"What on earth do you want..."

Even a wise man like Fuxi couldn't figure out what Ye Xuan wanted.


"What do I want?"

Ye Xuan raised his lips and said to himself: "I want the prehistoric world to be immortal, I want the prehistoric creatures to become stronger, I want myself to be the most powerful person in the endless time and space!!!"

This is Ye Xuan's goal, and it is also what he wants to achieve since he crossed over.

No one will say no to being invincible in all time and space. There was no such opportunity in the world he lived in before, so there was no way to live in a muddleheaded way. He could only study, go to school, work, have children, and live in a muddleheaded way for the rest of his life.

Just like today's Muggles, they live this kind of life.

However, now that he is the God of Creation, he should face it head-on, not afraid of all hardships, reach the highest realm, dominate the entire time and space, and even the endless world.

Invincible in the heavens, immortal in the world.

When the prehistoric world became more resilient and powerful, and those in the Primordial Realm could not damage the prehistoric world, Ye Xuan left the prehistoric world.

He still had the Second Realm and the Clear Glazed Bridge in his hands. There was no way to use these two things. One was that he had not thought of what kind of world he should create for the time being, and the other was that he had no intention of using them at all.

However, these two treasures can be used at any time, just like the furnace of heaven and earth, which can be used and taken out at any time.

And the Second Realm cannot be taken out after use, just like the eternal time and space, which cannot be taken out after use, and it permanently strengthens the prehistoric world.


"Why not call a few people to get together, I haven't seen them for a long time..."

Ye Xuan thought of this when he was free.

As for the independent group in the Yangyun Star Region of Rongdi Country, they had long been allowed to develop on their own. He, the head of the group, had not shown up for a while, but this was nothing. In the long years, this little time was nothing at all.


Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he sent a message to Shui Yan, Liu Yong, Lin Lan, Zhang Bin, Gao Long, Xin Ke, Ji Zhen, Yao Hai and others in the Tongtian Ranking.

Then he thought about it and sent another message to Tang Xia, inviting her to visit Zuxing.


Yangyun Star Region.

"Hey, Ye Xuan called us over."

Shui Yan raised his eyebrows and said to Liu Yong beside him.

The two of them were getting stronger and stronger, several times stronger than when they first came to Yangyun Star Region, but they were still a little short of breaking through to the realm of the fourth-level Creator God.

This has stumped countless Creator Gods. Many Creator Gods are still at the peak of the third level and cannot break through, even after thousands of years.

"Then let's go over and get together. It's been a few months since I last saw him..."

Liu Yong smiled and nodded. Now his Knight Kingdom has a half-step fourth-level creature. It is a knight, a masked knight riding a chariot of the dead.

This Kamen Rider is not only handsome, but also very strong. Although he seems a little too stupid compared to other creatures, he is the most powerful one.

This is a creature born to satisfy Liu Yong's evil taste, that is, the son of this world.

Although there is only one Kamen Rider, he has become the strongest knight.

At least, that's the case for now.

Boom! !

A heroic woman with a dagger in her hand, at this time, she stabbed the dagger into a monster.

"Oh? You just won the national championship, can't you help but want to show off..."

Lin Lan killed a fourth-level monster with one blow, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, her figure flashed past, and flew towards the vast starry sky.

A man with long fiery red hair stepped on a planet with one foot. The planet was densely packed with third-level monsters, and there were also some fourth-level monsters.

"Go to hell!!!"

Boom! ! !

A huge flame appeared with his punch. The flame contained the Dao rhyme in the dark, and it had already mastered the existence of the Dao rhyme.

Once the flame appeared, it swept wildly and spread to the entire surface of the planet in an instant.


All the monsters on the surface of the planet turned into ashes in an instant, dropping a pile of glittering divine sources and some treasures.

The red-haired man waved his hand, and those treasures and divine sources disappeared and were put into his pocket.

"Oh? I really want to experience how strong you are now..."

The man with long red hair was Gao Long. Gao Long's mouth corners slightly raised and went towards Xingyou Company.


Huaxia Star Region, Yunmeng System, Yunmeng Galaxy, Yunmeng Star.

"Tang Xia, you actually took the third place, the third in the country, you are too strong!" Shui Bang looked at Tang Xia with admiration in his eyes.

The two of them were eating barbecue at the Old Lady City BBQ Restaurant in Tangshan City, Yunmeng Star, saying that they were celebrating.

Before becoming the God of Creation, Shui Bang and Tang Xia loved eating barbecue, but they had been restraining themselves because they were afraid that they might get fat.

However, today, in order to celebrate Tang Xia's third place in the national competition, they also ran out to eat barbecue.

In the past, those who ate barbecue only ate ordinary animal meats raised in captivity. Now that they have become the God of Creation, the food they eat has naturally changed from what mortals eat to those monster beasts with excellent taste in the major star fields. .

Ordinary animals are kept in captivity, and it is reasonable for these delicious monsters to be kept in captivity.

Although the person who runs the barbecue restaurant is an ordinary Muggle, the bosses behind the scenes are created by some creation gods.

Tang Xia and Shuibang ate in a corner. Since they were just two people, they didn't go into the private room.

The meat of the monsters eaten by these creation gods was delicious and tasted extremely good. Naturally, all they paid for it was the source of the gods, and those who came to eat were naturally some creation gods.

Next table.

"Tell me, those two girls next door are so pretty..."

Chen Gouzhi's eyes revealed a lustful light, and he said to the people at his table with a lewd smile.

There were seven men, two women, and nine people at this table. None of them were good people. They had done nothing less than deceive someone over the years.

Everyone heard the sound and went out, and saw Tang Xia and Shuibang at a glance.

Immediately Chen Gouliang, the hungry ghost in lust, had lust in his eyes. He couldn't help but touch his crotch. He raised a lustful smile on his lips and said with a mean smile: "Hey, brother, go and ask them. , we two brothers will be alone at that time."

With that said, he urged Chen Gouzhi to walk towards the table.

The other five men and two women at the table also had different smiles on their faces and looked at each other.

These people didn't sleep much together. They had already played with each other to death. The two women were not good people either. They were fussy all day long. If they didn't have seven big men, they wouldn't be able to feed them. These two women.

It has to be said that although the God of Creation has improved all aspects of the body, the other woman is also a God of Creation. With the same improvement, a man can never beat a woman.

In the same realm, with the same experience and the same number of people, men can never beat women. This is an eternal truth. Of course, there may be men with extraordinary talents among men who can beat each other one on one. .

But there are undoubtedly very few men like that.

However, these seven men are all waste among men. They can barely cope with the basic needs of the two women with all their strength. If the two women ask for more, these seven men will not be able to do it. .

However, two of the seven hungry ghosts fell in love with Tang Xia and Shui Bang.

Chen Gouzhi was seen walking towards Tang Xia, came to the two of them, and said with a smile: "This beauty, do you want to come with us to have fun at night?"

Tang Xia frowned when he heard this, feeling instantly disgusted and said immediately.


When Chen Gouzhi saw her refusal, his expression suddenly changed and turned extremely ugly. He said coldly: "Are you going?"


Tang Xia looked at the other party with cold eyes. At this time, he was already a little wary. Seeing that the other party wanted to take action, he was already ready to fight back at any time.

"Damn it, you stinky cousin, I really want to sting you. I'll drag you out to the street later and sting you to death!"

When Chen Gouzhi saw the other party rejecting him again, he immediately turned his back and started talking obscenely.

"Go away! Go fuck your mother! You stupid bitch!"

When Tang Xia saw this, he immediately stood up, glared at the other party, and immediately retorted.

What kind of disgusting thing is this? Come over and open your mouth and shut up.

How could she be the kind of person who lets others insult her? She was called a witch by the man with gold-rimmed glasses before in the God's Realm, and she even retorted directly, let alone being insulted like this by others now.

"Smelly cousin, what a shameless thing!"

When Chen Gouzhi saw the other party scolding him, his anger rose several levels again, and he immediately moved his right hand towards Tang Xia's face.

His name is Chen Gouzhi, and his younger brother's name is Chen Gouliang. They were born to a mother but not a father. His mother named them both with the character "gou" because their father ran away after sleeping with her and she became pregnant. After giving birth to these two idiots, she was so angry that she added such names to her two sons' household registration.

So the two of them had been called Gou since they were young, and now they had managed to reach their current status as fourth-level Creation Gods. When Tang Xia called him Gou, they immediately got angry.

What a genius Tang Xia was, how could he be hit like this? He immediately dodged and dodged.

Shuibang, who was sitting opposite her, had already endured a lot of anger. After seeing Chen Gouzhi take action, he immediately picked up the beer bottle next to him and pointed at Chen Gouzhi.


The beer bottle shattered upon hearing the sound, and it broke instantly. Even though Shuibang copied various advanced magical laws and tried to cover it and make it as hard as possible, it still broke instantly. Come on.

Chen Gouzhi turned around and looked at Shui Bang, who was only in the third level of the Creation God realm, with anger burning in his eyes. It can be said that although the bottle did not hurt much, it was extremely insulting.

Just this time, Chen Gouzhi turned around and wanted to do something to Shuibang.

But luckily Tang Xia was quick and immediately slapped Chen Gouzhi on the body, sending Chen Gouzhi flying out instantly.

Although the two of them are both fourth-level creation gods, there is actually a huge gap between them.

Although Tang Xia has not been in the fourth-level Creation God for a long time, his cultivation and combat power are much stronger than Chen Gouzhi, who has entered the fourth-level Creation God long ago.

But it is a pity that Chen Gouzhi has many people and a group of partners.

"What a fool! If you dare to touch my brother, brothers, kill them. I'll beat that third-level bitch, and you guys can work together to get that little bitch!"

Chen Gouzhi's younger brother, Chen Gouliang, immediately said angrily.

After saying that, he flashed towards Shui Bang.

Others Shen Goujun, Ma Gouqi, Li Gou and others also attacked Tang Xia one after another.

boom! !

The sound of explosions came one after another. It was Tang Xia chasing Chen Gouzhi and beating him up.

"Idiot, run!"

"It's ridiculous that there are actually gangsters? This is a murder on the street, it's so clear!"

"Let me go, hasn't our Tangshan City been a civilized city in the Chinese Star Territory for 30,000 years? How come there are so many super scum!"

The people eating around them all frowned when they saw this, but no one dared to step forward to help Tang Xia and Shui Bang, because they were all third-level creation gods or even first-level creation gods. Naturally, it can't help much in the battle between the first-level creation gods.

If there wasn't a very special space in every shop, the battle between the two would have ended long ago.

But he was still in this store. As the manager of the store, because he was a Muggle, he ran out as soon as the conflict broke out.

In fact, this kind of thing is not common. On weekdays, some good citizens come over to dine. This is the first time they have encountered this situation.

At this time, Shuibang was grabbed and beaten wildly by Chen Gouliang. She was already seriously injured and her face no longer resembled a human being. After all, her cultivation was not enough, so she was beaten like this.

Although Tang Xia's cultivation level has reached the level of the fourth-level creation god, and his one-on-one combat power is no worse than those of the veteran fourth-level creation gods, but when he was surrounded by eight people, his body was also instantly damaged. Many injuries.

She simply couldn't take care of Shuibang on the side. Perhaps Chen Gouliang tended to abuse the other person to enjoy the pleasure, so she just kept beating him crazily.


Shuibang was beaten so hard that his consciousness was a little blurry and he didn't know anything at all.

However, Chen Gouliang finally stopped. When he stopped, he unbuttoned his clothes in the street.


Tang Xia shouted loudly when he saw this. At this moment.

"Ding dong, Ye Xuan sent you a message."

Tang Xia seemed to have grasped some life-saving straw. Her mind suddenly moved and she saw the message, but she had no time to think about it. Even if the other party blocked her, she must have unlocked it at this time.

Therefore, a message was sent instantly.

Ancestral Star.

"Hey, after the distribution is over, it depends on how many people they want to come over."

After Ye Xuan finished posting one by one, he thought silently in his heart.

"Ding dong, Tang Xia sent you a message."

Just as Tang Xia had guessed, Ye Xuan canceled Tang Xia's blocking in order to prevent the other party from coming back.

As Ye Xuan's thoughts moved, his expression suddenly changed, his body flashed, the avenue of space appeared, and Ye Xuan's figure disappeared.

There are only traces of the existence of the Space Avenue.

Chinese Star Territory, Yunmeng Galaxy.


When Ye Xuan arrived at the scene, without saying a word, he directly suppressed Dao Dao and suppressed everything.

A touch of divine power emerged, with divine power like a prison, imprisoning all the prisoners in prison.

boom! !

The onlookers present and the perpetrators were all suppressed to the ground at this time, lying on the ground unable to move.

This barbecue restaurant has been beaten up and disappeared. The previous store manager also ran out of this place through a special passage and saved his life. There were many ordinary people who walked with him. Just some Muggles.

Ye Xuan looked at the scene and found that the scene had turned out like this.

A woman she didn't know was knocked to the ground. Her nose was bruised and her face was swollen and she no longer looked human. There was a man next to her who was naked. When she wanted to move, Ye Xuan suppressed her to the ground.

Tang Xia, on the other hand, hurriedly walked towards the woman and shouted loudly: "Ye Xuan, help me, save Shuibang!"

"Shui Bang..."

There was a trace of anxiety in Tang Xia's eyes, and she wanted to do something to help, but she didn't know any treatment methods at all, so she could only hug Shui Bang.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan slowly raised his right hand.

The Avenue of Life manifested, he pointed at Shuibang, and a green light flew towards her body, and a smaller green light flew towards Tang Xia beside her.


All the injuries on Shuibang's body disappeared, even the injuries he suffered disappeared, and Tang Xia's minor injuries also healed.

She slowly opened her eyes, looked at Tang Xia and said, "Tang Xia, are you okay?"

Hearing this, Tang Xia couldn't hold back the tears anymore. The tears kept flowing down. She shook her head violently and opened her mouth to say something, but she couldn't.

At this time, Ye Xuan looked coldly at the people he suppressed on the ground. He didn't know who was involved in this matter, so he suppressed them all.

Although those people did not take action on the sidelines, they were inevitably not the other party's people, and they did not necessarily have no bad words before. Of course, they might also be innocent.

But in line with the principle of killing the wrong person rather than letting him go, Ye Xuan suppressed all the people to the ground.

"Tang Xia, who are the people who want to do something bad to you?"

Ye Xuan turned around and looked at Tang Xia and Shui Bang, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. He seemed to have seen Shui Bang somewhere before.

Oh, by the way, he and the other party had a fight in the star field competition...

But it doesn't matter whether they know each other or not. If he wasn't worried about Tang Xia getting into trouble, he wouldn't come here.

And if he dared to hurt his friends, that would be a dead end.

There were not many people who could make him chat so happily, and Tang Xia was one of them. That was why when he heard Tang Xia shouting for help, he used the space avenue without hesitation to lock Tang Xia and came to his side in an instant.

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