Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 293 The treasure appears, Hongjun grabs it!

"I must get this precious treasure!!!"

An old Taoist looked at all this with red eyes. He did not dare to get too close, for fear that the saints of the three tribes would discover his existence.

So, he was very far away. Those saints were busy fighting and had no time to observe places too far away.

This old Taoist is none other than Immortal Ancestor Hongjun.

Ever since Immortal Ancestor Hongjun started preaching to the human race, he had been traveling around the ancient wilderness. He had not set foot in the ancient wilderness for a long time, and he felt a little emotional for a while.

Today's prehistoric times have changed so much that he is a little confused. The place where he was before has changed a long time ago, and he doesn't know where it has gone.

And Hongjun only had a slight thought in his mind, and found that place again, but it was already far away from the previous place.

But for a being like him in the realm of Hunyuan, it is just a step forward.

After he stepped into it, not long after, suddenly a hint of heavenly warning appeared in his heart, which reminded him that a treasure was about to be released, and asked him to go and take a look.

However, although Hongjun's current identity is called Immortal Ancestor in name, he has long been stinking behind his back and is despised by the world.

So he didn't dare to come forward, he could only hide his identity secretly and hide.

This look is from the beginning to the present.

Hongjun gritted his teeth, with a trace of hatred in his eyes.

"If you hadn't existed, how could I have ended up in such a situation! This time, I will definitely take away this treasure and let all of you feel what it means to be an Immortal Ancestor!!!"

Hongjun couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly, and kept looking at that side of the battle.

It's just that there are hundreds of monks in the Hunyuan Realm surrounding there, so it's impossible for him to break through directly. If he breaks through, there will only be a dead end.

"I must hold back the opportunity and wait until the best opportunity appears to seize the treasure and leave!!!"

Hongjun didn't dare to act rashly, and he didn't even dare to look directly at the most powerful beings such as Taiyi, Dijun, Zulong, Houtu, etc. He was afraid of being noticed and sensed by the other party.

If it is exposed in advance, not only will the treasure be lost, but also my life may be lost here.

Hundreds of Hunyuan Realm figures were chasing and intercepting him. No matter how pretentious he was, Hongjun didn't dare to say that he could leave without fail under the opponent's hands.

Hongjun didn't dare to think about it if something unexpected happened.

Of course, he wouldn't gamble on that eventuality.

He only had one chance to take action, and no matter whether he grabbed it or not, he had to run away immediately and enter the chaos, so that he could escape with a small life.

As long as he completely escapes into chaos, no god can catch him.

There was no space in the chaos, and it was impossible to find the direction. It was even said that they were looking for someone.

As long as you hide inside, you'll basically be fine.

Only the gods and demons of the Great Dao can find each other's existence in the chaos. There is no need to think about the other creatures. Unless they can understand the Great Dao of Chaos, this is possible.

The reason why Di Jun was able to find Hongjun last time was because the other party found the Zixiao Palace, which was always at that point in the chaos.

Even if it seems to others that this place has not changed, in fact the position of Zixiao Palace is still changing, but even if it is constantly changing, it will always fall at the same point.

Quite contradictory, but true.

As for the Zixiao Palace, let it be destroyed. The first one was destroyed anyway, and he wouldn't mind destroying it again.

Hongjun, who was focused on planning this treasure, never thought about whether there was someone behind him who was also pursuing this treasure...

In chaos.

"Jiejiejiejie, is it the most precious treasure in the world!!!"

Luo Hu stuck out his tongue and licked his lips and said with a sly smile.

What he is best at is this kind of sneaky thing. No one is better than him at this. When Hongjun achieved Hunyuan Dao Fruit, half of it was still taken away by him alive.

Before the Tianxin Seal could completely authenticate Hongjun, he took away half of it directly in front of Hongjun.

And at that time, he was just a broken body of a demonic thought, not even a true body.

Now that he has recovered his true form, it is not impossible to seize this treasure.

For a moment, Luo Hu began to stare at Hongjun.

He is not that stupid, running in front of so many saints alone to try to seize the treasure.

He only needs to keep an eye on Hongjun. As long as Hongjun succeeds, then he can directly take action, snatch the treasure from Hongjun's hand, and then escape.

It is much safer to rob one person than to rob so many Hunyuan Realm people. To say the least, even if he fails to rob it, he has not robbed it, and it is impossible to endanger himself. safe.

But if you can grab it, it will be a huge profit.

As for Hongjun, if he can't grab it, then even Hongjun won't be able to grab it. If he takes action, the other party will already be on guard and won't be able to grab it at all.

Therefore, it is enough to let Hongjun be the one who takes the lead, while I plot against Hongjun behind his back.

At this time, the gods of heaven and earth were still in constant melee.

A hundred years have passed in a hurry. During these hundred years, the breath of the treasure has become stronger and stronger, but it has never been born.

But these saints did not take it seriously, but continued to fight against each other. It was difficult to kill such a top existence, so it would take a very long time to finish this battle.

Unless the gap between the two is large enough to suppress the other party, it can slowly begin to change.

Once the current balance is broken, a new balance may be born.

Just like the current Xingzu, with the passage of a hundred years, the suppression of Xingchen Laozu on Bingyi has become more and more obvious. It seems that in a few years, he will be able to completely suppress the other party.

However, even if no one helps Bingyi and successfully suppresses him by Xingzu, then the dragon clan and witch clan that were fighting each other before will be free to deal with the Xingzu of the Heavenly Court in a blink of an eye. After suppressing Xingzu, they may return to the previous balance again.

But even so, it should be considered a favorable party for the Heavenly Court, at least not too bad.

Because the Wu Clan and the Dragon Clan did not dare to let the Heavenly Court retreat too quickly, they all wanted to use the Heavenly Court to weaken the opponent's strength, so as to help themselves gain a stronger advantage in the next battle.

Everyone knew that if only one person could be left, the Heavenly Court would almost certainly win, so although everyone was fighting each other, they also had the will to fight against the Heavenly Court together.

Another hundred years passed in a hurry.

The power structure of the three parties did not change much, but the so-called two hundred years was just a blink of an eye in their concept of time.

Countless Yuanhui came over, and these mere hundreds of years were nothing.


Finally, after two hundred years of gestation, the second world has been completely integrated into the prehistoric world and became one of the prehistoric worlds.


Even the Emperor of Heaven Di Jun couldn't help but take a breath, let alone these other sacred beings.

As this treasure fell, although it looked only the size of a palm, it actually had the size of half of the prehistoric world, and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was no less than that of the prehistoric world, exactly the same.

Because this treasure itself was evolved by absorbing the origin of the prehistoric world.

Even the space in that treasure was more solid and tougher than the space in the prehistoric world.

But you have to know that the space in the prehistoric world was reinforced by eternal time and space!

This is why the most powerful beings between heaven and earth fought in the Kunlun Mountains without collapsing the space, nor did they destroy the Kunlun Mountains beyond recognition.

With the appearance of this treasure, the three forces all stopped at the same time.

"It turned out to be a realm treasure!"

Emperor Jun looked at this treasure and wanted it very much.

Not only him, but everyone present at this moment wanted to obtain this treasure.

After all, this is a real realm, similar to the existence of the cave heaven, and it is such a large realm, as big as half of the prehistoric world.

If they get this treasure, the heavenly court will not have to dominate the four seas and eight wastelands of the prehistoric world.

Just holding this treasure and the heavenly court is enough for them to become the strongest overlord.

"This treasure is too heavy, and the three tribes can't decide the winner. Why not divide it and govern it together?" The Dragon Emperor Zulong of the Dragon Clan pondered for a while and then spoke.

Indeed, as he said, this treasure is too big. It looks like a small piece, but it is actually a real realm.

And it is not known whether there is anything that can be refined in this realm. Rather than saying that this is a treasure, it is better to say that this is a world.

This world may not be refined at all. If it can refine half of the prehistoric world, it is probably not the realm of Hunyuan.

Moreover, the prehistoric world is not allowed to be refined. At most, one of the things can be refined, not the prehistoric world itself.

This world is not just half the size of the prehistoric world, but in terms of specifications, it is the world generated by the extension of the prehistoric world itself, so from the most fundamental point of view, this world is the prehistoric world.

"It should be so."

The ancestor of the witch clan also nodded and said.

Although they also want to occupy it all, it is obvious that this is almost impossible, so they can only divide it equally.

No one clan can dominate this world alone. This is because of strength. Any existence that wants to dominate this world must first bear the preparation of going to war with all other forces at the same time. If it can bear this, it can dominate this world.

"In this case, let's open this world completely, and let our three clans control it, so that all the prehistoric creatures can enter it. What do you think?"

Emperor Jun nodded and asked.

Although he is the emperor of heaven, since it is related to the common affairs of the three clans, he still has to ask.

Compared to making this world into the so-called rear base, it is not very realistic, because there are still dragons and witches in the world, it is better to make the Heavenly Court the rear base.

Since it is impossible to dominate this world and become the absolute rear base world, then simply open up this world completely and make it another world in the prehistoric world.

Let the prehistoric creatures also survive in it, but the control of it is still controlled by their three tribes.

The world belongs to the three tribes themselves, and the three tribes also occupy most of the land for recuperation, but it does not mean that other cultivators and saints cannot enter this world.

"This is a good saying!"

Zulong nodded in approval.

If other sacred creatures are completely prevented from entering this world, it will inevitably cause great resistance.

And letting them enter will not affect anything, anyway, the territory belonging to the three tribes occupies the majority.

The Wu tribe on the side naturally agreed, just when the three tribes were happily discussing the specific scope.

Suddenly, a mixed primordial Dao rhyme appeared.

The Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Immortality emerged, and a white figure, like the speed of the sky, crossed the infinite space and came to the front of the gods, trying to take away that world.

As soon as Hongjun touched that world, he was captured by its light.

Seeing this, Hongjun's eyes turned, and then the Great Dao of Immortality in his eyes was rioting wildly, trying to carry the treasure of this world and escape from here.

However, just after a short pause, Di Jun's eyes burst into an extreme killing intent.

Just as Hongjun's immortal Dao rhyme was surging endlessly, wanting to lift the treasure of this world, even if he used all his means, he could not move the small palm-sized world at all.

At this moment, Di Jun, Zulong, Taiyi, Dijiang, Zhu Jiuyin and many other innate saints all took action at this moment, wanting to kill Hongjun who wanted to take away the world on the spot.

"Want to kill me?! Dream on!"

A strange smile appeared at the corner of Hongjun's mouth, and the whole person disappeared out of thin air.

Those different magical powers instantly bombarded the place where Hongjun was originally, colliding with each other to produce a touch of extremely powerful energy.


In the chaos.

At this time, Hongjun was constantly hiding. Although he did not get the treasure of that world, fortunately he did not fall into it.

Long before he was about to go, he had arranged everything, and took advantage of the moment when he was most relaxed, suddenly attacked, took away the treasure, and then used the great power to escape.

But the moment he touched the treasure, he found that he could not really touch it at all, even if he finally burst out with the immortal Dao rhyme, he could not really touch it at all.

"What about the Emperor of Heaven? What about the Eastern Emperor? And these so-called ancestors and dragons are just some descendants and former defeated generals!"

Although Hongjun was fleeing madly at this moment, he still showed a smile that was difficult to suppress.

Although the attack just now failed, it was because the treasure was not a real treasure, but another world, the second prehistoric world.

If it was really a treasure, then Hongjun would have got it, and he would have really taken away a treasure in front of many gods. Although it was not a real treasure, it was also a slap in the face of those three tribes of gods in front of all living beings in heaven and earth.

And it was one for each person. This kind of extremely embarrassing thing actually happened.

"Humph, if you don't let me enter the prehistoric world, I will not only preach for so long under your noses, but also make you lose face!"

Hongjun said indignantly. Although he was in a good mood, he was still a little depressed when he thought of this.

Because in the next few days, he will have to stay in this chaos for a while longer.

You must know that this is still unavoidable, because the prehistoric world is probably more vigilant against him at this time.

Although Hongjun vented his anger for so many years, the defense he encountered next might be even more severe.

Just when Hongjun was proud, a voice suddenly sounded.

"Do you really think I can't find your existence..."

A man wearing a three-legged golden crow robe suddenly appeared in front of Hongjun, accompanied by the words that made Hongjun change color immediately.

"You...you...how could you find me!!!" Hongjun's eyes showed a look of extreme horror.

He dared not imagine how the other party found him.

There is no direction in this chaos, everything does not exist, or it can be said that everything exists, but it is not manifested. No matter how strong Di Jun is, he will not be able to interfere with the operation of the Great Dao.

"Hahahaha, I am the first existence in the world to step into the realm of Hunyuan. I have long been recognized by the Heavenly Heart Seal. With the existence of this thing, with the help of the power of the Heavenly Dao, it is a piece of cake to find you who is in harmony with the Heavenly Dao!"

As Di Jun's words fell, at this time, there was another Taiyi holding the Chaos Bell beside Di Jun, as well as the Zulong wearing the Wanlong Robe, and the Dijiang and Zhu Jiuyin of the Wu Clan.

As soon as these sacred figures appeared, Taiyi sacrificed the Chaos Bell to stabilize this chaos.

The reason why the Chaos Bell is called the Chaos Bell is because at the beginning of the creation of the world, Pangu used it to stabilize the earth, water, wind, fire and the violent airflow of chaos to prevent the prehistoric world from being damaged.

It can be said that with the appearance of the Chaos Bell, it is difficult for Hongjun to run.

As expected, when Hongjun felt the chaos in all directions being fixed by Taiyi, his face turned extremely dark.

At this time, the other innate saints were not idle either, and they attacked Hongjun directly.


Zulong roared, revealed his true form, and came towards Hongjun with his fangs and claws bared.

When enemies meet, they are naturally jealous. With every move of Zulong, the waters of the four seas behind him gather and pour into the chaos, faintly suppressing the chaotic aura temporarily, turning this space into a sea area, pulling Hongjun into the sea area to fight with him.

Hongjun's face was extremely unfriendly. After being entangled by Zulong in front of him, he had to resist the other party to avoid being really hurt by the other party.

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