Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 278: Alliance, Marriage Conditions

When Tang Xia finished speaking, everyone's eyes lit up and they looked at each other with suspicion.

Yes, instead of joining forces with them and not necessarily winning, it is better to secretly find Ye Xuan's alliance in advance, and get the second prize after paying the price. Isn't it much better than competing with other people?

Especially those students who think they are not very strong, they are very tempted.

"That's right, instead of joining forces with you weak beings to attack Ye Xuan, it is better to join Ye Xuan directly. Anyway, the final result is also for the reward. Not to mention that the alliance can't beat Ye Xuan, even if it can beat Ye Xuan, it doesn't matter. Whoever goes up first will definitely suffer the most. I don't know if he will be beaten directly. At that time, I am afraid that he will become the tenth place. It is better to join Ye Xuan."

Another existence with relatively weak strength among the crowd was moved and laughed immediately.

Since ancient times, no one has been able to accomplish anything when more than a dozen people unite together, even if they are stronger than the other party.

It's not that the strength is not enough, but because there are too many people, and their hearts are different. Everyone has different little thoughts, and they are afraid that they will be hurt the most, so they work without working hard. At that time, they often end up in displeasure or are directly defeated.

Therefore, some people have never thought about it at all. Instead of uniting, it is better to kill them first. The more they do, the higher the ranking will be.

"You, do you really want to be bewitched by that witch? She is from the Huaxia Star Region, and Ye Xuan is also from the Huaxia Star Region. Think carefully about whether you want to fall into the trap of that witch."

The man who proposed earlier said coldly, looking at these people with different expressions.

It is obvious that he does not take Tang Xia seriously in his words, and he calls her a witch, which is obviously very disrespectful to her.

The faces of the others changed when they heard the words, and they all looked at Tang Xia.

Tang Xia was so angry that she laughed and sneered back, "Witch? Haha! Did I seduce your father and become your stepmother or something? You call me a witch?"

"You witch, you are so sharp-tongued! But your quality is so low, it's really sad and lamentable."

The man's face changed when he heard the words, and his expression became completely cold. He stared at Tang Xia with a frosty face and scolded.

"Haha, you dog thing looks like a handsome man, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, what, are you nearsighted? No way? There is no God of Creation who is nearsighted, right? Oh, I understand, you deliberately dressed like this, right? You have a really high quality. I provoke you and you call me a witch. I don't know who it is, it's extremely hypocritical."

Tang Xia is not the kind of person who allows others to insult her. Seeing that the other party still didn't let go, he sprayed directly.

In this era, as a God of Creation, he still wears gold-rimmed glasses. What is not pretending?

The man with gold-rimmed glasses looked extremely ugly after hearing these words, as if he had eaten a ton of shit, and it was stinking, but he didn't say much, and endured it for fear of being sprayed again.

But he had already made up his mind in his heart that he must go to the Chinese Star Region in the future to make this woman regret what she did today.

Those eyes were like poisonous snakes, staring at Tang Xia, but Tang Xia didn't care at all, and sneered disdainfully, which made the man with gold-rimmed glasses look even more hateful.

As Tang Xia said, he wore gold-rimmed glasses just to pretend, not because there was any problem with his eyes, and the God of Creation would not have any so-called myopia or presbyopia.

People who were not mentioned don't care, but people who were mentioned in their pain points really care and even get angry.

Just like me, I don't care at all when others say I'm ugly, because I know I'm not ugly, and others are lying with open eyes and are jealous.

But if you were told you were ugly, you would be angry because you are really ugly.

"Ahem, Miss Tang, are you really from Huaxia Star Region?"

Another person who wanted to promote this alliance asked.

Tang Xia nodded and replied: "That's right. I am from Huaxia Star Region, but Ye Xuan is not from Huaxia Star Region. He is from Zuxing. Besides, I can't follow you to join forces. You can slowly fight for your defeat. Anyway, I'll say it in advance. You can't beat Ye Xuan. I know much more about how terrifying he is than you do.

In addition, I have a piece of advice for you. The man with gold-rimmed glasses who proposed it is definitely not a good thing. If you really want to join forces, you must remember to let him play in the front row. Otherwise, don't go. He just wants you all to die and then take second place!"

Finally, Tang Xia turned around and pitted the gold-rimmed man again, making his face even worse.

After saying this, Tang Xia left here.

But this time she was not wrong. The man with gold-rimmed glasses wanted them to go first.

Because the territory of the man with gold-rimmed glasses was adjacent to Ye Xuan's territory, he could be attacked by Ye Xuan at any time and withdraw, which was why he was eager to propose that everyone unite.

In that case, he might be able to avoid the fate of being eliminated in advance and let others go first.

As for defeating Ye Xuan, as Tang Xia said, it was impossible to succeed.

From the previous battle, it can be seen that Epstein, who could suppress them, was defeated by Ye Xuan in seconds. Even if they joined together, they would only be defeated.

After Tang Xia left, everyone still joined together. Even if they had their own ulterior motives, after threatening the man with gold-rimmed glasses to take the lead, everyone was very satisfied with the partnership.

"Ye Xuan, the rest of the people want to unite to deal with you."

Tang Xia came to Ye Xuan's territory, and a divine thought contacted Ye Xuan from the Tongtian List.

But Ye Xuan had already received her message but blocked it, so Ye Xuan didn't hear it at all.

However, after Tang Xia stepped into Ye Xuan's territory, Ye Xuan knew the other party, and immediately flashed and appeared in front of Tang Xia.

"Why are you here?"

Ye Xuan had a smile on his face, and when he saw the other party, he decided who would be the third this time.

Since no one came to discuss with him, what about giving the third place to an old acquaintance.

Tang Xia frowned when he heard this. Didn't he send the message to the other party? Why did he ask what he was doing? But he didn't think about it and continued to say it again.

"Oh, so that's the case. It's just a small matter. I can kill it with a wave of my hand."

Ye Xuan waved his hand nonchalantly and said.

For him, whether the other party joined forces to fight against him or not, it was just a push.

The prehistoric God of Creation can fight more than a dozen creatures of the same level on the other side. If he encounters a creature in the strongest Hunyuan realm, it is not a problem to fight hundreds or thousands directly.

For example, Donghuang Taiyi, the first war god in the prehistoric world who is the ultimate in fighting, such as the old Yinbi Immortal Ancestor Hongjun of the Eternal Black Hand, and the free-willed Demon Ancestor Luohou who has comprehended the Great Dao of Demon.

There are also some extremely powerful beings. Although these sacred beings are all in the Hunyuan realm, they are actually the strongest among them, far from being comparable to these Hunyuan realm beings who come to help the human race.

There is only one supreme Hunyuan in the Wu clan, that is Hou Tu Zu Wu in the underworld, the rest are not strong enough to be called supreme.

However, the demon clan has two supreme ones, Di Jun and Tai Yi. One is the Heavenly Emperor Di Jun, who has been invincible since he ascended to the throne and Hong Jun dared not step into the prehistoric world. The other is Dong Huang Tai Yi, who stepped into the supreme Hunyuan and became the leader of all emperors, holding the Chaos Bell and fighting against unparalleled.

There is one in the Xianmen, Xianzu Hongjun, who is now living in the human race and working hard to revitalize the Xianmen.

There is also one in the Demon Gate, Demon Zu Luo Hou, who is still in the Endless Demon Realm, strengthening the fortune of his own Demon Gate. He is waiting, waiting for an opportunity, and when an opportunity appears, he can make the world full of demons.

Today's prehistoric world is not without demons, but the demons are extremely hidden and difficult for ordinary people to detect.

Moreover, if many creatures in the prehistoric world who have not yet become immortals want to become golden immortals, they must overcome the temptation of the inner demon. Only after passing this level can they become golden immortals and live long. If they cannot pass it, they will fall into the devil's way.

In recent days, there are more and more creatures in the prehistoric world, and more and more acquired creatures, so naturally there will be more and more creatures who fall into the devil's way.

The demon clan has also madly soared in luck, and the number of forces is also growing.

It can be said that if the power of the demon clan is also counted, the four major clans in the prehistoric world will become the five major clans in the prehistoric world.

As for the strongest position in the world, except for these four sacred ones, there is no one else.

Even the ancestor dragon of the dragon clan is the same. The ancestor dragon is one step slower, and then every step is slower, but he has lost the strongest honor, but he may not be able to catch up again in the future. These are all things with no fixed number, all variables.

The star ancestors in the boundless starry sky have always been in a semi-secluded state. Although they have not appeared for a long time, they have basically joined the Heavenly Court.

Because the Heavenly Court originally borders the boundless starry sky, and the gods transformed from the stars in the sky are all working in the Heavenly Court.

It can be said that the largest body of the Heavenly Court is the demon clan. In addition to the demon clan, there are those star gods in the sky. They are the second largest force in the Heavenly Court, and the rest are small forces of scattered cultivators from all over the country.

As the orthodox of the prehistoric world, the Heavenly Court is revered by all races, so many creatures are willing to join the Heavenly Court and work for the Heavenly Court. Of course, they can also get corresponding benefits, that is, the huge Heavenly Court luck.

"I naturally know that this is nothing for you, so this time, in addition to this matter, I want to rely on you to get the third place."

Tang Xia actually knew the deal made by Ye Xuan and the woman named Xun Ling before. After the settlement, half of the reward must be paid, but she did not tell those people about this.

"Don't worry, I'll give you half of the reward."

As if worried that Ye Xuan would not agree, Tang Xia quickly added another sentence.

Ye Xuan shook his head and smiled, "Forget it, the third place is yours, forget about the reward, we have known each other for a while, I'm sorry to cheat you of the reward."

Just as Ye Xuan said, after all, apart from the fact that Tang Xia pursued Ye Xuan before, the two of them still get along well.

And now it's just a small favor, just go with the flow, just like helping a friend, it's not a big deal, nothing wrong.

"Okay, thank you."

Tang Xia was overjoyed to hear this, nodded quickly, and bowed.

The heart that had long been dead in her heart suddenly came alive again. Her eyes looked at Ye Xuan with some ambiguity. She didn't know how many messages she had sent to Ye Xuan at that time, but she didn't reply to any of them. She almost thought that the other party had blocked her.

Thinking of this, her eyes became a little unfriendly again. The reason why Ye Xuan didn't see it just now was because the other party blocked her...

Ye Xuan looked at the woman in front of him in a short moment, and her eyes changed three times, from the initial indifference to joy, and then immediately became a little shy, and then unexpectedly unfriendly again.

"This woman has a dog face? She changes as soon as she says..."

Ye Xuan complained slightly in his heart, but didn't care too much.

Then he watched Tang Xia leave, looked into the distance, and said softly: "Union..."

"Then come!"


Honghuang World.

"Thank you all for your help."

Suiren said to those gods with a smile. After entertaining the gods who helped a lot, many gods also left the Sui Dynasty Imperial City Suicheng.

The sacred of the demon clan went back to the heaven directly and did not stay for long, and many of the ancestor witches of the witch clan also left, leaving only one ancestor witch Zhu Jiuyin.

The reason why Zhu Jiuyin stayed here was mainly because of the intermarriage between the two clans discussed last time.

Now that Suiren has finally returned to the prehistoric world, it is natural to discuss it.

"Is the ancestor witch staying here for the intermarriage between the two clans?"

When Suiren saw Zhu Jiuyin staying, he immediately understood something in his heart, so he asked with a smile.

Seeing the other party smile, Zu Wu probably agreed. He was delighted and nodded, saying, "The emperor has good vision. I stayed for this matter. Please tell me something."

"This matter is not impossible. I have discussed it with many human kings before. That is, full intermarriage is not allowed. The human bloodline cannot be mixed, but partial intermarriage is not impossible. So we will separate some people to form a new country. The people and descendants of that country can intermarry with the witch clan. How about it?"

When Suiren saw that the other party asked directly, he was straightforward and said directly.

It must be said that in most cases, it is a very comfortable thing to discuss things with such a person who does not beat around the bush.

Of course, there are also bad things in some cases, but at least for now, it is a good thing.

"Okay! Of course!"

When Zhu Jiuyin saw that the other party agreed, he laughed and said, saying yes.

For the Wu Clan, these things are nothing. They can only intermarry with one country, so they can intermarry with one country. As long as they can intermarry, it is a good thing, better than nothing.

And the words of the Human Emperor are very clear. It will not taint the bloodline of the entire human race. What does that mean?

It means that the people of that country will no longer have people from other countries intermarry with them from now on. They will continue to intermarry with the Wu Clan. Even if those people stay with the human race at the beginning, as they intermarry with the Wu Clan generation after generation, and the human race does not intermarry with them, the final outcome will be the same.

This country will be more and more inclined to the Wu Clan, and eventually a large number of people will choose to join the Wu Clan, which is almost like a gift from the human race to them.

Zhu Jiuyin naturally thought it was very good, and immediately couldn't wait to confirm the matter.

"Then when do you think the ceremony will be held?"

"Don't worry, Zu Wu, this should be done slowly, we need to give the human race some more time to prepare. After all, I am the emperor of the human race, and I don't want to force the people of the human race. I need to select people who are willing to do this from various countries, so as to form another country. Therefore, it will take some time."

Seeing that Zhu Jiuyin was so anxious, Suirenshi hurriedly said something.

Zhu Jiuyin was stunned when he heard it, and then nodded with a smile, saying: "It should be, it should be."

"In addition, there is another condition. After all, Zu Wu also knows that this is almost the human race sending some of its people to the Wu clan for marriage, so the Wu clan needs to agree to a condition of the human race."

Suirenshi then said what he wanted, which is what the human race wants.

It is impossible to say that the Wu clan came to propose marriage, and after the human race agreed, they would not get any benefits at all. How could the emperor of the human race do such a disadvantageous thing?

"Human Emperor, just say it. If it's possible, I will definitely agree!" Zhu Jiuyin promised solemnly, patting his chest and saying.

"I heard that the great changes in the prehistoric world, the world is hundreds of millions of times larger, and the vastness between the world is enough for the human race, the witch race, and even the myriad races to cultivate and rest, so I want to draw a boundary with the witch race, and the two races are governed separately, so as to reduce many conflicts."

At the beginning, Suiren had been staying in the divine domain, so how could he know about the great changes in the prehistoric world? It was only after the news brought by the human race who had been in and out that he knew about this matter.

Since then, Suiren has been paying attention to this matter, and it happened that the witch race had something to ask of them, so it was the best thing to take the opportunity to talk about this matter.

Now Suiren has returned to the prehistoric world with these saints, and he found that it was true. The prehistoric world has expanded so much that it is no longer a world that can be controlled by one race.

Even if each tribe were to control a world as big as the previous primitive world, all tribes would be able to control it.

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