Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 279 The Emperor of Man Conquers the Southern Wasteland, the National Competition Ends

But this is unrealistic. The strong will always be strong, and the weak will always be weak. The weak will eat the strong. The strong should control most places, and the weak should naturally control a few places and rely on the strong to survive.

This is the naked law and the most basic thing.

This is something that everyone must abide by. Of course, they don’t have to abide by it, as long as both parties can agree.

Just like now, the Suiren clan used the intermarriage between the human race and the Wu clan as a bargaining chip in exchange for the recognition of the Wu clan.

To be precise, the previous territories of the human race were basically given up by the Wu clan, and they were within the living space of the Wu clan. Of course, this condition also existed because of the strength of the human race.

But not everyone can grab territory from the Wu Clan.

"To be honest, this is not something I can decide with my words and deeds. Previously, the human race needed some territory to survive, and we should support it. But now, the territory that the human race needs must be very huge, right?"

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head slightly, looked at Suirenshi and said.

The Suiren clan nodded and admitted openly: "The human race is strong. Naturally, what they need is not just some habitats for survival. What the human race needs is two of the eight wildernesses in the four seas. We will share the entire prehistoric wilderness equally with the Wu clan. We How about using the Kunlun Mountains as the boundary and not invading each other from generation to generation?"

The Kunlun Mountains is the central part of the prehistoric times, and the so-called central part of the prehistoric times is the area at the junction of the four wildernesses. The Kunlun Mountains are known as the ancestor of all mountains, and it is not without this reason.


Zhu Jiuyin's eyes widened when he heard this, and then he suppressed the shock in his heart and said: "I didn't expect this. Today's prehistoric era is so vast that it is far beyond the reach of our two clans. , But no matter how big the prehistoric world is, our Wu Clan will try our best to control it. "

"I really need to go and ask my brother and my brothers and sisters for their opinions on this. I hope the Emperor will be considerate!"

Zhu Jiuyin then said another sentence, asking the Human Emperor to be more considerate and don't blame him. It doesn't mean that this matter is just gone, but that there is still something to talk about, and we can still talk about it, and we can talk about it next.

"Of course, the ancestral witch can wait for me for such a long time, so why should I wait for the ancestral witch now?" Suiren said with a smile, obviously agreeing.

"In that case, I will go first. After we discuss it, I will go there myself!"

After Zhu Jiuyin finished speaking, he cupped his fists and saluted Suiren and disappeared.

Those with nine yin candles walk in time and years, reflecting the heavens in the future, present, and past, and may appear at any time in the long flow of time.

After Zhu Jiuyin left, his master Cangjie appeared from behind and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, do you think they will agree?"

The Suiren clan looked into the distance, nodded, and said: "I agree, the Wu Clan is not stupid. They know that the human race is on the rise. The prehistoric era is so big that the Wu Clan can't control it at all. Let alone the Wu Clan, even if we add the The human race cannot be controlled at all, so instead of occupying a place that cannot be controlled at all, it is better to find some benefits for ourselves. "

"And all I ask for is a status."

Suiren's words were long and leisurely, as if everything was being calculated.

But his words are correct. Today's prehistoric world is beyond the control of one clan. They are as numerous as the dragon clan. Otherwise, they cannot control the land of the four seas. Now they are suppressing rebellions everywhere. After defeating here and there, Appeared again.

After fighting there, it appeared again here.

Running around all day can be regarded as a big training exercise for the Dragon Clan.

The most fundamental reason is that the number of dragons is not enough to spread throughout the four seas, and they cannot control the four seas, which has led to rebellions all over the four seas.

This is even more true when placed on the prehistoric continent. Nowadays, it is billions of times prehistoric. Instead of dividing each other into separate entities, it is better to hold the fists together and move towards one place.

"Your Majesty, the wilderness is so vast, so where should we go?"

The Cangjie family then asked, this ancient wilderness is too huge and cannot be controlled by one clan at all. Let alone the entire ancient wilderness, it would be extremely impressive if it could control just one of the four wildernesses.

Oh, no, I'm afraid I can't really control this calamity.

This requires huge power, and power requires population. Unless many races among the ten thousand races are willing to affiliate with the human race and help the human race control various places, then it is possible to control one of the four wastelands.

But this is obviously impossible. Instead of doing this, it is better for the other party to go further, to a sparsely populated place, and be an independent king on his own. This is not much more comfortable than being a subordinate to the humans.

"Of the four wild places, the Eastern Wilderness is the most prosperous place, the place where the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is the most abundant, and it is also the place where many sacred places are most beloved. However, I am afraid that such a beautiful place will not fall into the hands of the human race.

If the human race takes over by force, not only will they not get any benefits, but they will also make themselves smelly. "

The Suiren clan first eliminated Donghuang.

There are many innate saints in the Eastern Wasteland, and countless saints have lived in them since ancient times. The human race cannot attack the other party and force the other party to surrender to the human race. That is unrealistic and not in line with the human race.

This is secondary. The main reason is that the prehistoric world has multiplied billions of times this time. The Heavenly Court, which was originally able to radiate to the entire prehistoric world, can no longer radiate to the entire prehistoric world. Although with the development of time, the influence of the Heavenly Court will definitely rise again, the problem is that the time period required may be infinite.

Therefore, the demon race will inevitably set their sights on the East Wasteland. In addition, the Heavenly Court has the East Emperor, who is the Lord of the East Wasteland. In name, he has established a firm foothold. Therefore, if the human race competes with it, it will not only be unable to fight against it in terms of strength, but also in name.

After Suiren mentioned a paragraph, Cangjie nodded, indicating that he knew.

Suiren continued, "As for the Western Wilderness of the Great Desolation, the human race is not familiar with it. In the past, it was mostly a gathering place for the witches. Now there is a Buddhist sect, and we don't know what will happen to it. The Buddhist sect even created the so-called human race to try to divide our luck, so the Western Wilderness is incompatible with the human race."

"As for the Northern Wilderness, it is sparsely populated, with the thinnest spiritual energy, and it is also a place filled with miasma. Although it has expanded billions of times, it is still a miasma land expanded billions of times. It is still a miasma land, but there is nothing to fight for."

"Only the Southern Wilderness of the Great Desolation is the most suitable. It does not have the miasma of the Northern Wilderness, nor the scarcity of the Western Wilderness, but has the spiritual charm of the Eastern Wilderness. It is the most suitable place for the human race to live among the four wildernesses."

Suiren explained one by one, and also showed where the most suitable place for the human race to live is.

"Since your majesty has decided on this matter, why not move the many human countries outside to the Southern Wilds?"

Cang Jie looked at Suiren and asked.

It is indeed as Suiren said, there will be a lot of ethnic conflicts in the Eastern Wilds, and the witches may get involved. If the human race gets involved now, it will be no different from seeking death. Anyway, it is impossible to rob.

And instead of living in a corner of the Eastern Wilds, it is better to be the king of the Southern Wilds.

When you grow up enough in the Southern Wilds, you will naturally have the strength to challenge the prehistoric world.

In the prehistoric world, only strength is supreme, which is the most fundamental basis to ensure everything.

"When the matter in that space is resolved, it is estimated that the witches should also discuss a specific answer. After the witches agree, we will retreat to the next best thing and say that we only need the land of the Southern Wilds. At that time, the witches will probably be more pleased."

Suiren said here, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

Regardless of whether the Wu Clan would agree or not, he would throw out the wasteland, and all he wanted was the Southern Wasteland. The Wu Clan would definitely think that the human race understood the righteousness and was very considerate.

At that time, they would not only get the benefits they wanted, but also let the Wu Clan willingly hand over the Southern Wasteland.

It would avoid a conflict at that time.

If the Wu Clan agreed, they would naturally withdraw from the fight for the Southern Wasteland. If the Wu Clan withdrew, the Dragon Clan would be exhausted by the land of the four seas, and the Monster Clan might not come out personally. Even if they did, they would only fight for the Eastern Wasteland, which had nothing to do with the Southern Wasteland.

Among the other ten thousand races, no group was a match for the human race.

Therefore, the key to the human race dominating the Southern Wasteland lies in whether the Wu Clan will agree. But according to the current development, it is only a matter of time before they agree.

If the Wu Clan agreed, the Wu Clan would dominate the Western Wilds. According to the Wu Clan's temper, they would certainly suppress the Buddhist land to the extreme and would not allow Buddhism to break out of the Western Wilds. This would be equivalent to helping the human race to suppress the development of the human race in the West.

At that time, the Northern Wilds was a wild land. Whether the Wu Clan went there or not, it would not matter to the human race. If the demon clan personally came to dominate the Eastern Wilds, if the Wu Clan also wanted to compete for the Eastern Wilds, then they could sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

It can be said that it is a matter of killing several birds with one stone. The human race only needs to focus on its own development, and leave the rest to time.

After Suiren and Cangjie finished chatting, they returned to the God's Domain.


In the dark, those more than ten students united and wanted to attack Ye Xuan's territory.

But they were all blocked by Suiren and Cangjie. Among the more than ten students, there were an average of five fourth-level creatures in each kingdom of God, which means there were more than fifty fourth-level gods in total.

Many of them are from myths and legends, but their strength is much worse than that of the Nordic gods in the past.

This time, the human race did not need other gods to help. Only the Human Emperor and the Human Master blocked all the gods.

At this time, Tang Xia was playing tricks behind the other side. When they attacked Ye Xuan together, he launched the army of the Kingdom of God to push the coalition forces frantically.

The coalition forces had to flee in a hurry. They didn't fight Ye Xuan for long before they turned around and ran away to take care of their own butts.

It's not that they didn't want to get rid of Tang Xia before, but because Ye Xuan had hit them directly at their doorstep at that time, it was too late. Now, under the attack of the two, these people were running around like a group of headless flies.

Later, some people wanted to kill Tang Xia first, anyway, they would lose, but then they were surrounded by the human army and couldn't get away at all.

However, there was also a person on the other side who didn't talk about martial ethics, that is, the man with gold-rimmed glasses.

Directly let the fourth-level creatures in his kingdom ignore Ye Xuan's two human emperors and teachers and run to other places of the human race, trying to sneak attack the human race. Fortunately, the human emperor was always watching the situation and killed the other party instantly when he showed up.

Then he led the army to directly kill into the kingdom of the man with gold-rimmed glasses and slaughtered the creatures inside crazily. Fortunately, the other party surrendered quickly, otherwise he would have to kill until the other party's kingdom collapsed.

And so far, the man with gold-rimmed glasses became the first one to be eliminated among these people.

This scene fell into the eyes of many outsiders, and they all applauded.

Because the disgusting scene of this thing had long been spread throughout the Great Xia Kingdom by projection, it was normal for Tang Xia to make trouble. If you can get them to unite, they can naturally use words to provoke.

But Tang Xia actually did nothing except saying a few words, and did not use any shameful means.

But this guy directly called the other party a witch, which made his image extremely embarrassing in front of everyone in Daxia. It can be said that this face was lost throughout the country.

For a while, many civil servants wearing glasses in the mortal society threw away their gold-rimmed glasses and replaced them with a new pair of glasses.

It also caused the sales of gold-rimmed glasses to plummet. Originally, this thing was one of the most popular glasses sold among mortals, but now with this thing, no one is interested in these glasses anymore.

If the other party was not the God of Creation, the boss wanted to sue the other party...

After the gold-rimmed glasses man was eliminated, Tang Xia was almost gone under the siege of everyone. Fortunately, Ye Xuan attacked his territory madly for Tang Xia, allowing Tang Xia to successfully escape from the place bordering everyone.

Afterwards, Ye Xuan also successfully withstood the counterattack of everyone, so everyone began to find Ye Xuan and discuss the bargaining chips.

So, after Ye Xuan ranked the candidates, it can be said that the top ten candidates were controlled by him, and eliminated one by one. After all, they had to eliminate each other anyway, and the mosquito legs were still meat, and they didn't know them, so they could take advantage of it.

In the end, Ye Xuan took half of the top ten rewards, except for Tang Xia's third prize and the first prize that belonged to him, and the national competition ended.

This ending was unexpected by many people, but it was reasonable.

After all, Ye Xuan had determined the second place when he just entered.

This was also a helpless thing, after all, Ye Xuan's strength was so strong that he could manipulate the top ten rankings at will.

Creation Continent, Da Zhou Academy, conference room.

"The national competition is over, and I met a few people again." Ji Chang said with a smile as he looked at everyone.

Sitting in front of him were the dean of Daqin Academy, Yingji, the dean of Dahan Academy, Liu Bang, the dean of Datang Academy, Li Yuan, and the dean of Daming Academy, Zhu Yuanzhang.

With the end of the national competition, the five of them met again.

Now they had to determine the rewards for the top ten and the top 100, so the five of them gathered together again.

"Hasn't Bo Yikao drawn up the corresponding rewards?"

Li Yuan frowned and asked.

In the past, Bo Yikao would first draw up the general rewards, and then they would discuss whether they should give them. Unlike the strict review of the Star Domain Competition, the review this time was relatively relaxed.

Because on the one hand, the Star Domain Competition had already reviewed them once, and they already knew the details of the other party. In addition, the applicants for the prizes of the Star Domain Competition were reported by the deans of each star domain after discussion. In this regard, it is inevitable that they will have a feeling of not reporting it. If you don't run the household, you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. Whether good or bad, it is a direct reward of the national treasure.

The draft of this national competition was drawn up by Bo Yikao. Of course, it was basically discussed by the five people, and no one drafted it. However, for convenience, Bo Yikao was given such a task, and Bo Yikao didn't care, so he just did it.

Then the five people looked at it and decided together. In fact, it was just a formality.

"He has drawn it up, please take a look."

After Ji Chang heard this, his mind moved, and a list appeared in front of everyone.

In an instant, the others also took a look. This list was drafted without the divine source. The divine source had been issued with the end of the competition. Now it was the treasure issue.

The first one had three national treasures and five star treasures, the second one could get one national treasure and three star treasures, the third one could also get one national treasure and one star treasure, and the fourth to the tenth one star treasure.

As for the eleventh and later, that is, they received the corresponding divine source rewards, and there were no treasure rewards.

So the actual list is just ten people, which is why the top ten are so important.

You should know that there are many treasures that cannot be obtained outside. Although some national treasures can be exchanged, some cannot.

"Second realm?!"

When Liu Bang saw that the name of the second realm appeared in the reward of the first national treasure, he frowned, muttered, and looked up at Ji Chang in surprise.

The rest of the people also looked up at Ji Chang. Even Zhu Yuanzhang, who always supported Ye Xuan, did not expect that he would take out this thing as a reward.

The second world, as the name implies, is something that can create a second world.

It does not mean creating a second world in the universe, but it means that a second world can be created in the kingdom of God.

This kind of world that is created belongs to one world with the original world, but it is parallel to another world. It is smaller than the kingdom of God, but not much smaller. It is often used by other creator gods to create a second world.

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