Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 302: Light enters Buddhism, Ye Xuan smiles at light

Di Jun and Tai Yi left, and with the assurance of the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation, they were relieved.

Existences like them would not bother to lie, let alone the God and Demon who was proud from the bottom of their hearts.

This is also the reason why the God and Demon of Light looked down on the two of them, too proud, too arrogant.

He really thought that he was still the God and Demon of Light who dominated the chaos, and really thought that the prehistoric world was the one that could be manipulated by the gods and demons of the Great Dao.

Of course, if he had the body of the God and Demon of the Great Dao, he would indeed be able to laugh at the prehistoric world, but now he is just a consciousness, and he dares to look at the prehistoric creatures with the confidence of the God and Demon of the Great Dao.

If the prehistoric creatures can't even beat a consciousness of the God and Demon of the Great Dao, then they are too weak, and they deserve to be ruled by the gods and demons of the Great Dao.

The reason why the God and Demon of the Wheel of Reincarnation did not choose to help the God and Demon of Light, in addition to not being close friends, is mainly because the benefits of helping the God and Demon of Light are simply not as good as the benefits of not helping the God and Demon of Light.

If He chose to help the Gods and Demons of Light to suppress Di Jun and Tai Yi, let's not talk about whether it can be suppressed instantly. If it can't be suppressed instantly, with the power of the Heavenly Court, hundreds of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will appear in an instant, thus suppressing the entire Netherworld.

At that time, let's not talk about whether the reincarnation of the underworld will be destroyed, at least the Gods and Demons of Reincarnation and the Gods and Demons of Light will forget it.

Secondly, even if the two innate sacred beings are suppressed instantly, they will still be attacked by the Heavenly Court in a large-scale manner, and it will be a comprehensive attack. At that time, I am afraid that the reincarnation of the underworld will really be lost.

According to the feelings of the Golden Crows, Xihe will definitely turn the underworld upside down at all costs to avenge Di Jun and Tai Yi.

As for the Gods and Demons of Reincarnation, the benefits He can get are nothing, it's just that the Gods and Demons of Light think it should be so. He can't even get a little benefit in exchange, but it is very likely that he will be sacrificed.

But if he does not stand on the side of the Gods and Demons of Light, then he will not have any benefits, at least he will not suffer any losses.

As for whether the Gods and Demons of Light will have any resentment or hostility towards him, then let them come. Do you really think that there is no difference between the twelve most powerful avenues?

The Great Dao of Samsara is already powerful and unparalleled, so how could it be afraid of light, not to mention that it is difficult to see light in the cycle of reincarnation.

The so-called light is just what those mortal creatures need. For creatures with a little cultivation, whether there is light is not important at all. This is why the Gods and Demons of Light are still no match for the Gods and Demons of Samsara even though the light fills the entire prehistoric world.

But the reincarnation is different. Even if the place of reincarnation is just a small place compared to the light, it is also one of the most important institutions in the prehistoric world, at least it is the only two institutions that cannot be cancelled in the operation of the prehistoric world.

The first is the Heavenly Court, and the second is the Underworld.

The most important thing for the Heavenly Court is to manage the movement of the stars in the sky, mobilize all the races and spirits in the prehistoric world, control the fate of the acquired creatures, and make the prehistoric world enjoy peace, stability and harmony forever.

The most important thing for the underworld is reincarnation, which gives all the creatures in the prehistoric world another chance.

Of course, if the soul and true spirit can still be left in the next life, there will still be new opportunities, again and again, until the true spirit is annihilated.

In fact, the Heavenly Court and the Underworld can naturally be allies to each other. Of course, they can also be enemies to each other. It all depends on how the two get along.

"This reincarnation god and demon is completely different. Only by getting rid of the so-called pride of the Great Dao God and Demon can we go further..."

Ye Xuan muttered to himself. It seems that he really listened to what he said to the reincarnation god and demon at the beginning.

Relying on the background of the Great Dao God and Demon, if he humbly learns the acquired Great Dao and various magical skills from the prehistoric world, and uses the acquired to assist the innate, then his achievements are unimaginable.

If the gods and demons of the Great Dao put aside their so-called pride, they would surely always stand at the top of the prehistoric world and no other creatures could surpass them.

Just like the gods and demons of reincarnation today, He who controls reincarnation has long learned countless magical skills from various true spirits and residual souls. The essence of magical skills is the application of the laws of the Great Dao.

For the same move, the power used by the gods and demons of the Great Dao will surely be much stronger than that exerted by other creatures.

This is why the gods and demons of light were crushed and played with by Taiyi and Dijun, who were the same consciousness. Just the momentum and magical power suppressed the consciousness of the gods and demons of light and made it difficult to escape.

If they really took action, then I am afraid that there would not be a need for two people, and any one person could blow up the other.

Of course, the gods and demons of light are widely present among the gods and demons of the Great Dao, and Taiyi and Dijun are extremely excellent individuals among many prehistoric creatures. Although there is this difference, it also proves how weak the consciousness of the gods and demons of light is.

As for the same consciousness, if it were the Reincarnation God and Demon, it would never be suppressed by the momentum and magical powers of Di Jun and Tai Yi. This is why He was able to eliminate Tai Yi and Di Jun's suppression of the Light God and Demon with one move.

Although it is impossible to fight two top-level innate saints alone with one consciousness, it can fight any one of them for a long time.

If the Great Dao's true body appears, it is even more unbelievable how strong the Reincarnation God and Demon will become. It is conceivable that it will definitely be no problem to fight two alone at that time, and it may not be difficult to defeat Di Jun and Tai Yi.

"I don't know when this light god and demon will finally wake up. I hope that after being taught a lesson by Tai Yi and Di Jun, I can have a longer memory. Your end point is far from just the prehistoric era..."

Ye Xuan looked at the bright gods and demons in the Western Wilderness and murmured to himself.

His expectations for these great avenue gods and demons are much higher than those of the innate saints. After all, the most fundamental difference is that the upper and lower limits of the great avenue gods and demons are undoubtedly the highest in the world.

But there are no perfect creatures in the world, not even these great gods and demons.

Although the Great Dao Gods and Demons are the top beings in all aspects, they have a fatal weakness, and that is arrogance.

What leads to the demise of a race is never weakness and ignorance, but arrogance.

The Dao gods and demons are born to be supreme and extremely noble, so they are all extremely arrogant. They believe that the only people who can be called Taoist friends are each other who are also Dao gods and demons.

Look down on all living beings, look down on everything except the great road.

In the Western Wilderness.

The God and Demon of Light came here with a thought. This is the farthest place from the sun and a place far away from the heaven. In order to avoid being chased by Emperor Jun and Taiyi, he ran very far away.

"These damn despicable two bastards!!!"

The God of Light had never suffered such humiliation before, and he cursed loudly.

There is no trace of the so-called Dao Gods and Demons in Him. The Dao Gods and Demons will not abuse others without any bottom line, and they will hide behind their backs and secretly insult others.

This kind of behavior is actually looked down upon by many creatures, let alone the great gods and demons.

However, the gods and demons of light at this time did not feel this at all.

"When my true body condenses and emerges, I will definitely avenge this great humiliation!!!"

"That damn reincarnation! You actually abandoned the glory of the great gods and demons! You watched the gods and demons being humiliated before your eyes, and you saw those lowly creatures bullying us gods and demons!!!"

The eyes of the light god and demon flashed with hatred, and infinite anger appeared in his eyes, as if it was going to burn the whole world.

Not only was there hatred for Taiyi and Di Jun, but there was also resentment towards the Samsara Gods and Demons. He was obviously resentful that the Samsara Gods and Demons did not help him suppress those two despicable creatures.

Although he is a god and demon of light, it does not mean that light is justice. Light is just light, and it is just the opposite of darkness.

And the so-called justice is just a product of some weak creatures in the ancient times and limited it to those powerful creatures. Where does justice and evil come from?

Not a child.

In the prehistoric world, only strength was supreme, and where could justice and evil come from.

Not to mention the gods and demons of the Great Dao in the chaos. The gods and demons illustrate that there is both good and evil, or there is no so-called good and evil, they just act according to themselves and the Dao.

The God of Light looked to the east. After a long time, the anger in his heart disappeared, and then he began to think about how to take revenge.

"If we wait until the true body is condensed, I don't know how long it will take..."

There is a dangerous light in the eyes of the God of Light. As a light, it is too easy for him to do bad things.

There are existences of light everywhere in the ancient world, which means that He can reach any place at will.

If it is used to snipe the forces of Heaven in this way, Heaven will definitely suffer heavy losses.

"No, it can't be like this. When did we gods and demons do this?"

The God of Light and the Demon had just thought of this method, but he was immediately ruled out by him. He was not willing to violate the dignity of the God and Demon and do such a despicable thing.

"How they defeated me, I will defeat them!!!"

As a Taoist god and demon, he naturally has his own arrogance.

Since he was jointly suppressed by them, then He would take action to suppress them at the same time!

"But their power is unparalleled in history. If they attack rashly, they may not be able to escape, let alone suppress these two people with their own hands..."

The God of Light frowned slightly, then his eyebrows widened and raised slightly, and his face suddenly looked overjoyed.

"Since the force is so strong, then I will create a new force, making this force more powerful than the Heavenly Court, or even replacing the Heavenly Court! By then, these two thieves will be easily killed!"

The God of Light looked overjoyed, as if he had found a way to take revenge, and this way was to create a new force to replace an old force.

"No, rather than re-creating a force, it would be better to go directly to a force and control it!"

Thinking of this, the God of Light suddenly thought, and his figure flashed away and disappeared from the place.

"With such a character, how can we go on..."

Ye Xuan shook his head helplessly, thinking this way.

He didn't expect that this light god and demon was defeated by Di Jun and Tai Yi. How could he not learn to ask for advice humbly? After learning some magical powers from those acquired creatures, he would not be directly beaten by Di Jun and Tai Yi with their aura and daoyun. Suppressed.

But now the gods and demons of light are bent on cultivating their own forces to fight back, which is a disadvantage.

It's not that Ye Xuan doesn't want the gods and demons of light to take revenge, it's just that Ye Xuan doesn't want to see these gods and demons of the avenue being so unsatisfactory.

There are already gods and demons of reincarnation, so how can these gods and demons of light be so ignorant?

Then, Ye Xuan's figure flashed and came to the wilderness.

These were the only times he came to the interior of the ancient world. He came here not to awaken the gods and demons of light, but to see the ancient world immersively.

Although this was a prehistoric era created by Pangu, it was actually a prehistoric era created by him.

He is the creator, the leader, and the source of all things.

Without him, there would be no chaos or prehistoric times.

Of course, if there was no Primordial Chaos, there would be no current Ye Xuan.

In the Western Wilderness, on Mount Xumi.

"Who are you and why do you suddenly break into my Xumi?"

The raised-brow Sakyamuni Buddha's whole body was glowing with golden light, and his body was a hundred thousand feet tall. He looked at a figure as small as nothing beneath him and spoke.

The sound was deafening and moved all directions.

At this time, an uninvited guest suddenly broke into Mount Sumeru, and that uninvited guest was the God of Light.

Fourteen monks surrounded the gods and demons of light. The two Bodhisattvas stood up and looked at the gods and demons of light with cold eyes. The three Buddhas looked at the gods and demons of light with calm expressions.

Seeing this, the light god and demon's expression did not change, he put his hands behind his back, looked slightly straight ahead, and said lightly: "Since you see the light, why don't you worship?"

As these words fell.

Buzz! !

A bright Taoist charm instantly filled the entire Mount Sumeru, filling the Great Thunder Sound Temple with bright Taoist charm.

Wherever the light passes, all living beings are obsessed with it.

Some other creatures on Mount Sumeru knelt down one after another and began to bow in the direction of the Great Thunder Sound Temple. They were extremely pious, like a religious believer.

However, those believers were actually believers who originally believed in Buddhism, but at this time, under the light of the gods and demons of light, they began to worship the light one by one, shouting wildly and piously: "The light is immortal, Gods and demons live forever!”


Buddha Sakyamuni raised his eyebrows and murmured. Then he noticed the strangeness of the fourteen monks. His face instantly turned angry, and he said angrily in a cold voice: "What is light? This is the important place of Buddhism, and all living things and spirits chant the name of Buddha!" "


A wave of Buddha's Taoist rhyme instantly washed over the entire Leiyin Temple. Although it could not dispel all the light, it also made the true meaning of Buddhism more and more real and rich.

He even re-cleansed the fourteen monk disciples and made them believe in Buddhism again.

"Amitabha, thank you, my Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha."

The fourteen monks quickly clasped their hands together and recited the scriptures, then moved away from the God of Light and the Demon and ran towards the outside of the Great Thunder Sound Temple, because they knew that they were far from the opponent of the God and Demon opposite.

For a moment, the gods and demons of light looked at the raised eyebrows of Sakyamuni Buddha with a somewhat unkind expression, and said: "I didn't expect that the residual thoughts of the space gods and demons actually went to practice the path of the Buddha, gods and demons, which is neither fish nor fowl."

"And you, the remnants of the gods and demons at this time, have also followed you into Buddhism. You really have lost the face of the gods and demons in the past!"

The words of the God of Light were so unkind and direct.

But for some unknown reason, He did not scold Patriarch Yin Yang, but only Patriarch Shi Chen and Patriarch Yangmei.

"What kind of existence are you?!"

Raising his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha's face changed when he heard this. How come this person who was suddenly transformed into a consciousness knew everything, and he seemed to be acquainted with the great gods and demons of the past.

On the side, Amitabha also looked at the God of Light and Demon with an unkind expression, as if he could suppress them at any time.

Who would be in a good mood if he was rushed over and scolded for no apparent reason in his hometown.

On the contrary, the Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha on the side looked at all this with a calm face. Anyway, the other party did not insult him, so let them handle it.

As the saying goes, it's none of your business, just hang it up high.

"Say my name and I'll scare you!"

The corners of the light god's and demon's mouth raised slightly, and he looked at the other party with a happy face.

Since these creatures are the inheritors of the Buddha's Way, they will naturally choose to prostrate themselves to the ground after hearing his name.

After all, he is a fellow Taoist who is in the same camp as the Buddha, gods and demons in the chaos!

Zhunti and Jieyin looked at the Gods and Demons of Light with solemn expressions after hearing this, while the other three Buddhas were also quite wary, because the aura emitted by this consciousness was clearly the aura of the Golden Immortal Realm of Hunyuan Daluo.

"I am the light of the gods and demons of the Great Dao! Since you have inherited the mantle of the Buddhist and Taoist friends, you should naturally respect me and worship me."

The God of Light said with great pride, and then closed his eyes slightly, waiting for the crowd's bows and shouts.

However, at this time, the Third Buddha was shocked and quickly communicated with his spiritual thoughts.

"It's actually the Great Dao God and Demon? What should I do?"

"What should we do?!"

"What about the great gods and demons? He is just a consciousness now. We will beat him together later!"

"Okay, let's do it!"

After the discussion, the shock in the heart of the Third Buddha disappeared, and he turned to stare at the God of Light with an unkind expression, as if he was about to take action at any time.

The God and Demon of Light waited for a long time, but did not get the kneeling and shouting voice that he wanted.

He opened his eyes and looked at the other party in confusion, only to see that the Third Buddha already had an unkind expression after being shocked.

During the confrontation between the four people.


Suddenly, a sound of uncontrollable laughter came.

Everyone heard the sound and looked around, but they couldn't see anything, but the laughter was actually heard by everyone present.

For a moment, whether it was the God of Light or the Three Buddhas or the two Bodhisattvas, they all began to search for something, but they could not find anything.

The person who came was Ye Xuan. After entering the prehistoric world, the first place he came to was the Great Leiyin Temple.

The reason why he couldn't help laughing before was that he saw the appearance of the God of Light and couldn't help but chuckle.

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