Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 300: The Talk of Bright Reincarnation, Emperor Jun and Tai Yi follow

"Can't find..."

"Can't find..."

“Why can’t I still find you!!!”

The gods and demons of light have been searching for countless years in the chaos, but they find that they have not found the figure of the gods and demons of reincarnation at all.

Not to mention the figure of the Samsara God and Demon, even the breath of the Samsara God and Demon has not been felt.

"Could it be that He has not recovered..."

The consciousness of the God and Demon of Light paused for a moment, but then he immediately dismissed the idea.

How could there be no recovery? If there was no recovery, how could the body solidify faster than him!

Therefore, the reincarnation gods and demons must have recovered, and it is impossible not to recover.

"That's right! Why can't we find the world opened up by Pangu in this chaos!!!"

The God of Light suddenly thought of this, and then he realized that he was killed by Pangu, and Pangu also opened up a new world.

As soon as his thoughts came to him, information about the world created by Pangu appeared instantly.

"Is this the prehistoric world..."

"It turns out it's on the other side of this world..."

"Dijun, Taiyi..."

The God of Light frowned and turned into the innate Taoist body, that is, the appearance of Pangu. He looked at himself strangely, and then forcibly endured it.

For the gods and demons of the Dao, the best body to understand the Dao is the body of the gods and demons of the Dao.

However, at this time, he does not have the body of a Taoist god or demon at all, that is, he only has consciousness, so it is not a big deal if he can transform at will.

Wherever there is light, the gods and demons of light will naturally be able to detect all this. The source of all light is the gods and demons of light.

Therefore, as long as there is light, the gods and demons of light can understand everything there.

Previously, I just subconsciously thought that this was a world of chaos. There was no light at all. It was chaos. Except for the light emitted by him, there was no light.

Chaos is an existence that devours everything, whether it is light or darkness, it will eventually be swallowed by chaos.

Of course, the light emitted by the Gods and Demons of Light can dispel Chaos, because Chaos is not controlled by living beings. If Chaos is controlled by the Gods and Demons of Chaos, it will be another situation.

When chaos dispels darkness and dispels light, a new reincarnation will appear.

"It turns out that the prehistoric world is such a world. I see hope and light in this world..."

There was a hint of joy on the face of the God of Light, and a burst of joy and excitement emitted from his consciousness.

If he had known that Pangu had opened up such a world, he would not have stopped the other party. On the contrary, he would have tried his best to make this happen.

After all, there is no place for light in chaos.

In the prehistoric world created by Pangu, he saw the endless stars. Each star contained his light. Although there were star avenues and star gods and demons above it, but the stars Gods and demons themselves are close friends with themselves, which is the way to be close.

The stars have no light, but light gives the stars their light.

This is the characteristic that the Gods and Demons of Light gave to the Gods and Demons of the Stars when they discussed the Tao with each other.

From then on, all the stars in the sky had light.

And the sun was even more brilliant, bringing light to most places in the wilderness.

The sun is originally the combination of Pangu's charm and the bright road, so the three-legged golden crow was born to control the light and the flame.

The True Fire of the Sun was transformed from the anger in Pangu's gaze in the past, so it was the first flame in the world, extremely domineering.

"I found you, reincarnation!!!"

Wherever the bright gods and demons looked, there was no sign of reincarnation.

Only the extremely dark East Pole and the Nine Netherlands cannot be observed by the gods and demons of light.

And he knew that the gods and demons of reincarnation were in the land of East Pole, in that land that was not illuminated by light.

Then, the body of the light god and demon flashed, heading towards the other side of the chaos behind the chaos.

And that place in the chaos was the real place where they were born.

The speed of the light god and demon is extremely fast. As soon as his thoughts reach his mind, his body arrives in the wilderness.

Perhaps it is not speed, but a transformation.

As long as there is a place where light is widespread, He can reach it with just a thought.

The aura of the gods and demons of light had just appeared in the wilderness, and it was instantly felt by many people with great supernatural powers.

Daluo Realm.

"The gods and demons of light have revived..."

Di Jun and Tai Yi said at the same time, and then they flashed out of the Daluo Realm and headed towards the place where the bright god and demon appeared.

These two innate and sacred beings are in charge of the movement of the sun in the ancient world, which symbolizes the direction of light and is itself a part of the light.

As soon as the golden crow appears, it means that it will shine in the heavens.

Therefore, they can instantly detect the arrival of the Gods and Demons of Light.

But the two of them have no fear at all. Both Dijun and Taiyi are in the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, and they also have other avenues. For example, Dijun was born as the Emperor of Heaven and is in the path of the Emperor. It goes extremely far.

And it itself also controls the existence of the great avenues such as flame, great sun, light, etc.

Taiyi is in charge of the Avenue of Hegemony and the existence of the Avenue of War.

It can be said that they are not afraid at all when facing the light god and demon alone.

East of the East Desert, near the East Pole.

This is where the sun rises, also called Tanggu.

Tanggu is where the sun rises every day, and Yuyuan is where the sun sets.

Rising in the east and setting in the west, a cycle.

One day in the prehistoric heaven is one year in the mortal world.

So, it seems that the sun rises and sets every day, but in fact it is once a year.

At this time, the gods and demons of light appeared here. This is the closest place to the East Pole, and it is also the extreme point where the light shines.

Where there is light, there will be darkness. When the sun does not shine, it is a dark place.

And the darkness will have stars shining in all directions.

Although there are stars and no light of the sun, it can still bring some light to the dark place.

Only the East Pole is the only place where the sun cannot shine all year round, and even the starlight is difficult to see.

This is where darkness spreads, and here is where light does not exist.

The Guixu Land in the East Pole Land is a place where even the stars cannot shine all year round, and it is also called the Netherworld.

Not to mention the Nine Netherworld Land, where the reincarnation is.

And the gods and demons of reincarnation exist in the reincarnation.

However, at this time, although the gods and demons of light have no body, they also shine brightly. The infinite light emanating from their bodies illuminates the East Pole Land again.

When the light appears, the darkness retreats.

The light then disperses and goes to the depths of the East Pole.

It comes to the Guixu Land and lights it up again.

Then it continues to spread until the Nine Netherworld Land, illuminating the entire Nine Netherworld with extreme brilliance, shocking many ghosts, who all think that the Great Sun Emperor has arrived.

Beside the Yellow Spring River, the flowers of the other shore bloom.

The flowers of the other shore bloom extremely charmingly and enchantingly.

There is a little dew on each flower of the other shore. Those are the flowers of the other shore dew, which is the treasure that can make Su Ming immersed in the dream of the Great Dao.

The light spread and soon illuminated the eighteen levels of hell.

The endless light illuminated the entire East Pole and even the place of reincarnation as if it were daytime.


The underworld.

"Is this the Emperor of Heaven coming? But there seems to be no breath of the sun..."

Hou Tu muttered to herself, puzzled.

Except for the golden crows on the heaven, there are probably no other creatures in the prehistoric world that can illuminate the entire East Pole.

No, the East Pole is so vast now that even the golden crows on the heaven can't illuminate the entire East Pole like daylight in an instant!

"No, it's Him..."

Suddenly, a consciousness appeared in the six reincarnations.

"Him? Who is it..."

Hou Tu asked puzzledly, not knowing who the reincarnation gods and demons were talking about.

That was the consciousness of the reincarnation gods and demons. After the consciousness of the reincarnation gods and demons appeared.

In an instant, another figure appeared.

That was the consciousness of the God of Light and Demon. Wherever the light goes, the God of Light and Demon can arrive in an instant.

When the consciousness of the God of Reincarnation and Demon appeared, the God of Light and Demon also arrived here in an instant.

So far, the two great Dao Gods and Demons have met again after the creation of the world!

These two great Dao Gods and Demons are the Great Dao Gods and Demons among the twelve most powerful Daos, and they were all powerful in their respective camps in the past.

The God of Light and Demon is one of the strongest gods and demons in the Order Camp among the three major camps of Chaos in the past, and the God of Reincarnation and Demon is the most powerful existence in the neutral camp except for the God of Guixu and Demon.

Although the number of gods and demons in the neutral camp is small, each of them can almost fight against several other gods and demons in the Order or Disorder Camp.

Therefore, the God of Light and Demon did not come here to fight the God of Reincarnation and Demon. Although he was much more powerful because of the light everywhere in the prehistoric world, he also believed that he was not the opponent of the God of Reincarnation and Demon.

"I didn't expect that after I revived, the first one to revive would be Daoyou."

The God and Demon of Reincarnation spoke first, but before the other party could reply, he said again: "But it is also normal. After all, the two Golden Crows are so powerful, dominating the heavens and suppressing the entire prehistoric world."

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect that the first one to revive was not the God and Demon of Creation or the God and Demon of Returning to the Ruins, but Daoyou." The God and Demon of Light laughed even more, expressing his joy.

In the prehistoric world, He didn't know all the creatures, only the God and Demon of Reincarnation in front of him was his old friend in the chaos of the past.

If he was considered a Daoist, but calling each other a Daoist friend was also a Daoist friend.

He didn't mention the God and Demon of Destruction. It is unknown when the God and Demon of Destruction will be able to revive. It must take a very long time to revive.

"Between heaven and earth, the place of reincarnation was born, which made me wake up. This place is the origin of the Great Desolation, so the Great Dao is shaking, which also makes me revived, but the body of the Great Dao is still in the process of gestation, and it can never be fully awakened." The god and devil of reincarnation explained to him, and then looked at him and waved his hand. For a moment, the surroundings changed drastically.

From the original place of reincarnation, it turned into a palace.

It was the god and devil of reincarnation who took him into the Houtu Palace, which was Houtu's palace complex.

The two came to the Hall of Reincarnation, which was built for the god and devil of reincarnation.

Seeing this, Houtu did not go to disturb him, but quietly retreated and hid in the reincarnation.

In the Hall of Reincarnation.

The two gods and demons sat cross-legged, with a tea table in the middle.

"This is the tea bred from the so-called Xiantai Enlightenment tea tree with innate spiritual roots in the ancient times." The Sentai Enlightenment tea was brewed automatically as soon as the reincarnation gods and demons thought about it.

What is used is brewed with the dew of the other shore flower, and the tea is Sendai Enlightenment Tea bred from the Sendai Enlightenment tea tree with innate spiritual roots.

If this Sendai Enlightenment Tea is brewed with Biangan flower dew, it will have more enlightenment ability and become Biangan Enlightenment Tea.

If the Sendai Enlightenment Tea can allow living beings to realize the Tao and reach immortality in one step, then the Other Shore Enlightenment Tea can allow living beings to reach the other side in one step after drinking it, transcend life and death in one step, and reach the realm of golden immortality.

This is the effect of the other shore enlightenment tea on ordinary people.

Of course, this is just because mortals are too weak to exert the true effect of the Other Side Enlightenment Tea.

The real effect of the other shore enlightenment tea is to make living beings deepen their understanding of the great road, so that they can directly reach the other shore and realize the truth.

After attaining enlightenment, you can naturally deepen your understanding of the Great Way.

Of course, these are just a promotion effect. What really depends on yourself is that it has nothing to do with it. .

This is the true function of the flower dew from the other side. However, when many saints in the prehistoric times did not know how to use it, the gods and demons of reincarnation had already secretly found the Sentai Enlightenment Tea Tree and transplanted it into the Reincarnation Hall.

For the Great Dao Gods and Demons, there is no so-called secret in everything in the world. What items have what uses, and what effects they can produce when paired with them, are all as transparent in the eyes of the Great Dao Gods and Demons.

All things are transformed by the Great Dao. As the manifestation of the Great Dao, the gods and demons of the Dao can detect their essence with one glance and understand their origin with one thought.

"When my Taoist friends enter this ancient world, they no longer look like gods and demons, but more like the creatures of the ancient world."

The God of Light said teasingly while introducing the other shore enlightenment tea into his belly.

Drinking tea consciously is a small skill.

"What are the gods and demons of the Great Dao, and what are the creatures of the ancient world? They are all manifestations of the Tao, but fellow Taoists are incarnations." The gods and demons of reincarnation shook their heads slightly and said with a smile.

In his view, there is no distinction between gods, demons, and living beings. Everyone is just a living being, only strong or weak.

Dao gods and demons may be born very strong, but they are also living beings, and they also have various thoughts. They are no different from the primitive living beings. The only difference may be the difference in origin.

After all, the gods and demons of the Great Dao are much stronger than the creatures of the ancient world...

"Ha ha."

The God of Light smiled and shook his head without saying much, but He didn't think so.

The gods and demons of the Great Dao are born with incomparable nobility, in fact, they are comparable to those creatures in the ancient world.

Even the so-called innate saints are just the remnants of the great gods and demons in the chaos of the past.

One is the transformation of residual thoughts, and the other is the great road itself. How can these be compared.

Therefore, the Dao gods and demons are much nobler than the innate holiness.

In the eyes of the gods and demons of the Great Dao, those acquired saints and acquired beings are like mud-legged ants. They are all ants that can be destroyed with a wave of hands.

This is what the gods and demons of light are thinking now, just like the gods and demons of reincarnation in the past.

However, after staying in the Six Paths of Reincarnation for a long time and quietly watching the vicissitudes of the world, I realized that the gods and demons of the Great Dao are no different from those living beings. They are nothing more than differences in strength and depth.

And there are many creatures among them who have all kinds of ideas that the great gods and demons do not have. Although those ideas are not worth mentioning in his opinion, they are indeed some very interesting ideas.

Time passed by, and slowly, as I saw more of the reincarnation of gods and demons, I began to gain some insights, and my life became more and more like a prehistoric creature.

When the Samsara God and Demon saw the appearance of the Light God and Demon, he just smiled and didn't say much.

He knew that the other party disapproved of it, but he didn't take it too seriously.

We are all the gods and demons of the past, and they have no intention of destroying the ancient world. This is why we have such a harmonious scene now.

If you want to destroy the ancient world, then there will be another scene, where it will be as leisurely and happy as it is now.

In fact, both of them knew very well that it was impossible for the other to destroy the ancient world, because the existence of the ancient world would help their Tao grow.

You must know that there is not only no reincarnation nor light in the chaos, but there is extremely light and reincarnation in the primitive world. This is the reason why these two gods and demons are attracted.

And there is also a chaotic world on the back, and it is many times larger than the previous chaotic world.

Previously, the gods and demons of light were frantically searching for the gods and demons of reincarnation, but could not find any living beings, and the location they explored was only as large as the previous chaos.

Although he didn't know how big this Chaos was, he also knew that it must be at least as big as that prehistoric world.

As for the size of the prehistoric world, he had already figured out how big the land illuminated by the sun was. The Gods and Demons of Light naturally knew how big it was. Moreover, adding this land to the east pole, it became the size of the prehistoric world.


"Such a majestic light is indeed Him!"

Emperor Jun came to the sky above the underworld and looked at the underworld below. The underworld was not as dark as it was at first, but became extremely dazzling.

"Hou Tu has met His Majesty and the Eastern Emperor."

Suddenly, a figure flashed by, and Hou Tu Niangniang appeared in front of Emperor Di Jun and Emperor Taiyi, bowing her head slightly.

Emperor Jun and Taiyi hurriedly bowed their hands in return and said, "You are polite, Niangniang."

Although both of them did not need to address Hou Tu as Niangniang, Taiyi could directly bow his hands in return, and Di Jun could even nod his head to indicate that he understood.

But that only happened during the grand ceremony. If they were to get along with each other on a daily basis, they would only do this unless they were crazy. Even the usually indifferent Emperor Taiyi would not have such a low EQ.

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