Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 299: Cultivation breakthrough! The God and Devil of Light are resurrected!

From then on, the human race truly stood among the four great races of the prehistoric world, and could speak with some confidence to the other three great races.

With the emergence of more than 300 people in the Hunyuan realm in the human race, the other three races did not rest.

They were also expanding madly, with the dragon race adding a thousand people in the Hunyuan realm, and the two races of witches and liches producing even more powerful people in the Hunyuan realm.

It can only be said that the foundation of the human race is still much worse than that of the three races.

However, with the emergence of so many people in the Hunyuan realm, the restriction of the luck blockade was completely broken, resulting in the prehistoric races no longer needing to rely on luck, opportunity, and merit to break through the Hunyuan realm.

Instead, after reaching the level of cultivation, if you can cross that hurdle, you can break through to the Hunyuan realm.

"It's time!"

Ye Xuan instantly absorbed the powerful divine power brought by the thousands of people who broke through the Hunyuan realm in the void, and for a moment, his aura surged wildly.

The divine nature in the center of his eyebrows appeared. The divine nature was composed of the Three Thousand Great Daos and the Great Dao of Power. Surrounded by layers of great Daos, Ye Xuan was now sacred and extraordinary, and no one dared to approach him.

As the incomparably powerful divine power surged toward the divine nature in the center of Ye Xuan's eyebrows, Ye Xuan's cultivation base soared even more crazily.

As his cultivation base continued to improve, the Dao rhyme around him became even more terrifying!

Buzz! ! !

As a burst of Dao rhyme gushed out, Ye Xuan's divine nature grew stronger, symbolizing that he had broken through his cultivation base and entered the realm of the fourth-order middle stage.

"Is this the fourth-order middle-order Creation God..."

Ye Xuan felt the powerful power coming from the divine nature, as if his thought at this moment could suppress the fourth-order Creation Gods that he had suppressed before.

He had long been invincible among the fourth-order Creation Gods, and now he was even more invincible, and he could suppress those fourth-order Creation Gods with just one thought.

The so-called "one level, one heaven" is not an exaggeration. Although Ye Xuan's breakthrough this time did not make a qualitative leap, his cultivation level has actually increased by a large margin.

With the increase of cultivation level, combat power has also increased by a large margin.

And as Ye Xuan's cultivation level broke through and fed back to the Kingdom of God, the upper limit of the Kingdom of God instantly became the middle stage of Hunyuan.


"Congratulations, brother, on your breakthrough!" Donghuang Taiyi looked at his elder brother with congratulations and said.

After the cultivation level between heaven and earth was relaxed, Di Jun, who carried the mark of Tianxin, naturally broke through and reached the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian is much stronger than the previous stage. In the previous stage of cultivation, it is possible to cross the level to kill the enemy, but once you reach the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm, there are even fewer creatures who can cross the level to kill the enemy.

It can be said that it is almost impossible to see it, especially among the creatures with similar foundation to themselves, it is extremely difficult to cross the level and kill the enemy.

So, Di Jun once again walked in front of everyone.

As more and more Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian cultivators appeared in the world, the effect of Tianxin Seal became lower and lower.

"It is nothing more than the benefit brought by the first to prove the Dao and get Tianxin Seal. There is nothing to congratulate." Di Jun waved his hand, indicating that these were not worth congratulating. After all, as the effect of Tianxin Seal gradually disappeared, he would not have this effect in the future.

What is the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the future? Di Jun still has no idea, and he doesn't know how to reach that realm.

"That is also because my elder brother proved Hunyuan earlier. I don't have such benefits. Since it is obtained by my own efforts, it should be so."

Taiyi said with a smile.

At this time, the Jinwu clan was really becoming more and more prosperous. Di Jun broke into the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and his ten nephews also entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

As the princes of the Heavenly Court, they were the top existences in the prehistoric world in terms of their background, talent, background, luck, etc., so it was normal for them to break into the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

There were only thirteen members of the Jinwu clan, and all of them were in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

It can be said that the Jinwu clan was the strongest race in the prehistoric world.

This strongest means that everyone is Hunyuan, not that the thirteen Jinwus can defeat any race in the prehistoric world.

You should know that the Jinwu clan is extremely rare. Rather than saying it is a race, it is better to say that it is a congenital sacred, just the same form, just like the Three Pure Ones.

And the ten little Jinwus are also acquired sacred.

They are born from the congenital sacred and are extremely powerful.

"By the way, are the little Golden Crows okay?"

Di Jun looked at Tai Yi and asked with a smile.

"Fortunately, the talents of the ten nephews are not bad. They are worthy of being born by my eldest brother. They have all entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Now their temperaments have been adjusted by me. Things that happened in other time and space should not happen again."

Tai Yi nodded and replied.

In fact, compared with the cultivation realm of the Golden Crows, Di Jun and Tai Yi are more concerned about their temperaments. After all, their cultivation realm cannot be bad. After all, they are born by Di Jun and Xihe, and they are nurtured in the realm of Hunyuan.

The strength of their parents determines that the strength of these ten little Golden Crows will not be weak. Not to mention the combat power of the first echelon of the prehistoric world, at least they can easily achieve the combat power of the second echelon.

Although everyone is in the same state of Hunyuan, there are also differences in the level of Hunyuan. In the same state, there is not always a tie, but most of the time there will be a winner and loser.

The main reason for this difference is the existence of treasures. Because in the same state, although there are differences in cultivation, the actual situation will not be too far apart.

In addition to the difference in treasures, the most important thing is the combat power itself. For example, Donghuang Taiyi, even without the treasure of Chaos Bell, his combat power is still the top existence in the prehistoric world.

There is also Shi Hao of the human race, and Shi Hao himself does not have the existence of a treasure. He is famous in the prehistoric world entirely because of his own combat power. This shows his talent for fighting.

In addition, Xing Tian of the Wu clan is also like this, and there are also twelve ancestor witches, all of whom are proficient in fighting.

Few people in the Wu clan use treasures, because they believe in themselves more than treasures.

In fact, the main reason is that they don't have a companion treasure at all, and they don't have a soul, so they can only control the treasure by relying on the connection between their mind and blood.

And it's unknown how much effort it will take to establish a connection with an innate spiritual treasure. It's better to strengthen themselves directly, which can help them to enhance their cultivation to a greater extent.

Only those companion treasures don't need to rely on the blood of the heart to maintain, because they are from the same source and are companion treasures.

Just like the thirteenth ancestor witch Xingtian, the dry halberd in his hand is a companion treasure that he was born with. Although it is not in the innate stream, it is also an acquired treasure, and it is extremely powerful.

There is also the bow of the great witch Houyi, which is also his companion treasure.

It has to be said that the strength of these great witches with companion treasures is higher than that of other great witches.

"What's going on in the new world?"

Di Jun asked Taiyi beside him. He has always been a hands-off shopkeeper and basically doesn't intervene in such matters.

The mechanism of the Heavenly Court is destined to run perfectly whether he, the Emperor of Heaven, manages things or not. Just because he has the right to manage things doesn't mean he has to manage them.

Taiyi shook his head. How could he care about these things? He was too lazy to care about the affairs in the Eastern Wasteland. He just threw them to the people under his command.

However, the Eastern Wasteland has also expanded by more than a billion times. There is simply not enough manpower. When there is not enough manpower, the control will naturally become much lower.

"Then let's go!"

Di Jun nodded and said in a gentle tone.

After discussing with the other two tribes, the power occupied by the Heavenly Court is naturally the largest, with one-third of the territory, while the Wu Clan and the Dragon Clan each own a quarter of the territory, which means that one-sixth of the territory is vacant.

And that territory is the area at the entrance of the second world. That area has become a public place where all creatures can live and live.


The second world.

"This world is full of spiritual energy, and the tenacity of the space seems to be better than the outside world, and it is not much worse than the heaven."

Di Jun nodded. This was his first time entering this world after he entered it last time to explore it.

"We should give this world a name."

Tai Yi said coldly on the side. This place did not have a name after it appeared. There was no name of heaven and earth, and it was different from the heaven, the underworld, and the four seas and eight wastelands.

The key is that this thing is not very good to describe it as a cave. After all, it is too huge, as big as half of the prehistoric world. It is not very good to describe it as a cave.

The most important thing is that the origin of this world is too high, and it is the same as the prehistoric world. It comes from the same source, and it cannot be described as a cave.

Just like the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the hand in the Three Buddhas of Buddhism, even if there is an unknown world in it, it is just like a cave.

After all, a grain of sand in the prehistoric world contains a world. If we only compare the size of space, it would be too superficial.

Although some worlds seem infinitely large, even larger than the prehistoric world, their world foundation is pitifully small. There is no second world at all, and there is no world like the prehistoric world, where a grain of sand contains a world.

So if you want to hide in the prehistoric world, it is still very easy, at least it is very difficult for the existence of the same realm to find it.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi.

"In this world, you can only travel freely if you are above Daluo, so why not call this world Daluo Realm!"

As Di Jun's words fell, a burst of golden light flashed out, and the three words of Daluo Realm appeared and were imprinted in this world.

Then, all the creatures in this world knew what the name of this world was.

Daluo Realm!

The law follows the word of the Emperor of Heaven, which is the authority of the Emperor of Heaven.

For things without owners and places without names, they can be determined with one word.

The naming of Daluo Realm did not surprise many creatures. After all, it was normal for a person with great supernatural powers to follow his words, not to mention that the Emperor of Heaven was here in person.

"Daluo Realm?"

Taiyi muttered and nodded slightly.

Although the name is good, it is a bit too hasty.

After all, if this place is described as Daluo unable to travel freely, then what should be named in the prehistoric world? Hunyuan Realm...

However, fortunately, all places in the prehistoric world have names, and there is no need for Emperor Jun to name them.

Of course, the name of this Daluo Realm is actually quite meaningful.

After all, the full name of the Hunyuan Realm is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, which is actually just some Daluo Jinxian who have comprehended the Hunyuan Dao, just like Daluo Jinxian is a Jinxian who has comprehended the Daluo Dao.

From the most fundamental point of view, they are all Jinxians, and naturally they are all Daluo Jinxians.

It is not bad to name it with Daluo Realm.

In Daluo Realm, all kinds of Tao rhymes emerge.

As the name of Daluo Realm was determined, countless prehistoric creatures felt a trace of calling from the depths of their souls. It was the pull from the depths of their souls, and the pull manifested by the various Tao rhymes inside Daluo Realm.

And the light at the original entrance of Daluo Realm also turned into a mighty sky gate, becoming the entrance to Daluo Realm.

On this mighty gate, the three characters of Daluo Realm were engraved with the word Dao, so that those who entered the Golden Immortal could recognize the name of this realm.

Daluo Realm unfolded, and the infinite Dao rhyme contained in it burst out, as if it had materialized, and it was above the sky.

The Dao rhyme in this world was extremely manifested, making all living beings in the world yearn for it.

At this time, the creatures in Daluo Realm instantly entered the state of enlightenment, comprehending various great ways, hoping to prove the Dao.

"It actually has such a wonderful use! This world will definitely become a prehistoric holy land!"

Emperor Jun's pupils shrank and said.

With the naming of this world, a series of changes were actually caused.

And those changes were originally supposed to be born, but they had been locked and could not be manifested until this world was named, and they were completely liberated.

Originally, it was just a world in the prehistoric world. If it had not had its own name, it would have always relied on the prehistoric world and could not show its true appearance. But now it has been completely unfolded, and the Dao rhyme has manifested.

Di Jun saw through the essence of Daluo Realm at a glance. Rather than saying that this is another world, it is better to say that it is the manifestation of the origin in the prehistoric world, and it is a place specially given to the prehistoric world to comprehend the Great Dao.

"So what? We in the Heavenly Court occupy a corner anyway. We can sit on the long river of time and space and watch the rise and fall of the prehistoric world."

Taiyi said indifferently, not taking it seriously at all.

In his opinion, even if this place is more suitable for comprehending the Great Dao, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, the Heavenly Court occupies a position, so you can enter it at any time.

And with their realm, even if they force themselves to enter, no one can stop them.

If there is a good place, you naturally need to use it, not to mention that they are the only ones who need to go on the road of comprehending the Great Dao.

Under the self-display of Daluo Realm, all kinds of Dao rhymes are scattered and gathered, and the Great Dao emerges in an endless stream, covering the Daluo Realm and turning into various sacred symbols.

There are dragons, phoenixes, unicorns, three-legged golden crows, and nine-headed snakes.

There are all kinds of innate sacred images, and they are all creatures manifested by the Dao rhyme.

The Dao rhyme of the whole world is extremely bright and brilliant.

Emperor Jun looked at the world in front of him, and felt that his mind was clear and the Dao was unobstructed, as if it could be touched.

Taiyi also felt the same way, and then closed his eyes to comprehend.

There were infinite Dao rhymes around him, one after another, and more and more profound Dao rhymes appeared beside Taiyi.

Taiyi seemed to be a god sitting in the middle of the ages, and thousands of Dao rhymes appeared beside him.

Emperor Jun frowned and looked at this scene, wondering why Taiyi could gather so many Dao rhymes.

You know, there are many Dao rhymes that have not been controlled, and Taiyi has never comprehended them.

But at this time, they all surrounded Taiyi at the same time.

Buzz! ! !

Boom! ! !

The avenue roared, the avenue of light illuminated the four seas and eight wildernesses, the avenue of domination dominated the heavens, and the avenue of war fought all the prehistoric worlds!

All the avenues contended, and Taiyi's cultivation broke through for a while, reaching the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.


At this time, as Taiyi's realm broke through, the shape of a large disc began to float vaguely in the chaotic world behind.

An ancient and terrifying aura began to appear, which was the aura of the light god and devil.

The shape of the large disc was the avenue body and god and devil body of the light god and devil...

As Di Jun, who controlled the sun and turned into light, and Taiyi both broke into the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the most ancient light god and devil, which symbolized infinite light, was awakened.

"Am I revived again..."

The consciousness of the light god and devil suddenly appeared, but as soon as he finished speaking, he noticed the abnormality of himself at this time.

"It turns out that I haven't really revived yet..."

The light god and devil found that what he had revived was only consciousness, but his own avenue god and devil body was not fully conceived.

But with just a consciousness, the cultivation level of the Light God and Demon has already reached the level of the Hunyuan, and the aura has reached the level of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The Great Dao God and Demon are born to be the strongest.

Between heaven and earth, they are born to be the existence with the highest realm in heaven and earth.

Although his cultivation level is only the early stage of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, not the middle stage, it is also an existence that all the gods envy.

And with his talent, it is also very easy to break through again.

He looked behind him, among the phantoms of the great gods and demons, and found that there was actually a great great god and demon who was more solid than himself.

"That is……"

"Reincarnation of Gods and Demons!!!"

"Is He also revived..."

The God and Demon of Light looked at the phantom of the God and Demon of Samsara and found that it was a bit more solid than himself. Apparently, his consciousness had recovered a long time ago.

Then, He covered the chaotic world with his spiritual consciousness, but it was completely unable to cover it. The chaotic world was already extremely wide, and then it expanded hundreds of millions of times.


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