These ten young men have immature faces, but they have extremely powerful cultivation.

Born to be strong, it is the end point of countless creatures.

However, for these ten Golden Crow princes, it is just a realm that they can reach as soon as they are born.

Among the ten Golden Crow princes, after being trained by Taiyi, these extremely talented Golden Crows have mastered the combat power of their own realm, and can be said to be completely able to be called the existence of the Hunyuan True Self realm.

Even the strength of the third prince is far beyond that of the other brothers. Among the same realm, the third prince has the strongest combat power.

He is also the most recognized and loved by Taiyi, who thinks that he has the talent for fighting like himself.

The Golden Crows are already extremely outstanding, not to mention that they have Taiyi as a teacher to teach them. When preparing for the celebration, it is enough for them to master their own combat power.

When the ten princes appeared, the whole celebration entered a climax.

Bai Ze, the Heavenly Official, stepped out of his seat, came to the high platform, and shouted to everyone present:

"The Emperor succeeds the Heaven and establishes the throne, governs the world, and must establish the Yuan Chu, flourish the foundation of the country, and prosper the clan society without limit. I have inherited the great tradition and have been vigilant day and night. I look up to the great deeds of my ancestors. I have entrusted you with a heavy responsibility. To carry on the family line and celebrate the prosperity, you must be a good person.

Today, the Emperor and Empress gave birth to ten sons, who are becoming more and more outstanding. They are gifted and beautiful. I hereby strictly obey the benevolent order of the Heavenly Empress. I will follow the etiquette and follow the public opinion. I hereby inform the heaven and earth and the country.

Today, I will grant the ten sons the imperial seal and make them the princes. They will sit in the East Palace, strengthen the rule of ten thousand years, and win the hearts of the people."

As the Heavenly Emperor's imperial edict to confer the title of the prince was read out, the luck of the ten Golden Crows became more closely tied to the Heavenly Court, and their own luck, which was already extremely majestic, surged again.

From the time they were born, they were already connected to the luck of the Heavenly Court, and it was very close.

But after being canonized as the prince, their luck became stronger and closer.

After Bai Ze finished reading, the fairies on the side had been waiting for a long time, and they came one by one, holding the crowns that symbolized the princes in their hands.

These princes only had the crowns but no crowns. With the appearance of the crowns now, they put them on one by one, and then they were completely crowned.

"Your son greets the father and mother, and greets the East Emperor and the Earth Emperor!"

The ten princes bowed and bowed to the gods sitting on the first high platform.

"Stand up!"

Di Jun nodded with a smile and said with a smile.

Xihe on the side also raised his hand slightly, indicating that the children could stand up.

Donghuang Taiyi on the other side nodded with a smile, which was also a return gift.

As the Eastern Emperor, he is the supreme emperor of all emperors, the uncle of these princes, and the absolute second person in the Heavenly Court, so there is no saying that he should stand up and return the greeting.

Besides, if he really wants to stand up and return the greeting, whether those Golden Crows dare to accept it is another matter.

On the side, Hou Tu sat on the seat and bowed to these Golden Crows, which was considered a return of greeting.

Who of those who can sit on the same stage with the Emperor and the Empress of Heaven is a person who is easy to mess with? They are all absolutely powerful beings in the prehistoric world.

Needless to say, Taiyi has established his status through battle after battle, and he deserves the title of the first war god in the prehistoric world.

After Hou Tu's body turned into reincarnation, the reincarnation will not be destroyed, and Hou Tu will not be destroyed. It is the highest realm between heaven and earth.

There is no need to practice at all, but what you practice yourself and what you get by relying on reincarnation are still two concepts.

If you rely on what you get from reincarnation, you will be controlled by the gods and demons of reincarnation and easily controlled. If you cultivate yourself later, you will naturally not be completely controlled by the gods and demons of reincarnation.

After all, Hou Tu Niangniang is still in charge of the existence of the Great Dao of Earth, which belongs to the lower Great Dao of the Five Elements.

However, whether it is the Great Dao of the Five Elements or the lower Great Daos of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, they are all extremely powerful.

Of course, the single Great Dao of the Five Elements is definitely not as good as the overall Great Dao of the Five Elements, this is beyond doubt, but this does not mean that those who cultivate alone will be weak.

After paying their respects, the ten Golden Crow princes went to their seats.

After they sat down, the gods on the third step all bowed and said, "Greetings to all the princes, long live the princes."

The ten golden crows knew that these people were here to congratulate them, so they did not dare to be arrogant and quickly bowed and said, "Greetings to all of you."

The ancestors and leaders of several major forces sitting on the same stage also bowed slightly to the golden crows to show their greetings. The ten golden crows did not dare to feel angry, knowing that each of these people was extremely powerful, and even comparable to their fathers.

Maybe some of the gods are weaker, but they are not much different in strength and seniority.

So they all bowed and returned the greetings one by one.

The sacred beings who were sitting at the bottom and not on the platform stood up and bowed to the ten princes, saying: "We (our humble servants) greet the princes, and wish you all the best!"

"Please stand up, no need to be polite, please sit down."

The ten golden crows did not even bow in return, but spoke directly.

They had memorized these procedures long ago, and they had been told before, so this time the ceremony was perfectly held.

After all the saints in the entire Lingxiao Palace paid homage to the prince, the celebration really reached its climax.

When the Heavenly Emperor Dijun saw the Human Emperor Suiren looking around, he was curious and asked, "Human Emperor, I wonder what the Human Emperor is looking at? But is there anything wrong with this Lingxiao Palace?"

Suiren was stunned when he heard the words. Seeing that the Heavenly Emperor was asking him, he quickly bowed and replied, "Your Majesty, Suiren came to the Heavenly Court for the first time and saw the Lingxiao Palace for the first time. I have always heard that the prosperous thirty-six heavenly palaces and seventy-two palaces in the Heavenly Court are extremely dazzling, and the Lingxiao Palace is especially respected. Now it seems that the rumors are true!"

He did not lie. He was indeed looking at the Lingxiao Palace.

These natural things look much better than his own Suicheng.

The Heavenly Court was formed by the origin of the three heavens, and the Three Pure Ones supplemented the origin, so it is so magnificent and magnificent. Thousands of words cannot describe its beauty.

It is indescribable. Only by witnessing it with your own eyes can you know the shock brought by the Lingxiao Palace.

It is said that the human race is extravagant. The decorations in each royal palace are extremely luxurious, which is much more extravagant than that of the witch clan. However, if those creatures come to the heaven, they will know that the so-called extravagance of the human race is just simple in the heaven.

The Dragon Palace is also like this. I don’t know how extravagant it is.

The Heaven Palace is fine. After all, it is natural and is brought out by the way of heaven. It doesn’t care too much about the monster clan.

The dragon clan is truly extravagant. Those dragon palaces are not brought out by the way of heaven. They are all masterpieces of the ancestor dragon and the four dragon kings. There are all kinds of gems carved inside, and the white jade that reaches the sky has become a pillar.

There are countless nectars and jade liquids. Various treasures and rare things are nothing in the Dragon Palace. They are just piles of things.

In addition to the fact that the dragon clan is strong, the main reason is that they live too long ago. They have plundered countless treasures, but their strength has always been at the peak of the prehistoric times, and they have never been robbed, so they are richer from generation to generation.

After countless years of accumulation, it has become like this.

"Hahahaha, this is the ancient three heavens, it is a creation of the heaven, and it has little to do with us, but the Lingxiao Palace is so magnificent, and it is quite in line with the image of the heaven."

Emperor Jun laughed when he heard this. Facing the praise of the emperor Suiren, he was humble at first, and then he liked it very much.

After saying that, he turned to look at the Three Pure Ones sitting in the second row. The qualifications of the Three Pure Ones are enough to sit here. The most important thing is that they are both peers and friends with Emperor Jun and Taiyi, and their strength is also comparable, so naturally they sit here.

"Speaking of which, I have to thank the Three Pure Ones!"

After all, it was the Three Pure Ones who brought them to the top of Buzhou Mountain, and only then did they get the huge cave in the heaven.

It is the first of all the caves in the heavens, and has already exceeded the limitations of the caves, forming a world of its own.

In addition, the Three Pure Ones helped to supplement the origin of the Heavenly Court, allowing the Heavenly Court to evolve into thirty-six heavens, a perfect number, no longer the previous thirty-three heavens.

For this, Emperor Jun has always been very grateful, and even named the three supplemented days after the Three Pure Ones.

Taishang smiled when he heard this, shook his head slightly and said: "No, no, this is your Majesty's good fortune. If it weren't for the three of us brothers, your Majesty would still be able to find it sooner or later. We are just icing on the cake."

Taishang has always been like this, humble and modest, which is also loved by many creatures in the prehistoric world, and they think that Taishang is worthy of being Pangu Sanqing.

In fact, he was not wrong. If it weren't for him, the Heavenly Court actually belonged to the demon clan and Emperor Jun.

After all, the Heavenly Palace is on the top of Mount Buzhou, and the Three Pure Ones still possess the origin of the Heavenly Pure Qi. Even so, they cannot enter the Heavenly Palace. It is conceivable that no other creatures can enter it except Di Jun and other sacred beings.

So, it is only a matter of time for Di Jun to find the Heavenly Palace.

"Yes, yes, what you said is very true, Your Majesty, don't be too modest."

Tongtian on the side waved his hand and laughed.

He is the most generous and straightforward among the Three Pure Ones. He has a good relationship with Di Jun and Tai Yi, and even has had many discussions with Tai Yi in recent years.

Of course, Tai Yi is not allowed to use the Chaos Bell, otherwise he will be abused. Discussion and abuse are two different things.

Tai Yi without the Chaos Bell and Tai Yi with the Chaos Bell are completely two different concepts. The Chaos Bell, as Tai Yi's companion treasure, is both offensive and unparalleled.

Without the Chaos Bell, Taiyi was able to overpower Tongtian, who had mastered the sword art, but Tongtian could fight back and forth with him, and even hurt Taiyi from time to time.

He lost nine out of ten times, but occasionally won once. Although there was a gap in combat power, it was not insurmountable.

But if Taiyi had the Chaos Bell, he would immediately become the invincible East Emperor in the entire prehistoric world except for Dijun!

With the Chaos Bell in one hand, no one in the world could hurt him, and he could suppress the world at will. Even Hongjun, who was above him in Taoism, would not be his opponent.

Only Dijun, who was the first to bear the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, could use the Tianxin Seal to fundamentally suppress Taiyi, and this suppression was not in terms of combat power, nor in terms of cultivation realm.

It is the existence that suppresses one from the root, from the source of everything.

This is the strength of the first Hunyuan Dao Fruit, and it is also the only Dao Fruit condensed by Ye Xuan.

If he were the Emperor of Heaven, all the four seas and eight wildernesses would bow down to him.

A Hunyuan Dao Fruit, a Heavenly Heart Seal, crushed the other Hunyuan Realms from the root.

There is no way, the Hunyuan Realm is like this, but as more and more beings enter the Hunyuan Realm, the effect of the Heavenly Heart Seal will become lower and lower, until it disappears completely and has no use.

And Yuanshi Tianzun, one of the Three Pure Ones, finally reached the Hunyuan Realm. He established the Chan Sect in the prehistoric world, brought out the merits of opening the sky, and entered the Hunyuan Realm naturally.

He was also the first of the seven saints who escaped from the sea of ​​suffering and cultivated to the Hunyuan Realm among the prehistoric world. He even removed all the means arranged by the former Demon Ancestor Luohou with the help of Taishang and Tongtian.

From then on, Yuanshi Tianzun was completely free.

This is also Luohou's fault. Luohou didn't know that Taishang and Tongtian could enter the realm of Hunyuan so quickly, so Yuanshi Tianzun, the hidden chess piece, had not been moved.

This can be regarded as the only loss that Luohou has suffered since his debut.

And Minghe also completely surrendered to the Demon Sect and became the strongest existence under Luohou's seat and also Luohou's eldest disciple.

Since Yuanshi Tianzun betrayed him, then the ancestor Minghe naturally became the eldest disciple.

Since the three pure ones have all reached the realm of Hunyuan, they naturally sit together.

Yuanshi Tianzun did not say much, his face was calm, and he was obviously still a little upset about the matter of handing over the origin to complete the heaven in the past.

He is also the only one among the three pure ones who has a bad relationship with Dijun and Taiyi, but for the sake of Taishang and Tongtian, the relationship is not actually bad, just not that good.

"Haha, I will naturally keep in mind the matter of the two Taoist friends and Yuanshi Taoist friend completing the Heavenly Court." Di Jun laughed and continued.

At this moment, the Heavenly Emperor Di Jun was chatting with the ancestors of various parties and the masterminds of major forces. The words they said could only be heard by each other. If they did not enter the realm of Hunyuan, those outsiders could only see their mouths moving at most.

The big guys had their own chats, and the sacred below naturally had their own chats.

This time, not only did all the forces come to the Heavenly Court event, but even the always wandering Hongyun Patriarch also appeared here. He and Zhen Yuanzi sat on the second step, the two of them were drinking and talking happily, and they didn't care much about all the external affairs.

The reason why Hongyun came this time was to give Di Jun face. Those so-called princes of the Heavenly Court were like floating clouds in his heart.

Let alone those princes, even he himself was not so important in his heart.

The other gods did not bother the two. They were famous as immortal couples in the prehistoric world. If they had not both transformed into men, they would have been married by now.

However, even so, the two were together as Taoist couples.

The so-called Taoist couples are not only like husband and wife, but also close friends who walk together on the great path.

Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun Patriarch belong to this category. Zhen Yuanzi was transformed from the Life Fruit Tree, one of the ten innate spiritual roots. He was born quiet and loved quiet, but Hong Yun Patriarch was the first red cloud between heaven and earth to achieve Taoism, and was born to like movement.

But such a pair of extremely opposite gods actually became close friends with each other. The road of the great path is long, and they support each other and walk together.

In the prehistoric world, it is also a good story.

"Those who are not brothers but like this, I guess there is only such a pair of Hunyuan in the great prehistoric world!"

Ye Xuan looked at the things below and smiled.

The prehistoric world is a place that values ​​interests and is very realistic. If you are weak, it is normal to support each other, but as your cultivation becomes more and more profound, your realm becomes stronger and stronger.

Slowly, you will diverge more and more. This may be due to differences in the concept of the Great Dao. You cannot include each other and cannot agree with each other's concept, but there is also nature in it.

And those who accompany each other are mostly those with the same origin, such as the two strongest people, Tiandi and Donghuang. They have been accompanying each other all the way because they are both transformed by the charm of the sun and are born from the same clan.

There are also the twelve ancestor witches, which are also like this.


Dragon clan...

Almost all major races are like this.

The other type is relatively rare. Although they are not of the same clan, they were close to each other at the beginning and had a deep friendship. Later, they became sworn brothers.

Just like the two saints in the West, although the two people are not transformed from the same origin, the friendship between them is not much worse than that of Sanqing and others.

The rarest are Zhen Yuanzi and Hong Yun. The two have almost no relationship. They met after they became enlightened and transformed.

Hong Yun was born carefree and free, like the clouds in the sky, drifting and moving with the wind, just like a wanderer in the sky.

Zhen Yuanzi was born calm and upright, like an old tree deeply rooted in the ground, no matter how the wind blows or the rain hits, he will not move, just like the main support.

Both of them saw qualities in each other that were not their own, and placed their own ideals on each other, which is why they were able to get along so well.

As the poem says, you envy the clouds in the sky for being free and moving with the wind, but you don’t know that the clouds in the sky also envy your three meals a day and the four seasons of the year.

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