Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 303: The Three Buddhas fight against gods and demons! Yin and Yang worship the light!


The gods and demons of light looked in all directions with vigilance, their consciousness expanded crazily, but they were still unable to sense the existence of any living beings.

As a great god and demon, he was actually unable to sense the hidden creatures around him.

For a moment, my heart became panicked, and I kept frantically testing the surroundings. The light flashed like a flash.

At this time, the Third Buddha was also mobilizing his consciousness crazily, trying to find the existence of the creature that made a mocking sound before.

But no matter what, I couldn't find it.

Ye Xuan sits on the Three Thousand Avenues. If he wants to hide his figure without being discovered, it will naturally be difficult for others to notice.

No, it's not noticeable at all.

"Could it be an illusion?"

For a moment, such an idea appeared in the mind of the God of Light, but then he woke up again when he looked at the similarly confused Third Buddha.

There is no possibility at all. Even if the reincarnation gods and demons are hiding here, he can get them out.

How can a place illuminated by light be hidden in the light!

He stared fiercely at the surroundings. Even the impossible things were now possible!

This is what really happened in front of him!

"Could it be that the other party took control of the Space Avenue and escaped from this place in that moment..."

The God of Light had to find an excuse for himself, and then comforted himself like this.

There is no way to find the other party's existence, and it is impossible for the other party to hide under his nose.

It was because he didn't pay attention before that he was hidden by the other party. Now that the other party has escaped, it is normal that he cannot find it.

Then, the gods and demons of light looked unkindly at the Third Buddha opposite.

"If you can see the light, why don't you worship!!!"

This sound contains the charm of the great road, which is stronger than the previous bewitching power.

Even the two Taoist priests Jieyin and Zhunti at their feet also knelt down and shouted for light.

The Great Avenue of Light manifested, and its charming power made even the Hunyuan True Self realm's Yin Yin and Zhunti unable to withstand it, and they became believers in the light.

"It's just bright, An dares to be so arrogant in the important place of Buddhism!"

Seeing this, Buddha Sakyamuni raised his eyebrows and couldn't bear it anymore. The avenue of space and the avenue of Buddha appeared, and in an instant, the two people who were bewitched by them returned to Buddhism.

Jieyin and Zhunti looked at each other and hurried towards the outside of Daleiyin Temple.

A battle in this situation is far beyond what the two of them can bear.

As Jie Yin and Zhunti left, the Space Avenue shook.

Buzz! ! !

The surrounding space began to vibrate, and the vibrations continued, as if the space in the thunderous sound was about to collapse.

"How dare you bully me in such a small space?!"

The God of Light shouted loudly, and infinite light appeared in his body, instantly pouring out to all sides, filling the entire Sumeru Mountain.

Its brightness is so vast that even the Buddhas of the Third World cannot open their eyes.

"Amitabha, as a person of light, my heart is toward darkness. If you are so bright, don't do anything!!!"

Amitabha Buddha of Time recited the true sutra, angrily rebuked the gods and demons of light, and the Great Way of Time manifested itself.

"Time stops!"


In an instant, all the light of the bright gods and demons was stopped by time, and they could no longer shine.

"Space storage!"

With raised eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha pointed out with one hand, a large hole suddenly appeared in the originally smooth space, sucking all the light into it and turning it into darkness.

From now on, there is darkness in Daleiyin Temple, and there is no light.

"The reversal of yin and yang disrupts the light!!!"

The yin and yang glazed Medicine Buddha is half yin and half yang. The energy of yin and yang flows uncertainly. At this moment, he is half green and half white.

The light of glass falls from the sky, and the energy of yin and yang surges from the earth.

The yin and yang of glazed glass gathered together, and the flow of yin and yang turned into a patch of glazed color, heading towards the gods and demons of light.

"When you are in darkness, your heart is toward the light!!!"

Facing the Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha's attack, the God of Light didn't panic and waved out with one hand.

A piece of bright energy surged out again, instantly dissipating the glazed Yin and Yang energy, and then rushed towards the Yin and Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha.

In the blink of an eye, a bright light flows through the years.

The entire Great Leiyin Temple was once again enveloped, suppressing the Third Buddha of Buddhism.

"time flies!!!"

"Space turbulence!!!"

"Yin and Yang are in chaos!!!"

The three Buddhas used their magical powers and headed towards the gods and demons of light.

Buzz! ! !

For a time, the space was chaotic, and a turbulent flow appeared. Every point in the turbulent flow contained a kind of space, and it was a turbulent flow in the space.

That is the convection that occurs after the space channel in the mezzanine between space and space collapses due to various reasons. It is extremely dangerous.

If one does not master the way of space, even if he is not killed by the turbulent flow of space, he will be lost in infinite space and will never find his way home.

And there is a vast power of time that shrouds the gods and demons of light, and a lush force of life is constantly shrouded by the passage of time.

What this passage of time absorbs is not just a mere lifespan, but also its life force, its original force.

In addition, there are two qi of yin and yang, which are in conflict with each other, as if they want to turn the light gods and demons into dark gods and demons, or reverse them from the great gods and demons into the innate divine ones.

However, the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha was not good enough to do this. His rebellious spirit could only disturb the consciousness of the God of Light at most.

"In the vast universe, only light will shine forever! Time will flow, only light will last forever!!! Yin and Yang will reverse, only light will remain unchanged for thousands of years!!"

At this time, the human form transformed by the consciousness of the God of Light completely turned into the original shape of a sun.

That was the form of the Dao body of the God of Light. Although there was no Dao body now, after the God of Light manifested itself, a Dao of Light pressed across the sky, pressing the three top-level innate saints who had achieved the Dao of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian to the ground.

All the magical powers lost their original effects when facing the body of the God of Light at this time. They hit the body of the God of Light, like mud in the sea, without causing any waves.

"Space jump!"

"Time vertical and horizontal!!!"

"Yin and Yang exchange!!!"

For a moment, the Three Buddhas who were pressed to the ground quickly displayed their own magical powers, escaped from the range covered by the magical powers of the gods and demons of light, and became lively again.

"Not good, this thief is very powerful, run out quickly, otherwise Buddhism will be destroyed!!!"

The raised-eyebrowed Sakyamuni Buddha jumped violently and jumped out of the Great Leiyin Temple.

The Great Leiyin Temple is an important place for Buddhism, a holy place for Buddhism, and the ultimate dream place for all Buddhist practitioners.

If the Great Leiyin Temple is destroyed, it will undoubtedly lead to many people's disbelief in Buddhism.

It will even make it more difficult for Buddhism to preach, and it will be more difficult for Buddhism to grow...

When seeing the raised-eyebrowed Sakyamuni Buddha running away, Shichen Amitabha Buddha also used his magical powers to instantly disappear in the Great Leiyin Temple.

The last Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha was not as fast as the Raised Eyebrow Sakyamuni Buddha and the Time Amitabha Buddha, so he was caught up by the Light God and Demon in an instant.

"Want to run?"

The Light God and Demon raised his mouth, and a hint of interest appeared in the corner of his eyes.

The next moment.

There was another figure in front of the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha, and that figure was the Light God and Demon.

The reason why the Light God and Demon could not catch up with the Raised Eyebrow Sakyamuni Buddha and the Time Amitabha Buddha was because the other party's avenue was too special. Whether it was the Space Avenue or the Time Avenue, it was a very good avenue for escape.

Although this was not their main ability, it was an additional ability.

The Time Avenue could jump into the long river of time and come to any time period at will.

With the ability of the Time Amitabha Buddha, he could completely jump into the future and jump into a time period after the Light God and Demon left.

There, he would appear again.

Not to mention the Raised Eyebrow Sakyamuni Buddha, he had already jumped into the boundless space and could not find where he was.

The God of Light is also a very fast God of Light. The speed of the source of light is many times the speed of light.

This is actually nothing in the vast wilderness. What is really terrifying is that he can exchange himself with any light, that is, he can reach the place where the light is with a thought.

Therefore, the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha, who has no special way to escape, was blocked by the God of Light.

"Yangmei, this old thief! He actually escaped without me!!!"

At this time, the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha looked at the God of Light with fear in his eyes, and cursed Yangmei Sakyamuni Buddha in his heart.

Obviously, the other party could escape with others, but the other party did not choose to run with others, but chose to run alone.

Leaving himself here, Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha could not help but feel resentful towards Yangmei Sakyamuni Buddha.

He said he was the one who fought, and he said he was the one who ran.

Forget about running, the key is to sell out teammates and not take him with him.

Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha secretly hated him and said, "If I have a chance to escape, I will make you pay the price!!!"

The opposite Light God and Demon saw the look in Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha's eyes, and his eyes turned. This kid seemed to have resentment towards his teammates, which means that he could have a chance to take it away.

What he wanted was to seize the power of the Western Buddhist Sect and then strengthen it.

Directly change the Buddhist Sect into a sect that believes in light, not a sect that believes in Buddha.

Although this will cause the Buddha God and Demon to revive later, revenge is more important than revenge.

Anyway, even if the Buddha God and Demon are resurrected, they can't beat him.

The Light God and Demon raised his mouth slightly, spread his hands and said, "You can't run away. Today, you will either be suppressed for endless years until my true body of the Great Dao appears and kill it, or believe in my light!"

After saying that, he was not very anxious, but looked at the other party quietly, and the thought of light continued to appear on his body.

Soon, it enveloped the surroundings. Now, even if Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha wanted to escape, he couldn't do it.

For a while, various kinds of light and Taoism appeared.

It tempted Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha's mind.

In an instant, Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha frowned and began to think constantly.

"I can't run away. Should I enter the light or stick to Buddhism..."

"But if I stick to Buddhism, I will be suppressed by the other party for billions of years and eventually be killed by the other party..."

"And Buddhism has not given me any benefit. Anyway, I have already achieved enlightenment. What I lack in abandoning Buddhism is just some luck..."

For a moment, Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha quickly thought about his choice.

In the end, his choice was to believe in light.

"I believe in light! The wilderness is immortal, and light lasts forever!"

Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha said with a pious face, but at this time he was extremely disdainful in his heart.

What a bullshit light, it's just that my strength is insufficient.

When my strength is enough, let alone light, I will kill even darkness for you to see!

Although Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha was angry and passionate in his heart, a very strange picture appeared on the surface at this time.

A Buddha bowed to a god and demon, and he looked up to the sky with a pious face and shouted that the wilderness is immortal and light lasts forever.

It was like the Buddha was abducted by other sects. Ye Xuan, who was hiding in the void, almost laughed again.

It was because the scene in front of him was too funny, a Buddha said these words to a god and demon.

It felt like the Buddha in the previous life ran over to believe in Jehovah...

Therefore, Ye Xuan almost laughed out loud again.

"I didn't expect that I could encounter such an interesting thing on this trip..."

Ye Xuan sighed in his heart and was quite satisfied with his trip.

If he hadn't been paying attention to the bright god and demon, how could he have seen so many fun things.

At this time, the bright god and demon didn't realize that there was a supreme existence in the void watching him, and he almost laughed out loud again.

"In this case, then stay in Buddhism."

After saying this, the bright god and demon disappeared.

Then all the thoughts of light disappeared completely, which means that this time and space have completely returned to their original state.

The conversation just now blocked time and space, and no living creature could spy on the content of their conversation.

Except for Ye Xuan who is proficient in the Three Thousand Great Daos...

The God of Light did not know that there was such a person as Ye Xuan, so he did not guard against Ye Xuan. Of course, even if he guarded against him, he could not guard against him.

After the God of Light left, the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha was suddenly stunned and a little at a loss.

The other party did not use any means on him, but just asked a question and ran away?

Only left a sentence to stay in Buddhism?

What is the purpose of staying in Buddhism, undercover...

But he was originally one of the Three Buddhas of Buddhism, and he was already the most supreme existence.

But he had to believe in light himself, which made the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha a little confused for a while.

"Is there something wrong with his brain?"

The Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha shook his head and then went to the Great Leiyin Temple.

Anyway, the other party did not use any means on him, but just shouted a sentence of faith in light, so it was shouted, what can be done.

"This light god and devil is not stupid. He still knows how to attack the heart..." Ye Xuan narrowed his eyes and looked at everything happening below. According to the ability of the light god and devil, although he can forcefully subdue the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha, he can't subdue the Yangmei Sakyamuni Buddha and the Shichen Amitabha Buddha. Because although the two innate sacred beings can't beat the light god and devil, they can also escape at will. This is very annoying. Moreover, although the current Buddhist sect has good luck, most of the forces are in the Buddhist kingdom under the hands of the Three Buddhas. In fact, there are not many people who believe in Buddhism in the Western Wilderness, because the witch tribe occupying the Western Wilderness does not believe in anything, but only believes in Pangu, who created the world. Therefore, the road of Buddhist preaching is extremely difficult. The light god and devil can't look down on a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian creature. What he wants is a group of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian creatures. It is an extremely large force, and Buddhism has this foundation. He felt that with the current power base of Buddhism, it could soar to the sky and develop wildly.

He only needed to go to the Southern Wilderness to preach to the human race, and he would surely be able to obtain countless talented creatures from the human race.

And luck and so on would also rise wildly.

And in order to obtain these, the God of Light and Demon would naturally have to recruit more disciples.

Buddhism was naturally the best choice. He wanted to recover the entire Buddhism, not just one Buddha.

The God of Light and Demon could suppress a mere Buddha at any time.

"It turns out that it's not that the God of Light and Demon is too weak, but that Taiyi and Dijun are too strong..."

Ye Xuan looked at the three gods who were being squeezed by the God of Light and Demon, and couldn't help but shook his head and sighed.

It turned out that Dijun and Taiyi were so far ahead of the other gods without knowing it.

But it's also true. You have to know that the fourth level is one step a day, which is equivalent to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian one step a day in the prehistoric world.

In other words, a cultivator in the middle stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can beat a cultivator in the early stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

The consciousness of a mere Dao God and Demon can suppress three innate sacred beings of the same realm, and almost make them unable to fight back.

Emmm, it is not that they have no power to fight back, at least the God and Demon of Light was almost suppressed by it.

But even if it is only one against three, it is extremely powerful.

You have to know that this is just a consciousness...

It must be said that under the same realm, the gap is still too big.

The next moment, Ye Xuan took a step forward and left the western land.

In the Great Leiyin Temple.

“Hey, Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha is so good that he can escape the pursuit of the bright gods and demons!”

After waiting for the Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha who came back first, Shichen Amitabha said with a smile.

Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha twitched his mouth and raised his eyebrows when he heard the words. He looked at Shichen Amitabha with a rather unfriendly expression and said in a cold voice: “How can the two Buddhas run faster? They are much faster than this little monk.”

When his words appeared, a sense of resentment appeared, which made Shichen Amitabha frown.

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