Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 280: Empty Glazed Bridge, Eternal Space and Time

In the second realm, this thing can only create one in the Kingdom of God, because it is already very good to open up a new world in the Kingdom of God, and it is difficult to open up another world.

So strictly speaking, this thing is a one-time item, but even if it is a one-time item, it is enough. It is absolutely a good thing to be able to open up more realms.

Therefore, this second realm can be said to be the absolutely best kind among the treasures of the country, and it is rare in number and not open to the outside world. In other words, other treasures of the country can pass through 100 million gods. Yuan came to redeem it, but this thing doesn’t work.

Apart from winning the championship of a large-level event, there is no other way to obtain this thing.

"What's wrong?"

Ji Chang asked everyone with a smile still on his face.

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled and said nothing. He also felt it was necessary to enhance Ye Xuan's strength, at least he would not object.

"I don't think it's very reasonable. Why give Ye Xuan a second world? His world of chaos already has a reverse world. Everyone knows this. If you give him a second world, doesn't it mean that three worlds will appear? "

Liu Bang still said that, wanting to prevent Ye Xuan from obtaining this second realm.

For him, it is obviously impossible for Ye Xuan to follow him, and he cannot control the other party. The other party is a real dragon. He can either strangle him to death right now, or directly support him. Obviously, he has no choice. the second.

He also didn't want more and more people to appear beside him, or even stand on top of his head, so his purpose of resisting Ye Xuan was also very simple.

There are many people with this kind of mentality. Many of them don't want to have another person to take care of them. However, there are also a large group of people who want to keep Ye Xuan, because keeping Ye Xuan means keeping Ye Xuan. If we determine the future of this country, we can begin to unify all forces in the universe in the future.

Humanity has maintained the status quo for too long, and it’s time for a change.

"Let's just follow the old rules and vote. The one with the most votes will pass."

When Ji Chang saw Liu Bang's objection, he didn't argue with him, but said with a smile.

"I think with Ye Xuan's performance, it is natural to win the second realm. All we have to do is select talents and use the existing resources to train them reasonably and make them stronger. To serve the motherland, I have been doing this all these years, and now that a student as strong as Ye Xuan has emerged, I don’t think there is anything wrong with giving him the second realm.”

After Ji Chang finished speaking, he also gave his reasons.

"I vote for Ye Xuan."

Zhu Yuanzhang said coldly.

He didn't speak much, but he expressed his thoughts firmly.

"I agree too."

Ying Ji also agreed with a smile.

Then, Liu Bang and Li Yuan didn't say anything. There was no need to vote. It was already obvious that there were more yes votes than rejection votes. No matter how they voted, it would be the same.

Liu Bang glanced at him bitterly and said nothing.

The votes in the national competition are different. The majority is followed by the majority rather than a veto.

There are so many students in the Star Field Competition. It would take too much time to get tickets one by one, and there is no need to target them.

But the national competition is different, the number of people is small, and it is easy to target, so there are such rules.

"The result is obvious. Do you have any opinions on the other two rewards that Ye Xuan received? If so, you can bring them up for discussion."

Ji Chang looked at Liu Bang with a smile and said.

He was very proud when he spoke, as if he had everything in his hands.

And this is also true. Among the five people, two people stand firmly with him on the matter of facing Ye Xuan, which means that no matter what matter he votes on Ye Xuan, the result will be the same. The kind that is beneficial to Ye Xuan.

Although Liu Bang wanted to exchange the other two rewards, he looked up at the other three and finally sighed helplessly and shook his head.

That kind of meaningless thing is done in vain.

As for other star treasures, those things basically don't matter, and they were all passed in a short time.

"Second world?"

"What is this stuff?!"

When Ye Xuan, who was in the villa, received the reward from the national competition issued by Tongtian Ranking, he frowned.

Then my mind moved slightly, and I instantly understood the function of this thing.

"It turns out it's such a good thing! In this way, there must be seven realms in the ancient world!!!"

Ye Xuan's eyes brightened instantly. This is a good thing. The second world that is truly separated from the world but belongs to the world. If it really appears in the prehistoric world, if there are more of them, wouldn't it be the Seven Realms? The legend is no longer a dream.

"No, this thing seems to say that after using it, the probability will become lower and lower. It seems that it is less likely to succeed the second time..."

After Ye Xuan noticed the remarks at the back, he touched his chin and smashed it a few times. It seemed that the dream of the Legend of the Seven Realms was shattered, but it was still good to create the Three Realms.

"On one side is the prehistoric world, on the other side is the world of chaos, so what kind of world should this new second world become..."

For a moment, Ye Xuan was somewhat confused. It must be said that although this reward was very wonderful, he could not think of any world to create in a short time.

This thing can't be perfunctory.

"Forget it, put it aside for now, and make it when I think of it. Anyway, the prehistoric world is big enough now..."

Ye Xuan glanced at the prehistoric world, and looked at the treasure in the second grid again.

"Eternal time and space?"

"It can strengthen the origin of time and space in the kingdom of God, making the whole world from space and time to every inch of land more solid and tougher..."

"This is also a good thing. The prehistoric world today is indeed not able to withstand the play of those saints in the realm of Hunyuan..."

Ye Xuan thought of those saints who would shatter space and annihilate time at any time, and the level of the prehistoric world would be very low when they fought.

In his impression, being able to break a space-time doesn't mean that this person is awesome, it only means that this space-time is rubbish. The easier it is to break the space, the weaker the barriers of this world are, and the more rubbish the world is.

Even though the present Honghuang is terribly powerful, it is still like paper in the hands of those in the Hunyuan realm. A casual move can break the space.

But now with this good thing, the space will not be broken by others at any time.

"Kongming Liuli Bridge?"

Ye Xuan frowned and looked at the last reward. It can be said that the first two things can be understood from the literal meaning, but only the third one made Ye Xuan not know what this thing is for a while.

However, as the mind moved, this thing became transparent.

It turned out that this Kongming Liuli Bridge was a bridge that could span the heavens. If this bridge was built from one's own world, one could come to the real world.

But not all creatures can pass through this empty and bright glazed bridge. The creatures who need to step on the bridge must have a clear mind without any distractions, just like glass.

In other words, this thing itself is not something that everyone can cross.

But if you cross it, it means that you can come to the real universe.


Ye Xuan's pupils shrank. After learning the function of this empty and bright glazed bridge, he immediately decided in his heart that this thing must be sealed up.

He has not yet reached the moment when the creatures need to come to the real world, and if the other party crosses it and comes to the real universe and does not return, it seems to be a troublesome matter.

"Didn't it say that only after the sixth level can the creatures of the kingdom of God be materialized? How come it appears now..."

Ye Xuan was silent and thought carefully.

It was said that only the sixth level could be materialized, but now there is a treasure that can materialize creatures in advance. No wonder this thing is called a national treasure...

As for the divine source reward, it has been issued long ago.

There were five more Star Domain treasures, but Ye Xuan took a casual look at them and threw them aside. They were all treasures that were helpful to the Kingdom of God.

"It's time to collect the money..." Ye Xuan licked his lips, and his mind moved, which aroused Xun Ling's mind.


"I say, Ye Shen, why did you come so quickly..." Xun Ling looked at Ye Xuan who appeared in front of him, and said speechlessly. He had just received his reward, and this person came in front of him.

As for the previous God Source, it was transferred when the reward was distributed at the end.

And she was the second, that is, she had two national treasures, and she needed to give one to Ye Xuan.

"Decide to keep one by yourself, don't say I'm bullying you, you can keep any one, and the Star Domain Treasure will be regarded as a gift to you, don't take it." Ye Xuan's mouth corners slightly raised, and he said generously.

He was very happy now, and he couldn't help but be a little generous.

It was just a Star Domain Treasure, which was already a little despised in his eyes.

"Thank you, Lord Ye!"

Xun Ling was overjoyed when he heard this, and bowed and thanked him.

Then he said, "Let me take a look and think about it. Lord Ye, wait a moment..."


Ye Xuan nodded, indicating that it was okay.

It is normal that it is difficult to choose one of the two national treasures.

After a while, Xun Ling finally picked the one that was more useful to him, and then sent the remaining one from the Tongtian Ranking to Ye Xuan and said, "Lord Ye, this one is for you! I will keep the other one, thank you Lord Ye!"

As he said that, he bowed again.

Ye Xuan smiled and nodded. He was very satisfied with the cooperation with the other party. He just didn't defeat the other party at the first time, but left it to the last to defeat him. As a result, he had so many more things.

The reason why he exempted the other party from the Star Domain Treasure was mainly because he got one of the other party's national treasures, and the other party was always very polite and cute, so it was fine.

However, the remaining fourth to tenth divine sources that should be converted have been converted from the beginning, so there is no need to run for the second time.

As for not giving?

If they dare not give, Ye Xuan dares to rob directly.

As for Xun Ling, she herself is also making a lot of money. If she relied on her own strength, it would be impossible to obtain the current national treasure and three star field treasures.

Therefore, it was not a loss to give out a national treasure. On the contrary, she felt that she had made a profit. Plus 50 million divine sources, this was a huge sum of money. She had never received such a fortune. Many divine sources.

Dazhou Academy.

"How is it? What's the success rate among those ten people?" After sending the remaining people away, Ji Chang called Boyikao over.

Ji Chang gave them a considerable period of time so that they could prepare as much as they wanted.

Now that so many days have passed, it’s time for the results to come out.

Except for having appeared once before, he had never paid attention to this matter. But now he thought about it, so he asked in passing.

"Among the ten people, ten of them have created a perfect human race, and their qualifications are comparable to those of the top innate saints in their respective kingdoms. However, it is not yet certain whether there is a projection of the legendary human ancestor Suiren. ”

Boyikao said with some uncertainty.

Because those ten people all secretly called the first born person the Suiren clan, and they were all male...

This caused some problems with their progress, and they were unable to determine whether it was the legendary human ancestor.

After all, just because the avenues cultivated are different, it cannot be said that they are not the projection of that existence.

In other words, just because the names are the same, we can't just say they are the projection of that existence.

Therefore, after a period of time, it was possible to completely distinguish. After all, the cultivation talents of these ten Suiren clans were extremely high. They were all the most sacred talents and foundations in their respective kingdoms.

"Is that so? Then observe them for a while and take them back first. You can just observe them every once in a while. After the results are all out, report them to me."

Ji Chang decided the fate of those ten people with a wave of his hand.

You can't stay here all the time, eating and drinking, and I have to say, these ten people are really bad thieves...

When he was born from the underworld, he gave the other party a will, hoping to attract a ray of projection of the real Suiren clan.

Of course, they don't know what they are thinking. After all, no one has seen the real Suiren clan. They don't know what the other person's Tao is and what his aura is like.

"The furnace of heaven and earth? Interesting..."

Ye Xuan looked at the national treasure he got from Xun Ling. It can be said that this thing can be refined with the power of heaven and earth to produce innate spiritual treasures like wholesale. It can even be refined with increased firepower. An innate treasure has been created.

In other words, this thing is an auxiliary artifact.

Unlike other national treasures that can fundamentally strengthen the prehistoric world, this melting pot of heaven and earth strengthens the strength of the creatures in the prehistoric world.

In essence, they all improved the strength of creatures in the prehistoric world.

It's just that the improvement of this spiritual treasure has not improved much for Ye Xuan. It can only be said that it has increased the strength of the prehistoric world against other countries' worlds.

"Well, free prostitution is better than nothing..."

Ye Xuan spread his hands. Although it cannot directly enhance his own strength, it is also a good thing for the creatures of the ancient world.

After all, this thing can refine innate spiritual treasures and even innate treasures. It can be said that whatever level the strongest treasure in the prehistoric world is, it can be smelted out of the corresponding level with the help of the power of heaven and earth.

It's just that the power of heaven and earth is countless, and if it is damaged too much, it may damage the foundation, so every time it is used, it will take a while to rest, but it can always be relieved. In today's prehistoric world, there are more and more creatures, but there are fewer and fewer treasures. Case.

The current human race is like this. Because of the late birth, the human race cannot obtain too many innate spiritual treasures, not even a few.

Even Suirenshi uses his own enlightenment treasure, which is really pitiful.

In the wilderness.

With a thought in Ye Xuan's mind, the furnace of heaven and earth merged into the ancient world, becoming invisible and formless, turning into a program and integrating into the way of heaven, disappearing without a trace.

"From now on, every time a yuan meeting occurs, an innate spiritual treasure will appear!"

Ye Xuan nodded and said with a smile.

After setting the program, all you have to do is wait slowly for each innate spiritual treasure to spurt out.

He doesn't need to worry too much about anything else.

After doing this, Ye Xuan took out the Eternal Time and Space, which is also a national treasure.


Eternal time and space followed Ye Xuan's thoughts, gathering the power of time and space in the endless world to condense together, and constantly integrating into the chaotic world.

In just an instant, all the creatures, from the realm of Hunyuan to the newborn babies, felt the changes in the wilderness.

The time and space in this world now have become extremely powerful, and they are no longer something that those beings in the Hunyuan Realm can destroy wantonly.

"This is……"

Di Jiang shook hands, and the space that he could usually knead freely now felt a bit tough. No matter how hard he kneaded, he could never knead the space out of shape.

Then, Di Jiang took another step forward, and his body already appeared an unknown distance away.

"Huh~ Fortunately, the Space Avenue is still functioning!"

Di Jiang breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he could still control the Space Avenue. He almost thought that he could not control the Space Avenue.

"Is this the action of that being again..."

"What exactly does he want to do..."

On the thirty-sixth level, Fuxi raised his head and looked at each other, no longer staring at the chessboard that was constantly manifesting under his hands, but looking at the infinite time and space with his eyes.

The eight trigrams flow in the eyes, and the yin and yang rotate.

Yin and Yang are two rites, and the two rites turn into four images, and the Eight Diagrams come out accordingly.

This is the magical power that Fu Xi has newly realized, and it is also the great way.

"What exactly do you want..."

"The prehistoric times are inseparable from your methods. Even if we achieve Hunyuan, we cannot do without your presence behind us..."

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