Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 276: Fighting the Nordic Gods, with the help of the Lich!

It seems that even the Suiren clan is vaguely inferior to the other party...

At this moment, the dozen or so students left in the Divine Realm also stopped fighting among themselves and turned to look at this world-shattering battle.

"Obviously everyone has the power of the fourth-level Creation God, but why is this foreigner so strong!"

At this moment, there is such a question in everyone's mind.

The legendary God of Thunder in Nordic mythology is a bit too powerful. It is so powerful that it is shocking and shocking.

However, facing such a terrifying thunder god, the human race showed no fear at all.

In an instant, all the people present evacuated, and all the armies in the sky began to retreat.

Because both sides know that the battle against each other is not comparable to those beings who have not yet reached the realm of Hunyuan.

And after Thor, God of Thunder, came out, it was not enough. Another god actually appeared in the passage of the Kingdom of God.

It was a one-eyed god with a long white beard. He wore an eagle helmet and golden armor. He held a long spear named Gungnir, the Eternal Spear, and wore the golden ring of Dropnir.

His appearance was accompanied by an extremely strange scene, because he did not appear standing, but sitting. Under his seat was a supreme throne. According to legend, sitting on this throne you can see Every move in the nine worlds.

The Nine Worlds are the worlds in Norse mythology and legends, and Odin and Thor, the God of Thunder, all live in Asgard.

At Odin's feet are two ferocious wolves, Kili and Kulich, symbolizing greed and desire. They are always ready to protect Odin and are Odin's bodyguards.

On the shoulders are two ravens, Fujin and Wuni, which symbolize thoughts and memories. They will fly throughout the nine worlds and return to report to Odin, and they are Odin's eyes.

Odin is the most powerful god in Asgard besides Thor, and is also the king of the gods. The reason why this name belongs to him is because Thor had no intention of doing this, otherwise it would not be his turn.

With the appearance of Odin, another god appeared. This god was named Tyr. Tyr is the god of war, the guardian of oaths and the representative of glory. This famous god of war only has one hand, but only that one hand. Just holding a sword in one hand can make him look so tall and powerful.

In addition to Tyr, there are gods one after another appearing.

Unsurprisingly, these gods are all fourth-level creatures, and there are more than thirty gods in total.

Including Thor, there are a total of thirty-five fourth-order creatures.


After Suiren saw this, he took a deep breath, knowing in his heart that this was no longer something he could deal with.

Immediately convey the thought.

Buzz! ! !

Behind him, a figure immediately appeared. The figure was not as tall as the saints opposite. On the contrary, it seemed that there was no trace of divine power emerging from it, and it looked like it was just an ordinary human being.

However, he did not feel any fear in the face of the opponent's endless pressure. On the contrary, he strolled leisurely and walked to Suiren's side step by step, slightly behind.

"His Majesty."

The person who came was none other than the Cangjie family.

"Any more?"

Suddenly, Thor, the God of Thunder, who was on the other side, asked.

Its sound was as loud as thunder, and it roared endlessly.

When Suiren heard this, he smiled and shook his head slowly.

Although he was not sure that he would be able to deal with so many fourth-level creatures in front of him, he knew that no matter what, he should give it a try, not to mention that there was that existence behind him, and he would definitely not let the prehistoric world lose. dropped.

"Your bravery cannot alleviate your pain. Your people and your world will eventually become extinct!"

The smile on Thor's lips suddenly disappeared and he said in a deep voice.

In his opinion, this is the other party's disdain for him and the other party looks down on him.

If not, why only call out one helper? This is not a simple duel, this is a competition between one world and another world.

His words made Suiren's expression change, and so did Cangjie's expression. Their eyes gradually became colder, and they looked at Saul as if they were looking at a dead person.

"Oh? You might be the ones who are exterminated!"

Just then, a huge giant with a height of 100,000 feet appeared.

That was Wu Zhu Jiuyin, the ancestor of the Wu clan. Zhu Jiuyin controlled the power of time. Under the corrosion of time, even the immortal gods opposite looked at Zhu Jiuyin with some fear.

In addition to Zhu Jiuyin, there are all the ancestral witches except Di Jiang and Hou Tu beside him. Di Jiang needs to stay in the witch clan to take charge of the affairs of the witch clan. Now that the world has changed greatly, he has many things to do. Handle it.

Not to mention Hou Tu, she can't leave the prehistoric world at all. If she leaves the prehistoric world, her immortal body will no longer exist, and the affairs of the land of reincarnation will be even busier.

Therefore, the two ancestral witches are not here, but there are also many great witches. Xingtian, who is known as the 13th ancestral witch, Hou Yi, who is the first great witch, and the great witch Kuafu, the great witch Xiang Liu...

This time, there are eighteen more powerful men in the Hunyuan Realm.

"Thank you to all the fellow Taoists from the Wu Clan for helping me."

After seeing this, Suiren quickly bowed slightly to the many witch clansmen on the side and said.

He was already prepared to fight a dozen of them, but he didn't expect that eighteen Hunyuan Realm witch clans suddenly appeared. This relieved a lot of their burden.

"The human race is fighting for the ancient world in other worlds, how can the Wu clan just sit back and watch!"

Zhu Jiuyin, who was leading the team, said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, it turns out there is help from other races. Is there anyone else?"

The smile on the corner of Thor's mouth appeared again. With so many people here, it was interesting enough!

In Nordic mythology, there is a theory of fate. Before Ragnarok comes, no existence can kill them, but as long as Ragnarok comes, no existence can kill them. Death, even a piece of grass or a stone can easily kill them.

But before Ragnarok, even the greatest being in the world could not lead them back to death! ! !

As in Nordic mythology, they are naturally the same and have immortality.

This is also the reason why Thor, the God of Thunder, is not in a hurry to attack. Anyway, the more opponents come, the more they will be able to catch them all, saving the need to hunt them down one by one, which is extremely slow.

"Giant? Huh..."

Zhu Rong heard the words and glanced at the other party with disdain. The height of those gods was actually bigger than that of their witch clan. The true body of the witch clan was only one hundred thousand feet tall, but the other party's true body was actually over one hundred thousand feet tall!

But there is no use in growing tall. The real king is whether the body is strong or not. The body of the Wu Clan dominates the ancient world, second only to the bodies of the gods and demons of the great avenues. This is recognized in the ancient times.

However, all races and spirits in the prehistoric era are not envious, because this is something obtained in exchange for brains, and there is no need to envy him.

"You little dwarf, don't be the one crying later!"

Loki, the most powerful among the giants, immediately sarcastically replied when he heard this.

"Hahahaha! If you dare to call me a dwarf, you are the first one I have ever seen! Don't run away later!!"

Zhu Rong clenched his fist and tilted his head to look at the other party.

He could feel that the other party also had the energy of fire among the five elements in his body, and immediately knew that the other party was also the god of fire. In addition, the other party seemed to have an extremely treacherous feeling, and did not have the upright feeling of flames. .

Loki, the god in charge of fire, is also a god full of tricks and lies.

What kind of sparks will arise when the two gods of fire from different mythical and legendary worlds collide.

However, it's not over yet.

Buzz! ! !

In the prehistoric world, the demon tribe also took action.

Fuxi and Nuwa also have three of the top ten demon commanders, namely Gui Che, Fei Lian, and Jiu Ying.

"Human Emperor Wuyou, and us!"

Fuxi laughed loudly and nodded.

They had met each other when the human race was created. Although it was only a brief meeting, how could they forget the brother of the human race's Holy Mother.

"It turns out to be the Holy Mother and Taoist Brother Xihuang!"

"I have met many fellow Taoists in Heaven."

After seeing this, Suiren quickly bowed to Emperor Xi and the three demon commanders.

"The Suiren clan of the human race, bow to the Holy Mother!!!"

"Human race..., bow to the Holy Mother!!!"

The human master Cangjie clan and many human monks followed the Human Emperor Suiren clan and knelt down.

But before he could kneel down, Nuwa Empress reached out and dragged him, the Cangjie clan and many other human clan members up.

"You don't need to perform such a grand ceremony. Saint Hongyun has said that a saint does not care about his heart when it comes to his deeds. There is no saint in the world when it comes to his heart. As long as you are sincere, you don't need to perform big salutes all the time."

Nuwa smiled, and a smile appeared on her lips.

“Listen to the teachings of Our Lady.”

Suiren also smiled when he heard this and cupped his hands.

"I've met the Human Emperor!"

The three demon commanders, Gui Che, Jiu Ying, and Fei Lian, also hurriedly returned the greeting to Suiren and said.

"Thank you all fellow Taoists for coming to help."

The Suiren family spoke again and said that although the divine domain was not the real territory of the human race, it was still the place that the human race was responsible for attacking.

"How's it going? Everyone is finally here now, right?"

Odin was blind in one eye and couldn't help but speak.

He had been sitting on it for so long, but the other party actually turned a blind eye and treated him as if he didn't exist. Now he couldn't bear it anymore, so he started to speak.

"What's wrong? If you can't wait any longer, you can come up here. You can't rest even if you're blind in one eye. Believe it or not, I'll swallow your other eye too?"

Jiuying looked at Odin with cold eyes, and his true body appeared, turning into a hydra monster. Jiuying is a monster of water and fire. He can control water and fire, and controls the two elements of water and fire among the five elements.

The nine-headed monster snake was salivating with saliva, and the bits of saliva dripped on the ground, corroding a big hole in the ground below. It was obvious that in addition to water and fire, his saliva was also highly corrosive. .

When Odin saw this, his expression changed. He seemed to have seen the scene in the prophecy, where the giant wolf bit him to death.

And there seemed to be some overlapping scenes between the giant wolf and the Nine Infants in front of them.

The confidence in his heart turned into a look of panic. He looked at Jiu Ying in horror and murmured to himself: "This can't be Ragnarok, but Ragnarok is clearly Loki coming with the giants. ah……"

All the gods in the kingdom of God knew this scene, and knew what the final scene of Ragnarok was. However, they still lived in harmony with each other, because there was a very important point. Even if they killed Loki in advance, they could not prevent the arrival of Ragnarok, or in other words, they could not really kill Loki at all...

However, Loki did not want to see the arrival of Ragnarok, even the giant wolf and the earthly python were the same.

So, the gods and giants lived in complete harmony, hoping to delay the arrival of Ragnarok indefinitely.

However, it was actually useful. Ragnarok was indeed delayed for an unknown period of time.

"What are you talking about?!"

Loki scolded when he heard this, and there was no trace of the existence of this so-called sworn brother in his eyes.

On weekdays, they were all good brothers, but in this scene, he actually said it was the scene of Ragnarok. How could Loki tolerate this? He scolded immediately.

As Loki scolded, the Nordic gods also turned their eyes to Odin.

At this time, the so-called King of the Gods also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Odin's face changed immediately, he lowered his head and apologized: "Sorry, I said the wrong thing, but please don't worry about it anymore. At this moment, we have to kill those creatures!"

"Kill them!"

With the order of Thor, the God of Thunder, the gods really no longer cared about Odin's previous words, but turned to glare at the saints in the prehistoric world.

One by one, they attacked the saints they had previously looked down upon.

Thor took the lead in killing Zhu Jiuyin, who had been angry with him before, but was stopped by the ancestor witch Qiangliang. Qiangliang had been eyeing this guy from the beginning.

Qiangliang, the ancestor witch of thunder, controls the law of thunder and upholds the great way of thunder.

However, Qiangliang had no thunder in his hand but no electricity. For a moment, he was actually dragged by Thor with Thor's hammer, and could not cause any harm to Thor at all.

Qiang Liang was shocked at first. He had never met such a difficult person. Then he was overjoyed and began to tremble towards Thor.

On the other side, Xizi, who controls the law of electricity, was facing Holder, the god of darkness in Norse mythology. Lightning had no way to deal with darkness. On the contrary, darkness was constantly swallowing lightning.

This was also the only battle where one side was at a disadvantage.

"Some people believe that there was nothing before the creation of the world. They are wrong. There is darkness everywhere, and it does exist. And I, Holder, am the one who controls darkness!"

Holder looked down at Xizi, the ancestor of electricity, who was constantly swallowed by him, and said with a smile on his face.

At this time, he felt the peak of his life. When the gods were either suppressed or beaten evenly, he could suppress the other party.

Of course, his words were actually pretending. Don't say that there was no darkness before the creation of the world. Even if there was, it was not his darkness, nor him.

Holder is just a child born by Odin, and he is a sibling of Balder, the god of light. In the prophecy, he is the one who kills the god of light.

Zhu Jiuyin is fighting against Balder, the god of light. Balder's light not only cannot cause any harm to Zhu Jiuyin, but it is constantly extinguished under the power of time.

The wisps of light are also disappearing.

In the constant passing away, the god of light, who is obviously not going to die of old age, has become more and more vicissitudes and old at this moment, as if he may die at any time.

As for Loki, he was directly found by Zhurong at the beginning.

Zhurong, who has always been hot-tempered and powerful, ran towards the other party madly after the other party started to attack.

Fortunately, Loki did not run away, but also came to meet Zhurong, whom he disliked.

"You damn baby!!!"

Loki roared wildly. He is also a member of the giants, but he usually shows himself in a thin image.

When his true body appeared, it was even taller than Zhu Rong.

A wisp of flame appeared behind his head, symbolizing his sacredness.

"You damn thing! Such a low-level creature dares to be called the God of Fire?!" Zhu Rong's eyes were red, and his hair turned blood red. Endless flames appeared beside him, including Samadhi True Fire, Nanming Li Fire and other rare divine fires in the world.

Zhu Rong is the Great Dao of Fire, and he controls the law of prehistoric fire. However, even if Zhu Rong's Great Dao of Fire is advanced, he cannot control the Sun True Fire on the Sun, and he can control almost all other worldly flames.

Only the Sun True Fire on the Sun is the symbol of the Sun, and it is the power of the Sun. That is, no one except the Jinwu clan can control it. Although the Sun True Fire cannot hurt him, it does not mean that he can control the Sun True Fire.

Odin, the king of the gods, was targeted by the Nine Infants. The Nine Infants' true form appeared, with an innate spiritual treasure on each of their nine heads, forcing Odin to retreat in a panic.

Although Odin had the eternal spear Gungnir in his hand, he could not hurt the Nine Infants at all. If it were not for the two evil wolves of greed and desire constantly helping him, and the golden armor he was wearing, he would have become the first one to fall among so many gods.

The rest of the gods fought against the gods they were responsible for. Fuxi fought three gods alone, Nuwa fought two alone, and Suiren fought two.

Some other gods were also like this, fighting two or three gods, with clear division of labor.

Except for the ancestor witch Xizi, the others were basically suppressing the opponent's hammer. Then Zhu Jiuyin attracted the dark gods that Xizi was responsible for, so that Zhu Jiuyin monopolized the two great gods of light and darkness, and the ancestor witch Xizi went to help the ancestor witch Qiangliang.

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