Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 294: Suppress Hongjun! Lay out the Buddhist sect!

Hongjun wanted to escape, but was blocked by Taiyi. The Great Dao of Immortality appeared and stood with Zulong.

The other four sacred beings stood aside and watched this scene quietly. They were waiting until Zulong vented his hatred, and then they would suppress Hongjun.

Yes, suppress.

Even if they were stronger than Hongjun, they could not kill Hongjun.

Even if the five innate sacred beings joined forces, it would still be the same. Not to mention five, even if there were fifty, it would not work.

It was impossible to wipe out Hongjun in all the worlds of time and space in an infinite space and time.

If this could not be done, Hongjun could not be killed.

But if it was suppressed, it could still be done.

As for how long the suppression would last, it would depend on how strong the Daoyun magical power they were using now and how strong the suppressed sacred being was.

After a while, Zulong finally got rid of the anger that he had been holding in his heart for a long time. Although he did not cause much harm to Hongjun, he still beat Hongjun.

Under the influence of the other four gods, Hongjun could not beat Zulong at all. He could only resist and parry, and had little chance to fight back.

"Hongjun, it seems that you have forgotten what I said in the past. In this case, don't blame me for being merciless!"

Emperor Jun sneered and stared at Hongjun.

Among so many creatures in the prehistoric world, the one he wanted to kill the most was Hongjun. If he could not kill him, he would have killed him long ago.

Anyway, as long as Hongjun did not come to the prehistoric world, he would have treated this god as if he did not exist.

This extremely hypocritical existence has repeatedly played a dark hand behind the scenes since ancient times.

For his own purpose, he spared no cost and even wanted to seal the prehistoric world's Hunyuan thoughts, just to prevent other creatures from having the opportunity to surpass him.

This extremely selfish creature is simply a sinner in the prehistoric world and should be sentenced to death.

But Di Jun couldn't kill him, so he could only let him go and let him play in the chaos.

As for Luo Hou, it was because he liked to hide in the outer demonic realm, not because there was any sacred thing that prevented him from entering.

"Stop talking nonsense, come up if you have any tricks! Why are you talking so much! You want to kill me, I want to kill you too!" Hongjun's original immortal aura when he fought against Zulong was gone, replaced by a face full of hatred and resentment.

It was the existence of Di Jun that forced him to not set foot in the prehistoric world. If it weren't for the occasional small breakthrough in his cultivation before, he would not have been able to enter the prehistoric world at all.

He watched his seven saints of the immortal sect being deserted by their relatives and friends, and the only one who did not rebel was killed by Di Jun himself.

Of course, the reason why he did not rebel was because he died early. After a while, he would still surrender to Luohou.

If Di Jun had not intimidated him, Hongjun would have directly crushed the so-called Three Buddhas to death when the Three Buddhas of Buddhism seized the Two Saints of the West and the Western Church.

And he would also severely teach the Two Saints of the West a lesson, letting them know that betraying him would not end well.

But now, the Three Buddhas of Buddhism not only stepped into the realm of Hunyuan with the help of the Western Church and became an existence of the same realm as him, but also suppressed the luck of the entire Buddhist sect so that the immortal sect could not raise its head.

The pressure made Hongjun's immortal sect weak, forcing him to come to the prehistoric world to preach at great risk.

What was the scene of preaching in the past? Among the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace, who was not innate and sacred, who did not make a name for himself in the prehistoric world today.

Even those who were harmed by him and became quasi-saints were all great masters in their respective domains.

"Brother, why waste time talking to him? He tried to block our path to the Great Dao in the past, but today we will suppress him!"

Taiyi said in a cold voice. His expression had been extremely cold since he stared at Hongjun.


As Taiyi threw out the Chaos Bell, he shouted "Suppress".




The Chaos Bell rang three times in a row, carrying the supreme power to exterminate Hongjun. Wherever it went, the raging Chaos aura became extremely stable and no longer surging.

When the bell sounded on Hongjun, it also suppressed Hongjun. Hongjun did not think of escaping, because there was no chance of escape now. He could only be suppressed honestly, so that he would suffer less Dao injuries.

However, this layer of suppression was not enough, and it could not suppress Hongjun for many years.


Then, Emperor Jun also joined the ranks of suppression. A touch of the Great Sun Dao Rhyme appeared, and a Dao Fruit appeared inside. The Dao Fruit faintly exuded an aura different from other Hunyuan Dao Fruits.

There was a Heavenly Heart Seal inside, symbolizing that Emperor Di Jun was the protagonist of this era.


In the Heavenly Heart Seal, a mysterious force came, making the suppression seal thicker again.




The Chaos Bell rang three times again, and waves of suppression came, adding to the seal that suppressed Hongjun.

The Chaos Bell that could suppress even chaos was a bit too much to use to suppress a sacred being at this time, but Taiyi did not think that he was letting it go, but tried his best to suppress it for as long as possible.

Then came the actions of Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin, and the Avenue of Time and the Avenue of Space emerged. There was a faint sense of fusion between the two avenues.

The Dao Yun of the two avenues moved towards the suppressed Hongjun's seal at the same time. The Dao Yun of the Dao that gathered together actually merged together and turned into the Dao of Time and Space, suppressing this area of ​​time and space. Living.

Originally, time did not appear and space did not exist in the chaos. Now it has become more confusing and difficult to find.

Even if there is an innate saint who wants to rescue Hongjun, it may be difficult to find a real place of suppression.




The chaos bell rang again, and finally three times in a row, completely perfecting and suppressing the entire seal.

The ultimate number is nine, and nine ringings of the Chaos Bell are already the strongest suppressive power that Taiyi can currently exert.

Among them are the seals of Di Jun's Tianxin Seal, and the time and space suppression seals jointly performed by the Time Ancestral Witch and the Space Ancestral Witch.

These layers of seals are finally combined together to form a unique seal that is unparalleled in history.

As the protagonist who was sealed, Hongjun was considered the first person.

Zu Long was not involved, and his Great Dao was of little help in sealing beings like Hongjun. If it were forcibly integrated, it would not only be of no help, but might even become the weak point of the seal. It can be broken through at a faster speed.

Therefore, Zulong just watched from the sidelines.

Fortunately, Xing let out a bad breath beforehand, thus avoiding the regret of not participating in the whole process.

For Seal Hongjun, this is what they all want to see.

"This damn thief, please stay here for a while first!" Zu Long cursed loudly.

Without caring about his own image at all, the Dragon Clan back then was deceived by this boy and Luo Hu!

Today, I just sealed the other party and vented my anger, so it didn't count.

"These thieves intend to disturb the foundation of the ancient world and try to subvert the ancient world. If it is not possible to kill them, they will be killed today to eliminate a great disaster for the ancient world!"

Di Jiang's eyes were filled with anger as he stared at the sealed Hongjun.

If he could really kill him, he would kill the opponent without hesitation.

After all, this kind of sacred existence has existed in the ancient times. Apart from bringing crisis to the creatures in the ancient times, it has no other contribution. If it must be said that it has contributed, then it has to look at the ancient times, which instigated the conflict between the three races. The relationship further aroused the war between the three clans.

Although it is said that the lives of the people were ruined, it actually accelerated the further development of the prehistoric era. In fact, it was not too disastrous.

So, in a sense, what he did was indeed a good thing, but it also depends on the perspective.

Apart from this one thing, there is nothing else and it is all bad.

"Okay, fellow Taoists, now that this is over, let's go back to the ancient world and continue to divide that world." Although Di Jun also hated Hongjun, he had almost divided it many years ago. Hongjun was beaten almost to death.

So in fact, he had already vented his anger once, and this time it was mainly a punishment for the other party's disobedience and insistence on setting foot in the wilderness.

Since he is disobedient and dishonest, then simply seal him away.

After sealing it, there won't be so many bad things anymore.

And after he united with several of the other party's leaders, they all took a breath and returned to the wilderness.

"Hongjun, Hongjun, you really won't die unless you seek death..."

After several saints disappeared, Rahu's figure appeared here.

Only after confirming the sacredness of those statues, he was willing to appear here. Looking at the sealed Anhuang, Luo Hu had a look of laughter on his face.

However, although Hongjun could hear his words at this time, he was unable to respond at all.

"Fortunately, I didn't imitate you and rush to snatch the food from the tiger's mouth. I just watched all this quietly from a distance. Otherwise, I'm afraid more people would be sealed at this time..."

Luo Hu's figure flashed and came to the side of Hongjun who was sealed.

Hongjun, who was suppressed in the vast chaos, closed his eyes and said nothing at this time, and his body was unable to make any response.

However, the ray of aura caused by the chaos in his mind was still caught by Luo Hu.

"It turns out you can still feel the existence of the outside world, hahahaha..."

Luo Hu was even more arrogant and laughed loudly.

"Do you want me to release you?"

Then, Luo Hu's face changed and became full of bewitching. He looked like a demon who wanted to confuse all living beings.

However, at this time, he was bewitching the Immortal Ancestor, the Immortal Ancestor who had been aloof since the ancient war.

Hongjun stabilized his mind, blocked all his own perceptions, and no longer listened to Luo Hu's words.

For a moment, evil thoughts arose in his heart, and there were constant voices in his mind asking him to promise Luo Hu to let him out.

He can't just be suppressed here for who knows how many years. He has to get out. The Immortal Sect has just begun to develop and needs his protection...

As words appeared in his ears, Hongjun became confused.

"You have to think carefully. If I leave, I don't know when I will save you next time..."

Luo Hou's charming words once again strangely appeared in Hongjun's ears. Even though he had closed his spiritual sense, he still heard this sentence.


Hongjun's spiritual sense suddenly woke up, and he waved away the chaotic thoughts in his mind. The evil thoughts were broken without attack and dissipated.

At this time, Hongjun's mind was firmly guarding the spiritual platform, and the Dao rhyme of the immortal road was protecting him on both sides. A wisp of ethereal and ethereal immortal air fell down, and it was no longer a place that Luo Hou's charming words could break through.

Luo Hou's face darkened, and he looked at Hongjun and snorted coldly: "If you don't drink the toast, you will drink the penalty wine. In this case, then you will sink here..."

After speaking, Luo Hou disappeared, leaving only a trace of demonic energy to symbolize that the Demon Ancestor had been here.

In the outer demon domain.

"Teacher, has the Immortal Ancestor ever entered my demon sect?" The Styx Patriarch asked immediately after seeing his teacher Luo Hou return.

Luo Hou was even more furious when he heard this. Can't you see my expression?

And you asked deliberately!

"Humph! That old stubborn man refused. I failed to persuade him with his freedom!" Luo Hou snorted coldly and looked at the Styx Patriarch in front of him.

If he was not extremely short of people, he could have killed him directly just by that behavior.

But the urgent thing now is to expand the power. If the Immortal Ancestor Hongjun was lured into the Demon Sect, the fortune of the Honghuang Immortal Sect would all belong to the Demon Sect, and from then on, the Demon Sect would grow stronger.


In the void.

"Hongjun, a generation of Immortal Ancestor, didn't expect to end up like this now."

Ye Xuan shook his head and sighed slightly, watching everything happening below.

He rarely participated in individual matters. Every time he took action, he almost had his own ideas, and he never did it casually.

In addition, he would never do anything for Hongjun. It was already very good that he did not stop Hongjun from trying to combine the Dao to make up for his own Dao fruit defects, let alone helping Hongjun.

Hongjun almost dragged Honghuang into an era without Hunyuan, a Honghuang that was getting more and more useless as rumored in later generations. That Honghuang was simply too weak.

Honghuang, a world that was opened up and evolved by the great god Pangu himself, should not have ended like that.

Not to mention reaching the peak, at least it should not become weaker and weaker.

Fortunately, because Ye Xuan was guiding and intervening on the side, Hongjun's evil plan did not succeed, but today he ended up being sealed in chaos.

In fact, Luohou lied to Hongjun when he said he would help him open the seal. In name, he said he would help to unlock the seal, but it was just to seduce Hongjun into falling into the devil's way.

Only when Hongjun fell into the devil's way could Luohou get the greatest benefit, so Luohou did not intend to help him open the seal at the beginning.

In addition, even if Luohou wanted to open the seal, it was far from being possible for him to do it alone.

Hongjun, who had just been sealed, was at his strongest. Luohou, who was at the same level, could not solve this problem.

"But this kid deserves to be sealed. Who told him to be honest until now? He is still dreaming about the Spring and Autumn period before! Humph!" Ye Xuan stared at Hongjun with a bit of bad eyes. This kid has been thinking about strengthening the immortal sect and achieving himself until today.

Then all the existence of the Hunyuan Realm will be wiped out, and then the Hunyuan Thoughts in the entire prehistoric world will be sealed.

It can be said that this guy has been thinking about being powerful by himself from beginning to end, and only he can be so powerful, and he cannot let other creatures have the opportunity to rise.

"Luohou has not jumped out for a long time. What on earth does he want to do?"

Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes and focused his eyes on Luohou.

Luohou, the remnant of the demon god, is like the demon god, a restless person who likes to stir up trouble.

But Luohou has not made trouble in the prehistoric world for a long time. Everyone in the prehistoric world knows about the Demon Sect, but most people don’t know the existence of the Demon Ancestor Luohou.

This is not Luohou, and it is not the way of the devil.

In the Demon Realm, the magic light burst out in Luohou’s eyes, and his eyes crossed the infinite time and space to a certain place in the prehistoric world.

"The opportunity for the prosperity of the Demon Sect has come..."

"The Immortal Sect is weak, as long as the Buddhist Sect declines, the Demon Sect will completely grow stronger..."



"This Luohou is a little sick... Where did he learn this weird smile..." Ye Xuan frowned and said with a black face.

"Let me see where you are looking!"

Ye Xuan's mind moved, and a picture appeared in front of him.

The people in the picture are not others, but the Buddhist land of the Western Wilderness in the prehistoric times.

On Mount Xumi.

There are the Three Buddhas, and in addition to the Three Buddhas, there are the Bodhisattvas Jie Yin and Zhunti serving on the side.

And below, there are fourteen disciples sitting cross-legged on the ground, constantly chanting the Buddhist scriptures.

This so-called Buddhist scriptures were made by Jie Yin to deceive people, and he is good at this.

Once launched, it was unanimously recognized by the Three Buddhas, and then began to be promoted in their respective kingdoms of God, and even the fourteen disciples who followed them also began to practice.

However, at this time, one of the fourteen disciples worshipped under the tutelage of Amitabha Buddha, that is, the disciple of the ancient Buddha among the Three Buddhas.

This disciple was named Kinnara. Kinnara was the eldest disciple of Amitabha Buddha and the most powerful one among the fourteen disciples. He was even stronger than the eldest disciple Kasyapa who worshipped under the tutelage of Shakyamuni Buddha.

At this time, wisps of black air appeared on Kinnara's forehead. This black air appeared suddenly, but the dozen or so fellow disciples around him did not sense it.

And even the Three Buddhas above did not react at this time, obviously not aware of Luohou's means.

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