Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 291 The treasure appears, and all parties come to pay tribute

Ever since that supreme being came over, the big stone in Ye Xuan's heart has been half relieved.

Since the other party didn't choose to kill him at this time, they probably wouldn't kill him in the future.

And that existence also made it clear that he was waiting for his arrival above.

Since we were waiting for his arrival, we naturally wouldn't think of harming him.

Ever since Zhu Yuanzhang warned him, the only thing Ye Xuan has been worried about is this one thing, for fear of being wiped out by that existence.

And since the other party specifically came forward to meet him, it meant that the other party was harmless to him, at least for now, and he could practice with peace of mind.

As for what lies ahead, who can say for sure.

Maybe that being could change his mind at any time, or maybe he just wanted to see what the prehistoric world could evolve into from the beginning.

Or, the other party may simply want to play with you, or it may be that the other party really wants to see you climb up.

Climb all the way up from the billions of fourth-level creation gods, and climb to the highest pinnacle of creation gods.

At least, with the addition of an eighth-level Creation God, we can try to unify the Creation Continent.

Unifying the entire human race is something that has been wanted to do since the birth of mankind.

After all, after unification, the resources that can be mobilized will be countless more, which will be beneficial to every creation god of Daxia Kingdom, including the top one.

"It's really strange that I don't know the name of that existence..."

Ye Xuan frowned. No matter whether he was on the Internet or in the Tongtian Ranking, he could not find the name of the eighth-level creation god of Daxia Kingdom, or even some of the deeds he had done.

It's as if that person doesn't exist at all.

"It stands to reason that such a supreme being would not block his own information..." Ye Xuan muttered to himself as he was somewhat confused about the other party's thoughts.

Judging from the other party's level of cultivation, there is nothing to worry about. There is no need to deliberately block his existence. The whole world knows his existence anyway.

Even if the other party doesn't like to show off, there are many ways to avoid it, and there is no need to deliberately erase all his past records...

If there was no instruction from that being behind this, Ye Xuan would not believe it even to death.

No one dares to erase the traces of that existence, so there is only one answer.

"Forget it, instead of worrying about what he thinks, it's better to think about how to improve your cultivation..." Ye Xuan sighed suddenly and shook his head, not thinking about those things.

"It is really difficult to improve the level of the fourth-level Creator God. After so long, it has not been able to reach the next step..."

"No wonder they say that after the fourth level, one step at a time..."

Ye Xuan was a little helpless. Before the fourth level, his cultivation level could be said to rise very quickly. Even if there was no breakthrough, he could clearly feel that a breakthrough was not far away.

But now he has no trace of wanting to break through, and he has no idea when he will be able to break through.

"Forget it, just do whatever you want. Those creation gods have been waiting for who knows how many years. Don't be anxious..."

It didn't take long for Ye Xuan to throw away his anxious thoughts.

After all, haste makes waste. Spending more time is not important. What is important is that you can get to the end.

Going fast is never a winner. Being able to go to the end and go the farthest is the real winner.

In the wild world.

Ye Xuan held the second world in his hand, feeling a little hesitant in his heart. He was a little unsure about what kind of world he was going to evolve.

No matter how this world evolves, it will eventually be attached to the prehistoric world.

And it’s not another divine kingdom, this is just one of the worlds.

The first time I used the second world, it was 100% successful.

"Forget it, let you fight for it. Whoever has the ability will make this world his own!"

Ye Xuan was heartbroken and threw the second realm directly into the wilderness.

As soon as the second realm entered the primitive world, it immediately expanded crazily and merged into the void, as if it was gestating something.

This world is different from the mirror world. There is another universe directly outside the universe.

This world is based on the prehistoric world. It is located inside the prehistoric world. It can cover half of the prehistoric world, and the small part can be hidden in a place that cannot be seen by the naked eye.

What is unique is that it is wonderful and mysterious.

"The most precious treasure has appeared in this world, and we should pursue it!!!"

Emperor Jun of Heaven looked up at the stars, and felt as if something suddenly appeared in the wild world. He didn't know what it was, but he could only vaguely feel something similar to the world in it.

This seems to be a new world, but it also belongs to the prehistoric world.

This is a treasure, a world that can be controlled, a world that can be controlled by oneself.

At this moment, Di Jun's eyes once again showed the longing look that he had not seen for a long time.

"Since elder brother wants it, then I should help him!"

Taiyi stood aside with a mighty and mighty figure, and said in a cold voice.

He has been like this since he was born. He has always been helping his elder brother. No matter how the world changes, no matter how the forces change, he always stands behind Di Jun.

Xihe, who was standing aside, said nothing, but silently looked at the two brothers in front of her. She knew that with their presence, nothing could be impossible.

"I will go with you."

Madam Yuanmu, one of the goddesses of Guixu, also nodded and said.

She also felt the breath of the treasure. The breath was extremely strong. It was called a treasure but it didn't look like a treasure. She had no idea what kind of existence it was.

However, as long as Taiyi wanted to go, she would naturally help him with all her strength.

Help Taiyi get the treasure. The more treasures, the better.

Moreover, this kind of treasure is predestined for everyone, not just someone.

If it wasn't for the predestined relationship with all living beings, she wouldn't have felt the breath of this treasure.

You should know that when the treasure appears in the world, there will be a warning from the heaven. Before it appears, it will warn the innate saints to go here and get the treasure that is predestined for them.

And this time, not only Di Jun felt it, but Taiyi, Xihe, and Madam Yuanmu all felt it.

In the Heavenly Palace, Di Jun led Taiyi, Madam Yuanmu, the ten demon commanders, and hundreds of beings in the realm of Hunyuan towards the place that was destined for him.

This time, the Heavenly Palace sent out a large army, and such a powerful force also shocked the villains in all directions.

However, this was not all the strength of the Heavenly Palace. You should know that there are still hundreds of beings in the realm of Hunyuan in the Heavenly Palace.

Although they are just ordinary beings in the realm of Hunyuan, they are all truly beings in the realm of Hunyuan. With their presence guarding, no force dared to attack the Heavenly Palace when the strong men of the Heavenly Palace were not here.

Wahuang Palace.

"Sister, this time the treasure is destined for me, I will fight for it no matter what!" Fuxi's eyes flashed with brilliance. He felt that the new treasure had a very strong attraction to him and was absolutely destined for him.

Nuwa smiled and nodded, saying, "Okay, then I will fight for it for my brother!"

In fact, she also felt the attraction of this treasure, but since Fuxi wanted to fight for it, she didn't say much and suppressed the idea in her heart.

From the beginning, Fuxi would give her priority to any good things. Since it was rare to encounter something that her brother cared about, why wouldn't it be a problem for her to fulfill her brother's wish.

At this time, the two sacred beings didn't know that this treasure actually concerned the entire prehistoric world, so all prehistoric creatures had a sense of it.

On the moon.

"Sister, I feel that the opportunity has come, and I want to find the opportunity. I can't accompany you on the moon..." Wangshu looked at his sister, sighed, and said.

At this time, Chang Xi was still on the moon, absorbing the energy of the moon, nurturing ten children in her belly.

After the emperor gave birth to ten sons, there will be ten more daughters.

This is the way of balance between heaven and earth. With ten more suns, there will naturally be ten more moons.

But the foundation of the sun is stronger than that of the moon, so three sacred beings were born on the sun, and each of these three sacred beings is extraordinary, and each of them is stronger than the two sacred beings on the moon.

All forces are heading for the treasure of that world at this time, and everyone gathers in the Kunlun Mountains.

The Kunlun Mountains are in the middle of the prehistoric world, where the four wildernesses meet, and the center of the prehistoric world.

And that treasure will be born here.

There is the Supreme Emperor, who sits high on the Nine Heavens Emperor's chariot, bowing his head and watching all living beings.

Behind him are hundreds of cultivators in the Hunyuan realm of the Heavenly Court. In addition to these hundreds of Hunyuan cultivators, there is also the power of the sun, which reflects everything and shows the power of the sun in a mighty way.

There is the Venerable of Ten Thousand Emperors, who stands alone and shocks all living beings.

Behind this supreme overlord, there is an invincible Dao rhyme that shocks all directions, and the tyranny of the sun is imposed on him, suppressing the sky, showing the tyranny of the sun to the fullest, and all the heroes in the world bow down.

There is the ancestor of ten thousand dragons, bringing the power of the dragon clan, and the water of the four seas cannot be stopped.

Behind this ancient dragon emperor, there are also dozens of dragons in the realm of Hunyuan. The strength of the dragon clan can be seen, and it is definitely not something that ordinary races can come to touch porcelain.

Moreover, the strength of this dragon emperor is extremely powerful. No one dares to underestimate him. Even Taiyi has to be vigilant when he meets him, because he may be injured if he is not careful.

There are twelve giants, and more than a hundred great witches behind him are all in the realm of Hunyuan. There is also a giant next to him, that is Hou Tu Zu Wu. Hou Tu and Tu Bo come together to face everything together.

Although the Houtu people are few in number, they are all extremely powerful like Tu Bo, and are much stronger than those great witches in the Hunyuan realm.

There is a supreme human emperor who comes alone, fearless of the sacred power of the heavens, and is determined to fight for some benefits for the human race.

The human race is the weakest among these parties. Whether it is the top combat power or power, it is not as good as the above three races.

There is no way to do this. After all, the human race was born too recently and has insufficient foundation.

When there are more and more human beings, and time is longer, and they have enough luck, I believe that those more than 300 kings will enter the Hunyuan realm.

By then, the human race will be a real super race that can compete with the other three races.

However, even today's human race cannot be underestimated by the saints in the sky. After all, these saints have been gone for countless years now, much longer than the new human race.

In front of the human race, they felt beaten. Apart from living a long time, they seemed to have nothing else to be proud of.

There are also all kinds of saints and patriarchs. At this moment, not long after the big-bag female flower who was conferred the prince in heaven last time, the powerful beings of heaven and earth gathered together again.

No saint, no living being can withstand the temptation of such a treasure. Although the treasure has not yet been born, everyone is eager to get a piece of it.

"The heavens and the earth are long, and the treasure is supreme. This treasure has attracted so many fellow Taoists, and it must be that they are destined to share the same fate with all living beings in the world."

Emperor Jun, who was sitting high on the Nine Heavens Emperor's chariot, spoke slowly, attracting the attention of all the sacred creatures present.

They wanted to see what Di Jun wanted to say. Could it be that he wanted to persuade everyone to take this treasure alone.

But this is impossible, not only they know it, but Di Jun also knows it.

So Di Jun didn't have this kind of plan. If it was a normal time, it would be okay to give him some face, but at this time, no one would give him face.

It involves the most precious treasure in the world, who would give up so easily?

"Since all living beings in the world are destined to be together, the union should be achieved by their own means."

Di Jun spoke again.

But in the ears of those saints, this feels like nonsense. In the ancient times, the issue of the ownership of treasures has always been determined by whoever has the bigger fist.

Under everyone's puzzled gazes, Emperor Jun said slowly with a smile: "Between heaven and earth, there are four major forces, namely the Heavenly Court, the Witch Clan, the Dragon Clan, and the Human Clan."

"Among them, the human race is not strong enough, and there are only three remaining forces. Apart from these three forces, I want everyone here to withdraw, so as not to affect themselves in the war."

Di Jun's words are true. When everyone has so many Hunyuan realm monks, no casual cultivators or weak forces can stand a chance.

Although these words are very naked, they are undoubtedly true.

When many saints heard the words, they all bowed their heads and remained silent.

They didn't want to leave, and they wanted to fight for it. They wanted to fish in troubled waters during the war between the three parties to see if they could refine this treasure.

"What the Emperor of Heaven said is true, such treasures cannot be obtained by anyone but a powerful person!"

Di Jiang of the Wu Clan also stood up at this time, with mighty power, and the power of space bloomed at this moment, turning into an endless sky and earth net, covering the Kunlun Mountains.

At this time, all the saints felt their hearts sink, as if they were being suppressed by something.


"Holy retreat, the most precious treasure of the three clans!"

The Ancestral Dragon revealed its true body with a roar. The body that was one hundred thousand feet long made all the saints feel fear in their hearts. The powerful dragon power coming from it made these saints who had no longer needed to breathe feel a little suffocated. meaning.

With Zulong's opening, it also means that the three major forces have reached a consensus, that is, this treasure cannot fall into the hands of other gods, and can only be competed by the three forces.

In fact, this is to allow the three tribes to free up their hands, and it is also to avoid the destruction of all living beings.

If this war really continues, it may turn into a world-destroying war...

Maybe those in the Hunyuan realm will not die, but those who are not in the Hunyuan realm...

And many Hunyuan here will eventually be suppressed for endless years. This is their self-confidence.

Just because Hunyuan is difficult to kill does not mean that Hunyuan cannot be suppressed.

All the existences in the Hunyuan Realm of the three forces were erupting with their own Tao Yun at this time, shielding against the gods in the sky, driving out all the saints.

"The power is still far from enough. I don't even have a chance to participate in this matter!!"

The Human Emperor Suiren looked at this scene with an inexplicable pain in his heart.

To others, it was just a loss of a treasure. A treasure that was already difficult to win was lost, but for the Suiren family, it was more than just that.

There is also the pride that belongs to the Human Emperor. The so-called power of the human race can only be discovered when facing the real top forces. It turns out that it is not enough, and it is far from enough.

There is still a long way to go between the three major races. Although the human race has been called one of the four major races since ancient times, its actual strength cannot be compared with the other three races.

This is not because the human race is not talented enough, or because they are not good at following.

The reason for this difference is due to the time factor, but not entirely due to the time factor.

The real factor is luck. Although the luck of the human race is extremely majestic today, it is not possible to have as many Hunyuan realm monks as there are in heaven.

Therefore, the more than three hundred kings are not actually stuck in the Realm of Hunyuan because they cannot break through the Realm of Hunyuan, but because the human race is not lucky enough to carry so many Realms of Hunyuan and cannot bear too much. Hunyuan Tao Fruit.

This has led to the current human race being in an awkward position in the middle.

This is a stage that every force will go through in its development. Although the human race is extremely powerful, extremely talented, and extremely talented, it is difficult to avoid this stage.

And this stage actually just needs time to develop. The human race now nominally owns the entire Southern Wasteland. If they just develop and occupy the Southern Wasteland well, there will definitely be many more Primordial Realms.

Not only was the Human Emperor forced to retreat, but also countless weaker gods such as the Three Pure Ones, Zhen Yuanzi, Hong Yun, and the Three Buddhas of the West also retreated.

They never thought of uniting together to resist the three races. People with different philosophies cannot work together.

Moreover, even if they united together, they could not resist the combined power of the three races.

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