Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 306 Pangu appears! Important matter entrusted!

But even so, Xinhuo Avenue is already extremely terrifying.

It is conceivable that after Suiren masters half of the acquired path contained in Ye Xuan's finger, he may be able to be at the top of the ancient world in the same realm.

He has become the ancestral dragon of the Dragon Clan and the ancestral witch of the Wu Clan, with unparalleled combat power.

If we could control them all, we would probably be able to compete with the two most powerful figures in the world, Di Jun and Tai Yi. It is unknown if we could even surpass them...

After Ye Xuan left the human race's Suicheng, he headed south.

Suicheng is located in the center of the direct jurisdiction of Sui Dynasty, and Sui Dynasty is extremely close to Mount Buzhou, that is, close to the middle of the prehistoric wilderness, and is part of the upper part of the southern wilderness.

The subordinate countries of the Sui Dynasty were arranged below the Sui Dynasty one by one.

The country closest to the Sui Dynasty was the country where the seventeen ancient kings lived, and this time, Ye Xuan wanted to go to the Stone Kingdom.

The Shi Kingdom is the kingdom of the Shi Hao clan, but most of the affairs are managed by the Shi Yi clan.

Shi Hao is obsessed with the great road and rarely manages the state affairs of the Shi Kingdom. It is only during the celebration of some grand ceremonies that Shi Hao can be seen.

This human war god is extremely powerful. If it were not limited by the limitations of heaven and earth, he would have reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal long ago, and would not be surpassed by the Cangjie clan, the human master behind him.

Ye Xuan did not come directly to Shicheng in one step, but walked slowly all the way.

He was not in a hurry to see Shi Hao, as he would be able to see him anyway.

Along the way, Ye Xuan saw many human cities. The human race lived and worked in peace and contentment, focusing on cultivation.

But many mortals still need to make a living. For a moment, Ye Xuan seemed to have seen the ancient times of his previous life.

Of course, I don’t know if there were immortals and gods in the ancient times in previous lives, but there are quite a lot of Qi Refiners among the human race today, and even those who are comparable to immortals and gods are innumerable.

The human race is strong, and Ye Xuan feels a lot happy when he sees it.

Slowly, Ye Xuan finally arrived in Stone City.

Stone City.

Shi Hao practiced in the deep palace hall.

The so-called practice is actually enlightenment.

After reaching the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, the only way to improve the realm is enlightenment.

Unlike before where one could practice and improve, now only enlightenment is left.

If a great opportunity comes and you have enough qualifications, you can even reach the sky with a single thought. It is not a dream to advance by leaps and bounds in your cultivation.

Shi Hao's Dao Yun was flowing around his body at this time, and an invincible Dao Yun transcended all the Dao Yun. He had realized the invincible Dao since he was born.

The invincible avenue is not an innate avenue, but an acquired avenue formed by a belief.

The most basic thing about this kind of avenue is to have an invincible heart, and the strength displayed by the invincible avenue is also extremely strong.

Otherwise, Shi Hao would not have become the human race God of War.

Suddenly, a figure appeared next to Shi Hao.


When Ye Xuan first appeared, Shi Hao was instantly aware of it, his consciousness swept over him, and he instantly opened his eyes with full vigilance.


Just like Suiren's shock in the past, Shi Hao now also has a horrified expression on his face.

At this time, Shi Hao's heart was already turbulent, and he could not calm down for a long time.

Ye Xuan, on the other hand, looked at Shi Hao with amusement. Being shocked by such an extremely powerful being seemed not bad...

"This person actually has the Taoist charm of the Three Thousand Dao everywhere in his body, and he has integrated it into every aspect of his body."

Shi Hao looked at Ye Xuan with shock in his eyes.

"No wonder he was able to break into my hall silently, completely ignoring the formation outside, and not even touching me. Fortunately, he was not hostile to me, otherwise..."

Shi Hao was quite happy to think that if Ye Xuan took action in silence, given the opponent's strength, he would probably die immediately.

"But it seems that there is no one who controls the three thousand origin avenues and the infinite acquired avenues in the ancient world..."

Shi Hao frowned deeply and looked at Ye Xuan with surprise and uncertainty in his heart.

He had never seen Ye Xuan's figure, but Suiren once had a glimpse of his white back.

Now, meeting for the first time, Shi Hao didn't think of the supreme existence that the Human Emperor mentioned in the past in the God's Domain.

Looking at Shi Hao's appearance, Ye Xuan smiled and shook his head, slowly stretched out his hand, and pointed a finger at the center of Shi Hao's eyebrows.


Shi Hao was shocked when he saw this and quickly flew away to hide.

But no matter how he moved, the opponent's finger seemed to be about to point between his eyebrows.


Since he couldn't escape, Shi Hao took action directly, and the Invincible Avenue appeared behind him, heading towards Ye Xuan to suppress it.

But Ye Xuan didn't seem to receive any reaction, and his finger still slowly touched Shi Hao's forehead.

After the call was made, Ye Xuan's figure disappeared.

But Shi Hao's pale face suddenly turned rosy, and the shock in his heart rose again, completely suppressing the original fear.


Shi Hao couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. What Ye Xuan's finger contained was the perception of the invincible avenue, the avenue of domination, and the emperor's avenue.

These avenues are quite in line with his avenue, especially the existence of the invincible avenue and the hegemony avenue, and as for the emperor avenue, it is better than nothing.

"Thank you for your kindness, senior!" Shi Hao bowed his hands and bowed to the void.

Shi Hao now knew who the other party was, most likely the supreme being mentioned by the human emperor before.

Dressed in white, with three thousand avenues on his body, he is the starting point and the end point of everything.

All of this is very consistent with what the human emperor said before.

"It turns out that what your majesty said back then was not false, but real, and he even personally pointed me out..."

Shi Hao's eyes showed a mysterious look, and then he slowly closed his eyes and began to comprehend the avenue insights given to him by Ye Xuan.

These avenue insights will save him countless years of time, allowing him to go deeper into the avenue faster.


Su country, Su city.

Ye Xuan deliberately stayed in Su city for a while because of Su Ming, who was in charge of the destiny avenue.

It can be said that Su Mingshi is the most potential human being besides Suirenshi.

The control of the Great Dao of Life, if he can comprehend the Great Dao of Destiny, Su Mingshi, who controls one of the five supreme great Daos, will be no match for the human race, or even the entire prehistoric world.

The existence of the five supreme innate Daos that crush all Daos, even the acquired Daos are somewhat restrained by the five supreme Daos.

After seeing Su Mingshi, Ye Xuan did not alarm him. He looked at him for a while, with a trace of compassion in his eyes.

It must be said that Su Mingshi was indeed extremely miserable, with white hair and white body overnight.

The cause was just a dream, and that dream seemed to have really existed.

In fact, it really existed, and Ye Xuan knew this.

I don’t know why, the tea brewed with the flower dew of the other shore actually has such an effect, which can make people connect the heavens, cross the infinite world, and come to another world.

Even Ye Xuan was surprised by this. Before Su Mingshi, he didn't know that the tea brewed with the dew of the red spider lily could have such an effect.

He only knew that the tea leaves used to brew the Xiantai Enlightenment Tea Tree could form the other shore enlightenment tea, which could help living beings reach the other shore and achieve great cultivation.

Now it seems that Su Mingshi's drinking is no worse than the one brewed with Xiantai Enlightenment Tea.

In this way, Su Mingshi experienced everything in that world. His hair turned white and he became more mature. Everything he saw in the world seemed unreal.

At this moment, the human race, who he only cared about in his heart, became his comforting existence. Otherwise, he didn't know what would happen.

I don't know if the Tao heart will die and then die.

After a cultivator achieves the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, it is difficult to die, but it does not mean that he cannot die. At least after the Tao heart is extinguished, he will die.

It is not a real death, that is, living is almost the same as dying.

After the Dao Heart is dead, nothing will move, even the divine thoughts will not exist, only a trace of the true spirit will be eternal and immortal, and may be revived one day.

When that day comes, after the Dao Heart is revived, the whole person will also be revived.

Whether it is cultivation or realm, whether it is physical body or soul, they will also be revived.

After sighing for a while, Ye Xuan also gave Su Mingshi the insights on the Great Dao of Demon and the Great Dao of Fate. This kindness is only slightly inferior to Suirenshi.

And if compared with the quality, even among Suirenshi's ten thousand Daos, it is impossible to find a great Dao insight that can be compared with any of Su Mingshi's three great Dao insights.

After doing all this inadvertently, Ye Xuan left.

Su Mingshi did not find that anyone had been here, but after there were more insights in his mind, he knew that someone must have been here.

But he did not have time to think too much. The urgent thing now was to absorb those great Dao insights and achieve self-realization before talking about other things.

After coming out of Sucheng, Ye Xuan went to see another ancestor of human culture, Cang Jie.

Although Cang Jie was the first to break through to the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and had the luck bonus of being a human teacher, his cultivation and combat power were still difficult to compare with the seventeen kings of the ancient times.

Having said that, his status in the human race is higher than that of the seventeen kings of the ancient times.

After all, there are seventeen kings of the ancient times, but there is only one human teacher.

He created the human race's cultural group and educated the human race, making the human race respect him as a teacher.

When he came to the human race, Ye Xuan naturally had to meet this existence.

Not long after, Ye Xuan met this existence, and then left after giving some pointers.

Ye Xuan walked in many kingdoms of the human race, and he gave pointers to each of the seventeen kings of the ancient times and the human emperor and human teacher.

The other 300 kings were not given any guidance. Perhaps it was a little unfair to them, but there was no such thing as fairness in this world, and guiding the human race was just something Ye Xuan suddenly thought of.

He only met two of the people he had guided to understand the Dao, one of whom was Suiren. He talked with him and gave him the most profound understanding of the Dao.

All the understandings of the acquired Dao that Ye Xuan controlled were given to Suiren, which would directly increase Suiren's combat power.

After a period of time, the human race will be able to develop top combat power that can truly compete with the other three races.

The second one is the Shi Hao clan. The Shi Hao clan has shouldered too many burdens from the human race, and has always been like the second oldest person in the human race.

And the contribution it made was huge. Just the Dafa of Self Transformation alone has improved the combat power of the human race by an unknown amount.

Of course, his contribution goes far beyond that.

It was just that this time they met, they didn't talk to him. They just saw each other for a while, and then gave instructions and left.

The Dao insights he left behind were not too powerful, but every Dao insight was useful to the other party.

After doing this, Ye Xuan disappeared, left the human race, and went to Pangu Palace.

One thought leads to the other shore.

With just a thought, Ye Xuan came to Pangu Palace.

No matter how big the prehistoric world is, it is just Ye Xuan's kingdom of God. As the God of Creation, he can naturally reach any place with a single thought.

And everything in the prehistoric world is no secret to him, and there is no so-called forbidden area that cannot be entered.

He who is in charge of the Three Thousand Avenues is too strong.

It is no exaggeration to use it to describe him at this time.

Pangu Hall.

At this time, there was only one Pangu obsession in Pangu Hall, and the state of this Pangu obsession had also reached the state of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

However, this obsession has no ability to fight. Even the gods and demons of light did not come to look at each other, because the gods and demons of light knew that this was not Pangu.

If it wasn't Pangu, then it wouldn't be worthy of him going to see it in person. He didn't want to meet that so-called obsession.

The reason why the obsession is residual is because the consciousness has not yet recovered, and it exists because you want to look at something.

When Pangu's consciousness recovers, his obsession will naturally dissipate between heaven and earth, as if it had never existed before.

And everything that obsession has experienced, Pangu will know instantly.

In Pangu Palace.

As soon as Ye Xuan thought, the ancestral witches of the Wu clan would not stay here on weekdays, but would stay in their respective ancestral witch palaces.

"You came."

Pangu Zhanxiang said rather plainly.

Although he didn't know that Ye Xuan would come now, and he didn't know that Ye Xuan was running around among the human race, he was not at all surprised by Ye Xuan's arrival.

He had known about Ye Xuan's existence for a long time, and had seen that silhouette with his own eyes, but he had never seen his true face.

Now Ye Xuan came openly and openly without any obstruction. The aura emanating from his body made Pangu Obsessed instantly know who was coming.

"I am coming."

Ye Xuan said lightly, his expression neither sad nor happy.

He looked at this Pangu obsession and knew that Pangu's consciousness had not yet awakened, but this Pangu obsession still possessed some magical powers and could do some things that no living thing in the world could do.

After the two met, they looked at each other calmly and never spoke.


Ye Xuan spat out one word, and the avenue of power emerged behind him, faintly affecting the avenue of power hidden in the ancient wilderness.

Buzz! ! !

boom! ! !

In an instant, the vast world roared and thousands of streams rushed.

For a moment, a great power appeared in the heaven and earth, as if it was going to suppress the world forever.

Endless creatures trembled under such power, and even the monks who had become Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals felt a trace of palpitations from the bottom of their hearts.

After that huge power appeared, a figure slowly emerged from Pangu Palace.

It’s exactly the face of Pangu!

"My lord!"

Seeing this, Pangu Zhuanxiang immediately lowered his head and shouted.

After hearing this with Pangu's blank eyes, all kinds of chaotic thoughts rushed towards him.

In an instant, the confused eyes were no longer. Pangu's eyes were extremely clear. He nodded slightly, then looked at Ye Xuan and said: "Sure enough, in the chaos, he has already noticed whether there is a supreme existence above the avenue. Now, Finally got to see you.”

Its sound was as loud as a bell, but it could not be heard outside the Pangu Palace.

Hearing this, Ye Xuan smiled slightly, nodded and said, "I see you today, what can I say?"

Pangu was stunned when he heard this, and then he smiled and said: "Is there anyone stronger than you in the world where you live?"

What kind of existence is Pangu? Once you prove that Ye Xuan is an existence outside the great road, you will naturally know that chaos is not the only one.

Chaos is not the only one, that is to say, prehistoric times are not the only one.

You must know that in the chaos, the birth of Him has already reached the extreme, and it is impossible to give birth to a creature stronger than Him.

Because he was conceived together by the three thousand avenues, or was conceived on the creation green lotus, the supreme treasure of chaos, and evolved by absorbing the Taoist charms of countless creation avenues.

But now, Ye Xuan stood in front of him like this, and he naturally knew that chaos was not the only one.

"Many, like crucian carp crossing the river, like scales in the four seas."

Ye Xuan was not too surprised, but directly said that there were many beings stronger than him, and he was nothing in his own world.

What he said was indeed true. He didn't know how many people there were at a higher level. Who knew whether they would be everywhere like the fourth-level Creation God.

Ye Xuan went to other star fields and found that there were four-level creation gods one after another. In such a large star field, the number of four-level creation gods was countless.

Pangu was not surprised to hear this. Since he woke up, he knew everything.

"No wonder an existence like you is looking forward to our arrival."

Pangu looked expectant, as if he was very interested in the world where Ye Xuan lived. He couldn't wait to see that day.

"I met you today to entrust you with something."

Ye Xuan didn't say much, but turned to say.

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