Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 275 The Emperor has issued an order! Thor, the god of thunder!

"Because of this damn freedom..."

Yinglong's eyes were full of meaning, and his words revealed his views on so-called freedom.


Where does the so-called freedom come from in the prehistoric world? They are bound all the time, so where is the real freedom...

"Freedom? What freedom? Where does freedom come from? Haha..."

Little White Dragon sneered, stretched lazily, and said disdainfully.

These extremely weak races actually dare to want freedom, haha, you know, even their powerful dragon race does not have the so-called freedom, and those weak races are so whimsical.

"All races and spirits are always like this, you get used to it, some weak ones ask the strong to protect them and not hurt them, and when the strong protect them, they want the so-called freedom..."

Yinglong's face showed a profound expression that belonged to a philosopher, and his eyes full of wisdom stared deeply into the sea ahead.

In such a vast sea, there are countless creatures. Among those creatures, there are sea beasts that stir up trouble, there are also sea creatures full of wisdom, and there are also some ignorant and uncivilized fish.

"Then they can only suffer the consequences they deserve. The road full of freedom is always so bloody..."

The discussion between Xiaobailong and Yinglong was full of so-called freedom.

They all knew that there was no so-called freedom in the prehistoric world. When people lacked the so-called personal freedom, they began to be dissatisfied with the status quo and began to pursue freedom in themselves.

When people were free in themselves, endless greed began to pursue spiritual freedom. But when they were really free in spirit, they would begin to break free from the shackles between heaven and earth and want to imagine the infinite universe.

But there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside heavens. As long as you don’t become the real strongest, there is no real freedom.

Some people may say that when they have a certain degree of freedom, it is enough, and they will not think about absolute freedom, but they ignore that the greed of living beings is endless. When they do not have a certain degree of personal freedom, they pursue personal freedom. After they have a certain degree of personal freedom, they begin to pursue spiritual freedom.

Step by step, the myriad races and spirits in the prehistoric world have almost endless time. As long as they do not perish, they can live forever. This endless time will make them dissatisfied with the status quo and they will pursue further freedom.

So, rather than pursuing freedom, it is better to say that when you are strong, freedom is just an accessory.

Just like in a mortal universe, if you can destroy the stars in one thought, nothing can hurt or touch you, whether it is good or bad for you, it cannot be imposed on you, then you have absolute freedom in this universe, and when you are absolutely invincible in the endless time and space, there is no creature or any existence stronger than you, then you can have absolute freedom.

It is not freedom that brings strength, but strength that brings freedom.

When there is no existence that can constrain you, you will have absolute freedom.

"Little White Dragon, you are not far from entering the Hunyuan Realm..."

Yinglong said with some surprise after glancing at the breath of Little White Dragon beside him.

"Forget it, there are many dragons in the Dragon Clan that are not far from the Hunyuan Realm, but I haven't seen any dragons that have entered the Hunyuan Realm..." Little White Dragon waved his hand and said without any care.

This so-called not far from entering the Hunyuan Realm is actually that the Hunyuan True Self Realm has been stabilized for a period of time, and it is qualified to rush into the Hunyuan Realm.

However, there are still very few Hunyuan Realm in the prehistoric world, and it has not reached the level of Daluo Jinxian that has become a common existence. Therefore, the Hunyuan Realm cannot be forcibly broken through by relying on one's own cultivation, but needs to be achieved by one of the great merits, great luck, and great opportunities.

But now the luck of the dragon race can only carry a dozen or so cultivators in the Hunyuan realm, and it can no longer carry too many.

The same is true for the two races of witches and liches. Although the number of people who carry the Hunyuan realm is much greater than that of the dragon race, it can also be counted, not exceeding three digits.

This can also be seen from the back. Although the dragon race occupies no less land than other races, it has much less luck.

After all, the two races of witches and liches have the existence of two super-large institutions, the Heaven Court and the Underworld, which enhances their luck by an unknown amount. This is the fundamental reason why they can give birth to dozens of Hunyuan realms.

It is not that the talents of the two races of witches and liches are much better than those of the dragon race, or much better than those of the human race.

"It's different now. The prehistoric world has changed so much that the luck of the dragon race must have risen a lot. After a period of time, many Hunyuan realms will emerge in the prehistoric world. At that time, I'm afraid that Hunyuan will be everywhere..." Yinglong's words fell on the little white dragon's heart, shocking it.

If it is really as Yinglong said, then it is undoubtedly very good news.

This good news can be regarded as good news for all the creatures among the many races in the prehistoric world, although as the number of creatures in the Primordial Realm increases, the Primordial Realm will not be that valuable.

But for a large force like the Dragon Clan, it is undoubtedly better. After all, this is a real return to the era of suppressing people with force, instead of being suppressed by Emperor Jun alone. This point Especially important.

On the one hand, one's own life and death are in the hands of others; on the other hand, oneself can control the life and death of others.

"If this is the case, the Dragon Clan will prosper again!"

There was a hint of excitement in Xiao Bailong's eyes. Over the years, the dragon clan has accumulated more than tens of thousands of Hunyuan True Self realms? !

If luck really rises again, then the Dragon Clan will inevitably give birth to more Hunyuan realms, and if there are too many Hunyuan realms between heaven and earth to a certain extent, and feedback to heaven and earth will strengthen the foundation of heaven and earth again, then it will definitely be able to break through The realm of Hunyuan is restricted by the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth. At that time, those who can condense the fruits of the Tao will be able to step into the realm of Hunyuan.

"That's natural!"

Yinglong nodded naturally and said.

As a member of the Dragon Clan, no Dragon Clan member would not want the Dragon Clan to become more prosperous.

"Now that the prehistoric foundation has been strengthened, the scope has expanded hundreds of millions of times, reaching a hundred times the size of the observable universe, and a universe has an observable universe thirty trillion times the size, emmm, if you look at it this way , Today’s prehistoric era is still too small and too small..."

Ye Xuan looked at the scenes in the prehistoric world. With the addition of liquid base, the prehistoric world expanded more than billions of times, becoming about a hundred times the size of the observable universe. But in a real universe, Today's prehistoric times are still far from enough to see. It is just a drop in the ocean.

Then, with a thought in his mind, Ye Xuan left the prehistoric world and came to the divine realm.

"This occupies most of the country. It's ok. It's indeed the human race that I'm optimistic about!"

Ye Xuan can swim freely in the divine realm with just a thought.

The human race seems to be born with the wisdom of war. It is like innately arranging troops, deploying troops and generals. Although the strength factor is the most important, in fact, when the human race trains troops, the strength is equal. What you are looking at is the wisdom of war.

There are only about a dozen students left in the Divine Realm. Among these dozen students, there is only one foreign student left. The rest are all ranked first in each star region of Daxia Kingdom.

There is also a girl who has been discussed with Ye Xuan before. That girl is called Xun Ling, and she is one of the top ten beings in the Tianling Star Territory.

Now Xun Ling has completely given up. After being surrounded by Ye Xuan, he withdrew from the divine domain. Now he is located in the hinterland of Ye Xuan's territory, just like the former Qin Emperor who ruled the world. The general Weiguo left behind.

Of course, even though the feudal state retained Weiguo, it actually unified the world.

It was just to commemorate Shang Yang's contribution, but now it is similar to this situation. Although the other party's territory does not belong to one's own, it is actually no different from one's own, and the reason for staying is to share half of the other party's reward.

This means that as long as Ye Xuan wins the championship, he will get the first place reward and half of the second place reward.

Undoubtedly, it was earned with blood, so Ye Xuan kept the other party until the end.

In fact, Ye Xuan would be very happy if another person came to form an alliance, so that he could get half of the reward for third place.

But even half of the reward for third place is worth the entire reward for fourth place, and is even worth several times more.

The top three ranked one step at a time, and the rewards obtained from fourth to tenth were not much different. It was just a little bit different in terms of divine origin.

"By the way, I can definitely let whoever comes in third be the third. Then I will sell it to them directly and kill that foreigner first before talking about anything else..."

After Ye Xuan thought that he could completely control the outcome of the game, a wicked smile appeared on his face. In this case, it was most suitable to sell it.

Anyway, there is no such rule in the rules, and it does not say that the results of the game cannot be manipulated. Although I don't know if anyone would do this in previous years, Ye Xuan wants to try it himself anyway.

At best, it's not going to work, and his place in the competition won't be cancelled.

After all, alliances are run in the rules. You can form an alliance at the beginning, but why can't you form an alliance at the end?

Therefore, if the other party really blamed it, Ye Xuan would also have a chance to defend himself.

When Ye Xuan's thoughts moved, Suiren seemed to sense something in the dark, and subconsciously wanted to kill the foreigner first.

This foreigner is not one of those small countries, but the United Eagles, one of the five major countries in the Creation Continent, and the most powerful existence on the surface of the Creation Continent.

It is the first of the Upper Three Kingdoms among the five major kingdoms. The second among the Upper Three Kingdoms is the Daxia Kingdom, followed by the Rakshasa Kingdom. The strongest of the Lower Two Kingdoms is the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, and the worst is the Holy Kingdom.

"Is it the supreme being who is influencing me in the dark? Does he want to guide the human race to destroy the kingdom of God where the alien world is..."

Suiren looked up at the sky and did not give an order directly. Instead, he turned to look at where Ye Xuan was with doubt.

When Ye Xuan saw that the other party looked over hesitantly and did not directly choose to carry out the results that he affected, he immediately said: "Destroy that alien world first, and then destroy other alien worlds."

Ye Xuan spoke softly, and a sound of the great way appeared and entered Suirenshi's ears.

"It's really you!"

Suirenshi's eyes narrowed and he said loudly.

His mind would not suddenly have an idea for no reason, and the reason why it came out just now was because Ye Xuan was guiding it, and Ye Xuan could only guide it, and could not directly control the other party's thoughts.

At most, it was just controlling the other party's actions. Of course, this action control was actually very difficult, but Ye Xuan still had the confidence to do it.

But then, Ye Xuan did not say anything. If Suirenshi did not do it, he would issue an order through the Heavenly Dao, directly to the hearts of the human race fighting on the front line, and let them attack the foreigner.

That foreigner was also a fourth-level creation god, and the lowest one left was also a fourth-level creation god.

Of course, the strongest was only a fourth-level creation god.

"I will go, don't worry."

Suirenshi muttered to himself, and then his mind moved.

The seal of the emperor appeared, and his words became an imperial decree. This was the imperial decree of the human race, the imperial decree of the emperor. Wherever the imperial decree of the emperor went, the human race would obey it.

In an instant, the imperial decree was imprinted in the minds of the human race in the divine domain since it appeared.

"The emperor has ordered that the human race attack this world!"

"The emperor has ordered that the human race attack this world!!"

"The emperor has ordered that the human race attack this world!!!"

There were people shouting and shouting.

Then, the human race gathered their troops and gathered together to start to surround the world of that foreigner.

The name of that foreigner was Epstein Vincent, that is, Epstein. Epstein's kingdom of God was the world of Thor, the god of thunder. His world kingdom of God was the kingdom of God in Norse mythology.

Thor is the most powerful being in this kingdom of God, even more powerful than his biological father Odin. Even his mortal enemy, the Earthly Serpent Jörmungandr, cannot stop him.

In this kingdom of God, Thor undoubtedly has more projections, and is stronger.

At this time, after seeing Ye Xuan's actions, Epstein shrugged his shoulders indifferently and said, "Oh~ Is this Ye Xuan who swept through the students in other countries? I wonder if your strength is really that strong!"

Outside, viewing platform

"Why is this little foreigner so arrogant?"

"That's right, is he a fool? Just from the area of ​​the God's Domain, he should know that Ye Xuan is the first..."

"Although I also think that Ye Xuan is the first, I disagree with your statement, because Ye Xuan's large territory can only prove that the surrounding God's Kingdom is weaker than him, and there is no other proof, even if he occupies half of the country.

This thing can only reflect Ye Xuan's strength to a certain extent, but it cannot prove that Ye Xuan's strength is the first.

Of course, I also think that Ye Xuan must be the first, there is no doubt about this."

People outside are constantly discussing, all of which are about the crusade against the foreigner. This foreigner really has some problems with his brain.

In the God's Domain.

Epstein's face is very calm, and there is even a faint smile on his face.

On the one hand, he manipulates the creatures in the God's Kingdom to arrange troops and formations, and on the other hand, he summons the most powerful sacred from the God's Kingdom.


A blue-purple divine power emerged from the sky, and in an instant, it filled the sky above the entire domain, which belonged to his territory.

On the other hand, the dense and endless creatures in the sky dyed the sky on Ye Xuan's side dark.

This is not the color of the sky, but the pure number of human beings has reached a certain level, covering the bottom into a dark color.

The blue-purple divine power came to the world with a deep and ancient breath, with unspeakable greatness, sacredness, and extraordinaryness, slowly condensed in front of Epstein.

It was like a god who had been immortal since ancient times.

The highest and strongest, unmatched, divine power like a prison, and awe-inspiring.

Once the sacred was condensed, it was more than 100,000 feet tall, an extremely huge giant.

The giant had a red head, a big hammer in his hand, and a red beard. He had a pair of fierce eyes that looked like they were burning with fire, and usually wore simple clothes without armor.

This was Thor, the god of thunder. Thor was bold, rough, and easily excited. He had a big appetite and the best alcohol tolerance among the Aesir. He often waved his hammer to threaten his opponents.

Thor's power was the greatest among the gods, and he was a famous strongman. In the kingdom of God, he could even challenge several giants of the same level with his strength alone.

The strongest among the giants was the earthly python Jörmungandr, and Jörmungandr should have been Thor's lifelong enemy, but he seemed so vulnerable in front of Thor in this world.

The hammer in Thor's hand was Thor's hammer. As the god of thunder, he was also the god of war and agriculture, and even controlled the power of climate.

There were bursts of lightning all around Thor. These unbridled lightning crackled and brought an extreme sense of oppression to the creatures around him.

At this moment, the people watching the battle from the outside viewing platform and even the entire Great Xia Kingdom knew why Epstein was so confident.

Because they felt the powerful and boundless strength from this sacred being, a force that could tear apart everything in the world, a force that had never appeared in the divine realm.

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