Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 295: Flower Dew on the Other Shore, Fuxi Seeks the Way

"Luo Hou is so good! He cheated Hongjun in the past, and now he is cheating Buddhism again..." Ye Xuan looked at this scene, and a smile appeared on his lips.

"But then again, if he continues like this, will he fall into the side path? It seems that he has never appeared upright since his birth..."

Ye Xuan frowned. Luo Hou was hiding from the beginning, and did not appear in front of the gods openly. It may be because he was practicing the magic way, which made many gods dislike him.

But the former demon god was a social expert. There was no camp in the three camps that he did not make friends with.

Except for a very small number of gods and demons, the rest of the gods and demons almost became Taoist friends with him.

It was just that because of his arbitrary and unstable character, he fell out with many gods and demons.

But looking at Luo Hou now, it seems that he is going further and further in the Great Dao of Demon. Demon is definitely not the kind of existence that hides behind, but does whatever he wants, and his heart is the Great Dao.

Just like the demon god, that is the real demon, and the most essential demon.

"Speaking of the creature that is most like the demon god, it seems that Su Mingshi among the human race is more imaginative..." Ye Xuan touched his chin and thought to himself.

Then his mind moved, and he looked at Su Mingshi among the human race.


Southern Wilderness, Su Country, Su City.

Su Mingshi was dressed in white and had white hair. No one knew when he had white hair, but everyone knew that Su Mingshi seemed to be a little stronger now.

Although he was still in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, it was only because he was bound by the luck of the human race.

As the luck of the human race became stronger, it must be able to directly break into the realm of Hunyuan.

At this time, the Dao rhyme around Su Mingshi also appeared, which was the breath of the Great Dao of Demon.

All human races also know that the most difficult step in cultivating to become an immortal is to break through from the Refining Void and Combining Dao, and when breaking through this realm, they will encounter harassment from the outer demons.

This was set up by Luo Hou at the beginning, which is in line with the trend of the Heavenly Dao.

Some creatures with unstable minds, even if they cultivate to ascend to immortality, are just ashes of the great calamity, and there is no hope of entering a higher realm.

Even so, those human race people did not think there was anything wrong with the Great Dao that Su Mingshi cultivated.

After all, the Great Dao itself has no distinction between good and bad, and no difference between high and low, it is just a problem of the user.

Just like the Great Dao of Time and the Great Dao of Space should have become one of the most powerful Great Daos besides the Five Supremes. It stands to reason that only a few Great Daos such as Samsara and Guixu can compete.

But when it fell into the hands of Shichen and Yangmei, it could only barely enter the realm of Hunyuan, and it could not even get into the first echelon of the prehistoric combat power.

Of course, although the realm of cultivation has entered the first-class, it is still far behind those saints who really stand at the top of the prehistoric world.

Even if they are both in the same state of Hunyuan, they cannot kill each other, but they can suppress each other. This is why the three Buddhas of Buddhism have already achieved enlightenment, but still dare not preach recklessly.

And the Immortal Ancestor Hongjun was too jumpy, and even tried to seize the treasures of heaven and earth determined by the three clans, which eventually attracted the anger of the Emperor of Heaven, and suppressed him in the chaos together with Donghuang, Longhuang, and the two ancestor witches.

It made it impossible for the prehistoric creatures to find this so-called Immortal Ancestor. Even if he left a Taoist tradition in the prehistoric world, it was unknown when he could find this place after achieving enlightenment.

And it is not necessarily that you can find it after you achieve enlightenment. If there is no corresponding method, you can't find this place.

The reason why Luo Hou was able to find it was because he had been waiting for an opportunity at the edge of the prehistoric world, but after seeing Hong Jun's fate, he was shocked and did not dare to jump around.

And he jumped out only after many gods left.

But his behavior was considered by Ye Xuan to be a small path, not like the real devil's way, but a bit like the way of stealing chickens and dogs.

Although Su Mingshi did not jump around in the prehistoric world, and did not do the same as the previous devil gods and demons, but his actions were all at his will, whether hiding or not, they were all at his will.

But Luo Hou was different. Luo Hou wanted to return to the prehistoric world, but he did not dare to walk in the prehistoric world openly, because he was afraid that it would ruin his plan.

He has taken many paths that go against his inner choice, such as having to have sex with Hong Jun.

Just like Hong Jun disliked him, he also disliked Hong Jun, but for the future path, he had to temporarily commit himself to Hong Jun's body to nourish.

Su Mingshi is different. No matter how bad his actions are, as long as he wants, he will do it, even if it is something that hurts others and not himself.

Of course, he doesn't have the idea of ​​hurting others and not himself.

Su Mingshi has a very big heart. It can be said that he is one of the top figures in the entire human race.

Or the entire human race has a big heart, but the strange thing is that the human race seems to be only tolerant of its own race. Sometimes it will be friendly to the race that is friendly to its own race, but for those other races, it seems that it has no heart.

This is the sacred idea of ​​almost all races, but there are always a few races of beings who have different ideas, and occasionally there will be those extremely broad-minded beings.

Such as Emperor Jun, such as Xingchen Patriarch, Hongyun Patriarch, etc...

Even though these saints are not understood by many holy beings, they are indeed broad-minded and selfless.

As the Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun can tolerate all living beings in the world. The ancestor of Xingchen wishes that all living beings in the ancient world can realize the realm of Hunyuan. For this reason, he did not hesitate to break up with Hongjun and even fought against each other.

The idea of ​​ancestor Xingchen is about to be realized. Nowadays, there are more and more Hunyuan realms in the ancient world, and it is almost reaching a limit.

After this limit is exceeded, there will no longer be a need for great opportunity, great luck, or great merit to achieve enlightenment, but everyone can attain enlightenment.

It has become an ordinary realm. As long as the cultivation realm is enough, you can break through this original realm and reach a higher realm without many restrictions.

"Your Majesty, someone from the demon clan is here to visit."

Suddenly, a human soldier came outside. This man was an official from the Su Kingdom.

This person's name is Su Ye, she is a girl, extremely powerful in combat, and she is also an existence in the realm of Hunyuan True Self.

Although today's human race has only a small number of top combatants in the Hunyuan Realm, there are more and more people in the Hunyuan True Self Realm.

Su Mingshi, who was in deep thought with his eyes closed from head to toe, opened his eyes when he heard this. His eyes were full of wisdom and asked: "Oh? Who is it?"

He didn't know what someone from the Demon Clan wanted to do when they came to visit him, but since he was here, as long as the other person's status was not low, he should go out and meet him.

If your status is low, just ask someone to go out and entertain you.

"The person who came here calls himself Heavenly Court Fu Xi, and he is Emperor Xi." Su Ye said immediately after hearing this.

"Huang Xi? What is he here for..."

Su Mingshi frowned, wondering why the other party needed to come in person, but she didn't think much about it and continued: "Invite him to come over and make a pot of good tea."


Su Yeshi nodded, then gave orders to the left and right, and went to pick up Fuxi in person.

She was a powerful person in the realm of Hunyuan True Self, not those maids. The work of serving tea and pouring water was naturally done by those with low cultivation, and she went to greet Fuxi in person.

After a while, Fuxi came to Su Mingshi under the leadership of Su Yeshi.

It stands to reason that Su Ming should go to meet Fuxi in person, so that he can be worthy of his status, but he is not willing to agree to the emperor of other forces, even if he was kind to the human race, but since he The word "Fuxi from heaven came to see" rather than "Fuxi came to see" means that he came for official business.

He didn't even want to be polite to other kings of the human race, let alone the kings of other races.

But if Fuxi used the name Fuxi alone, then Su Ming would have gone to greet him in person. After all, he was the brother of the Human Race’s Holy Mother, and he had also been kind to the Human Race.

"Haha, I've heard about Su Ming's demeanor for a long time, but I didn't expect it to be like this when I saw him today. He's so elegant!"

Fuxi laughed and said after seeing that Su Ming was neither humble nor arrogant.

This is also the human race that my little sister did. If it were another race, he would just walk away. How could he behave like this?

He, a saint from the realm of Hunyuan, came here in person to find the other party, a monk from the realm of Hunyuan True Self. The other party dared not to greet him in person. This was because he didn't think highly of him.

When Su Ming heard this, he cupped his hands and lowered his head slightly, saying, "Human Su Ming has met Heavenly Emperor Xi, and Emperor Xi is polite."

A look of surprise flashed in Fuxi's eyes when he heard this. It turned out to be like this. No wonder he would be treated like this. That's right. He came here to claim the name of Heavenly Court. The other party thought it was a dialogue between two forces, so it was very strange to do this. normal.

Although the power of the human race is much worse than that of Heaven, Su Ming is now taking the initiative to salute. This represents the respect of the weak for the strong, but the weak will not always be weak, and the strong will not always be strong. , so I didn’t keep a low profile until I went out to greet him in person.

After all, this time it was the other party who came to discuss something with me, not me who came to discuss something with the other party.

Fuxi slightly cupped his hands, nodded in return, and then sat down under Su Ming's introduction.

The two sat at the table, looking at each other.

for a long time.

After the two looked at each other for a while, neither one spoke.

Finally, the maid on the side brought over the brewed tea. Su Mingshi looked at the other party and waved her hand slightly, signaling the other party to leave.

"Although this tea is just an ordinary thing, the brewing water is brewed from the dew collected from the flowers on the other side of the land of reincarnation. People who have tasted it say it is extremely bitter, but I taste it. It's the end of all hardships, so this is my favorite thing. I specially brought it to entertain Emperor Xi today, and I hope Emperor Xi won't dislike it."

After the maid withdrew, Su Mingshi smiled and poured tea for Fu Xi while speaking.

Since the other party didn't talk about business, he just followed suit and laughed. He wasn't the one who was anxious anyway.

"Oh? I didn't expect you to be able to get the dew from the other side flower..."

Fuxi glanced at Su Mingshi in surprise, feeling quite shocked in his heart.

This red spider lily rarely has dew, which can only appear at dawn in the morning. However, this red spider lily grows on the other side of the Yellow Spring River, so it can be said that the sun is not visible at all.

Since there is no sun, how can there be dew?

This dew only appears during the very few times when the sun shines, that is, when Taiyi and Dijun shine in the east.

Although this dew does not have many functions like the Sunlight Divine Water, Moonlight Divine Water, and Starlight Divine Water, it is not as powerful as the Water of the Sky River, and it does not have the power of weak water.

However, it is extremely bitter to use this thing to make tea, which can be called the most bitter water in the world.

After Su Ming got the dew of this red spider lily, he tried to make tea once. It was fine if he didn't use it, but he found that this dew was extremely bitter when he used it.

Su Mingshi couldn't stand the bitterness, but strangely, he actually realized some of the meaning of the great way from it, and it seemed that he had tasted it in the end, and it was not bitter, but extremely sweet.

So, this became Su Mingshi's favorite.

Although the dew of the red spider lily is not very useful except for its bitterness, some people may create some prescriptions, but now it is useless.

But this thing is rare. When anything is rare, it is naturally difficult to get it.

Even Su Mingshi is no exception. These things were also passed to the Jiuli Kingdom after the marriage between the ancient witches and the human race, and then passed to Su Mingshi's hands.

So far, Su Mingshi personally went to the underworld to ask for some of the dew of the red spider lily.

Hou Tu naturally gave a lot of it to Su Mingshi generously. Su Mingshi was as happy as if he had found a treasure, and laughed repeatedly. After thanking many times, he went back.

Of course, he was extremely grateful to the Queen Mother Hou Tu.

After all, this thing could really help him realize the truth. He felt that there was an extremely powerful avenue in the dark, which existed in the tea made from the red spider lily.

"Haha, I fell in love with this feeling after tasting it by chance, so I went to the underworld to ask the Queen Mother Hou Tu Zhishan. The Queen Mother was kind and did not take any items from me. Otherwise, I don’t know what to take out in exchange."

Su Ming laughed loudly, and then told Fuxi what he had earned.

You know, he was very poor, and all his earnings were used in the Su Kingdom, and he did not take a penny.

"So that's the case, the Queen Mother Zhishan, really makes us respect her."

Fuxi nodded, indicating that he knew.

Although this red spider lily dew water is a bit rare, there are still some in the heavenly court. As one of the four demon kings, he naturally got some, but not much.

After tasting it a little, it was sealed and never opened again.

Then, the two fell into silence again.

After a while, Fuxi finally couldn't help but say: "Actually, I came here this time to discuss something with you."

"Oh? Emperor Xi, you can say whatever you want. As long as you can use me, just say it!"

Su Mingshi saw that the other party finally couldn't help but say it, and said with a smile on his face.

In terms of emotion and reason, as long as it is a private matter that he can do, he will not refuse.

Even if the other party came in the name of Emperor Xi of the Heavenly Court, it is still the same.

But if the other party wants the interests of the human race, that is another matter.

"Haha, the human race is really generous. I came here for only one thing, that is, I want to discuss the Tao with you." Fuxi smiled and looked at Su Mingshi and said with a smile.

The six saints of the immortal gate rebelled one by one, and the shadow of Luohou was indispensable.

The ancestor of the Styx disappeared directly in the sea of ​​blood, and no one knew where he went.

Fuxi would naturally not forget such innate saints and great supernatural powers of the same period, so he deduced it. It would have been fine if he hadn't deduced it, but he knew that they had actually joined the Demon Sect and entered the outer demon realm.

And the Yuanshi Tianzun among the Three Pure Ones also had the figure of Luohou, which everyone knew.

The two saints in the West also joined the Buddhist sect, and another real saint entered the realm of true saints.

Two of them had the figure of Luohou, and their methods even concealed the immortal ancestors of the same level, which made Fuxi alert in his heart.

And he had the idea of ​​understanding the magic way in his heart, but all those who practiced the magic way in the prehistoric world entered the outer demon realm.

Only the human race in the prehistoric world had the existence of the great way of magic, and among the human race, Su Ming's great way of magic was the most profound.

If you want to avoid the demon ancestor Luohou planting hidden pieces in the heaven, you must first understand the great way of the devil and immerse yourself in it, so that you can find a way to crack the opponent's means.

Su Ming stared at Fuxi for a while, as if he didn't hear clearly. He didn't expect that the other party's request was so simple.

He nodded immediately and said, "In this case, please."

Discussions on the Tao happened a lot in the prehistoric world. At the beginning, the prehistoric world was full of discussions on the Tao.

Discussions on the Tao are not about wanting to know how good the other party's Tao is, or wanting to follow the other party's Tao, but wanting to learn from the other party's Tao what direction one's own Tao can go, that is, to draw inferences from one instance.

Fuxi shook his head and looked at Su Mingshi and said, "What I seek is the Great Dao of Demons. I hope you can teach me."

"Of course."

Su Mingshi also knew what the other party meant and nodded immediately. He didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

The Great Dao is there. Even if he didn't show the other party his own Great Dao, the other party could still walk on it. It was just that he could give the other party a lot of experience to prevent him from taking a detour.

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