Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 284: Human-Witch Marriage, Golden Crow Descends!

After meeting many of his old friends, Ye Xuan also helped each of them get some advice, but whether they listened to him or not and whether it helped them or not was another matter.

After all, he just wanted to help them as much as possible according to his own experience.

As the saying goes, if you are rich, you should help the world, and if you are poor, you should take care of yourself. Although Ye Xuan does not have such a great ambition to help the world, he can still help his old friends when he is rich.

The key is that Ye Xuan has few friends, and he really treats them as friends.

In addition to treating each other sincerely, the so-called friends must first be able to keep up with the pace, at least they must be like them now, although not as good as Ye Xuan, but not much worse.

If Ye Xuan is a fourth-level creation god and the other party is not even a third-level creation god, then it doesn’t matter whether they are friends or not.

You can cross a class, but you can’t be too far apart. If you are too far apart, you can’t be friends.

Even if the relationship was good at that time, it will fade in the future, but those who can go on forever are friends forever.

In the prehistoric world.

"The world has changed, the spiritual treasures have spirits, and so many innate spiritual treasures suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, just like the beginning of the prehistoric world!"

Somewhere in the dark, a great supernatural being realized the great changes in the world, and suddenly a large number of innate spiritual treasures appeared, rushing out from all over the place. This is an extremely strange thing.

They instinctively felt that something was wrong, but they didn't know what was wrong. They wanted to think about it, but they couldn't think about it.

They could only attribute it to the extremely general words of the great changes in the world.

In the heaven.

"Such a big move should be congratulated by the prehistoric world! It's a pity that I was penniless at the beginning!"

The wise man of the heaven, Fuxi, one of the demon kings, sighed slightly, and a black piece fell into the chessboard of heaven and earth, as if he was lamenting that the world is not easy.

The power of the innate spiritual treasure is far more than this. At the beginning of the world, the innate spiritual treasure was far less powerful than it is now. However, as the prehistoric world became more and more powerful, the prehistoric creatures became more and more numerous and stronger, and the power of the innate spiritual treasure became more and more powerful.

It is not just the prehistoric creatures that have become stronger, but also those companion treasures, that is, the innate spiritual treasures.

However, even so, Fuxi never had the intention to force these innate spiritual treasures.

In his opinion, if it is destined, it must be there, and if it is not destined, don't force it.

The matter of innate spiritual treasures seems to be able to be seized by force by personal ability, but in fact it depends on whether there is fate.

If there is fate, there is no need to look for it, it will come to find it. Once inspiration appears, it is a warning from the heaven, indicating that it belongs to oneself.

But if there is no fate, even if he looks for it, he can't find it.

Even if he is now in the state of Hunyuan, it is still the same.

As long as the innate spiritual treasure does not reach the hands of the person it should reach, or in other words, it has not been born, even the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who has calculated all the living beings in the world cannot do this.

But if at the moment when the spiritual treasure is born, if there is a deliberate pursuit, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can still feel it, and at that moment, take the spiritual treasure away.

However, the great supernatural powers who can achieve the Hunyuan realm are not cultivators who lack the so-called spiritual treasure.

For them, spiritual treasures are important, but whether they are in line with their own way is more important.

This is most evident in high-end battles.

The higher the battle, the more you can see the power of spiritual treasures that are in line with your own way.

This is also one of the reasons why Hongjun can selflessly distribute many innate spiritual treasures. It is really useless to keep them in your own hands. It is better to use them to seek your own interests.

The ancestral home of the human race.

A giant with a height of 100,000 feet came from the sky, but it was the ancestor witch Zhu Jiuyin.

Pangu Hall is also located in the middle of the prehistoric world, next to the Kunlun Mountains, at the junction of the four wildernesses.

So it is not far from the ancestral home of the human race, which is one of the reasons why the top leaders of the two races did not finalize it at once.

After the great changes in the prehistoric world, it became extremely huge. Although the two places were not far apart originally, they are actually unimaginably far away now.

However, this is naturally a short distance for Zhu Jiuyin.

After a period of rushing, Zhu Jiuyin came to the ancestral home of the human race.

This is where the human emperor is located, the imperial city of the Sui Dynasty, the most prosperous city of the human race, and the most powerful city.

When Zhu Jiuyin revealed his identity, the human emperor Suiren personally went out to greet him and led him into the human emperor hall.

The human emperor hall is the most supreme hall of the human race, and it is the main hall of the human emperor who symbolizes the entire human race.

"I wonder if the ancestor witch agreed to our request this time?" The emperor Suiren asked with a smile. He knew in his heart that the other party would agree in all likelihood. The present prehistoric world is not the same as before.

The present prehistoric world is boundless and cannot be dominated by the witch clan.

Therefore, Suiren was not panicked at all at this time.

The ancestor witches have always been impatient. After hearing the words of the Human Emperor Suiren, the ancestor witch Zhu Jiuyin immediately smiled and nodded, saying: "After careful discussion among the twelve brothers and sisters, the conditions of the Human Emperor can be passed, but it is not realistic to divide the continent equally. After all, the four seas and eight wastelands are not under the control of our two tribes at all, so we can only guarantee the interests of the human race in one wasteland at most."

Zhu Jiuyin's words are very clear, that is, he can agree to it, but it is not possible to agree to two wastelands, but it is possible to agree to one wasteland.

After all, the two wastelands seem fair, but in fact, the human race is not strong enough to eat such a big piece of cake. In addition, the Northern Wasteland is a foreign land. If it is divided there, it will undoubtedly be a blood loss, and I am afraid that it will still be unhappy at that time.

What's more, leaving aside the Northern Wasteland, in fact, the witch clan itself cannot dominate the two wastelands, so where can they get the conditions to agree to the other party?

"Since the ancestor witch is so quick to speak, I will just be a dictator for once, so what's wrong with agreeing to the ancestor witch!" The human emperor Suiren was overjoyed when he heard this, but he still pretended that he agreed because of the other party's straightforwardness. If the other party was not straightforward, he would not agree to this matter.

But in fact, this is the purpose of the human race. The purpose of the human race is to reach one of the wildernesses. As long as they have one of the wildernesses, it is enough.

"Haha, the human race is really generous! Please choose one of the wildernesses as the human race's territory!"

The ancestor witch Zhu Jiuyin smiled when he heard this, and really thought that the other party agreed because of his generosity, so he laughed immediately.

The witch clan has always been like this. They like generous people the most, and they hate those who are nagging the most.

"The place I value is the land of the southern wilderness. Please allow the ancestor witch to approve it." The human emperor Suiren gave the other party face and acted very humbly. After all, the strength of the human race is indeed much worse.

Therefore, we still need to make the necessary gesture.

"Haha, okay, okay, if that's the case, then let's finalize it. The words of our Wu clan are as firm as gold, and the Human Emperor is the supreme ruler of the human race, so it must be the same. Therefore, this matter can be settled, but there is no need to swear to the Great Dao. Of course, if the Human Emperor is worried, we can also swear to the Great Dao."

Zhu Jiuyin laughed when he heard that the other party was only asking for the Southern Wilderness, so he agreed.

No matter where the human race wants, the Wu clan will agree, because for the Wu clan, it is nothing more than withdrawing its people to other places. Among the four great wildernesses, there is no wilderness without the footprints of the Wu clan.

"Of course I believe in the ancestors of the Wu clan, so let's forget about the Dao oath. There are more than 130,000 people in the human race who are willing to marry the Wu clan. I have placed them near the Western Wilderness and let them re-establish a country called Li."

Suiren nodded, indicating that he was willing to believe in the ancestors of the Wu clan. In fact, the so-called Dao oath was not that powerful. Even if it was really made, with their magical powers, they would not have a way to escape after breaking it.

After all, it was just a Dao oath. What they suffered was only the backlash of breaking the oath, and they did not have to confront the Dao and suffer Dao condemnation. These were two different things.

"Okay! The Human Emperor is really a straightforward person! In this case, it's a deal. All the Wu clan members in the Southern Wilderness will withdraw!" Zhu Jiuyin heard the words and immediately promised.

As long as they can intermarry with the human race and let a group of smart guys come out of the Wu clan, then the strength of the Wu clan will definitely rise to a higher level.

What limits the Wu Clan now is not the combat power, but the calculation of the Great Dao.

They do not cultivate the Yuan Shen, so they are destined to be inferior to those innate saints in this aspect.

But if there are Wu Clan who cultivate the Yuan Shen in the future, they will make up for the shortcomings of the Wu Clan in this aspect.

Except for the human race, there is no so-called perfect race in the prehistoric world. This is the case with the demon race, the dragon race, and the Wu Clan. The Great Dao gave the Wu Clan the first attribute in the same realm. The body of the ancestor witch is the best in the prehistoric world. Even some Wu Clan members make many beings of the same realm unable to break the defense.

But it also set a defect on the other hand, that is, there is no Yuan Shen, no heavenly way, and no knowledge of changes.

After the discussion between Suirenshi and Zhu Jiuyin, it was finally determined that the human race and the Wu Clan would intermarry, although there were many restrictions on this matter, such as the Wu Clan could only intermarry with the human race in the Li Kingdom and not with the human race in other countries.

But both the Wu Clan and the Human Clan were very happy. The Wu Clan got the opportunity to understand the Way of Heaven and obtain the Yuanshen, while the Human Clan also got the opportunity to develop legitimately in a prosperous land.

The reproduction of the Human Clan is extremely powerful. If the Human Clan is given some time, it can give the prehistoric world a future.

On the Sun.

Xihe's belly grew bigger day by day, a few points bigger than before the Yuanhui. At this time, Xihe even had some difficulty walking, and could only rely on her spiritual power to fly to move her body.

Dijun and Taiyi also stayed here all the time, waiting here silently for a Yuanhui, and Madam Yuanmu, one of the Goddesses of Guixu outside the Sun, was also waiting outside the Sun.

Guixu was originally the shadow of the Sun, a place that the Sun could not reach, but now Madam Yuanmu, the Goddess of Guixu, actually stayed directly beside the Sun.

She was waiting for Taiyi to come out, and this waiting was the Yiyuanhui.

Taiyi did not come out, and she did not go in. She knew that Taiyi was for the birth of Xihe and the ten nephews. Although in her opinion, no one dared to touch the ten little golden crows, she could understand Taiyi's behavior.


The heaven and earth moved suddenly, and in the Demon Palace where Queen Xihe lived, long chirping sounds echoed throughout the sun.

And from the great sun, it spread throughout the entire heaven. At this moment, everyone in the thirty-sixth heaven and the boundless starry sky heard the sound of the long cry one after another.

That was the cry of the Golden Crow, but at this time, Taiyi, Dijun, Xi, and the three Golden Crows did not make any cry.


"It's the prince. The prince is about to be born!"

Demon Commander Bai Ze, who has always shown himself to be wise and calm among the top ten demon commanders, could not hold back his excitement at this time and said loudly to his colleagues.

"Hahahaha, your majesty has a prince, so he is very happy!"

"Your Majesty, is it finally going to be born..."

"Your Majesty has helped me and my sister achieve enlightenment in this way. In this life, these princes will not make any mistakes!"

With a smile on his face, Fuxi looked into the bright sun and nodded slightly.

"Your Majesty has such a big heart. I don't know what kind of heart these ten Little Golden Crows have. I hope they can be as broad-minded and kind to the world as your Majesty..."

Nuwa sighed slightly. In her impression, in the infinite time and space, these Golden Crows did not seem to be worry-free masters. They were more playful and active than the other ones.

In the end, a big disaster was caused and the Lich decided to fight.

"I hope this life can be different..."

Pangu Hall.

"The human race is intermarrying with us, and now the demon race will have ten princes born. These ten princes are the key to triggering a decisive battle between the two Lich races in other time and space. Therefore, in this life, it is necessary to prevent such things from happening, no matter what is behind it. What kind of innate saint is behind this, we must find it out!"

Di Jiang's eyes have seen through all the possibilities of future generations. He has traveled to endless time and space to understand everything that happened. Regarding the many possibilities in the future, he must move towards the side that is most beneficial to the prehistoric times.

After all, the decisive battle between the Lich and the Lich brought the prehistoric world to its knees, and even Buzhou Mountain, the Pillar of Heaven and Earth, collapsed by Gonggong.

As the leader of the Wu Clan, Zu Wu Di Jiang would not allow this to happen.

"Then how should we deal with this matter?"

Zhu Rong asked in confusion, since these ten princes are so dangerous and cannot touch each other, what should the Witch Clan do?

He didn't want to use his brain. Anyway, he would do whatever his elder brother said.

"If you encounter something that concerns the Demon Clan Prince, please inform him in advance. You cannot do any harm to him without my permission. Even if it is like what happens in other time and space, there are other sacred things behind every time and space. Some time and space are the two so-called saints in the West, some time and space are the end of the thief Hongjun himself, and some time and space are even sacred to other parties.

But without exception, there must be other divine participation behind these, because those innate saints are eager for the Lich Tribe and the Kaitian Tribe to fight to the death, freeing up the vast wilderness for them to do whatever they want. . "

Di Jiang swept his stern eyes at the many ancestral witches, then looked at the great witches, especially Hou Yi and Kua Fu, and warned him sternly again and again: "Especially you two, Hou Yi and Kua Fu! "

It's not that Di Jiang is afraid of the demon clan, but that the two Lich clans have developed to this extent. If a large-scale war really starts, it will only be harmful to the prehistoric world but not beneficial.

Therefore, Di Jiang wanted to avoid this happening as much as possible, so he had to restrain himself.

"Yes, Ancestral Witch!"

Hou Yi and Kua Fu looked at each other after hearing this, with a hint of embarrassment flashing in their eyes. The two great witches were both in the Hunyuan realm, so they naturally knew their own endings in other time and space.

Now that Di Jiang mentioned it, I couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.


Zhu Rong glanced at Di Jiang in surprise when he heard this. In the future, those princes have bullied them, why don't they fight back?


Di Jiang glared back, and the powerful prestige made Zhu Rong lower his head instantly and said: "It's okay, it's okay."

"I'm not joking with you. Father God has not truly awakened yet. As children of Father God, we should take good care of the ancient wilderness left by Father God. No matter who destroys the ancient wilderness, it will be unforgivable. If it is because of our If our existence leads to destruction, then what kind of children are we?”

Di Jiang warned him again very sternly.

This time, no one in the Wu clan dared to ignore it.

When it comes to Father God, everything can be tolerated.

Southern Wilderness, Human Race, Xiao Country, Yu City.

The old Taoist who was sitting on the high platform suddenly opened his eyes and stopped preaching.

The futon sitting under him was filled with dense crowds. At a glance, there were tens of thousands of people.

This is already an extremely rare sight in a city. Dozens of nearby cities all know that there is a place called Xianmen here, where a person with cultivation in the realm of Hunyuan True Self is preaching.

As a result, many human monks came here to listen to the old Taoist sermons.

As the old Taoist stopped, everyone came to their senses. The infatuated expressions on their faces disappeared, and they scratched their heads, wanting to hear the next part.

"Haha, the cause and effect between you and me is so great, and it doesn't matter if there is a little bit. Is the Golden Crow Prince born? I will wait, hahahaha..."

The Immortal Ancestor Hongjun looked up at the sun and laughed.

He and Di Jun had a deep hatred. He almost ruined Di Jun's future, and Di Jun almost killed him. It can be said that they would fight to the death.

When the ten Golden Crows were about to be born, a plan suddenly emerged in his mind. This was not a cheap method like in the later time and space.

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