Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 288: Seat Difference, Prince's Ceremony

"Amitabha, I don't know what existence the three Buddhas are talking about. Can you tell this poor monk to know..."

Perhaps to distinguish themselves from other sects, or perhaps intentionally, people in Buddhism no longer call themselves poor Taoists, but poor monks.

However, the poor monk is actually a type of poor Taoist, just like the poor scholar...

"That saint was the one who almost became the first saint in the realm of Hunyuan. He had been born since ancient times and stirred up the situation. After the war between the three clans, he became the biggest beneficiary.

After winning a battle with the Demon Ancestor and seizing the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, everyone in the world calls him the Immortal Ancestor..."

Raising his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha did not directly say Hongjun's name, for fear that Hongjun would already know that they knew his intention to destroy the Buddha.

Only by pretending not to know is it possible to trick the other party.

If the other party becomes defensive, it will be really difficult to handle the matter.

"Amitabha, the poor monk already knows this. Thank you very much, my Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha."

Chunti Bodhisattva recited Amitabha, put his hands together, said this, and then returned to his original position.

There was a hint of hatred flashing through his eyes. If it weren't for that damn Hongjun, he would have already entered the realm of Hunyuan. How could he still be a little Bodhisattva under the seats of these three ancestors? !

But he didn't blame these three ancestors. He knew that without each other, he might just be a little saint in this life.

Therefore, Zhunti put all this hatred on Hongjun's head, and then thought that he had finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and was only one step away from realizing the supreme Hunyuan, but this damn Hongjun actually showed up again , and still want to destroy Buddhism.

If he succeeds in destroying the Buddha, how can Zhunti become the realm of Hunyuan?

You must know that if you want to achieve the realm of Hunyuan, you have to rely on the great luck of the big forces to achieve it.

I haven't paid back the great ambition I owed to Heaven, so let's just forget about borrowing merit.

As for the so-called great opportunity, he has never seen anyone achieve the Hunyuan realm by relying solely on great opportunity.

Therefore, the more prosperous Buddhism is, the greater the possibility that he will achieve the realm of Hunyuan.

Hongjun had destroyed their brother once, and now he wanted to destroy them a second time. Which one could tolerate it? For a while, even Jie Yin, who had always been kind-hearted, couldn't bear it anymore.

Both brothers' eyes were a little red, and their hearts were filled with distracting thoughts.


The Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha noticed that there was something wrong with the two of them, and immediately a stream of Yin-Yang Qi appeared, suppressing all the distracting thoughts in their minds.

For a moment, the minds of Jie Yin and Zhunti returned to peace again.

The two of them bowed slightly and bowed to the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha: "Thank you very much, my Buddha, Glazed Medicine Master Buddha."

At the same time, the two of them were also on guard. They must not do this again and make mistakes. If the evil thoughts take root, it will not be easy to eliminate them.

Time flew by, and in a blink of an eye it was time for the heavenly banquet.

The number of people who went to heaven this time was no smaller than the last celebration in heaven. The birth of ten sons by the emperor was a great joy for all living beings in heaven and earth.

Regardless of whether you feel it or not, you must at least give face to the Emperor of Heaven.

And those powerful people must also give face to the Emperor of Heaven.

Above the heaven.

Whether it is the ancestral witch of the witch clan or the ancestral dragon of the dragon clan, they are all gathered together this time.

Compared with the last banquet, this time there are more new generations, that is, the human race.

The human emperor joined hands with the human master and the seventeen ancient kings to come to the heaven.

There are more than three hundred kings in the human race, but they cannot all come at once. It would be too much to come all at once.

You must know that although there is no shortage of space in heaven, there is no need for so many people to come.

The most important thing is the Human Emperor. As long as the Human Emperor comes, it doesn't matter if the others don't come. And this time, in addition to the Human Emperor, there are also human masters and the seventeen ancient kings.

It can be regarded as the most solemn etiquette of the human race. This time, it also symbolizes that the oldest force in the prehistoric times, the strongest force now and the destiny-determined protagonist force in the future are congratulating each other towards the heaven.

This shows how powerful the power of heaven is.

It can be said that Di Jun truly accomplished what the three ancient people could not do and became the true Emperor of Heaven.

He is the born Emperor of Heaven. Although the position of the first Emperor of Heaven does not belong to him, he is the first Emperor of Heaven in the true sense. He rules over the whole world and no one in the world dares to disobey an order.

However, with the arrival of the Tenth Son, the power of the Heavenly Court became a little stronger, and the luck became even stronger.

It is completely different for a force to have successors and not have successors. Although it may never need successors, the existence of successors can indeed stabilize the illusory destiny and calm people's hearts.

Of course, if Emperor Jun really fell, even if there were not these ten Golden Crows before, Heaven would instantly fall into the hands of Taiyi, and no one would have any objections.

Whether it’s because I don’t have it from the bottom of my heart, or because I’m afraid of Taiyi and say no, anyway, it’s only natural that Taiyi will inherit the heaven.

And this premise is that there are no ten Golden Crows, but even if there are, if we really want to fight, they may not really fall into the hands of those ten Golden Crows.

Of course, Taiyi will not fight. This is the country that he and Di Jun have conquered single-handedly. If anything happens to Di Jun, he will naturally help his nephew inherit the position of Emperor of Heaven and help him put down the rebellion.

And this is almost impossible to happen.

Except for Ye Xuan, no living being can kill the current Emperor Jun.

In endless time and space, as long as the sun exists, Di Jun will not truly die.

Apart from anything else, this great sun in the wilderness cannot be destroyed by other living beings.

This is the transformation of Pangu's left eye, which embodies Pangu's charm. In fact, these creatures can be destroyed. To say the least, even if they are really destroyed, the prehistoric world will fall into absolute darkness in the next moment. This will bring about The consequences of this are not something any living being can bear.

In other words, it is impossible for Di Jun to truly fall. Even if he falls for a short period of time, he will eventually return, just like those great gods and demons.

This is also the terrifying vitality brought by these innate saints after their enlightenment. The prerequisite is that they must be in charge of a party, otherwise they will not be able to achieve the effect of Emperor Jun.

In the Lingxiao Palace.

This is the place where major affairs of the Heavenly Court are handled, and where major events and celebrations are held.

It is rarely opened here, but now, it is opened again.

A total of three major sacrificial celebrations were held. The first was the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the second was the establishment of the Heavenly Marriage, and the third is now the ceremony for the canonization of the crown prince. Even Taiyi's achievement of becoming the Eastern Emperor has not yet used the Lingxiao Palace. , and if it was just to celebrate the birth of ten sons by Emperor Jun, it would not be used on such a large scale.

And ordinary banquets will not be held in this Lingxiao Palace. Every time they are held, it is an important matter related to the heaven.

To be precise, after the crown prince was conferred, the ten sons born to Emperor Jun could be regarded as the real princes of heaven.

The prince is the crown prince, the crown prince of heaven, ranking second to the emperor of heaven, the queen of heaven, and the six emperors, and above the five elders of the five directions.

If the Emperor of Heaven really dies, either the Sixth Imperial Guard or the Crown Prince will actually have the power to succeed the Emperor of Heaven. It mainly depends on who has the bigger fist and who can convince the crowd better.

Of course, the Emperor of Heaven will not die.

Because no one in the wild can have this kind of strength.

At this time, as more and more saints and many creatures were seated in the Lingxiao Hall, the entire hall became more and more lively.

Sitting at the top is naturally the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen of Heaven. The two saints Di Jun and Xihe sit on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

On the same high platform, there are six seats, arranged in order around the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. However, these seats are lower than the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, but they are also above all other seats.

The first of the six seats is on the left hand of the Emperor of Heaven. It is the throne of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi. After Taiyi sat down, he took Mrs. Yuanmu to sit on that seat, which was also announced to the world.

Many saints had surprised expressions in their eyes, but only the saints who had already understood it smiled on their faces and nodded with smiles.

Opposite the seat of Donghuang Taiyi is the honorary throne belonging to Queen Tu of the Earth. The Supreme Good Empress of Houtu sits on it alone, with a compassionate face, which is admired by the world.

Next to the left hand of Donghuang Taiyi is the position of the Human Emperor. However, now that the Human Emperor is absent, the real human emperor has not yet been determined between heaven and earth. Therefore, this position hangs high and empty, symbolizing the six The human emperor in the imperial palace has not yet returned to his throne.

Opposite the position of the Human Emperor is the position of the Southern Emperor. However, whether it is the Southern Emperor, the Western Emperor or the Northern Emperor, they are all empty.

Of the six royal positions, only two were given, and four were left vacant.

In addition to the highest platform, there are suddenly more seats on the second highest platform. There are four honorable thrones of the Demon Emperor, on which sit Fuxi, Nuwa, Chang Xi,

In addition to the positions of the four demon kings, there are also the positions of the twelve ancestral witches of the Wu clan. The twelve ancestral witches are seated respectively, including the thirteenth ancestor witch Xingtian. The person he respects is not Xingtian, but the ancestor witch he respects. identity.

There is also the Dragon Emperor, the Ancestor Dragon Zun of the Dragon Clan, and the Human Emperor Zun of the Human Clan.

These are the positions belonging to the strongest leaders of the major forces, that is, the seats of the leaders of the four major forces in the ancient world.

In addition to these positions, there are ten seats in the middle, that is, directly below the seat of the Emperor of Heaven. There is no one on these ten seats, and they are empty, but all living creatures know whose seats these seats are.

That must be the seat of the top ten princes in heaven, and it is also the only seat under the throne of the emperor of heaven.

Even the Six Imperial Positions, although they are on the same level as the Heavenly Emperor's throne, are still arranged on the left and right of the Heavenly Emperor's throne.

On the second high platform, corresponding to the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, are the seats of the ten princes. The one in the middle is the seat of the eldest prince. To the left of the eldest prince is the second prince, to the right is the third prince, and next to the third prince is The fifth prince, arrange them in order.

In addition to these, there are also the oldest generation of innate saints who have achieved the Hunyuan realm on the second high platform. They are all seated on this high platform, which represents the emperor's respect for them.

For example, Ancestor Xingchen is sitting here. Ancestor Xingchen was the one who broke the attempt of Immortal Ancestor Hongjun to block the Primordial Hunyuan. After doing this, he originally wanted to build a new heaven. Guide the birth of more and more Hunyuan in the ancient times.

He wished that all living beings in the world would enter the realm of Hunyuan. However, he met Di Jun, and he saw an unprecedented kind of mind in Di Jun. He was a born Emperor of Heaven, and no creature was more suitable for the Emperor of Heaven than him.

So, the Star Ancestor retired from the prehistoric world and became unknown. Only some ancient innate saints knew what kind of existence he was.

The prosperity of the prehistoric world today is inseparable from the Star Ancestor, so people respectfully call him the Star Ancestor to commemorate his achievements.

This time, the emperor gave birth to ten sons, and the Star Ancestor, who had an irreconcilable relationship with the sun, naturally came to congratulate him.

The sun, the moon, and the stars are closely related, and the Zhoutian movement is indispensable.

The Star Ancestor Xingchen sat on the second high platform. In addition to the Star Ancestor, the Five Elements Ancestor also sat here.

The Five Elements Ancestor is the ancestor of the world's scattered cultivators. He established a Taoist temple in Penglai overseas to protect the world's scattered cultivators. He got his luck and entered the realm of Hunyuan. Now he is also sitting on the second high platform.

The number of seats on the third high platform suddenly increased many times. There were leaders of various tribes of the prehistoric myriad races, that is, the leaders of some relatively small forces, and the four dragon kings and eight dragon commanders of the dragon clan were all on this floor. The human teacher and seventeen kings of the human clan were also on this floor. The ten demon commanders of the demon clan, the great witches of the witch clan...

But there was no position corresponding to the throne of the emperor on the third high platform. That position was empty. Perhaps the grandson would appear at some unknown time to fill this vacancy...

In addition to these, there was no high platform, only the flat ground, which symbolized that everyone had the same status.

In fact, if it were not for the face of the myriad races, the leaders of the myriad races would not be able to be ranked on those high platforms.

Anyway, except for the leaders of the myriad races, those who sat on the high platform were all beings in the realm of mixed origin, and sat there by virtue of their strength.

Those creatures who could not sit on the high platform were not beings in the realm of mixed origin either.

For creatures who have reached a certain level of cultivation, even if they do not have a special identity, they will at least sit on the high platform. This is the prehistoric world. In addition to power, strength is also very important.

After the sacred people sat down, the celebration officially began.

Waves of fairy music came, and fairies with graceful dancing postures flew and danced on the side.

Those fairies who were out of reach and difficult to pursue in normal times could only show off their dancing skills in front of the big guys at this time. After all, for them, what they can value is nothing more than those dancing skills.

Then, there were all kinds of fairy delicacies. Although there was no dragon liver on it, there were also phoenix gallbladders and phoenix livers.

In fact, the dragon clan was rampant, and dragon liver was not difficult to find. It was just that the ancestor dragon was still here at this time. If the dragon liver was eaten, it would undoubtedly make the dragon clan lose face, and even turn against each other.

It would be fine to eat it on weekdays, but eating it in front of the ancestor dragon would be courting death.

Of course, Di Jun never eats these, he is talking about those innate saints.

But those innate saints never dare to eat the dragon liver of the real dragon clan, they eat some sub-dragon clan, that is, similar to the dragon.

And the meat of the phoenix is ​​indeed a very rare thing. The phoenix clan lives in the Antarctic immortal volcano all year round. Although the heat there is not higher than the temperature on the sun, it is second only to the sun. More importantly, the heat range there is much larger than the sun.

The entire Antarctica is full of immortal volcanoes, which are as common as a forest. As a result, the temperature there is inaccessible without the Daluo Jinxian.

Only some creatures who are born to control fire can enter without the Daluo realm. Other creatures must have the existence of Daluo Jinxian and above to enter.

In addition to the meat of the phoenix, there is also unicorn meat, and various delicacies made from ancient mythical beasts and even ancient mythical beasts.

Many extinct beasts were placed on the table, becoming food for the gods.

This was because some extinct beasts had been found in the heavens, and they were kept in captivity and became food.

If you want to blame them, blame them for not joining the demon clan, and don't blame the demon clan for being ruthless.

The strong prey on the weak, an eternal truth.

"Hiss, the phoenix clan is extremely rare, almost extinct in the wilderness. Only the Antarctic Undying Volcano is said to have phoenix clan, but it is pitifully rare. The so-called fairy phoenixes that we eat on weekdays are actually just some other birds that were ruled by the phoenix clan in the past, but I didn't expect to be able to eat real phoenixes here..."

"Yes, yes, this time it can be regarded as a feast..."

For a while, many gods also felt very fortunate, fortunately that they came here to celebrate the prince.

If nothing else, just for this phoenix delicacy, you have come to the right place.

However, in front of those real big guys, this is just an ordinary dish.

They don't care what kind of flesh and blood it is, they won't eat it anyway, and even if they eat it, they won't feel anything.

It's just a phoenix. If you want to eat it, just go to the Immortal Volcano.

The Phoenix clan does not have the existence of the Primordial Realm, how can they resist those who are truly at the top of the prehistoric world.

After the delicacy was served, the next step was to invite ten princes to the table.

After the lyrics were sung by a special person, ten young men in three-legged golden crow robes appeared from outside the hall.

This three-legged golden crow robe can’t be worn by every living being. It is the robe of the Emperor of Heaven. Besides the Emperor of Heaven, only Xihe and Taiyi can wear it. But today, there are ten more young men.

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