Hearing this, Tang Xia stood up and stared at the people who had taken action, pointing them out one by one.

Ye Xuan nodded.


He snapped his fingers, and the rest of the innocent people disappeared, but were teleported outside.

"These nine people are all tied up, you can do whatever you want." Ye Xuan said with a smile, and then he conjured up a recliner out of thin air and lay down, and the whole person instantly relaxed a lot.

Tang Xia, who was on the side, first looked at Chen Gouliang, who was suppressed on the ground and naked, with hatred flashing in his eyes, and a golden light flashed, and Chen Gouliang's upper and lower bodies instantly separated.


Ye Xuan pointed out with one finger, allowing Chen Gouliang to speak, but still unable to move.

The purpose of doing this is to see the other party's begging for mercy, and to feel very good from the bottom of his heart.


"Spare my life!!!"

The intense pain made Chen Gouliang scream in pain.

A bunch of beads of sweat instantly appeared on his face, but even though he was cut in half, he didn't die. The God of Creation doesn't die so easily.


Tang Xia pointed at Chen Gouliang's lower body, and half of his real body disappeared.

"Auntie! I was wrong! I was wrong! Spare me my life!!!"

Chen Gouliang regretted it so much at this moment, and begged for mercy frantically.

His life is endless, and he doesn't want to die here. He doesn't know how many women he has raped, especially female God of Creation. He likes this feeling, which is very exciting. Although the malicious onlookers around him think he is rubbish every time, because he always disappears in less than three minutes.

If it weren't for the enhancement of the God of Creation, I'm afraid he would disappear if he was put in.

But no onlookers dared to say that he couldn't do it. It's because of his strength.

"Let you go? Wasn't it arrogant just now?"

Tang Xia chuckled, turned around and looked at Ye Xuan and said, "Ye Xuan, can you help lock up his cultivation realm..."

Ye Xuan nodded.


The cultivation realms of these people were all locked in an instant, unable to be used, and even the passive ones disappeared.

Chen Gouzhi, Shen Goujun and others saw this, and their eyes were filled with horror. They were extremely scared, and they didn't know what the other party was going to do, but they didn't dare to say anything.

"Shui Bang, what he did to you just now, now give it back. His cultivation is locked, and his physical strength is gone!"

Tang Xia turned around and looked at Shui Bang and said.

She knew that Shui Bang was also full of hatred in his heart. How could he bear to be beaten like that by others?

At this time, Shui Bang's eyes were red, and he immediately stood up and beat Chen Gouliang, who only had the upper body, madly.

Punch after punch, soon, Chen Gouliang's face was swollen with big lumps.

The reason why he became a mortal and didn't die was because Ye Xuan was constantly controlling and dissolving the power of Shui Bang who was venting his anger, and then saving the other party's life.

It was not because he was afraid of killing the other party, but to torture him better. If he let the dog die like this, how could he be worthy of so many girls who were harmed by him!

If Ye Xuan had not arrived in time today, the consequences would be disastrous.

After Shui Bang vented his anger, he stood up. Although his eyes were still a little red, they were no longer bloodshot at the beginning.

Tang Xia looked at Shui Bang and nodded, then came to Chen Gouzhi, stepped on Chen Gouzhi's head, and stepped hard.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan sealed Chen Gouliang's dog mouth and opened Chen Gouzhi's dog mouth.

"Let me go, if you dare to touch me, you will die when my big brother comes!!!"

Perhaps because Tang Xia did not cut him in half directly, Chen Gouzhi did not scream and beg for mercy like Chen Gouliang, but his eyes were terrified, but still fierce.


Tang Xia sneered, and while exerting force on his feet, he said disdainfully: "Big brother? What kind of a thing do you think you can recognize big brother?"

"You are so presumptuous, my big brother is the master of the Yunmeng Galaxy, and I am a dog raised by him! If you dare to touch me, he will definitely kill you! Although that pretty boy is stronger than us, he is only a fourth-level one, and my big brother is a fifth-level creator god!!!" Although Chen Gouzhi had a splitting headache from being stepped on, and felt that his head was about to explode, he still threatened fiercely.

He was indeed right. The reason why he dared to be so arrogant and directly said that he would kill Tang Xia in the street in the center of Tang San City was because he had a very strong relationship behind him. Not to mention a small Tang San City, it would not matter if he did these things in the capital.

Tang Xia was shocked when he heard this. This guy dared to directly say that he was the other party's dog. Maybe this guy was really a dog. As the saying goes, you have to look at the owner before you beat the dog.

Tang Xia immediately looked at Ye Xuan and sent out a divine thought.

"What should I do? Should I continue to kill these scums or leave."

Tang Xia also knew that he could only retaliate by relying on Ye Xuan, so he was afraid of implicating the other party, so he asked.

After Ye Xuan received the message, he smiled and said: "It's okay, just continue what you are doing. He is just a fifth-level creation god. He dare not do anything. There are many more people behind me than him. Don't worry, as long as it is not Hua Even if the sky of the country falls, I can hold it up for you.”

After saying that, he lay down without even looking at those damn scum.

From the time he arrived here, those people were destined to die. Not to mention that the one he carried out was only a fifth-level creation god. Even if a sixth-level one came, he would dare to kill them.

Now, it's just to retaliate against them. People who harm women in their own country should die, not to mention harming their own friends and friends of friends, which is even more deserving of death.

If Ye Xuan is not able to take care of this kind of thing, Mingzhe will just protect himself. If he is able to take care of it, if he encounters it, the other party will be dead. Although Ye Xuan does not think that he is such a kind person, after all, he is the front foot. The person who killed Rong Di Guo robbed Rong Di Guo of liquid base, but he also knew that he had a bottom line.

Killing people can only be done with a nod of the head. In the world of the Creation God, the weak and the strong prey on the strong, so if you kill, you will kill.

"Haha, you are just a fourth-level creation god, you have such a strong tone! When my brother comes, what can you do!!!"

When Chen Gouzhi heard what Ye Xuan said in front of him, his heart froze. He really thought that the other party had a big background and was afraid that he would kick the iron plate. But when he heard what he said after that, it would be okay if the sky fell and he could hold it up, so he immediately dismissed it. sneered.

He really didn't believe that this little fourth-level creation god could have such a big face! Being able to fear no one, although the fourth-level Creation God is already a very powerful existence, in this vast Great Xia Kingdom, it is not that powerful.

Over the past countless years, I have accumulated an unknown number of fourth-level creation gods.


After Tang Xia heard Ye Xuan's words and then heard Chen Gouzhi's words, she immediately sneered disdainfully. If others said this, she wouldn't believe it, but if it was Ye Xuan's words, then she really believed it.

For such a powerful and peerless genius, if you say that there is no powerful force behind him, she won't believe it even to death. This is why she is asking Ye Xuan if he wants to take action again.

If Ye Xuan was really just on his own, without anyone behind him, he would have been arrested by the higher-ups for research just because he created the world of chaos.

Although no one knows what kind of world Ye Xuan is, there have been various rumors on the Tongtian Ranking for a long time, most of which say that Ye Xuan's world is a world of chaos.

After all, many people saw that Ye Xuan's world was a world of chaos, and those people were all on the Tongtian Ranking.

After that, Ye Xuan came into the eyes of the five deans of the Ancestral Star, and then he started to keep it as a secret.

But this rumor has long been spread to the major forums on the Tongtian List. After Tang Xia saw the other party's Kingdom of God and felt the avenues, he naturally knew that what was said in the forum was right. .

Afterwards, Tang Xia began to torture each of the nine people, and Ye Xuan continued to cooperate.

After a long time, the seven men and two women were played into a state of disgrace. Each one had either a broken arm or a missing leg. The worst one was Chen Gouliang, the man who wanted to seize power in the shop. He was cut in half directly.

Finally, Tang Xia brought Shui Bang to Ye Xuan.

"Ye Xuan, thank you."

Tang Xia bent down and bowed sincerely and said, if Ye Xuan hadn't come today, their end would have been very miserable.

I had been busy venting my hatred before, but now after I finished releasing it, I remembered that I had forgotten to thank Ye Xuan.

"Thank you. If it weren't for you, I might have..." Shuibang also bowed and thanked her, but she didn't say anything else.

Ye Xuan waved his hand and asked: "It's okay, have you all finished venting?"

After hearing this, Tang Xia and Shuibang both nodded and said something.

Ye Xuan then stood up, put the recliner back, grinned, came to the nine dogs, and said with a smile: "You said just now that you are the dog of the Lord of this galaxy, right? Also, you like it very much, right?" Right? I’m going to let you have a good time today! Let you have a taste of what it means to be happy!”

After saying that, regardless of everyone's frightened expressions, he waved his hand, and nine hell dogs appeared.

The nine hell dogs were all weeping with lava, and the lava flowed to the ground and turned into a piece of molten lava. They looked at the nine people with red eyes, panting heavily, and the flames enveloped their bodies, as if they could turn these nine people into ashes at any time. Like ashes.

"This is the hell dog I created specially for you, enjoy it! Hahahaha..."

Ye Xuan laughed a few times and waved his hand. The nine hell dogs rushed towards the nine people crazily. They came behind the nine people, stretched out one foot and stepped on the nine people, putting their front paws on each other. On his shoulders, he pinned the opponent tightly, completely ignoring the frightened people below him.

As the hell dog touched him, the hell flames on his body instantly spread to the nine people. Those people felt inexplicable pain as their bodies were burned by the hell dog, and they tried to break free. , but no matter how hard they tried to break free, they couldn't break free.

With the burning caused by the hell dog's flames behind them, the seven men's eyes widened instantly and they wanted to shout something, but they couldn't even open their mouths.

And the two women, in the midst of pain, had a faint sense of comfort, which was extremely shocking, as if they were born with a lowly bone and felt very comfortable being roasted by flames.

"Okay, let's go first, let them burn to death like this, and you can tell from their looks that they are very happy..."

Ye Xuan raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then clapped his hands and said.

"Isn't this too cruel..." Shui Bang said weakly. She had turned her head away a long time ago, but she couldn't help thinking about it in her heart. She felt cruel when she thought about it, but she couldn't help running over to think about it.

In her opinion, revenge has been taken, so why not just kill them and put an end to it. There is no need to do such a cruel thing again.

"Will it?" Tang Xia glanced at Shui Bang.

Just when Shui Bang was about to nod, Tang Xia said again: "Ye Xuan, I remember they seemed to say that they like to be burned to death on the street..."

Shui Bang's face flushed instantly, and he lowered his head and said no more.

The nine people had no time to care about what was going on here. They were either swearing to kill Ye Xuan or drooling with intoxication.

"Okay, then satisfy them..."

Ye Xuan smiled and nodded, and his figure flashed away. Along with him, the nine hellhounds and the people under them appeared on the street.

Then, Tang Xia and Shui Bang also appeared.

"Oh my god, look, Chen Gouzhi was burned on the street! Hahahaha..."

"Everyone, come and see, Chen Gouzhi and Chen Gouliang were burned on the street!!!"

"Not only that, but also a group of his men, look at Shen Goujun, look at Li Gou, and..."

Some people who had long been resentful of these people saw it and quickly sent out their divine thoughts to spread as far as possible.


After hearing this, more and more people ran over here. They were often bullied by Chen Gouzhi, or by his subordinates.

So, after Chen Gouliang and Chen Gouzhi were burned by dogs, they all laughed crazily.

At this time, as more and more people spread the news, more and more people began to gather, and even many people took pictures and uploaded them to the Internet.

For a while, the crazy spread of what happened in the Yunmeng Galaxy in the Huaxia Star Region began to multiply.

After a while, it was topped the hot search in the Huaxia Star Region. Whether it was on the Internet or in the Tongtian Ranking, this matter was topped to a very high level.

Yunmeng Galaxy, Yunmeng Star.

The one living in Yunmeng Star is not the Galaxy Master who is in charge of the Yunmeng Galaxy, but the Master of the Yunmeng System on the upper layer above him. System is the abbreviation of Super Galaxy Cluster, and Galaxy is a galaxy similar to the Milky Way, and below it is a small galaxy.

The leader of the Yunmeng system is at the level of the fifth-order Creation God, and his name is Ma Henjun.

At this time, Ma Henjun did not know that his subordinates had been taken care of by others, and he was still playing by himself.

Not long after, a message came to his inbox.

"How dare you touch my people on my territory! What a courage!"

After reading it, Ma Henjun's face was furious, and he immediately flashed and came to the center of Tang San City in an instant.

Buzz! ! !

A terrifying and powerful divine power appeared, which belonged to the divine power of the fifth-order Creation God.

The divine power appeared in the world, and its power shocked the world. Although it did not target anyone, nor did it suppress anyone, it just announced its arrival.

But even so, it frightened everyone present and made their faces change.

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "The dog's owner is here..."

Shui Bang's face changed when she heard this. She knew who was coming and whispered to the two people beside her, "Why don't we go..."

Tang Xia grabbed Shui Bang's hand after hearing this, gently comforted him, shook his head slightly, and comforted him, "It's okay."

The seven people who were lying on the ground and fainted and woke up felt a sense of hope in their hearts. Then they looked at Ye Xuan with eyes that seemed to want to tear him into pieces immediately to vent their anger.

Ma Henjun took a step forward and came to Ye Xuan, Tang Xia and Shui Bang, that is, in front of the nine dogs.

The people around them retreated one after another, and the originally dense place suddenly became empty.

"Did you three do it?" Ma Henjun did not rush to take action, but raised his eyebrows and looked at the three people.

He did not rescue the nine people, but looked at Ye Xuan and said that he knew Ye Xuan. If he hadn't recognized him, he would not have thought of saying a few words first.

Ye Xuan raised his lips and said with a smile: "I did it."

"I recognize you. You are the champion of this year's Star Domain Competition and the champion of the national competition." Ma Henjun looked at Ye Xuan's smiling face and smiled as well. Then he changed his words, retracted his smile, and said coldly: "But you are so brave to do this in front of me. You have to look at the owner before you beat the dog. Aren't you afraid of death?"

As he said that, he waved his hand and saved the nine people. The nine hellhounds disappeared, leaving only nine people pressed to the ground.

After the nine people recovered, they immediately transformed their clothes.

Chen Gouzhi's eyes were red, staring at Ye Xuan and shouting angrily: "Brother, kill them, you must kill them!!!"

"Yes! Kill them!!"

The remaining few people also shouted angrily. They lost so much face this time that they wanted to kill Ye Xuan and others.

"Shut up."

Ma Henjun scolded coldly.

These people were made into this state by three people, and they still had the nerve to ask him for revenge.

I cried. After a day of review, it was finally published.

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