Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 298 A quick one-yuan meeting, the human race emerges

To worship a strong man in the Hunyuan realm as a teacher is a rare opportunity and supreme fortune for most creatures in the prehistoric world.

Therefore, countless creatures headed towards the Kunlun Mountains and Buzhou Mountain after hearing that Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian were going to accept disciples.

Although most of the creatures here are very likely not to be accepted as disciples by Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian, even so, they still have the opportunity to listen to Hunyuan's teachings.

It seems that there are many Hunyuan people in the prehistoric world, but in fact, they are just a small handful at the top.

And the creatures who have the opportunity to enter the Hunyuan realm are just a drop in the bucket among all the creatures in the prehistoric world.

The more you mix in the prehistoric world, the more you know the strength of the forces. There is a world of difference between the forces with the Hunyuan realm behind them and the forces without the Hunyuan realm behind them.

No matter how the forces without the Hunyuan realm develop, it is always difficult to come to the fore, and they are rarely useful when they really encounter something.

Therefore, just for a strong man who surrendered to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, that was enough, not to mention becoming a disciple!

For most creatures, it was a blessing.

In the prehistoric world, countless innate saints fell, and only those who survived could pursue the great way.

Those innate saints who were much stronger than them in the past have long been surpassed by them now. In the past, the Phoenix clan was the overlord of the prehistoric world, but their cultivation was only Daluo Jinxian.

And now, the acquired creatures, let alone Daluo Jinxian, have reached the realm of Hunyuan True Self and even Hunyuan.

And Hunyuan disciples have their lives guaranteed. After telling others, the other party will at least consider that they are Hunyuan disciples and dare not kill them easily. At best, they can train disciples on behalf of their teachers.


For a while, countless creatures in the prehistoric world rushed to Buzhou Mountain in the middle of the prehistoric world.

Even though Yuanshi Tianzun's name was not very famous in the prehistoric world, his status as one of the Three Pure Ones was earned by Taishang and Tongtian.

Many people still remember that battle, when Taishang and Tongtian fought against the Immortal Ancestor for Yuanshi, and that was an era of oppression by the Immortal Ancestor.

So countless people rushed to Buzhou Mountain, and most of the creatures went to the other side of the road to worship Tongtian, and some creatures saw that there were too many people next door, and were worried that they could not compete with others, so they entered the Taoist temple of Yuanshi Tianzun on the other side.

But the road to Tongtian's Taoist temple did not have any big formations, but the road to Yuanshi Tianzun's Taoist temple had all kinds of big formations.

And most of these creatures who went to Yuanshi Tianzun's Taoist temple were eliminated and sent to the foot of Buzhou Mountain. After sighing to the sky, they went to Tongtian on the other side, trying to try their luck again.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun said that he did not like those who were born from eggs and covered with fur and armor, it was actually a misunderstanding from the prehistoric world.

In fact, this sentence did not refer to those flying beasts, that is, it did not refer to the demons and other races, but to those who did not correct the way, did not respect the great way, and did not know the way of heaven. Such people should be beasts and were not liked by Yuanshi Tianzun.

If it refers to the prehistoric world, then it would be too much. There are not many people in the prehistoric world who can enter Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes. Except for those innate sacred people, it is estimated that there is no one who can enter Yuanshi Tianzun's eyes.

But in fact, Yuanshi Tianzun did not disdain those myriad races much, but there were too many such beasts among the myriad races, so there was such a sentence to refer to them.

However, it also made Yuanshi Tianzun look down on those myriad creatures to a certain extent, which is the so-called hatred of the house and the crows.

Of course, those who correct the way, respect the great way, and know the way of heaven, even those so-called hairy and armored, wet-born eggs, are also loved by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Just like his disciple Baihe Tongzi, Yuanshi Tianzun often feeds him all kinds of delicacies.

If he really looked down on the creatures of all races from the bottom of his heart, Baihe Tongzi would not follow him and serve him every day.

But most of the creatures can't pass through Yuanshi Tianzun's formation. Even if thousands of years have passed, there are only a dozen creatures who can pass through the formation.

Each of these creatures is a person with good character, perseverance, and footwork. Perhaps some of them are not currently cultivated at a high level, only at the level of Golden Immortal, but they are all accepted as disciples by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Among them, there are twelve who were accepted as direct disciples by Yuanshi Tianzun.

They are Guangchengzi, Chijingzi, Taoist Qingxu, Taiyi Zhenren, Yuding Zhenren, Lingbao Zhenren, Daoyan Zhenren, Puxian Zhenren, Cihang Taoist, Juliusun, Daoxing Zhenren, and Wenshu Taoist.

These are the twelve golden immortals of Chan Sect, who were collected at the same time, so later generations like to call them the twelve golden immortals.

The only difference between these twelve golden immortals and the twelve golden immortals in other time and space is Huanglong Zhenren. Huanglong Zhenren was admitted by Huanglong, but now the dragon clan is so strong that there is no need to worship under the Three Pure Ones. It is still unknown whether Huanglong Zhenren has already entered the Daluo.

He replaced him with Daoyan Zhenren, who also has the cultivation of golden immortals.

These twelve are the weakest golden immortals, but they are also people with character, perseverance, and footwork.

In addition, there is also the Taoist Burning Lamp.

When he first received the Twelve Golden Immortals, Yuanshi Tianzun was extremely happy. The disciples he wanted to accept were the disciples who had not truly entered the avenue, and who also had the qualifications to become enlightened.

But when he saw Taoist Ran Deng later, his expression instantly became extremely gloomy.

He once said that if anyone in the ancient world passed this formation, he could become his disciple. He thought that those innate saints would not come to join in the fun.

After all, this is an extremely shameful thing. Although it is a very profitable thing for those creatures, it is an extremely shameful thing for those innate saints in the past.

After all, in the past, they called each other as Taoist friends in the Zixiao Palace, and they also called Immortal Ancestor Hongjun as their teacher.

But now that Yuanshi had finally achieved enlightenment and wanted to recruit more disciples, the guests from the former Zixiao Palace came running over. In addition, the burning lamp did not please Yuanshi Tianzun, which made Yuanshi even more unhappy. Happy.

I didn't expect that there is such a kind of sacred person who doesn't want to be a son of a man and doesn't want to show his dignity.

However, the opponent happened to pass through the large formation he had set up, and he had to bite the bullet and put it into the interpretation gate.

But accepting the other party as a disciple is not Yuan Shi's original intention, but if he doesn't accept the other party as a disciple, what kind of position will he be given...

For a moment, Yuanshi was in trouble.

Turning around, Yuan Shi looked at Taoist Ran Deng and asked, "What do you want?"

"Come for the road."

Taoist Ran Deng's expression was neither happy nor sad, his tone was neither humble nor arrogant, he bowed slightly and said.

He achieved enlightenment with a lamplight and a coffin with the most precious treasure. He was disliked by all sentient beings in the wild.

Even Yuan Shi didn't like him very much, but since the other party had passed the battle and became a disciple, Yuan Shi had to give him a chance.

But if the answer is not good, Yuan Shi will not accept this so-called disciple even if he loses his face.

"Since you came here for the great road, you should know that reincarnation is the only way to achieve enlightenment."

Yuanshi Tianzun sat at the top and asked after hearing the words.

The Twelve Golden Immortals, Antarctic Immortals, Yun Zhongzi and others were watching beside them. They were all a little confused when they heard this, and they didn't know why they wanted to be reincarnated to attain enlightenment.

However, because Taoist Ran Deng killed a corpse, he was still unable to make up for himself. He wasted many years and his cultivation stagnated.

"After reincarnation, no Taoist friends can save me. Besides, I am myself and not myself in the future."

Ran Deng Taoist has a strong heart for the Tao, but he has no Taoist friends to help him. If he reincarnates rashly, he may not be able to follow the right path.

He is not a remnant of a true spirit, so the only way left for him is reincarnation.

He still has more ways to go, such as becoming a disciple of Hunyuan.

The Hunyuan person can find a way to complete his body and allow him to step into the avenue again.

And the most important thing is that Yuanshi Tianzun came out of this road, even if it takes a longer time, it doesn't matter.

He has already tasted the bitter fruit of being unable to improve his cultivation level for countless Yuanhui, so naturally this time is nothing.

As long as he can achieve enlightenment in this life, that's what he wants.

Unless he is desperate, he will not be reincarnated and rebuild.

Yuanshi Tianzun nodded when he heard the words, sighed and said: "It stands to reason that Taoist friends are working hard to find the Dao, and poor Taoists should not stop them. However, after all, Taoist friends and I were guests in Zixiao Palace in the past, and we will not do it today." It is good to accept fellow Taoists as disciples.”

Speaking of this, Taoist Ran Deng's expression changed. He had given up a lot, even the most basic face. Could it be that he still couldn't succeed in the end?

Before he could plead, Yuanshi Tianzun said again: "That's all, since my fellow Taoist is so determined in seeking the Tao, Pindao will give this method of complementing the Tao body to my fellow Taoist, but you don't want to mention it again." How about entering the gate of interpretation?”

When Yuanshi Tianzun saw that the other party came to achieve enlightenment, he was naturally overjoyed. Since he wanted to replenish his body, it meant that he was asking for help. If the other party insisted on joining the Chan Sect, this method of replenishment would be fatal. Don't even think about it, just disgust each other.

But if they can accept the discussion and retreat after getting this method to complete the Tao body, then naturally both of them will be fine.

Fortunately, Taoist Ran Deng did not come here to worship the Chan Sect, either dead or alive. He came just to complete the Tao body with the method, so he immediately bowed and bowed: "I owe you so much, Heavenly Lord, in the future." I will definitely remember this kindness and never forget it.”

Yuanshi Tianzun waved his hand and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist, you're welcome."

Then he pointed out the method to complete the Taoist body, and it disappeared into the mind of Taoist Ran Deng.

In an instant, Taoist Ran Deng's face changed several times. Seeing Yuan Shi Tianzun's uncertainty, it turned out that the other party had endured such a hardship, and it actually had a huge side effect.

That is to become a member of the demon sect. You can see the body of Yuanshi Tianzun without any aura of demon.

"The poor Taoist has been rescued by his eldest brother and third brother, so he will be fine."

As if he had seen through Randeng Taoist's thoughts, Yuanshi Tianzun smiled and said.

As long as you don't worship the Chanmen, everything will be easy to discuss.

"That's it. Thank you Tianzun for clarifying my doubts. Congratulations to Tianzun for accepting such a good disciple. I will say goodbye."

Upon hearing this, Taoist Randeng bowed again, and then bowed a few more times to express his gratitude. Then he left the Yuqing Dojo and went down to Buzhou Mountain.

After Yuanshi Tianzun saw him leaving, he then said to the Twelve Golden Immortals on the side: "You can start to become a disciple."

Upon hearing this, the Twelve Golden Immortals immediately came out and began to kowtow.

On the other side.

Tongtian accepted countless disciples. It is only known that almost all the visitors entered the Jiemen, but not so many were accepted as disciples by Tongtian.

But if compared with Yuanshi Tianzun, he did accept many disciples.

Among them were Zhao Gongming, the seven attendants, the three goddesses, the ten heavenly monarchs, and some other disciples.

But these disciples were all outer disciples, not like the four direct disciples accepted in the past.

But it was much better than those disciples who were not even disciples. For a while, the Shangqing Daochang was very noisy, making the extremely quiet Buzhou Mountain lively again, with a bit of the scene when the human race was still there in the past.

After accepting so many disciples, those disciples also lived in Buzhou Mountain.

However, as time went by, the chaos in Buzhou Mountain caused by him was disliked by Yuanshi Tianzun, who thought that the disciples of Jiemen were becoming more and more unbridled.

So, the intolerable Yuanshi Tianzun personally went to Tongtian, hoping that he could restrain these corrupt disciples, otherwise, they would definitely cause trouble in the future.

After thinking about it, Tongtian felt that it made sense. After all, many time and space fell out because of this matter. Therefore, Tongtian began to restrain the people of Jiemen from being too unbridled, and ordered them to find their own dojo in Kunlun Mountains, and not to stay in Buzhou Mountains. When the sermon was about to start, they would be notified and asked to come over.

And those disciples of Jiemen did not worship Tongtian as their master, but only worshipped in Jiemen. They were afraid that Tongtian would not preach to them, so they all obeyed and ran to Kunlun Mountains honestly.

For a while, Buzhou Mountain regained its former tranquility.

Compared with the huge Kunlun Mountains, the number of those Jiemen disciples was just a drop in the ocean, and they could not cause any waves at all.

Yuanshi Tianzun was quite satisfied with this, and he repeatedly expressed his joy to Tongtian.

After all, after those smoky disciples left, Buzhou Mountain became much more comfortable, and even the spiritual energy became more refreshing.

Those disciples were not disciples, so what qualifications did they have to stay in Buzhou Mountain.

This Buzhou Mountain is the Taoist temple of the Three Pure Ones. Except for those creatures who have already taken root here, other creatures who want to establish a Taoist temple here must ask the opinions of the Three Pure Ones.

Tongtian also had a happy expression on his face. Nothing was more important than the harmonious coexistence between the three brothers.

It was just that those disciples were not allowed to live in Buzhou Mountain, not that he was not allowed to preach to those disciples, nor was it that he was not allowed to accept those creatures as disciples.

Since it does not conflict with the concept of the Great Dao, there is no need to have any disagreements. If you take a step back, you will get a broader response.

As expected, Yuanshi Tianzun is very good to his disciples who have been accepted by the sect. Every time he preaches to the Twelve Golden Immortals and Yun Zhongzi, Nanji Xianweng and others who have long been accepted by the sect, he will bring the disciples of Jiemen together.

Of course, if the Xuandu Master of Renmen also wants to listen, he will naturally not stop him.

After seeing this, Tongtian will call the disciples of Chanmen every time he preaches.

Of course, it is just preaching. When teaching the doctrines of the sect, they will subconsciously let the other party go back. After all, they are two completely different sects. If they listen to each other and cause them to question their respective teachers, it will not be good. That is a matter of hurting feelings.

After seeing this scene, Taishang secretly nodded with a smile on his face. He was naturally very happy about this. He knew that if it continued like this, there would definitely be no separation.

"The luck of the human race is extremely prosperous, and it is almost going to be a great success..."

Ye Xuan looked at the luck of the human race, which was manifested by a wisp of fire, which was the symbol of the great way of the first emperor of the human race. In this wisp of fire, there were more than 300 symbols of luck, which represented the luck of the kingdoms in the human race.

Among them, the highest one was the character "人", which symbolized the master of human beings, that is, Cang Kingdom.

Originally, the luck of Shi Kingdom was the most prosperous, but then it became the most prosperous in Cang Kingdom, which had the master of human beings, and then the luck of Shi Kingdom was surpassed by Su Kingdom.

These are the three kingdoms with the most prosperous luck in the human race.

Now the human race dominates the Southern Wilderness. Although it has not occupied the entire Southern Wilderness, as time goes on, its luck will definitely be extremely prosperous until it unifies the entire Southern Wilderness.

In a hurry, a Yuanhui passed, and the number of human races changed from 10 billion to 100 billion.

The increase in its number is shocking. Not to mention the first in the prehistoric world, it is at least the first among the four major races in the prehistoric world.

The only race that can be compared with it is the dragon race.

As the number of human beings increases crazily, the territory occupied by human beings is becoming more and more vast.

Not to mention that the entire territory of the Southern Wilderness has been taken by human beings, but at least a quarter of the territory has been occupied.

And this quarter of the territory is already extremely vast, and it is many times larger than the entire prehistoric wilderness before.

It is equivalent to that the territory occupied by human beings now is many times larger than the entire prehistoric wilderness before, which is far larger than the previous prehistoric territory.

With the expansion of territory, the most direct benefit brought is luck.

As luck grew wildly, new powerful people in the Hunyuan realm began to appear one after another in the human race.

This territory that dominated the Southern Wilderness allowed the more than 300 kings of the human race to enter the Hunyuan realm. For a time, more than 300 people in the prehistoric human race appeared in the Hunyuan realm.

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