Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 292: Alliance of three tribes, melee!

After many small forces and independent cultivators retreated, the atmosphere between the three tribes began to become somewhat tense.

Any two tribes united can beat the other tribe back.

But the problem is that no tribe is willing to unite.

At least the dragon tribe is unwilling to unite with any tribe. As long as they unite with one tribe to sweep away the other tribe, then they will face the other tribe alone.

The dragon tribe alone cannot defeat any of the tribes, so the dragon tribe is unwilling to unite with any tribe.

Although Emperor Di Jun and Ancestral Witch Emperor Jiang want to unite to sweep out the dragon tribe, the problem is that if the dragon tribe that was swept out unites with those independent cultivators that were swept out before, if they really unite, it seems that the two tribes may not be able to defeat each other.

There is no saint who does not want this treasure, so the union of the dragon tribe and those independent cultivators is conceivable.

But now, as long as the other party is forcibly repelled, there will be no problem.

They are all innately sacred. Since ancient times, it has been said that whoever has the bigger fist has the final say. If you lose, you lose the right to inherit. This is fair, so as long as you defeat the other party in an upright manner, the other party will not have any thoughts.

As for whether those scattered cultivators will suddenly unite and attack back after the three tribes have decided the winner, the probability is not high, because if you do so, you will not be able to get the treasure at all, except for being despised by the prehistoric tribes.

Even if they really united and drove the Heaven Court out, they should have broken up when the treasure was divided. At that time, the Heaven Court would attack back, and the result would be the same.

Why bother to do this and lose face for nothing.

"If so many Hunyuan realms fight in one place, it may cause the Kunlun Mountains to collapse, and may even affect the Buzhou Mountain in the center. Buzhou Mountain is the pillar that supports the sky and cannot be moved rashly.

Therefore, I suggest that each force send five people to start a melee, which is fair to the three forces and will not cause too much harm to the prehistoric world. What do you think?"

Listening to Di Jun's words that seemed to throw away the advantages of his own forces, Di Jiang frowned and said nothing.

Although the power of the Wu clan is a little worse than that of the demon clan, the difference is not big, but it is much stronger than that of the dragon clan.

So to be precise, if you agree, it is equivalent to giving up this advantage, but think of the demon clan can give up, and the most important thing is that Di Jun is right. If hundreds of Hunyuan realms really kill like crazy, not to mention the entire prehistoric world, the entire Kunlun Mountains will definitely be gone.

As for whether Buzhou Mountain can be preserved, it is really uncertain. Who knows whether it will collapse.

If Mount Buzhou collapses, the sky will tilt and a hole will appear. Although it will not have a big impact on the Heavenly Palace, the water of the Tianhe River above the Heavenly Palace will really irrigate the human world.

At that time, it will inevitably be a disaster.

Whether it is Emperor Jun of the Heavenly Palace or the ancestor witch of the witch clan, they are unwilling to see this scene.

Therefore, Emperor Jiang nodded at the other ancestor witches, and after getting a response, he said: "Okay, the witch clan accepts this condition."

"The dragon clan can also accept it."

Zulong nodded directly and said straightforwardly.

This is the most beneficial to the dragon clan, and he has no reason not to agree to it.

The Emperor of Heaven loves the world, the ancestor witch loves the prehistoric world, and the dragon clan agreed purely because this method is beneficial to them.

And the number of people is just controlled at five, so that the five most powerful dragons among them can take action.

If there are more, then they have to call the dragons among the eight dragon commanders.

"The ones who are fighting in the Heavenly Court are me, Donghuang, Wahuang, Xingzu, and Guixu Goddess. You should discuss the number of people." Di Jun said with a smile. Although Nuwa is not very good at fighting, her creation and way of life are the best in the prehistoric world.

It is equivalent to the role of a nurse in a team battle, so there is no need to worry too much about being injured and affecting the combat power.

And Xingzu is even more so. He has rarely taken action since ancient times. The most recent action was to personally fight Hongjun in Zixiao Palace. He is also a god with extremely peak combat power.

Madam Yuanmu is more like a role that restrains the opponent. She has brains, means, and strength. She is not bad in all aspects, just like a mage who can effectively support her side.

And Di Jun and Taiyi are the complete combat power. These two existences are the strongest combat power in the prehistoric world.

Di Jun and Taiyi are like one is the strongest top single who can fight several people, and the other is the strongest jungler who can kill anyone who catches him.

It can be said that if it is a one-on-one duel, the Heavenly Court will definitely win.

But the Wu Clan and the Dragon Clan are not stupid. If they cannot win the situation of a one-on-one duel with the other five, they will think of joining forces to fight the enemy.

"I and Zhu Jiuyin, as well as Zhurong, Gonggong, and Houtu!"

Emperor Jiang did not think too much and spoke directly. He and Zhu Jiuyin are both absolute strong men in the Wu Clan, not to mention Houtu, whose strength is even higher than the two of them.

Although the avenues cultivated by Zhurong and Gonggong are not too powerful, these two ancestor witches have also cultivated them to a very high level, so Gonggong and Zhurong are the strongest among the twelve ancestor witches at this time, except for Emperor Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin.

As for the thirteenth ancestor witch of the Wu Clan, the god of war Xingtian, he was not sent to the field.

His title as the God of War is only the strongest among the great witches. Although he later obtained the heart blood of the other eleven ancestor witches and trained the body of the ancestor witch, it was still inferior to the real body of the ancestor witch, so his fighting power was always inferior to that of the ancestor witch.

"I and the four dragon kings will join the battle."

The ancestor dragon's body had long since transformed into a human form, and waved his hand and said.

The dragon clan was easy to pick, just the four dragon kings plus the dragon emperor ancestor dragon.

The East Sea Dragon King Canglong, the South Sea Dragon King Zhulong, the West Sea Dragon King Qinglong, and the North Sea Dragon King Bingyi all had fighting spirit in their eyes.


After seeing that the candidates of each clan had been selected, Emperor Jun whispered a word, waved his hand, and the power of the sun appeared. A pair of big hands came out from the long river of time. Emperor Jun on the infinite sun condensed this pair of big hands.

Carrying the glory of the sun and the sun in endless time and space, it seemed that he wanted to hold the entire witch clan and dragon clan in his hands.

Seeing this, Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin looked at each other, and then the Avenue of Time appeared, and the Avenue of Space manifested.

The Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space seemed to condense together at this moment, turning into the Avenue of Time and Space, and the power of the Avenues manifested and intertwined.

It turned into a dense net covering the sky and the earth, just like the net of heaven and earth formed by the power of space before, but this time, it still had the power of time.

As soon as this net covering the sky and the earth appeared, it went towards the pair of big hands.

The net that could block all time and space collided with the pair of big hands transformed by Di Jun's Dayun Daoyun.


The three mixed auras collided with each other, making a huge sound, causing the birds and beasts in the Kunlun Mountains to flee frantically, not daring to stay here, for fear of being affected by the battle and turned into nothingness.

Facing the net that was enough to block time and space, the pair of big hands were only slightly wiped out, but were not blocked by it.

The Zulong who had not made a move, now stretched out his hand and stared at the big hands.

It seemed like a long time had passed, but it seemed like just a moment.

A gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

He saw a flaw in the three Hunyuan magical powers.


The dragon power of his whole body surged, the power of the Supreme Dragon King emerged, his figure was like a nine-day god, and a thunderbolt came out of his mouth.

It passed through the net formed by layers of time and space and fell on the big hands.


The huge sound came again, causing many Hunyuans who had already retreated a long distance to retreat a lot.

Even if they would not die, they did not want to be injured while watching the battle.

As the power of thunder fell, the big hands and the net of the power of the avenue of time and space also disappeared along with the power of thunder.

While Zhu Jiuyin and Dijiang were fighting Dijun head-on, Zulong was helping the two ancestor witches and inevitably weakened them.

This led to a three-way melee.

On the other side, Taiyi stood up in anger, holding the Chaos Bell, and behind him was Madam Yuanmu.

Ding! ! !

A loud noise came, and the Chaos Bell swept away all enemies.

An extremely domineering Tao rhyme spread in all directions along with the sound of the Chaos Bell, causing headaches for the three sacred beings in front of him.

The sacred beings that Taiyi faced were the ancestor witch Gonggong and Zhulong and Canglong among the four sea dragon kings.

Zhulong and Canglong faced Taiyi head-on, while Gonggong and the side tried to annihilate the fire avenue that Taiyi was born with and controlled by the avenue of water.

Although Taiyi can crush many gods, he cannot fight against three gods of the same realm. It is because of the help of Madam Yuanmu behind him that he can deal with the three gods of the other side.

"Time passes!!!"

The power of time is revealed in Zhulong's eyes, and a mysterious power of time tries to corrode Taiyi's divinity.

Although he is a dragon and controls the avenues controlled by the dragons, he also has the power of time.

Everyone in the prehistoric world knows that the avenue of time of Zhu Jiuyin, the ancestor of time, is powerful, but they forget that before Zhu Jiuyin, there was a stronger god!!!

However, Taiyi did not move, but concentrated on controlling the Chaos Bell to block the magical powers from Canglong and Gonggong.

Just when the power of time was about to touch Taiyi, the power of Madam Yuanmu behind him emerged.

"The Land of Guixu!!!"


A piece of Guixu land emerged from under his feet and instantly covered the entire battlefield.

The land of Guixu is between creation and destruction.

When the wisp of the power of time was about to touch Taiyi, it was absorbed by the power of Guixu that appeared in an instant and disappeared.

"The avenue is vast, and there is no light on it... Everything will eventually return to Guixu..."

As Madam Yuanmu sang, the entire land of Guixu burst out with extremely brilliant Guixu power.

This wisp of Guixu power was like a true god above the nine heavens, and it actually attracted all the sacred things in the sky and headed towards the land of Guixu.

Many sacred things had to divide part of their thoughts and put them on Madam Yuanmu to resist the attraction of the power of Guixu that might appear at any time.

Even the Avenue of Time could not escape the attraction of the power of Guixu. Both space and time were affected by it at this time.

While on the Heavenly Court side, whether it was the light of the Star Ancestor or the light of the Sun, or the creation and life force of Nuwa, they were not affected at all.

With the opponent weakened, the Heavenly Court's combat power increased by one point.

"Kill Yuanmu first!!!"

Zhu Long's eyes flashed with divine light, and he shouted coldly.

However, at the moment when Cang Long freed his hands to deal with Madam Yuanmu with him, Tai Yi took control of the Chaos Bell and instantly suppressed the only remaining ancestor witch Gong Gong.

Even if Gong Gong displayed the true body of the ancestor witch, he could not break through the blockade that was firmly fixed by the Chaos Bell.

"Damn it!!!"

Gong Gong was fixed in place, unable to move, and roared.

Cang Long, who was on the side, only felt the crisis coming, and instantly dodged to the back, narrowly avoiding the magical power.

Then Cang Long roared and slapped Gong Gong.


Although this palm hit Gonggong and caused considerable damage to him, it also broke the imprisonment fixed by the Chaos Bell.

Gonggong's face turned red and he almost vomited blood. After swallowing it alive, he glared at Canglong.

He wanted to blame something, but he thought that he was not in the same camp as the other party, but because the other party was too powerful, he had to unite.


Gonggong snorted coldly and fought towards the Chaos Bell.

A surging water appeared behind him. This huge amount of water instantly appeared in the sky, covering the Guixu Land.

The dragons who cooperated on the side were also born to control water, so their strength naturally increased greatly.

However, although they used the water of the four seas to cover the Guixu Land, it was actually difficult to cover the power of the Great Dao that was being absorbed all the time.

Even a vortex was formed, which continuously sucked the endless water of the four seas into Guixu.

Taiyi snorted coldly when he saw this, and his true body appeared.

The moment the three-legged golden crow appeared, the world became extremely hot in an instant. The sun transformed by Taiyi's true body was hotter and hotter than the big sun in the sky.

In an instant, the water in the four seas was constantly evaporating.

In an instant, the endless water in the four seas disappeared and was completely dried up.

This is the three-legged golden crow that holds the power of the sun.

At this moment in the heaven.

"Father and uncle are so powerful! I want to be so powerful in the future!!!"

The third prince clenched his fists and looked at the picture in the mirror below with excitement.

There just happened to be a picture of Di Jun fighting three gods alone, and then there was a scene where Taiyi dried up the endless water in the four seas.

And Gonggong simply stopped controlling the water because the replenishment was far behind the consumption.

"Yes, yes, uncle actually dried up such a huge sea water by himself!!!" The Tenth Prince of Jinwu said the same thing.

The eyes of these ten princes were full of desire, hoping that they could be as strong as their father and uncle one day, and fight two or even three at once.

Of course, in reality, Di Jun did not fight three at once. It can only be said that he could be infinitely close to fighting three at most, but he could not deal with the three sacred ones, Di Jiang, Zhu Jiuyin and Zulong.

Even if he had the Heavenly Heart Seal, he could not do it at this time.

These three sacred ones were already the most powerful existences of the other side except Hou Tu.

At this time, the Queen of Earth and the Ancestral Witch Zhu Rong were teaming up to deal with the Dragon King Qinglong of the West Sea and the demon clan Nuwa.

The witch clan had a slight advantage in these two pairs. To be precise, Zhu Rong and Qinglong were fighting, and Hou Tu was fighting Nuwa.

Zhurong, the ancestor witch, controls the power of fire, while Qinglong is born to control water. Although he can't only control water, he can also restrain Zhurong to some extent.

In addition, the dragon clan's true body is not weak. Although it is not as good as the ancestor witch's true body, with Qinglong's powerful divine power, the two of them are still fighting on par.

It's just that Qinglong needs to deal with the magical powers from Houtu from time to time, which leads to him being beaten by Zhurong, the ancestor witch.

Although Houtu's cultivation realm is far higher than the several sacred beings present, in fact, her realm is based on the place of reincarnation, not the realm she has cultivated with her own hard work.

So even if her combat power is stronger than these sacred beings, it is not much stronger. While beating Nuwa, she can also free up her hands to help Zhurong from time to time.

However, Nuwa controls the avenue of creation and life. Even if she is beaten by Houtu, it is not so easy to tell the winner.

Xingzu fought alone with Bingyi, the North Sea Dragon King, among the Four Seas Dragon Kings. These two were the only one-on-one pair on the field.

Xingchen Patriarch was condensed from the origin of the stars in the sky. He was the brother of the stars in the sky and the remnant of the stars and demons in the past.

In the Kunlun Mountains, the power of the stars in the sky is the most magnificent in the four seas and eight wildernesses. With the help of the light of the stars, Bingyi was beaten.

This is also the only duel with a significant advantage so far.

In the void.

Ye Xuan's eyes were focused, and he looked carefully at the melee below.

This was the perfect opportunity, when he could comprehend various great ways.

As the various Dao rhymes produced by the constant collision of the innate saints below, Ye Xuan quickly absorbed them into his own Dao.

Although these innate saints are not the best avenue teachers, they are not bad either.

At least in some acquired avenues, they are the most powerful among them, and Ye Xuan can also take the opportunity to comprehend.

Although it is said that as the other party learns, Ye Xuan will automatically learn, but learning and fully comprehending are two different things.

Just when the three forces below were fighting the most fiercely, a figure quietly hid thousands of miles away.

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