea race and the dragon race.

But the sea tribe was oppressed by the dragon tribe for a long time and was unwilling to be ruled by the dragon tribe. Even though the dragon tribe did not actually adopt any high-pressure policy against the sea tribe, which creature was born to be willing to be a subject, and which creature was not born to be free and not subject to the jurisdiction of any creature.

In addition, each of the four seas has expanded billions of times this time, and there are actually endless territories. What they want is just a small part of it, just to reproduce and thrive. It is not unreasonable to ask for a corner of the land.

In fact, those sea tribes feel that their demands are not excessive at all. The four seas have increased by billions of times, and what they are asking for now is just as large as the previous four seas. Such a small place is nothing in front of the current four seas.

They can't get even this little bit, they must submit to the dragon clan and continue to be the dogs of the dragon clan. They are completely angry. Anyway, they are all living in the four seas, and it is impossible for them to go out to dominate the prehistoric world. They have nothing to pursue. Why should they still be the dogs of your dragon clan? Besides, they have been dogs for billions of years, and it's time to let them go.

In the concept of the dragon clan, it doesn't matter who is the actual ruler of the four seas. Anyway, the dragon clan's rule of the four seas in the past did not really completely control every corner of the four seas.

What the dragon clan pursues is that the sea clan cannot be independent. No matter how many sea areas are given to the other party to recuperate and reproduce, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the four seas are boundless. Even if the dragon clan can reproduce, it is impossible to cover the four seas without a few kalpas.

Therefore, they can use the land of the size of the Four Seas for development, but they must recognize that the Dragon Clan is their suzerain state and they are subordinates of the Dragon Clan. Not to mention the size of the Four Seas, even if it is ten times larger, it will be fine!

But those sea people saw that the Four Seas were so big that the Dragon Clan could not manage it, so they wanted to be independent and did not want to be dogs. Anyway, the Dragon Clan could not manage the entire Four Seas, so there was such a big conflict.

So, the Four Seas Dragon King led the eight dragon generals and tens of thousands of dragon generals to go to war together. Those dragon generals all understood the true meaning of Hunyuan, but none of them reached the realm of Hunyuan.

One step away, like a natural moat.

The East China Sea is the most peaceful place. Although it also let those dragon generals lead the dragon army to suppress rebellions everywhere, it is much better than the other three seas.

After all, the Dragon Emperor Zulong is here in person. Those who dare to make a fuss about independence here are either fearless warriors who sacrificed their lives for freedom or stupid dogs with holes in their brains.

Although Zulong has never taken action, not only Zulong, but even the four dragon kings have never taken action. At most, Long Shuai has taken action, and it is rare.

The entire dragon clan regards this rare rebellion of the sea clan as a good opportunity to train troops.

So if the opponent's Hunyuan Realm does not take action, they will definitely not take action. Even if the opponent's Hunyuan Realm takes action, the dragon clan will not really kill it. At most, they will suppress it. After all, after the fight, it is still a part of the dragon clan.

There is no need to reduce the high-end combat power. The consumption of mid- and low-end combat power will also be consumed. It will be replenished sooner or later, and the time required is not very long.

The four dragon kings are directly in charge of the Dragon Palace and have never gone out to fight.

The eight dragon commanders led the army to split into two groups, using the Dragon Palace as the boundary to divide the sea area under the Dragon King's charge into two halves, and then swept each other.

The sea clan is a large race, similar to the demon clan. There is not really such a race as the sea clan, but there are countless races living in the water, collectively referred to as the sea clan.

Not all races in the sea clan betrayed the dragon clan, at least the vast majority did not betray, whether they were in a wait-and-see state or really did not betray, anyway, the reality is that the vast majority of races did not betray the dragon clan, and those who betrayed the dragon clan and sought independence were only a minority.

Of course, even if they were completely independent, it would be impossible to overthrow the dragon clan, because the dragon clan had the eight dragon commanders, the four dragon kings and the dragon emperor, and they completely crushed the sea clan at the highest level.

East China Sea.

"Marshal, why do these weak sea tribes want to be independent? If we dragons did not exist in the four seas, do these sea tribes really think they will not be enslaved by other forces or those scattered saints..."

A dragon tribe member asked Marshal Yinglong with a puzzled look on his face.

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