Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 301: In the cycle of reincarnation, the light is suppressed

"I wonder what your majesty and Donghuang are here for?"

Hou Tu guessed a little, but still asked with a smile.

"For the light."

Di Jun said slowly with a gentle face.

As Di Jun finished speaking, Hou Tu nodded, slightly turned sideways and said: "The light gods and demons are in the underworld, and now they are sitting and discussing with my teacher."

This made Di Jun frown, he had never heard of Hou Tu having a teacher.

How did a teacher suddenly appear? Di Jun looked at Hou Tu with some confusion.

"Reincarnation gods and demons?"

Tai Yi said uncertainly.

To be Hou Tu's teacher, naturally, he is not an innate god, at least he must be a great god and demon, and among the reincarnations in the underworld, the most likely one is the reincarnation gods and demons.

"It is the teacher."

Hou Tu nodded with a smile, and did not hide anything.

Although the God of Reincarnation rarely appears in the prehistoric world, and almost no one knows that He has revived, it does not mean that he cannot tell others.

Hou Tu has never intended to hide anything, but no living being has known and no living being has asked her. She will not take the initiative to tell the world.

Therefore, apart from the ancestors of witches, almost no one knows about the God of Reincarnation.

The ancestors of witches only know about it because they occasionally come to Hou Tu Palace. The only other person who knows is Tu Bo. Only these gods know.

"It turns out that He has also revived..."

"But it should be..."

Di Jun nodded, looking at the palace complex behind Hou Tu, his eyes crossed time and space and came to the Hall of Reincarnation.


"Instead of peeping outside, it is better to come in and discuss the Tao."

The words of the God of Reincarnation came out, but they did not block Di Jun's gaze, but took the initiative to invite him.

Since the other party has chased here, let's meet each other.

The God of Reincarnation is the most powerful existence in the reincarnation of the underworld, stronger than Hou Tu. His strength is difficult to estimate, and no one knows his strength.

Because he has never fought with anyone, the only time he went was with Pangu Cannian, and he did not fight, but just talked.

Di Jun and Tai Yi nodded to Hou Tu and flew towards the palace.

The two were not panicked at all. Even if the opponent was two great gods and demons, they were confident that they could escape from these people.

Apart from anything else, at least there was no problem in escaping.

Of course, both of them were the strongest fighting forces in the prehistoric world, and they would not necessarily be defeated.

Therefore, the two most noble existences in the prehistoric world, Tiandi and Donghuang, and the only two gods and demons that have revived now, are about to meet.

Hou Tu Palace, in the Hall of Reincarnation.

The God of Reincarnation and the God of Light sat and waited. Looking outside the hall, they saw two figures flashing, and Tai Yi and Di Jun came to the front of the two gods and demons.

"So the two of you are only reviving your consciousness."

Di Jun said with a smile. He didn't know if he could defeat the other party before, but now that he saw that the other party was just a consciousness, he had no other thoughts in his mind. As long as he wanted, he would definitely be able to defeat the other party.

"The body of the god and demon is too powerful. Time passes slowly. I don't know how many years it will take to condense. It's just a consciousness, but it's enough to do many things."

The god and demon of the wheel of reincarnation also said with a smile, saying that although he was just a consciousness, he could rest assured about his combat power. He was not a soft persimmon that could be squeezed by anyone.

"Please sit down, both of you."

Then, the god and demon of the wheel of reincarnation gestured to Di Jun and Tai Yi.

It was originally just a small table, which turned into a large table in an instant. Di Jun and Tai Yi flashed and sat down leisurely.

So far, the two innate gods who stood at the peak of the prehistoric world officially met with the two gods and demons who revived first.

After the previous trial of words, neither side was sure that they could defeat the other, so they became very friendly for a while.

"They are just some young people, and they still have my aura. How can such creatures sit on the same side with me?"

Before the God and Demon of Reincarnation spoke, the God and Demon of Light beside him looked at Taiyi and Dijun with disdain, questioning the God and Demon of Reincarnation.

In his opinion, if Dijun and Taiyi did not have his aura of light, he would really have to call them lowly creatures.

In the eyes of the Great Dao God and Demon, there has always been only each other, and the rest of the creatures are some lowly creatures. I don't know how many such lowly creatures the God and Demon of Creation created in the past.

Although the creatures created by the God and Demon of Creation are not comparable to the innate sacredness of the prehistoric world, since they are not born to control the Great Dao, they are lowly.

Although Taiyi and Dijun also control the Great Dao of Light, in fact, when facing the God and Demon of Light, they are just a joke. In front of the light itself, how can they control the light?

"How dare you!" Di Jun's smile disappeared, and a roar of anger resounded through the Nine Netherworlds.

Faced with such provocation and disdain from the gods and demons of light, how could Di Jun, the emperor of heaven who was high above the nine heavens and in charge of the four seas and eight wastelands, endure such a great humiliation.

The emperor of heaven was angry, and the world was shocked.

With Di Jun's roar, a majestic imperial power shocked the Nine Netherworlds, causing the operation of reincarnation to slow down a little, and it had already vaguely affected the operation of the prehistoric underworld.

All living beings and remnant souls in the underworld were trembling at this time, looking up to the sky with panic on their faces, wondering who had angered the Emperor of Heaven and sent down such a divine power.

The Emperor of Heaven immediately withdrew his power and gathered together to crush the gods and demons of light.

Buzz! ! !

After the gods and demons of light felt the pressure of the emperor's power, with a thought, brilliant light appeared, and the mighty light continued to resist the emperor's power.


Taiyi on the side did not sit and watch the show, but moved toward the God of Light with a suppressive intention.

With the emergence of its Taoist rhyme, the meaning of suppression became a little stronger.

At this time, there was a vague look of evil on the face of the God of Light, and he wanted to resist, but under the suppression of the Emperor of Heaven and Tai Daoyun, it became difficult to do so.

The infinite majestic light was now frightened by Taiyi's suppression and Emperor Jun's imperial power, and became less and less.

The light fades and darkness descends!

The thought of light was suppressed, and the Nine Netherworld of the Underworld, which was originally as bright as day, suddenly turned into a place of darkness and returned to its original appearance.

The gods and demons of light struggled to resist, trying to use their magical powers, but they were suppressed by the two most powerful beings in the world, the Emperor of Heaven and the Emperor of the East, and were unable to move.

Just when he was about to be suppressed and kneeling on the ground, the reincarnation gods and demons on the side took action.

"The years go round and round, watching the vicissitudes of life."


As the reincarnation gods and demons took action, a trace of the rhyme of reincarnation appeared. With the help of the power of the six paths of reincarnation, the great avenue of reincarnation pressed across the heavens, instantly clearing away the magical thoughts of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

"Two fellow Taoists, please calm down. Fellow Taoist Guangming has only just woken up. He doesn't know what happened in the ancient times. I hope these two fellow Taoists will understand."

After clearing the thoughts of Di Jun and Tai Yi's magical powers, the Samsara God and Demon hurriedly spoke.

Di Jun and Taiyi looked at each other and knew that the reincarnation god and demon was not as easy to bully as the light god and demon, and in addition, the other party did have two gods and demons. If they really united, it would be difficult to deal with it.

Just as Di Junhe Tai nodded, indicating that he would not pursue further.

The God and Demon of Light on the side gave up, and with a voice like a bell and a shape like thunder, he roared: "How dare you insult the God and Demon, a mere ant!!!"

"How can fellow Taoists just sit back and watch these ants standing on top of us gods and demons, humiliating the gods and demons wantonly?! Insulting the majesty of the gods and demons!!!"

Seeing that this bright god and demon wanted to do it again, two innate spiritual treasures, He Tu and Luo Shu, appeared next to Di Jun and circled around him. In his hand, he held a seal of the Emperor of Heaven, which was the most precious treasure of his enlightenment. Than the innate treasure, has the function of suppressing everything.

This Heavenly Emperor's Seal can forcibly change the nature of many things in the ancient world. It also has the functions of suppressing and smashing people. Like the innate treasure Chaos Bell, it can be attacked or suppressed.

The only thing missing is the ability to defend, otherwise it would be almighty. However, although it lacks defensive power, it has an additional function that can change the nature of things.

If the Emperor's words cannot change its nature, then adding the Emperor's seal can completely change it.

Moreover, anything covered by the Emperor's Seal will have an extra layer of protection.

In other words, although the Emperor's Seal has no defensive function, for example, if the most common Heavenly Emperor's edict is stamped with a seal, it will become an edict that is extremely difficult to damage, even if it is directly attacked with magical powers. There will be no damage at all.

Unless the opponent's offensive power can break through the protection of heaven's luck, only then can it harm the imperial edict itself.

And the luck in heaven is so prosperous. Emperor Jun himself is protected by luck, and it is extremely difficult for ordinary beings to harm him.

When the Samsara God and Demon on the side heard this, he knew that the Light God and Demon was not completely stupid. He knew that it was impossible to beat the other two in his current state, and wanted to pull him into the water.

But the reincarnation gods and demons were not close friends with each other, but they met each other because they were both great gods and demons.

Now that the other party wants to drag him into trouble, don't even think about it.

All this bullshit dignity of gods and demons is all fucking false.

Since the last reincarnation of gods and demons was taught a lesson by Pangu with an axe, they no longer respect the gods and demons of the Dao.

Because the gods and demons of the Great Dao are no longer the most supreme existence. If he looks down upon the creatures of the ancient world, then in Pangu's eyes, he is just an ant and a despicable creature.

After all, Pangu is composed of three thousand avenues, which is not a concept at all.

Therefore, in the eyes of the reincarnation gods and demons, there is no difference between themselves and the creatures of the ancient world. Similarly, there is no difference between themselves and Pangu. The difference is only in strength.

Since I can't stand at the top and despise all living things, then all living beings are equal, because I don't want to be reduced to a humble ant creature!

This is what the reincarnation gods and demons were thinking, so he shook his head slightly and said calmly: "This is the center of reincarnation. If a war starts, the place of reincarnation will be damaged. If you want to fight, you can do whatever you want after you leave the reincarnation."

After he said these words, the gods and demons of light on the side looked at the gods and demons of reincarnation in disbelief. He couldn't figure out why the gods and demons of reincarnation were still indifferent even though he had brought out the glory and dignity of the gods and demons.

But since the reincarnation gods and demons don't help him, it is naturally impossible for him to defeat Di Jun and Taiyi.

"Hmph! If that's the case, then I'll take my leave!"

The God of Light snorted coldly, and with a thought, he left the reincarnation of the underworld and came to the Western Wilderness.

In the Hall of Reincarnation.

"Brother, should we..."

Taiyi said coldly, but he didn't finish his words, but everyone knew what he meant.

Di Jun collected the spiritual treasure and the treasure, shook his head slightly, and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just a light. If he dares to jump out, let him return to the avenue!"

Although these words were said calmly, they were extremely domineering, so that others did not doubt them at all.

Taiyi nodded and said nothing more.

The God of Reincarnation on the side smiled and praised: "It's worthy of being the Emperor of Heaven in the prehistoric world. Such domineering is difficult for ordinary creatures to match."

It seemed that he saw the emperor god and demon in the chaos in the past from Di Jun. The emperor god and demon was in charge of the emperor's avenue, and his every word and deed was in line with the emperor's way.

Domineering is just an accessory of the other party, and it comes naturally.

Although his strength is not the best among the gods and demons, his majesty and domineering and tolerance of chaos are the best among the chaos.

And it just so happens that the Emperor God and Demon is a member of the neutral camp.

According to what he thought, he wanted to suppress the chaos, establish a chaotic dynasty, and make the orderly camp and the disordered camp live in harmony. Of course, it was just a thought. After all, he could not sit and rule the chaos. There was no other reason, only strength.

At this time, the Emperor Jun in front of him actually ruled the prehistoric world. All the creatures in the prehistoric world were submissive. Wherever the Emperor of Heaven's will reached, all spirits dared not disobey.

"Haha, Daoyou, you are too kind. My second brother's domineering is much deeper than mine."

Emperor Jun laughed and called the other party Daoyou.

Taiyi did not say much, but his expression was still indifferent.

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation also looked at Taiyi with a smile, nodded, and said: "Fellow Daoist Taiyi, I naturally know that you are unparalleled in combat power and are the God of War in the prehistoric world, and you are feared by the prehistoric world."

"It's just the nonsense of some weak and ignorant creatures. My combat power is far inferior to that of my elder brother, and with your strength, I may not be able to defeat you."

Faced with the flattery of the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation, Taiyi didn't take it seriously at all, but shook his head and said slowly, and finally didn't forget to return a wave of the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation.

After the test with the God and Demon of Light just now, he found that these gods and demons were not really invincible in the world, at least these gods and demons without the body of Taoism were like this, let alone the two people just now, even if it was just Taiyi, he was confident that he could suppress them.

However, the combat power of the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation in front of him was indeed much stronger than that of the God and Demon of Light, much stronger.

The God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation smiled slightly when he heard this, and didn't say much.

For a while, in the Hall of Reincarnation, the three people were faintly silent.

Then Di Jun looked at the God and Demon of Reincarnation with great concern, wondering why the other party had been hiding for so long.

"Haha, don't worry, my two Taoist friends, I only want to stay in the land of reincarnation and will not interfere too much with the operation of the prehistoric world. As long as the Heavenly Court does not offend the Underworld, I will never be an enemy of the two Taoist friends."

The God and Demon of Reincarnation saw the worry in Di Jun's heart, fearing that he had been hiding for a long time for planning something, and immediately spoke again.

In fact, after talking with Ye Xuan, the God and Demon of Reincarnation was no longer limited to the prehistoric world. Even if the prehistoric world expanded by billions of times, the God and Demon of Reincarnation's eyes were not here.

He just wanted to quickly improve his cultivation, quickly condense his own Dao body, and be able to truly revive. At that time, it would be more conducive to conquering the heavens.

He knew that the prehistoric world was far from the only one, and the Great Dao God and Demon were not rare. There might be many creatures in other worlds that were comparable to the Great Dao God and Demon, at least comparable in strength, or even surpassing.

It can only be said that the vision of a creature determines the upper limit of this creature.

Emperor Jun can accommodate all the races and spirits in the prehistoric world, so all the races and spirits respect him as the Emperor of Heaven.

The gods and demons of reincarnation can overlook the prehistoric world, so their strength and character increase dramatically every day. Now even if the Dao body is not there, they are not inferior to Emperor Jun and Taiyi at all.

However, the gods and demons of light still hold narrow-minded ideas, staring at the glory of the gods and demons in the past all day long, and are unwilling to keep up with the times. If they do not change, even if such gods and demons can rely on the avenue to keep moving forward, they will sooner or later be left far behind by all living beings.

Emperor Jun is so strong that he still needs to go to the human world to learn various magical skills. Perhaps some magical skills are useless, but they can also provide him with a way of thinking.

Again, although the foundation and footwork are more powerful as they age, the magical skills and even the laws and avenues will become stronger and more powerful with the development of the times.

Just like the avenue in the chaos of the past, it is not as strong as the avenue now.

In the chaos of the past, the battles between the gods and demons of the Great Dao were almost all physical, except for the accompanying treasures, without any magical powers or spells.

Although it contains the true meaning of the Great Dao, if it is able to use magical powers and spells, it will undoubtedly enhance its combat power if it has the true meaning of the Great Dao and the magical powers of the Great Dao.

Although some can use the magical powers of the Great Dao, they can only use a few of them, unlike the current prehistoric times, where there are so many magical powers and spells that it is dazzling.

And every once in a while, some new, more powerful and more useful magical powers and spells will appear.

Among them, the most powerful is the human race.

Although the human race is born weak, its talent and talent are unrivaled in the prehistoric world, just like the self-transformation method created by Shi Hao. Even after so many years, it is still one of the most powerful magical powers among those Daluo Jinxian and below.

At this time, after hearing the words of the reincarnation gods and demons, Di Jun smiled and nodded, and replied: "The Heavenly Court will naturally not take action against the Underworld, please rest assured, Taoist friend."

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