Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 305: The preaching of Suiren, the supreme being in the acquired great way

"Me? Who am I?"

Ye Xuan looked as normal and repeated softly.

But just this sentence fell on Suiren's ears, as if it was some kind of supreme truth, and he was immersed in it.

"Haha...I'm just an unknown boy who got lucky..."

Ye Xuan shook his head and laughed at himself.

In his opinion, everything about his growth seems to be a coincidence. Although he can know how to create a chaotic world, the chaotic world cannot be opened by others at all.

There are many creation gods who created the world of chaos according to the method he created, but they couldn't create it at all.

I don’t know why, I don’t know why.

Ye Xuan had not thought of this at first, but thought it was just a reasonable thing.

Until I realized that many people could not create a world of chaos using the same method, and the world of chaos would still look like a wasteland in the hands of others.

Only in Ye Xuan's hands, it became so powerful.

Bloom and bear fruit.

Ye Xuan is not the first person to find the world of chaos among all the worlds, but he is the only creator god who created the world of chaos.


The higher your cultivation level, the more strange you feel.

Why can I create this world by myself...

At this time, Suiren, who had truly seen Ye Xuan's true face for the first time, had a look of intoxication on his face, as if Dao Dao had come in person, making him obsessed with it.

Ye Xuan looked melancholy and lamented that he was just lucky.

Maybe there is a big hand controlling my development, allowing me to travel here, allowing me to create a world of chaos...

But if that's the case, who knows what the mastermind behind the scenes wants to do.

It's not that Ye Xuan has never thought about it like this, but even if it is true, there is nothing he can do. He will always be powerless until he reaches a certain level.

If there really was one, I'm afraid that person's cultivation level had already surpassed the eighth-level creation god. After all, the supreme being from Daxia Kingdom was extremely surprised and ran over to have a conversation with him last time.

Although he did not directly reveal his identity, Ye Xuan naturally guessed who the other party was.

Even the eighth-level creation god was extremely shocked. In other words, the only ones who have the ability to do this series of things are those above the eighth level, and that is the ninth level...

But this universe has never heard of a ninth-level existence. Even the eighth-level creation god only has one among the five major countries. The remaining small countries don't even have an eighth-level creation god.

So this may very well be fake and does not exist.

Of course, it may also be because the world of chaos is the only one, so after Ye Xuan created the world of chaos, this world could not be created again. And before Ye Xuan created the world of chaos, others did not know how to open the world of chaos.

It's just that this may be too simple. It's so simple that Ye Xuan doesn't want to believe it...

"You...you...don't know what to call..."

The Human Emperor Suiren was a little frightened at this time, not knowing how he should address this being on the great road.

It is impossible to be a fellow Taoist, and it seems a bit inappropriate to call the other person a senior.


After Ye Xuan heard this, his melancholy disappeared, a smile appeared on his face, and he said softly.

It's just a title, just used to call him. If he even cares about this, it would be a bit too pretentious. He is not a god and demon of light, and he clings to the glory of a great god and demon.

He is just an ordinary human being. Rather than creating the chaotic world, it is better to say that the chaotic world chose him.

The stronger his cultivation level, the more he feels this way.

Of course, because of the basic rules, his strength is the sum total of the chaotic world. In other words, although he is an ordinary human being, even the gods and demons of the Great Dao are only a part of his power.

"Since you are above the Three Thousand Avenues, overlooking the vicissitudes of the ancient world, I hope you won't be offended by calling me "Senior"." Suiren saw that Ye Xuan didn't seem to have the common problem of being extremely powerful, and his expression immediately became normal. Young man, no longer so timid.

After hearing this, Ye Xuan nodded and said, "No."

Suiren respected Ye Xuan very much because he saw in Ye Xuan the flow of three thousand avenues and the end of everything.

He didn't know what the relationship between Ye Xuan and this world was, but he knew that Ye Xuan must be a transcendent person who had transcended the control of the Three Thousand Avenues.

Therefore, he was so respectful to Ye Xuan.

The one I respect is Ye Xuan, not Ye Xuan.

The Suiren family respected Ye Xuan, so how could Ye Xuan not respect the Suiren family.

Suirenshi saw all kinds of miraculous things in Ye Xuan, and Ye Xuan also saw all kinds of miraculous things in Suirenshi.

Under such close observation, it was found that the origin of the Suiren clan seemed to be extremely powerful, much stronger than the Suiren clan in the prehistoric times.

This seems to be really like the projection of those mythical creatures in other mythical kingdoms, much more powerful than other creatures in the world.

Ye Xuan discovered this in Suiren's body...

"Could it be said that chaos is not the beginning of everything?"

In an instant, an idea popped into Ye Xuan's mind.

The other creatures in the prehistoric world are themselves, the main body of all the projections of the heavens, and the origin of all themselves.

Just like the great emperor of the sun, it is so.

All the existences in other worlds are born by relying on Di Jun.

The Jinwu in other mythological kingdoms is nothing more than the projection of Di Jun or Taiyi, Xihe and the ten great Jinwu.

However, all of them are the original creatures in the prehistoric world.

However, at this time, Ye Xuan saw an even more ancient and original existence in Suiren.

And that is the real origin of Suiren...

For a while, Ye Xuan was full of shock, and even his face was a little surprised.

When Suiren saw Ye Xuan's surprise, he was a little surprised, and immediately asked: "Why do you look surprised, but what's wrong with my body?"

Then, he checked his body again, from the avenue he cultivated to his body, but found that there was no problem, everything was as usual.

Upon hearing this, Ye Xuan hurriedly shook his head and slowly said, "Not really, you are very good."

For a moment, Suirenshi was also a little confused.

If it was very good, why was he so surprised...

Could it be that the other party also saw the transcendental qualifications in him...

Thinking of this, Suirenshi was ecstatic, and his face couldn't help showing joy.

"What is he happy about..."

Ye Xuan thought speechlessly, he was shocked just before, and he was ecstatic right after?

However, Ye Xuan didn't care too much, but turned to say: "The Xinhuo Avenue you cultivated is indeed very good, which can protect the human race and carry the human race's luck. However, the strength of the human race lies in itself, and you should not protect the human race too much. The human race has come to this point, and the suffering it has suffered is still too little."

Although the human race is very strong now, most of the human race has always been protected by Suirenshi, the seventeen ancient kings and the remaining more than three hundred kings.

I am afraid that when the disaster strikes, if those sages who protected many human beings in the past are involved, what will the human race do then...

"What the senior said is true. It's just that the four seas are peaceful now, uh... the prehistoric eight wastelands are peaceful, there is no war at all, the human race's cultivation has risen very fast, and hundreds of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian have been born in just a few Yuanhui. Except for the three tribes, there is no opponent for the human race..." Suiren nodded, and agreed with what Ye Xuan said.

However, in the prehistoric times, the opponents of the human race are nothing more than the two tribes of witches and liches, together with the dragon tribe that was extremely prosperous in ancient times.

Suiren has been to many time and space, and in many time and space, the two tribes of witches and liches fought each other. In some time and space, the sky was even collapsed and the Buzhou Mountain was razed to the ground.

This is a very terrifying thing.

However, in this prehistoric time, it is extremely strange.

The Emperor of Heaven, Di Jun, has a broad mind, as if he can accommodate the entire prehistoric time.

Moreover, the witches in this time and space are even more bizarre. The witches in the ordinary world are all brainless fools. After being used and calculated by others, they are directly reduced to pawns to cause the witch-lich decisive battle.

As a result, both races were destroyed...

Then the human race became the protagonist of heaven and earth, but the so-called protagonist of heaven and earth was actually reduced to the puppet of the gods of the heavens.

Moreover, in those time and space, all races were not as strong as they are now. They were all ants, and there was not even a single existence that had stepped into the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Even the human race was slaughtered by the witches and liches together...

But in this world, the Emperor of Heaven personally came forward to shock the four directions and protect the human race from coming to the world.

It can only be said that each time and space is different.

In today's time and space, the witches have become the protectors of the prehistoric world. They are not too fanatical about the dispute over territory, but they just don't allow any existence to destroy the prehistoric world.

For a time, the world was peaceful. The demons ruled the sky, the witches ruled the land, and the four seas and eight wildernesses in between didn't matter. They were satisfied with occupying one side.

Except for the three ancient tribes of dragon, phoenix, and unicorn, there seemed to be no other races that were out of their minds...

Back then, the three tribes were completely out of their minds in order to compete for the protagonist of the world, and they fought each other.

That is, the dragons still had some rationality, so they avoided the end of decay.

Although the dragons were surpassed by the witches and liches, they were still very powerful, temporarily stronger than the human race, and were the third largest tribe in the world.

Although they could be surpassed by the human race at any time, it was an existence that other races could not reach.

The tribes in the world had been peaceful for a long time. Except for the four seas, those races that had been bound by the dragons since ancient times were thinking of resisting one by one.

This is because of the most basic racial structure. The dragon race is based on its own race and rules over the four seas and the scaled armored races, which naturally easily arouses the dissatisfaction of the scaled armored races.

The demon race is similar to a partnership, formed by the prehistoric races, although there are more noble races among them, such as the Golden Crow.

But the Golden Crow race has only a few people, and they are indeed at the top of the demon race. There are no people who rely on others' power.

Unlike the dragon race, which is huge in number, there will always be some scum, who are not highly cultivated but rely on the power of the dragon race to bully other sea races.

Therefore, the Demon Clan is famous because of the Demon Clan and not the Golden Crow Clan, but among the four seas, it is the Dragon Clan that is famous, not the Sea Clan.

If the Sea Clan can really be twisted into a hemp rope, its power will definitely increase greatly, directly far surpassing the Witch Clan, and is expected to even surpass the Monster Clan.

This is the difference between the two, but the Dragon Clan has not taken this path.

As for the Wu clan, it is even simpler. There is no plan to form any new racial force at all.

It was possible to dominate the ancient world just by relying on the people of the Wu clan.

Of course, the Wu Clan is nominally the superior clan of those races that are dependent on the Wu Clan, but the Wu Clan has never oppressed those races that are dependent on itself.

It was extremely rare to even order them.

There is only one thing, and that is not to harm the prehistoric times.

Regarding this point, they are both prehistoric creatures, so naturally they will not run over and harm the prehistoric world without any trouble.

In other words, those creatures who are attached to the Witch Clan not only receive help from the Witch Clan, but also pay almost nothing.

Therefore, the Wu Clan is extremely respected by all races in the wild.

Unlike the Sea Clan, which are subordinate to the Dragon Clan, various rebellions started directly after the land of the ancient world expanded hundreds of millions of times.

On the other hand, nothing happened to the Witch Clan. Even if the Eight Wastelands became more vast, they still relied on the Witch Clan.

This is the power of respect. If you rely solely on strength to convince someone, if you don't practice virtue, you will be like a dragon.

As time goes by, changes occur in the world, or other situations occur, the subordinate forces can easily rebel.

Unlike the two Lich clans, one is truly considerate of all races, and the other is a complete union of all races, and everyone is a partner.

Then the demon clan teamed up with other casual cultivating forces to create the huge heaven that it is today.

In other words, all the casual cultivators are tied to the demon clan's chariot. It is impossible for them to see the fall of heaven and damage to their own interests...

Although the power of the casual cultivators is not that of the demon clan, there are also many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian among them. It is just that they are far away from the demon clan in terms of power. But in terms of individual strength, the casual cultivators are not as powerful as the demon clan. How bad.

And what Heavenly Court absorbed were those casual cultivators who stood at the pinnacle, those extremely powerful casual cultivators.

"That's all, I have a method for you to understand. As for how much you can understand, it depends on you..."

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly. He had a lot to blame for the development of the prehistoric period.

He wanted the Lich Tribe to be as powerful as possible, which led to the current situation.

Of course, it's not just the two Lich clans, but all the races in the prehistoric era are as powerful as possible.

The Dragon Clan is like this, the Lich Clan is like this, the Human Clan is like this, and all races and spirits in the ancient world are like this.

He even personally created a perfect race in the ancient world, which was flawless and extremely perfect in terms of character, combat power, and cultivation.

The talent of the human race is so terrifying that it only takes a few Yuanhui's time to catch up with the development of dozens or even hundreds of Yuanhui of the other three races.

You must know that both the dragon clan and the lich clan themselves are the top existences in the ancient world, and the human race is catching up with the top existences.

Today's Lich's calamity measurement time for the protagonist is much longer than the previous murderer's calamity and Long Han's calamity measurement time. This calamity measurement time is truly consistent with the calamity measurement time.

The previous two calamities almost passed by in a hurry, and time passed extremely quickly.

As a result, Ye Xuan was a little uncomfortable with the current calamity.

So much time has passed, and the first war between the two Lich clans has not even broken out yet.

We still don’t know when it will really break out.

"Please give me some advice, senior..."

Suiren was overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly concentrated his attention and eliminated all the distracting thoughts in his mind. Then he looked at Ye Xuan with all his concentration, for fear of missing something.

When Ye Xuan saw that the other party was ready, he just stretched out his hand and tapped Suiren's forehead gently.

The speed was extremely fast, so fast that in Sui Renshi's eyes, it was so slow that he could avoid it at any time, but it gave Sui Renshi a feeling that he could not avoid it.

Even if Suirenshi dodges subconsciously, he can't escape Ye Xuan's finger.

After Ye Xuan pointed out, the whole person disappeared with this finger.

But he has already left this place...

The remaining Suiren clan stood on the spot, the Tao charm on their bodies was revealed, and the aura of the Tao appeared one after another in the Xinhuo Avenue.

Those avenue auras evolve over time, and continue to turn into waves of avenue charm.

However, Ye Xuan's finger contained an unknown number of acquired avenues, all of which had entered Suiren's soul, allowing him to slowly comprehend them.

The Fire Avenue can carry thousands of avenues, which is the meaning of the human race's inheritance of endless Fire.

It symbolizes the inheritance of the human race and the foundation of the human race.

At this time, as the Suiren family understood the various acquired avenues, the charm of the various acquired avenues that appeared in the Xinhuo Avenue became stronger and stronger.

Gradually, Suiren's aura became stronger and stronger.

Although his realm has not broken through to the middle stage of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, his strength has already undergone earth-shaking changes.

And its potential for future development has also increased a lot, the reason is due to those acquired great ways.

If it weren't for Ye Xuan's finger, I don't know how long it would take for Suiren to comprehend these great ways.

It can be said that Xinhuo Great Way is the infinite supreme among the acquired great ways...

Of course, it is not as powerful as the infinite supreme great way. The great way displayed by Xinhuo Great Way is not as good as the great way of the main cultivation itself.

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