Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 304: Praise the Great Buddha of Light, Ye Xuan personally visits Sui Dynasty

At this time, Amitabha Buddha didn't know why Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha had a sense of resentment. He just communicated with his mind in the infinite space, trying to find the existence of Yangmei Shakyamuni Buddha.

"No need to look for it, I've already arrived."

As the words fell, Yangmei Shakyamuni Buddha appeared in the Great Leiyin Temple, landed on the main seat, sat down, and his height was admired by all living beings.

However, at this time, Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha was madly complaining in his heart. This old guy was obviously in charge of the avenue of space, but he didn't take him away to escape, and only cared about him running, which almost killed him.

Fortunately, the God of Light did not kill him, otherwise, it would be a disaster.

Just when Yangmei Shakyamuni Buddha fell, a golden light suddenly flashed.

The figure of the God of Light appeared in front of the Three Buddhas again. Seeing this, the Three Buddhas were panicked and ready to escape at any time.

The corner of the God of Light's mouth slightly raised, and he said: "Buddhism should be led by the God of Buddha. Now the God of Buddha has not yet revived. I am a close friend of the God of Buddha. Today I want to lead Buddhism. Do you three Buddhas have any objections?"

After saying that, he stood quietly in the air, looking at the tall Buddha of the Three Worlds in front of him.

Although he was small, his momentum overwhelmed the huge Buddha of the Three Worlds.

The Buddhas of the Three Worlds looked at each other, hesitating.

"What should we do? Should we let him lead?"

The Buddha Shakyamuni raised his eyebrows and was a little undecided. He glanced and his thoughts were transmitted to the minds of the two Buddhas next to him.

"Of course not. This is our Buddhist sect. How can we give it to others? Besides, although we can't defeat him, he can't do anything if we want to run away!"

Shichen Amitabha, who was standing aside, immediately spoke up. He was used to being a free and unrestrained person. It was a bit difficult for him to be the past Buddha of the Buddhist sect.

But considering his luck, it was okay.

Now he said that there would be another god and demon on his head. How could he bear it?

So he denied it without thinking and refused to let the other party lead him.

In his opinion, since the other party couldn't run away like them, there was no need to be afraid of the other party.

"Run? You can run, but what about those Buddhist believers under you? If you don't let him join in, he will slaughter all the Buddhist believers, and the luck of Buddhism will suffer heavy losses. What will happen?"

When Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha heard Shichen Amitabha say this, he was even more angry. Damn, you two can run away, what about me? Should I die? !

Of course, he didn't mention himself, but the Buddhists.

After all, Buddhists can really affect the other party. My life and death are definitely not important to them, otherwise they would not have taken me with them when they escaped.

"Buddhist believers? Just put them in the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm."

After hearing the question from Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha, Shichen Amitabha said lightly.

"All Buddhist believers are sent to the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, right? Do you think it's realistic?! Do you want to strengthen Buddhism or kill it!"

Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha was completely annoyed and fired at the other party crazily.

"Moreover, even if we do as you said and put them all in the Buddha Kingdom in the Palm, then if the other party sneaks up on us from behind, can you still run away!?"

"Yin Yang! What do you want!!!"

Shichen Amitabha was annoyed by his question and directly opened his mouth and scolded.

Although the bright gods and demons on the side didn't know what they were talking about, they looked at the other three with amusement after hearing what Amitabha said.

As expected, there was a disagreement among the three.

Although they didn't know what it was, it was undoubtedly beneficial to the bright gods and demons.

"What do I want?! I want to ask you what you want!"

Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha saw that the other party spoke directly, and he also roared.

For a moment, the Buddha who looked kind and benevolent on weekdays seemed to have turned into a furious Vajra of Buddhism at this moment.

"Okay, okay, the two Taoist friends, be kind, be kind, how can you lose your composure when facing a powerful enemy!"

Raised eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha stepped forward, blocked in front of the two, and began to persuade them to stop fighting.

His blocking also interrupted the further argument of the two Buddhas and avoided the possible fight that might happen next.

The Buddha Shakyamuni with raised eyebrows thought about it carefully. It was indeed as Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha said. Only those who commit crimes every day can guard against thieves every day.

Since the other party is so powerful, it is not all bad to join the Buddhist sect.

It is nothing more than handing over the supreme leadership. Moreover, it is not certain whether the Great Dao God and Demon are willing to take charge. In other words, they will hardly lose anything except paying a part of their luck.

Therefore, the Buddha Shakyamuni with raised eyebrows said to the two Buddhas beside him: "I am more in favor of letting him lead the Buddhist sect. After all, he is a Great Dao God and Demon. I believe that the two Taoist friends have a good idea of ​​his strength. With him, the Buddhist sect will have less trouble. It's just that some luck is distributed."


When Amitabha Buddha was about to say something.

The Buddha Shakyamuni with raised eyebrows immediately said: "Daoyou, the situation is forced. He is so strong. If he really wants to watch you and me from behind every day, I am afraid that we will not even have time to realize the truth..."

"Unless you and I can abandon Buddhism, return to practicing Buddhism, and plunge into time and space, He will have nothing to do with us..."

"That's all, then let him join..."

When he heard that he wanted to abandon Buddhism, Amitabha sighed and said.

There was no way, and he didn't want the other party to join in, but now that the situation was stronger than the person, he could only accept it. After all, many things were beyond his control.

After hearing the message from Amitabha Buddha, Sakyamuni Buddha raised his eyebrows and his expression softened a lot. He turned to the gods and demons of light and smiled:

"We would like to ask the gods and demons of light to lead our Buddhist sect and guide it to flourish."

When the God of Light heard this, a smile appeared on his face. This was what he wanted to achieve. As for whether the other party believed in the light, it didn't matter to him, as long as the other party could be controlled by him and could listen to his command. , that's enough.

After seeing the other party agreeing, the light god and demon flashed and disappeared, leaving only one sentence behind.

"Since you believe in the light, you should respect the light."

Afterwards, the Great Leiyin Temple was empty, as if the gods and demons of light had never been there before.

"Praise to the Great Tathagata of Light!!!"

Upon seeing this, the raised-brow Sakyamuni Buddha immediately bowed and shouted loudly.

As his voice fell, Buddhist luck appeared and converged towards the gods and demons of light.

Flowing fire descends from the sky, and golden lotuses surge from the earth.

Various mythical beasts are hovering over Daleiyin Temple, symbolizing the strong luck of Buddhism and congratulating Buddhism on the birth of a new Buddha.

The Tathagata, the Tathagata, the true Tathagata, and the person who takes the path of the true Tathagata to achieve enlightenment from cause and effect is called Tathagata. It is the true body of Tathagata. He also came to the three realms on the way of the True Tathagata to transform, so he is called the Tathagata. This is the Tathagata that responds to the body. It is also like all Buddhas coming, so it is called Tathagata. This interpretation applies to both bodies.

And the Great Tathagata proves the status of the gods and demons of light in Buddhism.

Tathagata is already the highest title in Buddhism, and a large character is added to it to symbolize the dignity of the gods and demons of light.

Tathagata is one of the titles of Buddha, but after all, there is no actual name of Buddha added to it.

To others, attaining enlightenment and becoming a Buddha may be an extremely honorable thing.

But for the gods and demons of light, perhaps this is an extremely bad thing...

But the other party wanted to become the supreme leader of Buddhism, so he had to add a Buddhist title as a respectful title for Buddhist believers.

Therefore, Gautama Buddha chose the title Tathagata.

An extra big character was added to Guangming Tathagata to express respect for the gods and demons of light.

"Praise to the Great Tathagata of Light, the light will never be extinguished, and Buddhism will last forever!"

The Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha on the side obviously knew how to brag better. He clasped his hands together and praised loudly.

No one knows whether the light god and demon will come back again like before, so there is nothing wrong with just blowing more rainbow farts.

This sentence, "Light is immortal, Buddhism will last forever" has reached the hearts of the gods and demons of light.

Those who are innately divine have a reputation and can know the things of induction, not to mention the gods and demons of the avenue, the gods and demons of the avenue are the end of everything.

Therefore, no matter how you call its existence, as long as it is recognized as that existence in consciousness, then that existence will be sensed.

In other words, their shouts of the Great Tathagata of Light can be transmitted to the divine thoughts of the gods and demons of light.

Sure enough, the God and Demon of Light who were hundreds of millions of miles away became happy when he heard this. Compared with the luck he had received before, these words made him even happier.

At the same time, I also have a better impression of Yin Yang Glaze Medicine Master Buddha.

After all, these fortunes are almost useless to the gods and demons of the Great Dao, but all living beings like this rainbow fart, it's just whether they show it or not.

"But the only bad thing is that this bullshit Tathagata actually committed himself to Buddhism! Even the gods and demons of Buddha did not dare to do this to me in the past!"

The God of Light frowned slightly, but then he thought of the following words and didn't take them seriously. Just use them. It's not too derogatory anyway.

As for what this Tathagata means, the Taoist gods and demons are almost omniscient and omnipotent. Since these things appeared in His eyes, they naturally knew what they represented.

On the other side, Amitabha Buddha's face turned blue and white. Seeing that both of them were honoring him, he also performed a Buddhist salute and said: "Praise to the Great Tathagata of Light, the light is immortal, and Buddhism will last forever!"

Although what he said was extremely contrary to his will, there was no such thing as going against his will when it came to the Gods and Demons of Light...

After the praise was completed, a ray of light came together and formed a word.



Buddha Sakyamuni raised his eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this. The worst result did not happen, and the current result is already the best.

"That's all. From now on, Quan will have a backer. If you think about it this way, you can feel more comfortable."

Raising his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha began to comfort himself, while also comforting the Yin-Yang Glaze Medicine Master Buddha and the Timeless Amitabha Buddha.

But what he didn't know was that Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha was not uncomfortable at all. To him, Yangmei was the master of Buddhism anyway, and now there was just another existence above him.

"That's fine..."

Shichen Amitabha sighed and thought like this.

The Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha on the other side looked at the two Buddhas with cold eyes, and in a flash, he left the Great Leiyin Temple and headed towards the Western Wasteland.

He will start to spread the true meaning of Buddhism and let many living beings worship into Buddhism.

"Since you are unkind to me, then don't blame me for being unjust!"

Yin Yang Glaze Medicine Master Buddha's eyes flashed with a dangerous light, as if he would do something extreme at any time.

The reason why he was so anxious to promote Buddhism was actually so that the disciples accepted by Buddhism could follow him to the new sect.

Yes, when the two Buddhas betrayed him, he made up his mind to sell Buddhism.

When the time is right, he will lead these disciples whom he accepted into the Buddhist sect to establish a new sect and break out of the Buddhist sect, causing heavy losses to the Buddhist sect.

The best time is to split after the prosperity period of Buddhism has passed. In this way, it will not only get rid of the fate of decline, but also establish a new sect, allowing the new sect to flourish again in the wilderness.

As the Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha among the three Buddhas changed his mentality, the roots of the future decline of Buddhism were laid.

In addition, the disciple named Kinnara in the Buddhist sect became the dark disciple of the demon sect.

Although the attack has not yet been launched, even Kinnara himself does not know about it, but if the time comes, it will be completely disastrous.

You must know that the Demon Ancestor has never failed in this matter, whether it is the Immortal Ancestor or the current Buddha.

Southern Wilderness, Human Race, Sui Dynasty, Sui City.

"Buddhism, oh Buddhism, how long has it been since it started? It hasn't even started to flourish yet, but we encountered two fatal hidden figures..."

Although Ye Xuan is in the Southern Wilderness and far away from the Western Wilderness, everything happening in Buddhism at this moment cannot escape his discernment.

As long as he wants to, he can reach any place in the ancient world in an instant, and he can clearly know what happened to any person in any place, conversations, etc.

For him, there are no so-called secrets in the prehistoric world.

Everything is transparent, so he rarely interferes in it, and rarely goes to the interior of the wilderness.

This time, when he came to the wilderness, he happened to encounter Buddhism.

However, he didn't intend to care about anything. Both of these two secrets have their own development, so just let nature take its course.

In fact, Ye Xuan also wanted to know whether these two secrets would succeed without his own intervention, and whether they would overturn the destiny of Buddhism.

Of course, to see that moment coming, we have to wait at least until the great rise of Buddhism.

However, judging from the current situation, it is probably very difficult for Buddhism to flourish.

How could all the races and souls in the ancient world come to believe in Buddhism and talk about being ordained and becoming a monk? Only those who have attained the level of Arahants can become monks. Who would be willing to do this...

You must at least have a Buddhist Taoist fruit to be able to lead your practice, otherwise you must have a bald head to clarify your aspirations and show your devotion to Buddhism.

This alone excludes most living beings. Of course, it is also screening believers for Buddhism.

They don't want the ungodly one, they want the very pious one.

You see, if your hair is straight and you can accept this ugly look, then you can prove your belief in Buddhism, that is, you are a good monk and a good believer.

For this reason, Amitabha Buddha also specially found a saying, which is to cut off the three thousand threads of troubles, and everything in the world will no longer be troubled.

When one reaches a certain level of cultivation and realizes one of the Taoist fruits or levels of Buddhism, it means that the cultivation has reached a certain stage. At this time, the three thousand troubles are no longer important and cannot affect the practice of believers.

Therefore, it is possible to regain hair at this time.

The reason why Ye Xuan came to Sui City in Sui Dynasty was because he wanted to meet the Sui Ren clan, the ancestor of the human race.

As well as the outstanding leaders of the human race, he would go out of his way to take a look.

Don’t ask about things, just ask about your heart.

The moment Ye Xuan stepped into Suicheng, the Human Emperor Suiren clan in the Human Emperor's Palace was shaken all over, and his consciousness suddenly became louder. He wanted to look for something, but he couldn't find it.

"Who is it? It actually makes me shocked! And I can't find his existence yet!!"

Suiren thought in disbelief and looked around in shock.

Suicheng was almost under his nose, and not a single plant or tree in the city could escape his eyes.

But at this time, he couldn't find that existence.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a strange voice appeared out of thin air, instantly attracting Suiren's attention.

There was nothing in sight, only a figure in white clothes like snow appeared, that was Ye Xuan's figure.

"You...you are!!!"

Suirenshi was completely shocked, with a horrified expression on his face.

He who should be mature and steady, but who has been under pressure for countless years, actually showed such an expression at this moment. If others knew about it, they would definitely be surprised and their eyes would fall down.

You must know that after Suiren became the Human Emperor, he always showed himself to be dignified and tolerant, unsmiling, and emotion almost never appeared on his face again.

No matter how shocking it is, it seems to be just an ordinary thing in front of the Human Emperor, as if it is nothing more than that.

But now, even though Suirenshi, who always had a blank expression on his face, actually showed a look of shock.

Because, from the moment he saw Ye Xuan, he knew who Ye Xuan was.

"You are the starting point of everything..."

"And the end of everything..."

"You are an existence far beyond the Great Dao..."

"This world is inseparable from you..."

"Who are you!!!!"

Suirenshi muttered to himself with his eyes blank, and kept saying some words, then stared at Ye Xuan with a sharp gaze and asked loudly.

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