"We are all fourth-level creation gods, why do these two fourth-level creatures seem to be able to easily kill our fourth-level creatures..."

In the divine domain, the remaining dozen students saw this and their eyes instantly gathered together.

Obviously, everyone is a fourth-level creation god, and the key point is that everyone has a world with mythological concepts. In their world, there are creatures reflected by the gods in myths and legends. Among those creatures, although they are much stronger than other ordinary creatures of the same level, they are not as perverted as the mythological creatures of these two people.

Whether it is the gods in Ye Xuan's prehistoric mythology or the gods in Epstein's Nordic mythology, they all seem to be much stronger than the mythological creatures among them.

"Yes, why are the creatures in their kingdom of God so powerful..."

The remaining dozen people fell into deep thought and began to think about what caused this matter.

What caused the gap between them? They were obviously at the same level, and the creatures were all from myths and legends, but the gap in strength was so big.

"Perhaps, they all have some unknown secrets..."

Another person said.

Ye Xuan just looked at the saints fighting each other, with a smile on his face, watching this scene with a smile in his eyes, without any worries in his heart.

Looking back at Epstein's face, it was the same.

"It turns out that the invincible Ye Xuan in the rumor is just like this..."

Epstein shook his head and smiled.

The rumored Ye Xuan is the embodiment of strength, an extremely terrifying existence, an existence that can kill everyone in one move, regardless of whether they are at the same level, they will be killed in one move by the opponent, but when he faced it in person, he found that Ye Xuan was not as rumored.

The creatures in his kingdom of God are also like this, and they are blocked by his Nordic gods.

"Oh? Really?"

Ye Xuan's frivolous voice appeared, and the smile on his face turned into a playful one.

Epstein looked at his expression, frowned, and subconsciously felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next second.


A huge flame resounded throughout the sky above the entire God's Domain. The extremely hot flame appeared very quickly and disappeared quickly, as if it was an extremely gorgeous and brilliant firework.

Everyone looked over and saw a giant with a height of 100,000 feet and covered with flames standing alone on one side. This giant had a beast head and a human body, covered with red scales, a fire snake in his ears, and a fire dragon under his feet. He was sacred and extraordinary, and unparalleled in strength.

"It turns out that it's just like this. I thought it was so strong, but it's just this ability?"

Zhu Rong said disdainfully. Just now, after a few moves with Loki, he found that the other party seemed to be just like this with all his strength. Then he made a move wantonly and burned Loki completely into ashes and disappeared.

In Norse mythology, Loki is the god of tracks and lies, and also controls fire. Although fire is not his destiny, Loki's strength is not weak, and he is also an extremely huge giant.

At this moment, this giant was burned to ashes by another giant and disappeared without a trace.

Loki's true body is 180,000 feet tall, even bigger than the ancient witch of the prehistoric times, but being huge is useless, and he was killed instantly by Zhu Rong.

"This..." Epstein looked a little embarrassed when he saw this. At this time, his face was a little embarrassed. Just now, he said that Ye Xuan was just so-so, saying that Ye Xuan was not as powerful as rumored, but in reality, he was hit by a critical strike, and Zhu Rong instantly killed Loki.

It can be said that no one knows better than him how strong Loki is in the kingdom of gods in Norse mythology. Loki's strength can be ranked third in Norse mythology, second only to Thor, the god of thunder, and Odin, the king of gods.

However, such a powerful Loki was killed instantly by one of the opponent's dozen giants.

But before this, the two were equally strong and fought back and forth, but he suddenly killed him in an instant.

This made Epstein feel very bad. He was worried that other gods would also be defeated.

But he did not choose to surrender, nor did he surrender directly because of this little disadvantage.

But when he hesitated for a moment.

In the battlefields of various places.

The light shone brightly, and in an instant, all kinds of Tao rhyme appeared, and powerful strength burst out one after another.

The gods of the prehistoric world instantly burst out their true strength, and the Tao rhyme on their bodies appeared. Their own avenues quietly appeared. Wherever their bodies passed, all living beings disappeared.

Boom! ! !

At this moment, all the mythological creatures in the God's Domain belonging to the Kingdom of the Norse Mythology actually fell! ! !

"Twilight of the Gods..."

"This is the Twilight of the Gods..."

The creatures in the Norse mythology kingdom who survived in other places stared at this scene in amazement, muttering to themselves.

At this moment, they no longer had any courage in their hearts. After witnessing the legendary Twilight of the Gods with their own eyes, they no longer had the mind to resist.

Even if the process of the legendary Twilight of the Gods was completely different from this time, the result was the same. In an instant, the gods fell, and the world fell.

But they were in a daze, but the prehistoric human race was not in a daze. Instead, they took the opportunity to continuously harvest the lives of those creatures.

In an instant, the territory in the Nordic mythological kingdom was lost crazily, and soon only a small part of the territory was left.

at this time.

"I thought these creatures were so powerful, but they turned out to be vulnerable..."

Zhu Jiuyin casually destroyed two gods, the gods of light and darkness, but they were exiled by time, causing their endless years to begin to be corroded by time. The gods who originally would not die of old age were actually alive. Dead of old age.

The heart of the Tao was all withered, and the body was without any vitality. Zhu Jiuyin blew a slight breath, and the two dissipated between the heaven and the earth, disappearing, even the last trace of their existence disappeared.

This is the god and demon who controls the laws of time, and this is the ancestor of time, Wu Zhu Jiuyin.

Everyone in the world knows that among the twelve ancestral witches, the space ancestral witch is the strongest, but they have forgotten that the law of time is still above the law of space, and the avenue of time stabilizes one end of the avenue of space.

On weekdays, it's just that Zhu Jiuyin doesn't show off the mountains and water. In fact, he is not inferior to Di Jiang in the slightest, and even has the intention of winning.

But now, facing the two gods of light and darkness alone, he could kill them in an instant.

"These so-called giants are really not good enough. They seem to be tens of thousands of feet bigger than our real bodies. But I just tried to punch them with all my strength. Who knows what will happen if I haven't touched them yet?" , the other party dies.

Well, if the person who was poisoned was just poisoned, it would be fine. The key point is that after my fist touched the opponent, his entire body was destroyed..."

Hearing this, Shebishi shook his head and complained.

"It's really disgusting. You dare to call this a clan of giants. What the hell, something that can be destroyed with just one hand..."

"That's right, among those so-called gods, except for the god who controls thunder and lightning, the rest are all rubbish..." Qiang Liang Ancestral Witch nodded with deep understanding.

"Indeed, the god who controls thunder and lightning is a little different from other gods..."

Ancestral Witch Xizi also nodded and said.

There is no way for the dark god to restrain him. In addition, his realm has not left him alone, so being absorbed by him is considered restraint.

But when facing Thor, the God of Thunder, it was a real issue of combat power. Although he and the strong ancestral wizard jointly used all their strength to kill him in one move, the opponent's strength was indeed not enough. Gotta say something.

"Hmph! That old man doesn't feel happy eating it!"

Jiuying snorted coldly, feeling that after he had just swallowed the old man Odin, he found that the other man's meat was not delicious at all. The only good thing was that the body was big enough, barely enough to fit between the teeth. Otherwise, there is nothing.


At this time, both the people in the Divine Realm and those outside the Divine Realm suddenly became silent.

I thought that the strength of the creatures in their divine kingdoms was not much different, but then I realized that there was such a huge difference.

When the saints in Ye Xuan Kingdom used real methods, they were able to kill all the gods in Nordic mythology in an instant.

The most exciting thing among them was not that Zhu Rong was able to knock out Loki in an instant, nor was it Zhu Jiuyin who pushed the two gods of light and darkness with both hands, but that each of the saints defeated each other in an instant. Lost.

This is the most shocking thing. It means that every sacred god in Ye Xuan's kingdom has the same incomparable strength.

"Who just now said that Ye Xuan and Epstein were almost the same?"

"Who said Epstein could fight Ye Xuan for how many days?"

"Come out, come out! Have you seen it? The little foreign barbarians can be destroyed at the snap of a finger! Before, Ye Xuan was just playing with him, and they said they could fight for a few days, and that's it?"

"No way? No way? No one is still advocating foreign things in this century..."

Just now, when Ye Xuan's saints from the Kingdom of God were fighting with Epstein's saints, many people who had previously believed in Ye Xuan also rebelled, saying that Epstein might win.

Among them, there are a very small number of people who say things like "gringos are awesome", which makes people around them scold them.

In this century, it stands to reason that there will be very few people who worship foreigners and favor foreigners, but this kind of people still appear in this era, and they can't help but be despised by everyone.

It's just that the viewing platform seems to be separated by only one seat, but in fact it is separated by infinite space. It is impossible to really hit the opponent, unless your understanding of the avenue of space has reached a certain level and can be in those high places. The place set by the first-level Creator God can freely walk in space.

The Creation Continent is restricted by rules, and it is impossible to move space.

In the star field, you may be able to cross a galaxy in one step, but here, any space means are restricted. The higher the level of cultivation, the smaller the restrictions.

If one can achieve the level of cultivation of a sixth-order Creation God, he can freely start traveling through the Creation Continent and no longer be restricted by its rules.

"It is indeed a world of chaos. This potential is much more powerful than the kingdom of gods in ordinary myths and legends..."

Ji Chang said with a smile on his face, looking at everything in front of him.

He said silently in his heart that this brat deserved to be protected by him in front of everyone. This scene also strengthened his determination to continue to protect him.

Such a powerful kingdom of God, if it really waits until the opponent reaches the seventh level of the Creation God, what kind of style will it have? If it goes one step further and reaches the eighth level of the Creation God, how powerful will it be? Woolen cloth……

"This kid is really strong. The Ancestral Star has been silent for so many years, and finally such a monster was born..."

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at this scene with a smile on his face, nodded and said.

Although Ye Xuan's battle in the God's Domain was not watched by the whole city, he actually watched it for a long time, and even saw how the ancient creatures beat the Nordic creatures.

In fact, at the beginning of the game, he could see how it would end. The creatures in the two worlds seemed to be about the same strength. They were both so shocking that others looked up to them, but he had already seen through it. The foundation of the creatures in the two worlds.

The inner heritage of the primitive creatures has not been released, and a Taoist charm is something that the other party can seek but cannot achieve. Strictly speaking, those in Nordic mythology are just some beings who practice laws but not the Dao. They don’t even know what the Dao is. Follow a single rule to practice downwards.

This is undoubtedly a huge difference in terms of foundation, and it also means that Tian Duo has been pulled away from the foundation of cultivation.

"Perhaps, he is the most promising creation god in the world to reach that state..."

Ying Ji's eyes were like torches, and the divine power was manifested in his eyes, as if he had seen through infinite time and space, the realm that Ye Xuan had reached.

In the Creation Continent, there are only five eighth-level creation gods, and there is not even a ninth-level creation god.

These five eighth-level creation gods have been born since ancient times, but up to now, no new eighth-level creation gods have been born yet.

This shows how difficult it is to reach the realm of the eighth-level Creator God, let alone the realm of the ninth-level Creator God, which is even more unattainable.

From ancient times to the present, I have never heard of any country having a ninth-level creation god, let alone a ninth-level creation god. If there is an additional eighth-level creation god, the situation will change drastically. If it is from outside the five major countries, Once a country is born, the five major countries will become the six major countries.

If any one of the five major countries gives birth to one, then the pattern of heaven and earth will be completely changed. By then, I am afraid that the other four countries will attack this country.

In the realm of gods.

Ye Xuan looked at the dull Epstein in front of him with a smile. He didn't say anything, he just looked at him like this.


After hesitating for a while, Epstein found out that all the mythical creatures in his Kingdom of God were dead, and he looked extremely embarrassed for a moment.

All of his fourth-level creation gods have fallen, and his aura has also fallen to the bottom of the fourth level. Not to mention Ye Xuan, at this time, even he and any of the other living creation gods can't. It can be defeated easily.

The strength of the God of Creation is affected by the Kingdom of God. If the creatures with powerful heads die, the God of Creation will become the weakest being of the same level before the creatures of the new generation come to replace them.

It’s already pretty good without falling off the realm…

"I surrender!"

After Epstein glanced at Ye Xuan hatefully, he disappeared.

As he disappeared, his territory also became Ye Xuan's territory.

In an instant, Ye Xuan's territory skyrocketed again. Although the increase was not as large as before, it was still a considerable increase.

Not long after, the other dozen or so creation gods gathered together.

"If we continue to fight like this, we will just hand over the first place to Ye Xuan. Although Ye Xuan is very strong, I also want to fight for the first place..."

With a leader, the rest of the creation gods who had no intention of fighting anymore gathered together.

It can be said that no one participating in this battle does not want to win the championship, and they are no exception, even if Ye Xuan is strong.

They still want to take away Ye Xuan's championship, even if they fight together, but this is not shameful. The war in the divine domain itself does not exclude fighting together. This is completely allowed within the rules. Since It is something allowed within the rules, so what they do is not considered a violation.

"Yes, as long as we work together to defeat him, then we will be able to win the championship. But if we can't defeat him together, no one can get the first place, and whoever he wants to get the second place can do it." Take second place.”

Another person went on to say that he didn't know that the second place was actually taken by others, and that they would get the third place at most.

But these people have never left here from the beginning to now. They have been developing rapidly and controlling the battlefield at all times. This is why they can survive to the end.

And here, a woman raised her eyebrows, smiled, and said: "In that case, why can't I go to Ye Xuan to discuss the second ranking with him? Anyway, the first place can't be me, it's better to just go directly Go to him and ask for a second-ranked reward, even if you have to pay some price, it is still much better than getting a tenth-ranked reward..."

The woman who spoke was Tang Xia, who was the second in the Huaxia Star Domain competition and the only second in the Star Domain competition who survived to this day. But she was also the first in the Huaxia Star Domain. The reason why she was the first in the Huaxia Star Domain was because Ye Xuan was not a student of the Huaxia Star Domain, but a student of the Zuxing Star.

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