Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 296: Su Mingshi comprehends fate and controls the path of destiny!

After Su Ming agreed, the two began to discuss the Dao.

The Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Demons appeared. Although it was not as profound as the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Demon Ancestor Luohou, its Dao rhyme had a majestic and upright feeling.

It seemed that this was not the Great Dao of Demons, but the Great Dao of Immortals.

However, the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Demons did not have the kind of Buddhist bewitching Dao, nor the ethereal and fascinating feeling of the Great Dao of Immortals.

It was also not like the Great Dao of Demon Ancestor Luohou. This was a very special Great Dao of Demons.

Although the Dao was shallow, it was extremely broad.

It seemed to contain the Great Dao of Demon Ancestor Luohou, and it was even broader and more far-reaching.

However, the depth of this Great Dao was not as deep as that of Demon Ancestor Luohou, which was also understandable.

Fuxi showed his own Great Dao, which included the Great Dao of Yang, the Great Dao of Qiankun, and various small paths.

As if to repay Su Mingshi for letting him comprehend the vast Great Dao of Demon, this time, Fuxi did not hide it, but revealed it all, which shocked Su Mingshi so much that he quickly seized the opportunity to comprehend the other party's Great Dao.

Discussing the Dao, what is discussed is the Dao, what is promoted is the feelings between each other, and what is increased is the understanding of each other's Great Dao.

As the Dao rhyme of both sides continued to influence each other, waves of Dao rhyme appeared in the Sucheng Palace and dissipated in the Sucheng Palace.

The Dao rhyme of each other's Great Dao collided with each other. Although the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Demon was not as good as the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao revealed by Fuxi, it was because Su Mingshi's cultivation was not good, not because the Great Dao of Demon was not good.

Not long after, Su Mingshi, who drank the tea brewed with the water of the other shore flower, faintly felt the breath of another Great Dao.

That Great Dao was extremely vast and ancient, as if it had appeared from ancient times.

However, Fuxi felt very unfamiliar, but he did not think too much about it, but continued to comprehend the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Demon cultivated by Su Mingshi.

If you want to stop the demon, you must first enter the demon.

And now, he is going to enter the path of demon.


With the appearance of a breath in the body, another Dao rhyme appeared in the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao displayed by Fuxi. That Dao rhyme was extremely weak, but it really existed.

This Dao rhyme of the Great Dao was the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Demon. Once this Dao rhyme appeared, Fuxi's purpose of this trip had been mostly completed.

Then, he absorbed and comprehended all the Dao rhyme emitted by Su Mingshi's Great Dao of Demon.

"This Dao rhyme of Su Mingshi's Great Dao of Demon seems to be stronger than the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of the former Demon Ancestor Luohou..." Fuxi frowned and muttered to himself.

He did not expect that this acquired creature could actually do so much, and could actually surpass the former Demon Ancestor Luohou, and the surpassing was at the level of the Great Dao of Demon.

Fuxi had seen Luohou's Dao Yun. Although that Dao Yun was extremely powerful, it was fundamentally inferior to Su Mingshi's Great Dao of Demon in terms of intention. This gap might not be very obvious at present.

But if they were at the same level, there would be a difference in the combat power between the two.

Perhaps Luohou could make up for it with treasures and other magical powers, but if it was just a simple contest of the Great Dao of Demon, the Demon Ancestor was not as good as the human kid in front of him.

How could Fuxi not feel surprised that the human race's talent was so strong.

"If it weren't for the limitations of heaven and earth, the human race today might not even be suppressed by the Heavenly Court..."

Fuxi thought so in his heart. For a moment, his mind was a little turbulent, causing him to withdraw from the mysterious realm, but in the next moment, he was calm and entered the mysterious realm again, and discussed Dao with Su Mingshi again.

In the past, the human race gave birth to a strong man in the Hunyuan True Self Realm in just ten thousand years, and then gave birth to a peak strong man in the Hunyuan Realm.

Because of the limitations of heaven and earth, the human race only gave birth to one human teacher. If he had proved the truth with great merit, the human race would probably still have only one human emperor in the Hunyuan Realm.

But if the restrictions of heaven and earth were released, the creatures accumulated by the human race over so much time would have entered the Hunyuan Realm again.

But by then, there would be more Hunyuan Realm in the Heavenly Court, after all, the number of creatures in the Heavenly Court is far more than that of the human race, much more.

I don’t know how many times, the human race has only tens of billions of creatures. Although it has increased a lot in recent years and has exceeded 10 billion, it is still not worth mentioning in front of the countless number of demons.

The more the number, the more powerful people will appear.

Although the talents of the monsters are not as good as those of the human beings, there are so many monsters that there will always be some geniuses. However, those geniuses are now accumulated and cannot be broken through.

When the restrictions of heaven and earth are opened, not only the human beings, but also the heaven, the underworld, the two tribes of witches and liches, the four seas of dragons, and even the myriad tribes and spirits of the prehistoric world will have a period of vigorous outbreak.

And this is the scene that Ye Xuan is looking forward to.

In the short term, the strength of the prehistoric creatures will be extremely suppressed, and then there will be a big eruption, so that so many creatures can break through at once to help him break into the fourth-order mid-stage realm.

When he breaks into the fourth-order mid-stage realm, his creation god cultivation will feed back to the kingdom of God, and soon there will be new fourth-order mid-stage creatures among the creatures of the kingdom of God.

This is the path chosen by Ye Xuan. It is different from other creator gods who find it difficult to suppress the highest realm of the creatures in the kingdom of God, or they simply don't have the idea to suppress it.

If not, it would take many more years for the prehistoric world to develop alone before it can break through to the middle stage of the fourth-order creator god, not to mention the fifth-order realm.

Even if Ye Xuan deliberately speeds up the flow of time in the prehistoric world by billions of times, it is difficult for the fifth-order creatures to appear. It can only be said that it is faster than the cultivation realm of other creator gods.

But once he loses his general grasp, the prehistoric world will not know where to go, not to mention that now is the time when the great gods and demons are about to revive, and Ye Xuan dare not do so.

It is necessary to plan step by step to welcome the revival of the great gods and demons. Otherwise, if the gods and demons of destruction really want to destroy the world, I am afraid no one can stop them.

Even the creation gods and demons are the same. Fighting evenly and stopping the other party from doing something are two different things.

The most important thing is to let these creatures in the prehistoric world have the power to resist the gods and demons of the Great Dao, and among them, the creatures of the human race are the top priority.

The human race has a very high talent and is proficient in the acquired Great Dao.

Using the acquired to resist the innate is the most fundamental foundation for resisting the gods and demons of the Great Dao.

The innate Great Dao can only be used as a means of magical power at most. If you really want to compete with the gods and demons of the Great Dao, you still need the acquired Great Dao.

The gods and demons of the Great Dao control the innate Great Dao. Any creature who cultivates the three thousand Great Daos cannot surpass them, no matter how amazing they are.

Because the Great Dao they cultivate is the gods and demons of the Great Dao itself, the deeper the Great Dao they cultivate, the stronger the corresponding gods and demons of the Great Dao will be, endlessly and without limit.

Because the gods and demons of the Great Dao are manifested by the Great Dao, the stronger the Great Dao is, the stronger the gods and demons of the Great Dao are, and the stronger the gods and demons of the Great Dao are, the stronger the Great Dao will be.

Although the two are one, they have a symbiotic relationship.

Only by means of the acquired Great Dao can we resist the innate Great Dao.

The reason why the Great Dao is divided into innate and acquired is because all the cultivation rules and all the perceptions belong to the Dao.

Even if it is not the innate Great Dao, even if it is not one of the three thousand Great Daos.

In the beginning, there was only the Dao, and then the Dao evolved the world, and then chaos and the three thousand Great Daos appeared.

The three thousand Great Daos evolved from the most fundamental Dao, which is the innate Great Dao, the most powerful Great Dao, and the son deeply rooted in the Dao.

The acquired Great Dao is not evolved from the Dao, but appears with the evolution and development of the world. Although these Great Daos are not the sons of the Dao, they are also equivalent to illegitimate children.

There is no difference between the acquired Great Dao and the three thousand Great Daos, and there is no difference in superiority or inferiority.

The only difference is that the three thousand Great Daos are born strong, while the acquired Great Dao is born weak, and needs to be strengthened step by step through cultivation, and needs to slowly evolve to become stronger and wider.

However, they all ultimately refer to the Dao, so their final state is the same, or in other words, the Dao is endless, so the Great Dao is also endless.

Therefore, whether it is powerful or not depends on the practitioner himself.

Just like some of the sacred ones who practiced the innate avenue, when facing the sword of Tongtian, they may find it difficult to resist.

This is the performance after the acquired avenue is cultivated to a certain level. Although the acquired avenue is not so powerful when it is just cultivated, once it is cultivated and comprehended, it is not weaker than those innate avenues.

Tongtian’s sword cultivation is now unknown. No creature knows, and no creature dares to try.

But Tongtian himself has tried his current combat power once.

One sword can open the gate of heaven, and one sword can pass through the nine netherworlds.

You must know that after the prehistoric world is strengthened by eternal time and space, many sacred attacks are difficult to break through the prehistoric space, let alone open the gate of heaven and pass through the nine netherworlds with one sword.

Not long ago, Di Jun and others fought each other, but they only broke the surrounding space, and they were immediately repaired, and could not cause large-scale space collapse at all.

Of course, this is also because their main opponent is the other party, not really wanting to do something to the space.

But it can also be seen from this that the space of the prehistoric world is now stable. It is no longer the prehistoric world where a random attack can cause various distortions and destruction of space.

Using the acquired to counter the innate, and the acquired to reverse the innate, this is the only way for the prehistoric creatures to fight against those great Dao gods and demons in the chaos.

Of course, this is the worst case.

After all, in the worst case, the three thousand great Dao gods and demons will unite, and all the innate Daos will find it difficult to escape their control. At that time, all the prehistoric creatures who practice the innate Dao will be in vain.

Only the creatures who practice the acquired Dao can contend with them.

However, the great Dao gods and demons will hardly unite all, which means that even the creatures who mainly practice the innate Dao will have the power to contend.

But if you encounter the great Dao gods and demons you practice, it will be in vain, and there will always be a god and demon standing above you, which is something that almost all the sacred cannot tolerate.

At this time, the breath in Su Ming's body became more and more intense.

Finally, it turned into a rhythm of Taoism, which was different from all the Taoisms in Fuxi. It was an ancient and vast breath.

That was the Tao of Destiny!

It was the Tao of Destiny, which was located below the Tao of Destiny, one of the five supreme Taoisms, just like the Tao of Cause and Effect!

The Avenue of Cause and Effect plus the Avenue of Destiny are almost equal to the Avenue of Destiny.

The Avenue of Cause and Effect is a branch of the Avenue of Destiny that can be compared with the Avenues of Time, Space, and Guixu, and it is also the strongest branch of the Avenue of Destiny.

However, if you want to comprehend the Avenue of Destiny, it is actually easier to comprehend it from the Avenue of Destiny.

Although the Avenue of Destiny is not as powerful as the Avenue of Cause and Effect, it is more conducive to the practitioner to comprehend the supreme destiny.

The same branch avenue, one is called cause and effect, the other is called destiny.

The Avenue of Cause and Effect is to comprehend the cause to get the result, to plant the cause to get the result, and to seek the benefits of oneself by the way of cause and effect. This is cause and effect, which can change the short-term cause and effect, that is, it involves part of the Avenue of Destiny, but it is not as powerful as the Avenue of Destiny in this way.

The Avenue of Destiny is the manifestation of the Avenue of Destiny below the Avenue of Destiny, and although the Avenue of Cause and Effect is also stained with the Avenue of Destiny, it has some other meanings, emphasizing cause and effect.

The Avenue of Destiny is to control the destiny you step into and change the destiny of others. Destiny is the most basic event.

It is a person's life, and all the things that happened in a person's past, present, and future.

The Great Dao of Fate, or the Great Dao of Destiny, can change all of this, even the past, but the power involved in changing the past is much greater, and it is not necessarily the consequences that it can bear.

Modifying the present and the future is much simpler.

However, this modification does not mean that the person will definitely follow the modified fate, because in addition to fate, there is also luck in the life of a living being.

This luck is the Great Dao of Luck, and the luck pursued by ordinary cultivators is the manifestation of the Great Dao of Luck.

The Great Dao of Luck is not comprehended or understood by all living beings, but is an existence that controls the Great Dao.

Luck is the existence that affects fate. If there is no fate, it is useless to have luck, but if there is fate, the good or bad luck will affect the good or bad of this event.

In other words, controlling the Great Dao of Fate and the Great Dao of Luck almost controls the Great Dao of Destiny, and can arbitrarily modify all the fates of a living being.

But both the Great Dao of Life and the Great Dao of Luck are extremely illusory. This is the first time that Fuxi has seen a living being cultivate the Great Dao of Life.

And it was successfully cultivated in front of him, which undoubtedly made him feel extremely shocked.

He even forgot to influence the Daoyun of the Great Dao of Demon. He stared at Su Mingshi with a shocked face, and was horrified in his heart.

"This kid is so powerful. He will definitely be a powerful person of the human race in the future..."

Fuxi was extremely shocked. This is the legendary branch of the five supreme avenues. Of course, the so-called branch avenues are also because the two have many habits. In fact, they are not considered branch avenues, or there is no such concept as a branch avenue at all.

The five supremes are the bugs on various avenues, which are equivalent to leaders. They are essentially different from other avenues from the beginning.

The Great Dao of Destiny is a combination of the Great Dao of Life and the Great Dao of Luck, and it ranks among the five supremes. This shows how powerful destiny is.

The Great Dao of Destruction is also mostly a combination of the Great Dao of Death, the Great Dao of Killing and some other avenues.

Just like the creation of the Great Dao to its life and fortune...

Wuliang and Hun Dun are two of the more special ones. They are the existences that can carry and contain other great Daos. One is to contain other great Daos with its own capacity and strengthen itself, and the other is to carry other great Daos with its own foundation.

Although there are differences, the difference is actually not big. Except for the difference between Wuliang and Hun Dun at the beginning, the combat power of the two is not much different.

But it can also be seen that the perversion of these two great Daos, in fact, the control of the Great Dao of Life and the Great Dao of Luck is not much different from the Great Dao of Destiny. Although it is always inferior to the Great Dao of Destiny, it also has some similar magical powers.

Therefore, although Wuliang and Hun Dun were born the latest, in fact, as long as they keep going, they can become the strongest existences among the five great Daos.

After a long time, the breath of the Dao of Destiny in Su Mingshi's body slowly disappeared. Su Mingshi opened his eyes and a gleam of light flashed.

A hint of surprise appeared on his face, and he smiled and said, "Thank you, Emperor Xi!"

"Congratulations, fellow Daoist, you have realized such a great way, and your future is limitless! As for thanking you, I dare not." Fuxi also smiled. Su Mingshi, who had realized the great way of destiny, became a fellow Daoist in his mouth this time.

This also represents Fuxi's recognition of him. If he only mastered the great way of the devil, he would not call him a fellow Daoist unless he entered the realm of Hunyuan.

But it is different if he has mastered the great way of destiny. That is the real limitless future. If he can realize the great way of destiny, one of the five supreme ones, he will crush the innate sacred existences of the prehistoric world.

Although the probability is extremely low, it is not impossible.

Because the human race itself has been loved by that existence, carrying three thousand great ways, and can realize three thousand great ways.

And now Su Mingshi has mastered the Great Dao of Fate and comprehended its branch Great Dao, and has already become one of the top sacred beings in the prehistoric world. Once he steps into the Primordial Realm, he will probably be able to become one of the top beings in the prehistoric world.

This is the increase brought by the Great Dao of Fate. This extremely illusory and strange Great Dao makes it impossible for all living beings in the world to ignore the existence of Su Mingshi.

Su Ming heard this and shook his head slowly, cupped his hands and said: "Without the feeling of the Dao rhyme of the Xihuang Dao, I would never be able to get a glimpse of the truth, and I would not be able to fully comprehend this destiny."

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