"Don't be afraid!"

Ye Xuan's smile remained the same and he said lightly.

Ma Henjun's pupils shrank and his heart tightened. What was the other party so confident about? Could it be that he was really getting on top of him?

Then, Ma Henjun carefully cast his eyes on Ye Xuan, his pupils suddenly shrank again, and the boss couldn't help but open his mouth, looking at this scene in shock.

Everyone was shocked to see Ma Henjun, who was usually domineering, and were surprised at what he saw.

Ma Henjun clearly saw that there was a restriction in Ye Xuan's body. He just glanced at that restriction from a distance and felt that he would be wiped out by the Taoist charm contained in it.

He did not dare to look too directly, but took a quick glance and then moved his gaze elsewhere. When he looked at Ye Xuan again, his expression became much better.

"This kid actually has the restriction and protection of the seventh-level Creation God in his body. No wonder he dares to ignore me like this. It turns out that this kid is so tough behind his back."

Ma Henjun murmured to himself in his heart, and thousands of thoughts came to him in an instant.

"I remember there seemed to be a big boss named Ye above. Could this guy be that guy's descendant? He might even be his biological son..."

When Ma Henjun thought of this, his look at Ye Xuan became extremely strange.

But just for a moment, a smile appeared on his face, and he said in a gentle tone: "Haha, it is true that a hero comes from a young age. Such a young man can have such courage and strength. It is really rare for Daxia Kingdom to see it in thousands of years. What a young talent.”

"Haha, Master Ma is too polite. I'm just a lucky person." Seeing Ma Henjun's expression soften, Ye Xuan instantly knew that the other party knew that he had the protection of the seventh-level restriction in his body. Otherwise, the other party There won't be a sudden change of attitude.

Didn't the front foot still say that he is not afraid of death? Now he is whispering to himself.

"Hiss!! Why did this guy become like this? Is this still the Ma Henjun I know?"

"I'll go. Has the sun come out in the west?"

Everyone present was shocked at the thought, but no one dared to speak out, because they were all afraid of being retaliated by Ma Henjun, so the most they could do was complain in their hearts.

After all, he is a fifth-level creation god, but they would not dare to laugh at him in person.


Chen Gouzhi's eyes widened when he saw this, and he shouted in horror.

He didn't know why his boss did this and suddenly became like this.

He vaguely remembered what the young man had just said to the woman. Unless the sky in Daxia Kingdom fell, he could hold on.

In other words, the man in front of me really has a sky-high background and an astonishing presence in the background.

There is only one person in the Great Xia Kingdom, which means that except for that person, he can withstand everyone else. This means that the person standing behind the other person must be the seventh-level Creation God, and there are probably more. one!

"Shut up!"

As the sound of shouting came and there was a loud bang, it was Ma Henjun who slapped Chen Gouzhi on the face and suddenly sent him flying away.

"Hiss!!! This..."

The people around him were stunned for a moment, and looked at Ye Xuan again, with faintly incredulous eyes. Naturally, some of the people present had recognized Ye Xuan for a long time. After all, he was the champion of the Chinese Star Domain Competition and the national champion. The winner of the competition.

But they didn't expect that such a champion would actually have such a strong background, forcing him to act like this against his subordinates.


The remaining people quickly fell to their knees and shouted in horror:


"Shut up, everyone. Whoever speaks again will die!"

Ma Henjun stared at this group of people with cold and ruthless eyes, no longer as soft and warm as before when he faced Ye Xuan.

The remaining eight people were so frightened that they didn't even dare to say anything and nodded quickly. As for Chen Gouzhi, the leader of the nine, he was beaten until he lay on the ground and no one knew whether he was alive or dead.

Seven of these eight people were the same as him, and they all came together because of interests. Although the remaining Chen Gouliang wanted to save his brother, he did not dare to speak at this time.

Ma Henjun first shocked his men, then looked at Ye Xuan and others with a very kind smile, and said warmly: "Ye Xuan, this time some of the dogs under my command have blind eyes and cannot recognize Taishan, and they have conflicted with you. With your friends, I also hope that you have a lot of money and don’t care too much.”

Although it was said that he was conflicting with Ye Xuan's friends, what he actually said was that Lord Ye Xuan has a lot of people, so don't worry about it too much.

As for Tang Xia, who was second in the country, he didn't take him seriously at all.

The threshold between the fourth-level Creation God and the fifth-level Creation God is really too big, so big that it is unimaginable.

Although Tang Xia is ranked second in the Huaxia Star Region this time and in the country, in fact, there is still a long way to go before reaching the fifth level of Creation God.

Therefore, Ma Henjun didn't pay much attention to Tang Xia and said directly to Ye Xuan with a smile.

"Haha, since it was the horse leader who said it himself, I have to give the horse leader some face. I don't have anything here. Those dogs didn't bite me anyway, but my friend is a real person. I’m so disgusted by it that I have to ask them for their opinions.”

When Ye Xuan heard this, he laughed and said to Ma Henjun with a non-smiling smile.

Then he looked at Tang Xia and Shui Bang and asked, "Have you two vented your anger?"

When Shuibang heard Ye Xuan ask himself, he nodded quickly and said, "I'm angry."

Although she suffered the most damage among them, after seeing the nine people being burned by the hell dogs with her own eyes, she also felt a lot of evil in her heart, and she was already much better at this time.

After Ye Xuan asked, he replied.

Tang Xia also nodded aside, indicating that it was okay. Although the nine people did not die, after experiencing this torture that was worse than death, it was considered their punishment.

But after all, he was spared a life by the other party, so he was unwilling to accept it.

But at this time, she couldn't add too many problems to Ye Xuan. After all, at this time, she still relied on Ye Xuan. If she ignored Ma Henjun, then she would directly kill those nine people with her own hands. My dog's head was removed.

After all, I still have to ask Ye Xuan to do it, so I don’t really want Ye Xuan to do it.

Although Ye Xuan was not afraid of the other party, Tang Xia didn't know how confident Ye Xuan was and whether he could kill the nine dogs in front of Ma Henjun. In order to avoid Ye Xuan's embarrassment, she still endured this One breath.

Although she had punished the other party, she had not fallen after all. After encountering such evil things, if she had not received help from Ye Xuan, she could not imagine how far Shuibang and herself would have fallen at this time.

It can be said that from the bottom of his heart, Tang Xia wanted to kill all those people.

That was Chen Gouliang's half-broken body before, but that body had long since grown back after he was freed from the suppression, and the injured parts had basically recovered, but the injury was not really serious. Just recovery.

"Since my two friends think it's nothing, let's end this matter. What do you think, Horse Master?"

After seeing Tang Xia and Shuibang's statements, Ye Xuan nodded to Ma Henjun and said.

Ma Henjun's face was instantly overjoyed, and he said quickly: "Haha, you are indeed the little brother Ye Xuan, and these two are both extraordinary people. They will definitely achieve great things in the future!"

After saying that, he scolded the eight subordinates who were still standing beside him: "Why don't you thank Ye Xuan and the other two girls for their kindness in letting you go, otherwise you won't be able to get out alive today! "

While scolding him coldly, he was also extremely dissatisfied with these subordinates in his heart. He insisted on running over to provoke Ye Xuan. Is this Ye Xuan something they can provoke? He is someone who even he dare not touch!

Not to mention that he couldn't hurt Ye Xuan with his attacks, even if he was really hurt, the seventh-level Creation God behind the opponent could kill him in minutes.

What's more, Ye Xuan still has the protective restriction of the seventh-level Creation God, so he can't hurt Ye Xuan at all.


Chen Gouliang and other eight people heard this and quickly bowed to Ye Xuan and others: "Thank you for not killing me."

Ye Xuan waved his hands indifferently and said with a look of disgust: "Get out of here now, I feel sick just looking at you."

He really doesn't like these things. If nothing else, if these fourth-level creation gods really want to play with women, they should go into the secular society and have as many beautiful women as they want. A woman, and a woman who promises to be obedient and everything goes as she pleases.

It's just a matter of spending a small amount of money. Even the fourth-level creation gods like them don't even need to spend money. The other party is still eager for them to come often. After all, the essence of the fourth-level creation gods is also an indescribable nourishment, let alone For ordinary people, even those low-level creation gods, this is a rare treasure.

But these scumbags had to do such extremely bad things in broad daylight and under the bright sky. This kind of thing made Ye Xuan feel extremely disdainful and disgusting.

"Haven't you heard yet? Get out of here!"

As Ma Henjun shouted loudly, seven of the eight people immediately ran away.

Only Chen Gouliang hesitated for a moment, lowered his head and whispered: "Boss, my brother..."

"Take it away and get out!"

Ma Henjun glared angrily. How could this bitch be so stupid? He even told them to get out. What else was he thinking about if he didn't get out? He had to force the other party to perform an operation on them so that he could lose face, right? .

"Yes Yes……"

Chen Gouliang did not dare to say anything, and there was a feeling of resentment in his heart, but he did not dare to show it at all, and quickly left the place with Chen Gouzhi who was lying on the ground not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"The Ma Department Master is fair and selfless, Ye Xuan admires him!"

Ye Xuan cupped his fists and said with a smile to Ma Henjun. On one side, he was sarcastic and on the other side, he was praising the other side. It all depends on what the other side thinks.

"Haha! Ma has important things to do, so I won't accompany you any longer. Farewell, farewell!"

Ma Henjun laughed, cursed secretly in his heart, and then disappeared.

He originally came here because of Chen Gouzhi's matter, but now that it has been settled, he should naturally leave.

"You two, let's go to the Ancestral Planet to have fun together!"

After seeing the incident come to an end, Ye Xuan smiled and invited Tang Xia and Shuibang.

I originally planned to invite Tang Xia alone, but since Shui Bang was also nearby, I just pulled him over. It would be more lively with more people. As the saying goes, we are all brothers in the four seas. Although the Yunmeng Galaxy and the Chinese Star Territory The ancestral stars are far apart, but the so-called four seas are the sea of ​​stars.

In the endless sea of ​​stars, as long as they are from the same country, they are all brothers, just like omnipotent cousins...


Tang Xia and Shui Bang also nodded. Ye Xuan invited them, so there was no reason to refuse.


Zu Xing.

"Why hasn't Ye Xuan come yet? It's a bit unreasonable. We have all arrived at his house, but he is not at home..."

Liu Yong looked at the room full of people he knew, but he still didn't see Ye Xuan, so he said in surprise.

In the past, they would not be able to enter without Ye Xuan's permission, but Ye Xuan had already set it up so that they could enter.

When Ye Xuan went to the Yunmeng Galaxy, these people also rushed over, because Xingyou Company was not far from here, all in the capital of Zuxing.

"I guess something happened suddenly. According to his ability, he should be able to solve it quickly. If he really can't solve it, he would have sent us a message a long time ago."

Shui Yan on the side guessed and replied casually.

"By the way, are you two doing well? I really want to know how strong you two are now." Gao Long, who had red hair, grinned and said with a smile.

As early as the third year of high school, Gao Long had surpassed Shui Yan in the provincial rankings of Jiangnan Province. Although Shui Yan ranked third, he was firmly suppressed by Gao Long.

Even when a dark horse Ye Xuan broke in later, Shui Yan was still no match for Gao Long. In the subsequent duel, Shui Yan was killed in one move.


Shui Yan on the side raised his eyebrows, showing a hint of interest in his eyes, and said with a smile: "Why not give it a try?"

"That's what I meant!"

Gao Long laughed immediately and invited Shui Yan to join the battle in the Sky Arena.

And the rest of the people also joined the Sky Arena one after another to watch the battle between the two.

"This is the house I was assigned to at the Capital Da Zhou College. They are all inside now."

Ye Xuan brought Tang Xia and Shui Bang to his door, and then he took them in with a thought.

As soon as he entered, he saw a group of people with dull faces, as if their attention was not here at all.

He clapped his hands and coughed lightly.

Then everyone turned around and looked at him.

"Oh, it's Ye Xuan, come to the Sky Arena and see, Shui Yan is going to lose!"

After seeing Ye Xuan, Xin Ke didn't ask who the two people around him were. He knew one of them, the second place in this year's competition, Tang Xia, and he didn't know the other one.

But he wasn't very curious, after all, at this time they were more interested in the battle between Shui Yan and Gao Long, so after Xin Ke said that, they continued to focus on the battle between the two.

Ye Xuan twitched his mouth, then looked at the two people around him and smiled: "Ahem, just get used to it, just get used to it..."

Tang Xia covered his mouth and chuckled when he heard this, and didn't say much. This was the first time he saw Ye Xuan so unwelcome, and it was in his own home.

When he saw Ye Xuan in the past, there were people everywhere who were excited and crazy shouting the name of Ye Shen.

Shui Bang on the side looked at everyone curiously, and wanted to see the battle between Shui Yan and Gao Long they talked about, but he was too embarrassed to ask which room number it was, so he just looked at everyone curiously.

After that, Ye Xuan invited the two to sit down, and then chatted with them on the side.


"Awesome, but still not as good as Gao Long!"

Shui Yan said with a convinced face, after such a long time of practice, he still couldn't catch up with Gao Long's pace, and couldn't force Gao Long's true strength, and was finally defeated by Gao Long.

Gao Long straightened his face, shook his head and said: "You are very strong, beyond my imagination. You couldn't withstand a single blow before, but now you can withstand my normal strength. So, you have made great progress during this period. Compared with you, I have made much slower progress. Maybe I will be surpassed by you someday."

This is not what he said proudly, but the truth from his heart. His kingdom of God is the kingdom of mythology, but he can't even catch up with Shui Yan next to him.

You should know that Shui Yan's kingdom of God is the kingdom of immortals, and he has never heard of the birth of any legendary creatures in myths!

If such a creature really gets born, it means that it has been promoted to the kingdom of mythology.

"Ahem, can you two stop being so modest? Winning is winning, losing is losing. If you really can't do it, you can fight with me. If you beat me, you can be as modest as you want."

Ye Xuan coughed at the side, unable to bear it any longer. The two of them acted as if they were meeting for the first time, with polite words flying everywhere.

If you win, you win. Try to win again next time. If you lose, work hard and try to win again next time. Isn't that enough?

"Haha, what Ye Xuan said makes sense!"

Shui Yan at the side laughed when he heard it, then looked at the two people beside him and said, "Is this the national runner-up this year, Miss Tang Xia?"

Tang Xia smiled back, stood up, clasped her fists and said to everyone present, "Tang Xia, hello."

Then everyone got to know each other, and then they started talking about how they had developed during this period and what they had encountered.

After talking about these, Ye Xuan began to give everyone his suggestions for the future development of their kingdom of God, which can be regarded as guidance from an experienced person.

After all, Ye Xuan was at the fourth level at this time, while they were only at the third level. In this regard, Ye Xuan still had some experience to talk about.

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