Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 307 Pangu suppresses gods and demons!

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Pangu was very interested when he heard this and asked immediately.

This kind of existence that was almost omnipotent in the prehistoric times, now actually had to get rid of him. For a while, Pangu was a little curious.

Ye Xuan warned with a serious face: "Three thousand gods and demons are slowly recovering. I need your power. I will stand above and wait for your arrival. Therefore, I hope you can attack those gods and demons." Be merciful and don’t kill him again.”

Ye Xuan is afraid! He was really afraid that after Pangu recovered, he would see the three thousand gods and demons also revived, and then he would smash these three thousand gods and demons into pieces again with an axe!

It would be fine if he could control the resurrection of these great avenue gods and demons, but the great avenue gods and demons were bred from the great avenues. The most he could do was provide them with a breeding platform, but there was no way he could quickly revive them.

This is the real reason for Ye Xuan's worry. Otherwise, he would be too lazy to care about these things and just kill him when he is killed. Anyway, he can just wait until Honghuang becomes strong enough and resurrect him again.

But he couldn't control the revival of the gods and demons of the avenue at all, so he could only hope that Pangu would not start killing evil.

Pangu was stunned when he heard this. What did he think it was? It turned out to be this. A smile appeared on his face and he said: "I had some friendship with some gods and demons in the chaos before. If it weren't for Kaitian For one thing, I will definitely not kill them all.

Please rest assured, if they don't want to harm the ancient world, they will be welcomed in the ancient world. "

In fact, Pangu wasn't too worried that those great gods and demons would destroy the Great Desolation, because the two gods and demons that were resurrected now also liked the Great Desolate very much, and had no intention of returning the Great Desolate to chaos.

Just after he finished speaking, two more breaths appeared.

The visitors were none other than the Gods of Samsara and the Gods of Light. After these two gods and demons came to Pangu Hall, they looked at Pangu.

"Sure enough, you have recovered!!!"

The Samsara God and Demon said with a shocked look on his face, he never expected why Pangu would suddenly revive.

You must know that there is no one who is affecting the avenue of power. It stands to reason that Pangu will not suddenly revive.

But now that Pangu has really recovered, he should naturally come over to meet him.

"Haha! I haven't recovered yet, but it's just the remnants of the memories that were left in the wilderness that were gathered together." Pangu laughed and waved his hand.

After hearing the words, the reincarnation gods and demons understood, and immediately nodded, suddenly enlightened.

On the other side, after the light god and demon felt it, although he was quite surprised that Pangu really revived, his eyes at this time fell entirely on Ye Xuan.

He had a feeling that he had seen the other party somewhere, but he couldn't tell.

"Guangming, I heard that you were very aggressive after you recovered."

Ye Xuan said lightly, looking at the other party with a half-smile in his eyes.

As soon as he finished speaking, the face of the God of Light and Demon changed drastically. He immediately recognized who the other party was and said hesitantly: "You...you...you are the existence that laughed at me in Buddhism before!!!"

He wanted to get angry and vent his anger, but found that facing Ye Xuan, he had no anger at all, and his heart was completely calm.

Immediately, the face of the God of Light changed again, and he looked at Ye Xuan in shock, not knowing why.

Then, looking at Ye Xuan, he found that he actually possessed three thousand origin avenues, as well as endless acquired avenues...

For a moment, the God and Demon of Light looked at Ye Xuan with shock and horror in his eyes, and he did not dare to speak for a long time.

At this time, he finally understood why the gods and demons of reincarnation respected the primitive creatures so much, and why they changed so quickly. It turned out that there was not only Pangu above the gods and demons of the avenue, but also a more powerful one above the origin. of creatures.

In front of that creature, not to mention myself, even Pangu was just an ant...

He finally understood and understood why they, the three thousand gods and demons, searched all over the chaotic world but could not find the gestating Pangu...

It turns out that there is such a terrifying existence behind him.

Samsara God and Demon also instantly recognized Ye Xuan, knowing that the other person was the one who told him those words that day. He immediately held the Taoist ritual in his hand and said respectfully: "Samsara has met you."

He didn't know how to address Ye Xuan, so he had to address him as Your Excellency.

Ye Xuan looked at the expression of the God and Demon of Light and knew that the other party understood it, but he did not say much. Instead, he turned to look at the God and Demon of Samsara and nodded, indicating that he understood.

Then, he looked at Pangu and said, "In that case, I'll take my leave."

After saying that, Ye Xuan's figure disappeared.

For a time, only Pangu's obsession, Pangu consciousness, reincarnation consciousness, and light consciousness were left in Pangu Hall.

Pangu's obsession never spoke, but Pangu's consciousness looked at the two gods and demons on each other and said with a smile: "Reincarnation, light, long time no see."

"It's not that long. Although I don't know how many years have passed since we parted ways in Chaos, we have all fallen into a deep sleep, so in fact the time that has passed has only been a blink of an eye."

Samsara God and Demon smiled, looked at Pangu and said.

He could see his own Tao from Pangu. If he could wait until Pangu truly recovered, instead of talking about Tao, his own cultivation realm would have been greatly improved.

And He also wants to strengthen himself in the prehistoric world, so naturally, Pangu will not be busy.


The God of Light snorted coldly, expressing his dissatisfaction.

How could the God of Light let go of the hatred of being beheaded in the chaos in the past?

If it weren't for the hatred of being beheaded, he wouldn't have been humiliated when he met Taiyi and Dijun before.

If he had the body of the Great Dao God of Light, he was confident that no one in the prehistoric world could be his opponent.

It's just a consciousness here. Although it can suppress the Three Buddhas of the West, it can't suppress those saints who really stand on the top of the prehistoric world.

Of course, in His eyes, they are just some ants, not the so-called saints.

"Daoyou is right, but I don't know how many years it will take to wake up..." Pangu nodded first, and then said with melancholy.

In theory, so many creatures in the prehistoric world are all manifestations of Him, and what they practice and do are all leading His great way in the dark.

He should wake up soon, but he still hasn't woken up yet.

Presumably, the avenue of power is different from ordinary avenues, and the conditions required may be more stringent.

However, no matter how many years it takes, Pangu can always wake up. When he wakes up, it is time to go find Ye Xuan.

No one in the prehistoric world can be Pangu's opponent. For Pangu, there is no opponent in the entire chaotic world.

Those avenue gods and demons who are high and mighty in the eyes of others can't even survive a round in Pangu's hands. The only way is to fall.

When Pangu created the world, he held the Pangu Axe in his hand and killed all the avenue gods and demons with just two axes.

Whether it is the five supreme avenues or other avenues, they were all solved with two axes.

This shows how strong Pangu's strength is.

As for the remaining gods and demons of light, Pangu stared at them with a sharp gaze and said indifferently: "I don't care what you did in the prehistoric world, but there is only one thing, you must remember, if I wake up and find you causing trouble in the prehistoric world, then you can wait to fall into deep sleep again!"

The gods and demons of light were shocked when they heard this, but they said with disdain on their faces: "Just you? Haha..."

At this time, he was already cursing in his heart.

Damn it, anyone can pinch me, right? A Pangu consciousness that has not yet revived dares to threaten him.

Do you really think that you have revived?

If Pangu has revived, then the gods and demons of light will not say anything and will only hide their tails aside.

But now Pangu has not revived, he really doesn't believe that the other party can do anything to him with just a little thought that was summoned.

The gods and demons of reincarnation on the side looked at the gods and demons of light when they heard this, as if they were looking at the gods and demons of light as if they were looking at a fool.

He really couldn't understand why there were such brainless things as the God of Light and the Demon.

You know, even if Pangu was powerless at the moment, what about the witch clan under Pangu?

If the endless witch clan knew that the God of Light and the Demon had humiliated Pangu, it would really be a situation of life and death. Now the witch clan is so powerful that it can even compete with the demon clan.

Not to mention cleaning up a small God of Light and the Demon.

Although the God of Light and the Demon is powerful enough to suppress the Three Buddhas of Buddhism, it does not mean that he can suppress the twelve witch ancestors of the witch clan.

What's more, in addition to the twelve witch ancestors of the witch clan, there are still hundreds of great witches who have reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Although those great witches are not as powerful as the witch ancestors, you have to know that there are thousands of great witches!

If the witch clan really wants to do something to the God of Light and the Demon, then the God of Light and the Demon will definitely die.

It is not impossible to return to the avenue, after all, the other party has the ancestor witch who controls time and space.

This is undoubtedly a very terrifying existence, and it is difficult to escape even if you want to.

Even if the God of Light runs away, he will have to hide in the prehistoric world all day long and cannot show his head easily.

The God of Reincarnation shook his head, as if there was no hope for the God of Light. For such a brainless existence, he must stay away from him.

You must stay away from him, and remember not to get too close to him to avoid being harmed by him.

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire Pangu Hall dropped to freezing point.

The God of Reincarnation watched the show on the side and did not speak, while Pangu's obsession on the other side did not have the right to speak at all.

After the God of Light slipped his tongue, he found that the atmosphere was a little wrong, and he regretted it for a while, but before he could regret it, he saw the breath of Pangu suddenly appear.

Boom! ! !

An extremely deep and powerful breath appeared from the origin, as if it was about to suppress the heavens.

This is the manifestation of the great way of power, and the Dao rhyme of the great way of power has appeared.


A ray of light shone in all directions, and the God of Light quickly manifested the Great Way of Light, and the Dao rhyme of the Great Way of Light manifested, wanting to compete with the Great Way of Power.

But the bright light that just appeared was suppressed by the Great Way of Power in an instant. In an instant, the God of Light was crushed to the ground by the Great Way of Power and could not move.

The Dao rhyme of the Great Way of Light disappeared as if it had never appeared.

But it had already been suppressed and absorbed by Pangu's power, Daoyun, and the gods and demons of light were also suppressed to the ground.

"Give you another chance, otherwise you will return to the road with me now!!!"

Pangu's eyes were extremely cold, and he just stared at the light god and demon suppressed by him on the ground and said coldly.

At this time, He seemed to be a bit more indifferent than Taiyi, who was high above the nine heavens. If anyone who understood was present, he would definitely know that Taiyi's indifference was inherited from Pangu.

It turns out that Pangu's indifference was much more indifferent than Taiyi. It was an existence even more ruthless than ruthless.

At this time, Ye Xuan, who had gone to other places, sensed the scene in Pangu Palace, sighed helplessly, and murmured to himself: "Why bother, why bother...

Why do you have to risk your own death to be happy? It is never others who humiliate you, but yourself..."

The gods and demons of light are extremely concerned about their own face and cannot let go of their pride as the gods and demons of the great avenue.

However, He is always humiliated because of himself, which is the most unacceptable point for Him.

If he had not looked down upon Di Jun and Tai Yi and insulted them first, he would not have been suppressed by Di Jun and Tai Yi later.

If He hadn't committed the death penalty and now provoked and insulted Pangu again, he wouldn't be in a situation where he was about to be killed...

The person who needs face the most happens to be the person who causes him to lose face repeatedly...

At this time, in Pangu Hall.

The face of the God of Light, suppressed by Pangu's Dao Yun of Power, changed greatly at this time.

The face of the God of Light turned blue and white, which was already extremely ugly, but what Pangu wanted to suppress at this time was his arrogance that came from nowhere.

To dare to be so arrogant in front of Him is to seek death...

"Have you thought about it? If not, then I will send you directly to the avenue and stay with me..."

Pangu's indifferent words came again, and then Daoyun suddenly broke out, trying to suppress the light god and demon alive.

"I was wrong!! Wrong!!!"

The God and Demon of Light closed his eyes in front of the God and Demon of Samsara and shouted loudly.

It seemed to be an extremely embarrassing thing, and as he shouted this, in his heart, the pride of being a great god and demon had also fallen, as if he had died.

At this time, after the light god and demon finished shouting, he lay on the ground like a dead old dog, not daring to be interested in anything.

The reincarnation gods and demons on the side shook their heads when they heard this, and murmured: "If I had to hold on to my so-called pride, how could I end up in this situation? I am not the one who truly abandons the dignity and glory of the gods and demons of the avenue. But you..."

After saying that, the Samsara God and Demon bowed their hands to Pangu, and then left the place.

"What Fellow Taoist Samsara said is true. Go back to the West and think about it for a while!"

Pangu looked at the dead dog-like light god and demon under him, and said in a cold voice. Then with a thought, the light god and demon disappeared, but was driven back to the wild west by him.

Immediately afterwards, Pangu looked at Pangu and said: "When those ancestral witches arrive, tell them that I am very satisfied with their performance."

After saying that, Pangu disappeared between heaven and earth.

He was not really resurrected in the first place, but a consciousness formed by the fusion of residual thoughts and wills that Ye Xuan gathered scattered throughout the wilderness.

In fact, it can only survive for a short period of time, and it is impossible to stay for a long time.

"Go well, I."

Pangu held the Taoist ritual in his hand, bowed slightly to the void, and said slowly.

Immediately, Pangu summoned the twelve ancestral witches and summoned them to Pangu Palace.

This also includes Hou Tu...

“Damn Pangu!!!”

The Gods and Demons of Light who returned to the Western Wilderness roared to the sky after feeling Pangu's aura dissipate.

At this time, He was filled with anger, and he just wanted to destroy the entire prehistoric world to take revenge on Pangu.

But as he still has a trace of reason, he knows that the prehistoric world is not something he can destroy. He can't even defeat the prehistoric creatures created by Pangu, let alone destroy the prehistoric...

"Strength! Great strength!"

The eyes of the God and Demon of Light are filled with desire. He only wants to have extremely powerful strength, the strength to rule the ancient world. If he achieves this, he will definitely change the ancient world left by Pangu beyond recognition!

Used to avenge previous enmities.

In order to avoid falling into deep sleep again, He had to shout in great embarrassment that he was wrong.

You know, how could the Dao gods and demons make so-called mistakes.

It's true that he was wrong, but Pangu actually forced him to admit his mistake...

"It seems that the God of Light has experienced a deep sleep and has long lost his reason in the chaos."

The reincarnation gods and demons who returned to the land of reincarnation looked through infinite time and space and saw the appearance of the light gods and demons in the Western Wilderness. They couldn't help but shake their heads and secretly said something bad.

Immediately afterwards, the light curtain revealing the bright gods and demons was spread out.

I thought that a great god and demon had awakened again, and that the time in the future would not be so boring. I could make a pot of tea with him in my free time, talk about things in the chaos of the past, and watch the reincarnation of all sentient beings.

But now it seems that it is better to stay away from each other in the future, lest Pangu kill himself with an ax one day...

This time he woke up again, and he didn't want to fall into deep sleep again.

For the existence that shouldn't be provoked, he would not learn to die like the gods and demons of light.



"Previously, there was a sudden gathering of power, which overwhelmed the entire Heaven. I don't know whose power was so strong..."

Bai Ze reported loudly to Emperor Jun who was sitting on the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Not only the Heaven, but the entire prehistoric world was overwhelmed. The only one who could achieve such a state, besides Pangu, was that person..."

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