Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 290 Uninvited Guests, Supreme Dialogue

Ye Xuan was paying attention to the ancient world with a ray of spiritual thought, fearing that some special situation would occur, and came to Daming Academy.

With a thought in his mind, he came to Daming College, and then walked straight towards the dean's office.

It's not that he doesn't want to teleport directly into the dean's office, but there is no other way. He can enter the sixth-level Creation God's office directly if he wants to.

And he had nothing else to do when he came here. It was because Zhu Di called him directly, saying that he had something to talk to him face to face.

Since my dear Dean has his destiny, Ye Xuan naturally has to obey.

Putting aside the extremely grand heavenly feast, he came to the dean's office.



Ye Xuan knocked on the door of the office and began to wait quietly.

This knock on the door was actually just a formality. After all, Zhu Di knew that he was coming from the moment he entered Daming Academy, so how could he not know that he was coming here.

The aura of every Creator God is different. It may be difficult for a weak Creator God to tell the difference, but in the eyes of a Creator God of their level, they are all numbers, and what kind of aura they feel , you will know who is coming.

"come in."

A message came from inside the gate, and with a creak, the gate opened automatically.

Ye Xuan strolled into it leisurely. As soon as he entered, he saw Zhu Di sitting on his special sofa chair.


After Ye Xuan shouted politely, he sat on the sofa beside him.

When he sat down, Zhu Di's figure also appeared on the sofa opposite him.

"I'm looking for you this time. There's nothing special. The main thing is that the dean greeted me and asked you to pay attention recently. Don't always break news. Keep a low profile. Low profile.”

Zhu Di smiled, looked at the young man in front of him and said.

He was particularly able to understand Zhu Yuanzhang's mood, so he explained it specially: "You also know how much pressure the dean and the old man have to endure for themselves. Of course, fortunately there are two other seniors to help share the burden, otherwise He alone can't handle it.

And if you cause a big incident every time, it means that the people above will pay more attention to you. As time goes by, there is no guarantee that someone will ignore the obstruction and secretly resort to some means. At that time, you, a small four The first-level Creation God is powerless, let alone you, even I can't bear the attacks of those old monsters. "

When Zhu Di said this, Ye Xuan understood instantly. This was probably Zhu Yuanzhang's direct message to Zhu Di, asking Zhu Di to warn him. As for why he didn't come forward to warn him personally, he hasn't figured it out yet, but it's not too important.

After understanding the relationship, Ye Xuan nodded and said: "Don't worry, Dean, I will try my best..."

He didn't dare to guarantee too much, after all, something might happen...

After Zhu Di heard this, he shook his head and said with a serious face: "It's not about trying your best, it's about being sure. You must be careful in the future. Except for some performances that should be performed, you must learn to hide your clumsiness. You have to know one thing, Whatever is good in the forest will be destroyed by the wind. There have been geniuses with the talent of the seventh-level creation god in history, but not everyone can eventually become the seventh-level creation god. Do you understand what I am saying? ?”

The implication of his words is already very obvious, almost said outright. If Ye Xuan still doesn't understand, then he is really hopeless.

If Zhu Di didn't have many backers behind him, he himself would probably have received the same treatment.

The most terrifying thing is those students who have no background behind them. Unlike the Zhu family, they are a huge family with the protection of their ancestors behind them, who can protect them.

And no other existence dares to attack them. After all, behind every seventh-level creation god is a super big family. This family may not occupy the education system and control the education system like the descendants of several major dynasties. The birth of future geniuses.

But they also have great power in various institutions, whether in the military or politics.

When a creation god has enough strength and unlimited lifespan, so-called families or forces will naturally appear.

It can only be said that these things are accessories and inevitable products.

Because when everyone discovers that there is a new realm, they will naturally want to rush upward. But when they cannot break through for millions of years, there are still some people who are in the same realm as themselves.

Power will arise, and power is ultimately meant to serve the higher-ups.

However, if the strength reaches a certain level and the whole country is invincible, just like the eighth-level creation god, he no longer needs power, because everyone is part of his power, and he has no exclusive power of his own. power, but because of his incomparable strength, everyone is part of his power.

In other words, the Great Xia Kingdom is not so much the Great Xia Kingdom of the Great Xia people as it is the Great Xia Kingdom of the eighth-level Creation God, and these people living in the Great Xia Kingdom are actually his children. civil.

Although he did not proclaim himself emperor, although he did not monopolize power, he did not hold any position, and he did not rule anyone.

But everyone knows that there is nothing that he can't do in this country as long as he wants.

This is the absolute power brought by absolute strength. He doesn't need to do anything. Everything revolves around him.

The so-called power and power are just accessories of strength. When a person does not have absolute strength, he needs to gather forces to help himself gain greater power.

And when a person has absolute strength, even if he does nothing, even if he is alone, he has absolute power and power.

There is no such thing as lip service in the world of the Creator God. Whoever dares to disobey the meaning of that existence should prepare to die.

Because that existence will not easily interfere with the operation of the country. The operation of the country is actually controlled by the founders of the five dynasties. They control the highest power of the Great Xia Kingdom on the surface.

But in fact, it is the eighth-level Creator God who really holds the highest power, but he doesn't like to get involved in these things.

"I know."

Ye Xuan nodded calmly and said.

Inwardly, he was quite complaining. Who wouldn't understand this?

But since Zhu Di had come out in person to remind him, he would have to pay attention.

He must not do anything that would be famous throughout the country, otherwise, if he really attracted the covetousness of some existence, it would be fatal.

"Well, it's good to know. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me at any time. If there is nothing, you can go back first, practice well, and strive to reach the seventh level as soon as possible. By then, it will not be a problem for you to advance to the eighth level." Zhu Di said to Ye Xuan earnestly.

If the eighth-level existence could watch Ye Xuan reach the eighth level step by step from the fourth level, it means that the other party would not take action, otherwise he would have taken action long ago, and there was no need to take action now.

By that time, Ye Xuan would be able to break through the realm of the eighth-level God of Creation.

As for whether Ye Xuan could break through to the eighth level, Zhu Di had no doubts. Not only Zhu Di had no doubts, but also several other deans, and even those high-ranking seventh-level creation gods had no doubts.

If even a person who repeatedly created miracles that were considered absolutely impossible for billions of years could not break through to the eighth-level creation god, then how did the eighth-level creation gods in the five major countries reach it?

Just the creation of the chaotic world alone is already a talent that can reach the eighth-level creation god.

You must know that this is not just the creation of the chaotic world. This is that even now everyone knows how to create the chaotic world, but still cannot successfully create the chaotic world.

Some seventh-level creation gods have also followed to experiment, and even guided themselves, but they still cannot create the chaotic world after all, and they fail again and again.

That's why someone proposed to bring Ye Xuan here for research to see how this can be done.


Ye Xuan left, left Daming Academy, and returned to where he was at the beginning.

This is Lintian City.

In an ordinary building in Lintian City, this is where orphans who have no parents live. All measures are perfect and everything is available.

All material needs are met, and there is even a lot of spiritual satisfaction.

It can be said that in Daxia Country, children are extremely important. Among ordinary humans, children have the highest status because they have an unlimited future.

Before they went through high school, they were all considered children, even if some of them were in their twenties or thirties...

As long as they were not completely eliminated by high school, they could have everything for free.

So, Ye Xuan also lived here before.

With a thought, he came to the family he had lived in before. The empty room seemed a little deserted. An orphan had lived here before, but after Ye Xuan became famous, he moved out.

It was specially preserved as a memorial.

Everything was restored to its previous appearance. When Ye Xuan came here, he immediately touched those memories of the past.

It's just that he traveled through time since childhood, and he has memories. It didn't take long for a young man to get used to the life here. Although he has been here for more than ten years, he doesn't feel lonely.

It can only be said that although he is not very mature in spirit, he is not a child.

Since he traveled through time, he has never suffered any hardship. In this regard, this country has done very well.

When he was sitting on the sofa, a figure suddenly appeared beside him quietly.

Ye Xuan was startled and looked at the man with full concentration and vigilance.

"What kind of cultivation is this? Why can't I see through it at all!!"

"Stronger than Zhu Di! More than the sixth level!"

"Could it be that the seventh-level creator god is here? !!"

"Dean, come and save me quickly!!!"

Just by looking at it, Ye Xuan was completely shocked by the other party. The other party just sat there like an ordinary mortal, without a trace of magic.

But at the next glance, it seemed that the other party was an extremely powerful existence, just sitting there quietly, as if he wanted to absorb all of Ye Xuan's mind.

He just sat there quietly, with a smile on his face, as if the avenue gently caressed Ye Xuan's soul, instantly calming his originally restless soul.

"I don't know what you are doing here suddenly, senior. If I offend you, I will leave immediately..." After Ye Xuan's restless soul was calmed by the other party's smile, he still knew the other party's horror in his heart, so he wanted to leave immediately.

However, before the other party spoke, he didn't dare to really leave, after all, he was a person who could suppress his uneasiness with just a smile.

The man in front of him was beyond his understanding, just like Zhu Yuanzhang at the beginning, unpredictable and unpredictable.

"I came to find you."

The man smiled gently, with a smile on his lips at all times, and said softly.

Strangely enough, Ye Xuan, who should have felt extremely scared, had no fear in his heart at this moment, and he had no thoughts of resistance or dissatisfaction towards the other party.

That person seemed to be completely perfect, supreme and sacred, making it difficult for people to have all kinds of negative emotions.

Ye Xuan was obviously terrified, but he did not feel the slightest bit of fear, which made his fear even stronger...

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you this time."

The man seemed to feel Ye Xuan's struggle, and smiled gently again, which warmed Ye Xuan's heart. The conflict and struggle just now disappeared completely, leaving only gentleness and closeness to the man.

"Thank you, senior, may I know your name?"

Ye Xuan asked cautiously.

He didn't know who the other party was, so he wanted to know.

Such a sacred person could not be avoided. Since the other party came to the door, he naturally knew everything about him.

The man shook his head slightly and said, "You don't need to know my name. When you reach a certain level of cultivation, you will naturally know it. It's no good for you to know it now."

"Then why did the senior come to me..."

Ye Xuan hesitated and said.

He didn't dare to ask all the questions, just expressed his meaning in this way.

The man lay on the sofa without caring about his image, and said to himself, "I came to see how the peerless genius who created the Chaos Wasteland did it."

"I have been to your prehistoric world, and I know that there is a new chaotic world on the back. The creatures in the prehistoric world are indeed very strong. Each of them has the potential of mythical creatures. Some of the top sacred ones are not even worse than the creatures in my kingdom of God. They are very good."

"And the three thousand great gods and demons that you have re-bred on the back are not even comparable to the creatures in my kingdom of God. I am very curious, how did you, a small mortal, attract the great way and create the great gods and demons at that time!"

The man revealed Ye Xuan's kingdom of God creatures and the names of those great gods and demons.

After hearing this, Ye Xuan's pupils shrank deeply, and his eyes were full of disbelief when he looked at the man.

As we all know, everyone in the world thought that Ye Xuan was born with rules, and the more powerful ones only thought that Ye Xuan was born with laws, but no one knew that Ye Xuan was actually born with the Great Dao.

Those so-called rules and law creatures are actually Great Dao creatures.

The man in front of him was the first to reveal it, and he had been in and out of his kingdom of God, but he didn't even notice any clues.

But this is normal. He didn't know if the sixth-level creator god had concealed it on purpose, but he was a little surprised that the other party revealed the essence of the Great Dao God and Demon.

"I don't know either..." Ye Xuan shook his head. To be honest, he himself didn't know how to create the chaotic world.

Those were just what he thought he could do so easily in the past, but as his cultivation became higher and higher, he knew that he couldn't create a chaotic world just by relying on what he did when he was a mortal.

But in fact, he really created it.

Maybe it's really like what he said before, it's not them who chose the world, but the world that chose them...

"Is that so..."

The man nodded, indicating that he knew.

With his cultivation, he naturally knew that the other party was not lying, which meant that Ye Xuan himself really didn't know why he could create the Great Dao God and Demon in that way, and he could create the chaotic world.

"Maybe it's really like what you said in your speech at the beginning. It's better to say that the world chose us than that we chose the world..."

The man's leisurely words came, making Ye Xuan's face blush. This was what he said when he was in a good mood. He didn't expect that it would be said seriously by such a powerful existence now.

For a while, it really felt a bit weird.

"You are very good, I look forward to your arrival..."

Suddenly, the man said a sentence without a beginning or an end. Ye Xuan turned his head and saw that the man who was originally lying on the sofa had disappeared.

"Looking forward to my arrival..."

"What are you looking forward to..."

"So powerful, and looking forward to my arrival, a thought can affect others and even the most basic rules of the universe, this realm..."

Ye Xuan muttered to himself, the light in his eyes growing brighter and brighter.

"I know who you are!!!"

Then, Ye Xuan looked up at the sky and shouted in his heart.

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