Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 297: Three Pure Ones’ Thoughts, Three Sects Accept Disciples

Su Mingshi's words were not nonsense. Although he had begun to comprehend the destiny a long time ago, he had never been able to break into it, and he didn't know what the name of this avenue was.

That was a long time ago.

When he drank the first sip of tea brewed with the dew of the other shore flower, it seemed that something had awakened, and a scene appeared in his mind, which was a confused world.

He seemed to have become an extremely weak creature. He was nurtured in it, reborn, and practiced again.

Then all kinds of lies filled his entire life. He was deceived again and again. Finally, he broke through the world with only the dead. He learned his identity. In this life, he seemed to have become some kind of barbarian god.

His race seemed not to be an ordinary human race, but a plastic underworld race...

With the improvement of his cultivation, he knew the first lie and broke through the first illusion.

Then, he woke up.

Because the effect of the tea brewed with the red spider lily dew disappeared, his suffering also came to an end, but at this moment, he only felt that he was extremely miserable in that world, and there was no meaning of survival.

It was as if the whole world was against him, and only the grandpa in his childhood brought him a little warmth.

Some people are healed by their childhood all their lives, while some people spend their lives healing their childhood.

Su Ming knew that if it were not for the earnest teachings of his grandpa when he was young, he would not be able to withstand that blow, and it would be impossible to break through that world full of lies.

Although the world is false, the teachings of the grandpa are true.

He didn't know what kind of existence that world was. He only knew that he couldn't see through everything and couldn't see through everything.

And after he gave the tea brewed with the red spider lily dew to several people around him, there was nothing else except bitterness, which made him realize that it was only useful for himself.

He went to the underworld, got the red spider lily dew, and tasted it again.

This time, he was in the dream again.

Until the effect of the Higanbana tea disappeared, Su Mingshi felt that he seemed to have realized a new avenue this time, but he didn't know what avenue it was, nor did he know what effect it had.

So, he fell into that world again and again, experiencing everything that Su Ming in that world had experienced.

Finally, after experiencing too many times, Su Mingshi could not sense what was reality and what was a dream.

As the saying goes, I don't know whether Su Mingshi's dream was Su Ming or Su Ming's dream was Su Ming?

In order to dilute this feeling, Su Mingshi had not drunk the tea for a long time.

And until Fuxi came this time, he took out the tea that he thought was the best in the world to entertain him.

But then they discussed the Dao. Su Mingshi did not immerse himself in that world this time, but realized Fuxi's avenue. There were not many opportunities to realize Fuxi's avenue, so he realized the other party's avenue with all his heart.

It would have been fine if he hadn't realized it, but once he realized it, he realized that the other party was actually the one who controlled the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth made Su Mingshi learn something involuntarily, and naturally he became aware of many affairs in that world. Once he understood this, he understood everything.

In an instant, Su Mingshi realized everything in that world, and used the talents of the Su Ming Clan to master the small destiny technique, and then mastered the big destiny technique, and then successfully realized the law of destiny.

As soon as he realized the law of destiny, Su Mingshi instantly deduced his own deep understanding of the Great Dao to the level of the Great Dao of Destiny, and thus controlled the Great Dao of Destiny and evolved the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Destiny.

This is the level of other Great Daos that have been cultivated to a certain realm. As long as you understand the law, you can directly force it to the realm of the Great Dao.

This is to understand one law and understand all laws, and to identify the truth at a glance.

With a thought, you can directly ascend to the Great Dao from other laws.

Of course, it is just the beginning. If you want to really comprehend what you should have, you still need to comprehend.

But it is impossible for normal creatures to comprehend too many great ways at the same time. It is better to specialize in one great way than to be greedy and chew too much.

Moreover, some laws are derived laws of the great way, not the original laws, so it is more difficult to deduce the great way. It requires great efforts and cannot be achieved with a single thought.

At this point, Su Ming finally comprehended the great way of destiny. After comprehending the great way, he knew the name of the great way and the various wonders of the great way.

He also knew that he had obtained a treasure and was happy to get the way. How could he not thank Fuxi more?

"This is mutual help. Daoyou comprehended the great way of name, and I also comprehended the great way of demons. There is nothing to thank you. If Daoyou must thank me, I have to thank you."

At the end, Fuxi also smiled and bowed.

"Haha! Congratulations! I benefited a lot from Emperor Xi's visit this time. If Emperor Xi is willing, he can come here to discuss the Dao often." Su Mingshi was extremely happy and laughed.

Discussing the Dao is always faster than sitting and comprehending the Dao by oneself. Learning by analogy often has unexpected results, just like Su Mingshi today.

"That's right!"

Fuxi smiled and nodded, then said goodbye.

Although he wanted to discuss the Dao with the other party, both he and the other party had realized a new Dao. After realizing the new Dao, it was not important to discuss the Dao, but to realize the Dao.

When the Dao he realized had accumulated to a certain extent, he could discuss the Dao again.

Then Fuxi left Sucheng, and Su Mingshi did not try to keep him. After all, there was a long time to come, and it was indeed more important to realize the Dao of Destiny than to discuss the Dao with the other party.

There were only two people in the prehistoric world who truly realized the Dao of Destiny, including the current Su Mingshi. In addition to Su Mingshi, there was the Destiny Ancestor who was transformed from the remnant of the God of Destiny at the beginning of the world.

The Destiny Ancestor was the one who had gone the farthest in the Dao of Destiny, much farther than the current Su Mingshi.

Moreover, he had achieved the state of Hunyuan very early, but he rarely showed up in the prehistoric world, so this was little known.

Although Fuxi knew that there was such an ancestor, he had never really met him face to face.

But Su Mingshi was different. This was an existence that he saw with his own eyes comprehend the great way of life. That was completely different.

Moreover, Su Mingshi was not transformed by the remnant of the gods and demons of fate, but was comprehended by himself. This was the first existence in the prehistoric world who realized the great way of life by comprehension alone.

It must be said that the talent of the human race is terrifying.

When Fuxi was surprised on the way back to the heaven, Su Mingshi also closed himself off to comprehend the truth early.

Kunlun Mountains, Buzhou Mountain.

"This time the treasure of heaven and earth belongs to proves one thing, that is, the importance of power. If our disciples have many Hunyuan realms, then that day they will not miss such treasures."

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned slightly and said to the two brothers beside him.

Although the three of them opened the gates and established the Human Gate, the Chan Gate, and the Jie Gate, in fact, the three brothers only accepted a few disciples, but did not actually accept many disciples.

So they were easily persuaded to retreat by the other party before, and had no chance to obtain the treasure of heaven and earth.

"What the second brother said is true. Although the so-called treasure of heaven and earth before was not the real treasure, if such a treasure of heaven and earth really appears in the future, I am afraid it will be lost and cannot be fought for."

The Supreme also nodded. In the past, he never felt that the power was not good. He was used to being quiet.

So there was only one disciple under the door, that is Xuandu of the human race. He was respected by the world as the Xuandu Master. He was his disciple, and his cultivation was in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, and he was still a long way from achieving the realm of Hunyuan.

Although his talent was not the best among the human race, and he was not even really good, his character and perseverance were all excellent, so he was recognized by the Supreme and worshipped in the Human Gate and became the eldest brother of the three gates.

And the most important thing is that although he was born in the human race, he was worshipped in the human sect, so in addition to the luck of the human race, he also enjoyed the luck of the human sect, which means that when he reaches the level of cultivation, he can directly enter the realm of Hunyuan.

Although the luck of the human sect is based on the human race, it is actually independent of the human race. It also has the luck bonus of the founder Tai Shang and the luck of the human sect itself. It is not difficult to cultivate a creature in the realm of Hunyuan.

In addition to Xuandu, there are only two boys and a green ox beside Tai Shang.

It can be said that it is extremely quiet. There are only five people in a sect, including the founder, and there are mounts and boys.

As for the Chan sect, although there are more disciples, they are pitifully few, only Nanji Xianweng and Yun Zhongzi.

As for the boy, there is only one, his name is Baihe. Baihe Boy is the disciple of Nanji Xianweng and the boy who serves Yuanshi Tianzun.

As for the mount, it is not a creature like a green ox, but a chariot, which is called the Nine Dragon Agarwood Chariot.

The last one is the Jiemen, which has the most disciples, but there are only four of them, named Duobao Taoist, Jinling Shengmu, Wudang Shengmu, and Guiling Shengmu.

These four disciples are the four direct disciples of Tongtian Jiaozhu, and their strength is also extremely strong, among which Duobao Taoist is the most respected.

As for the boy, Tongtian does not have this thing. He is too lazy to use those, and does not like the boy to be around him, so he only has one mount, which is Kui Niu, a congenital divine beast, but now it has become Tongtian's mount.

Tongtian has no distinction between teachings, as long as you want to join his sect, you can enter.

Of course, for the direct disciples, he still controls them, and their character and footwork are naturally not bad.

You can't pick a useless senior brother or sister to be the senior brother or sister of many disciples, so these four disciples are all capable of standing on their own.

Although these creatures are not born sacred, they are also acquired sacred, and their background is extraordinary.

Just like Duobao Taoist, he is the first treasure-hunting rat in the world, so he has many treasures, so he is called Duobao Taoist.

The Golden Spirit Holy Mother is Dou Mu Yuanjun, the leader of the Big Dipper. She originally belonged to the heavenly court, but after meeting Tongtian, she became a disciple of Tongtian.

Wudang Holy Mother is the Holy Mother of Mount Li, who was originally a famous sacred, and later became a disciple of Jiemen and became the third sister of Jiemen.

The last Turtle Spirit Holy Mother was transformed from a spirit turtle. She had a cause and effect with Cangjie in the past. The word "turtle" in Cangjie's creation of characters was inspired by her.

Whether it is the disciples of Chanmen or Jiemen, they actually come to the sect with their skills, and what Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian teach is just some insights and preaching of the Dao.

The way of cultivation, each has its own method.

What they teach is just the feeling of the Dao, but in fact, the most important thing is the feeling of the Dao.

"It's not easy, just recruit disciples. There are countless creatures in the prehistoric world who are willing to worship under our Sanqing." Tongtian said casually.

In his opinion, it is not easy to increase power. Just recruit more disciples, and the power will naturally increase.

This is more in line with his original intention of Jiemen. Jiemen was named for the ray of life that the sentient beings of heaven and earth intercepted from the Dao of Heaven.

This is also Tongtian's idea, but he has not accepted many disciples during this period.

As long as he wants to recruit, he can receive countless disciples.

Yuanshi Tianzun frowned upon hearing this, and couldn't help but speak more seriously: "Third brother! We accept those creatures with talent, character, footwork, and perseverance. Only such creatures can enter the realm of Hunyuan.

If you accept disciples and followers casually, even if there are many people, it will still be difficult to achieve enlightenment.

All those below Hunyuan are ants!"

In Yuanshi Tianzun's view, these words are for the good of Tongtian, and the fact is indeed like this. Without entering the realm of Hunyuan, even if you accept so many disciples, you can't provide them with any so-called power.

In that kind of top-level struggle, only the existence of the Hunyuan realm can help, and those below the Hunyuan are just cannon fodder.

But if it is a matter under the Hunyuan realm, they can destroy it with a wave of their hands, so why would they need those disciples and followers?

So in Yuanshi Tianzun's view, he either doesn't accept disciples, or he has to accept those creatures who have the hope of entering the realm of Hunyuan.

But when Yuanshi Tianzun's words fell into Tongtian's ears, they aroused Tongtian's disapproval. Tongtian shook his head and said, "There are thousands of great ways, and they have never given those creatures who are not bad a chance because of whether we are sacred, talented, or have deep roots.

If the great way is like this, how can the creatures who practice the great way go against the meaning of the great way?

So, in my opinion, they are destined to enter my Jiemen. I preach to them so that they can have a chance to enter the realm of Hunyuan. This is what I mean as a teacher."

Although Tongtian's words were not recognized by Yuanshi Tianzun, because he always felt that using elite education would go farther and faster, and would not waste time and energy to rapidly grow his own power.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun thought of the immortal ancestor who was the opposite of Tongtian for a while. That person really didn't care about fate or who was who, and just wanted to force others to death.

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun just kept silent, and didn't object to anything.

Since Tongtian is willing to accept disciples, let him accept them. After all, there are more people like Tongtian in the world than people like Xianzu, and he only wants to accept his own elites.

After seeing this scene, Taishang fell into deep thought. He was thinking about what the two brothers in front of him were about.

"Perhaps, the Three Pure Ones will really separate in the future..."

Taishang thought of that possibility in the future and sighed for a while.

In other time and space, the separation of the Three Pure Ones was because Yuanshi and Tongtian quarreled over the issue of this disciple, and finally broke up. The name of the Three Pure Ones was gone, and Yuanshi Tianzun was left alone to guard Kunlun.

Taishang went to Shouyang Mountain, and Tongtian went to Jin'ao Island.

The two of them also had their own destiny, and he was still so quiet and inactive, as if he had no desire at all.

"Why is my brother silent?"

Tongtian saw the expression of Taishang on the side, and asked with some curiosity in his heart.

Taishang smiled, shook his head slightly, and said nothing more.

"Open the gate, recruit disciples, you can recruit more, I won't recruit any..."

Taishang thought that Tongtian would recruit everyone crazily, and since Yuanshi only recruited elites and not ordinary creatures, then these two people would choose the good and the bad, and the most important thing is that Tongtian can satisfy everyone by himself.

He recruits both good and bad.

Since that's the case, Taishang didn't need to stay any longer, and it just so happened that the people he recruited should be human, and there couldn't be other races in the human race.

After saying that, Taishang disappeared.

Tongtian thought for a while, and then he figured out why his elder brother left suddenly.

But he didn't say much, just like his elder brother thought, he would accept everyone, anyway, it was a little bit of power to increase, and it could still be increased.

"Second brother, then please come in!"

Tongtian smiled slightly and set up a Taoist temple in another place in Buzhou Mountain. The sound spread all around. The sound was extremely loud and wrapped in magic power. Although it did not spread to the entire prehistoric world, the creatures around also rushed here.

The general idea is that as long as the living beings in the world want to worship in the Jiemen, they can naturally come to the Jiemen Taoist temple in Buzhou Mountain, and they will not be rejected.

On the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun set up one restriction after another, one formation after another.

Only those with great opportunities, great perseverance, and great merits can enter.

Those who break this formation can enter the Chanmen.

In fact, those formations are not harmful to living beings, and they will not die. At most, if you lose, you will be teleported away and unable to enter the place of apprenticeship.

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