Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 308 Conspiracy to eliminate Ye Xuan?

Emperor Jun spoke slowly, his eyes had seen everything through the endless years, and nothing in Pangu Palace could escape his eyes.

The restrictions of Pangu Hall itself could not stop Emperor Jun's gaze at all. As for Pangu, he had no intention of covering anything up.

Recovery is recovery, and a short-term recovery is a short-term recovery. There is nothing to hide.

"Hiss...are you saying that Pangu has revived, or that he has come to the world?"

Bai Ze took a breath, no matter who it was, it was undoubtedly extremely heavy news.

If any one of them reaches the ancient world, it is no less than dropping a bomb.

"Pangu has revived, and that person has also come to the world..."

Di Jun nodded and said.

Bai Ze originally wanted to report something to Di Jun, but at this moment he was so shocked that he didn't know what to say.

"That one's here."

Suddenly, Di Jun said, and then his body flashed, disappeared into the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, and arrived outside the Nantian Gate.

Outside Nantianmen.

"Di Jun has met the senior."

Di Jun cupped his fists and bowed, and said.

After these words came out, the clairvoyant Shunfeng Er next to him was startled. Why did his Majesty suddenly appear and bow to a Taoist priest in white who had just arrived...

But they didn't have time to think too much. They immediately bowed together and said to the Emperor Jun: "I will pay my respects to Your Majesty."

Di Jun waved his hand casually, indicating that he should stand up.

Ye Xuan nodded with a smile and said, "Let's go, walk with me."

Since I went to Pangu Palace, I naturally had to come and experience this heaven.

"It is Di Jun's blessing to be able to accompany senior."

Di Jun said with a smile on his face.

He has always been like this, and his words always make those who talk to him feel like spring breeze, as if talking to him is a kind of beauty.

Ye Xuan naturally felt the same way, and then nodded and headed towards the Tiangong.

There are thirty-six heavens in heaven, and together they are called heaven. The heavenly palace can also be used as another name.

The Heavenly Palace is a group of palaces in the Heavenly Court, and each Heavenly Palace has a large number of halls.

Each of the halls has corresponding work processes, and there are also many places where immortals and gods sleep.

Although Ye Xuan had already seen all the wild scenes in the void, it naturally included the heavenly scenery.

But going deep into it is naturally more charming than looking down in the void. Therefore, since we are in the wilderness this time, let's take a look at it.

In this way, Ye Xuan and Emperor Jun walked through the thirty-two heavens together. Each heaven has a different beauty, whether it is the style of the palaces, or the scenes of various cranes soaring in the sky and Pegasus galloping.

Or maybe it’s the clouds of different colors under your feet, and the various wonderful sights that appear in the sky.

Ye Xuan has also walked through them all, so naturally he has seen them all.

Facing the various scenes in heaven, even though Ye Xuan had seen them before, he still felt a little wonderful at this moment.

Finally, we arrived at the thirty-third heaven, where the Lingxiao Palace is located.

The Lingxiao Palace is a palace located in the Jade Palace. It is also the most majestic palace in the heaven. It is even more majestic and spectacular than the Emperor's Palace on the 36th level.

Because this hall is used for grand ceremonies and various major celebrations are held here, it is not open on weekdays.

Only a small number of people can see the Emperor of Heaven on this surface.

"Is this the Jade Palace..."

Ye Xuan looked at the Jade Palace and saw that all the palaces were made of various kinds of precious jade.

And this jade is also engraved with various inscriptions of great avenues, which together form a small Zhoutian star formation.

In other words, this Jade Palace is a great formation of stars all over the sky.

The Lingxiao Palace is naturally where the formation eye is located.

Although this is a small Zhoutian Xingdou Formation, its actual strength is no less than that of the huge Zhoutian Xingdou Formation.

It's just a difference in scope. The huge star formation in the sky can encompass the entire starry sky, but the formation in the Jade Palace can only wrap around the 33rd heaven.

But in fact, if they really reach the 33rd level, there will be no difference whether there is or not the so-called Zhoutian Star Formation.

The large formation outside was broken, and naturally the small formation inside couldn't be defended.

After walking in from the Jade Palace, you are in the Lingxiao Palace.

The painting style in Lingxiao Palace was even more shocking, and Ye Xuan walked into it.

"Hey, is this Bai Ze?"

Ye Xuan let out a sigh and said.

"It's me who has met your Majesty."

When Bai Ze saw the person coming and asked him, he immediately bowed his head and said respectfully.

Although he had achieved the supreme realm of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal, he still seemed like a quail when facing Ye Xuan, trembling and without any ability to resist at all.

Therefore, when visiting the avenue in person, Bai Bai appeared extremely humble.

Ye Xuan nodded, and then looked at the Fangtian Emperor's throne. There was endless power of luck gushing out from it, as if it was endless.

"Is this the destiny of heaven?"

The luck in heaven is indeed like a dragon, almost endless.

Di Jun then glanced at Bai Ze, indicating that he could retreat.

Bai Ze then immediately bowed and retreated.

After Bai Ze withdrew, only Di Jun and Ye Xuan were left in the huge Ling Xiao Palace.

As for Xihe, he was in Yaochi and not in the Lingxiao Palace.

Taiyi and Mrs. Yuanmu ran to the sun to teach the ten Golden Crows.

Although the little Golden Crows have reached the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in their cultivation, they are still not deeply involved in the world, and they still don’t understand many things.

Therefore, Taiyi still taught them.

Of course, it is better for Baijiao to understand it in person, so Taiyi will arrange for those Golden Crows to travel to the human world as if they were traveling around, and let some Golden Crows travel to the human world instead.

Naturally, one needs to conceal one's identity and pretend to be an ordinary creature.

Only in this way can we truly understand the various situations in the world and know how to take the future path.

Therefore, Taiyi and Mrs. Yuanmu went up to the sun and led the other nine Golden Crows to watch one of the Golden Crows doing all the things in the world.

During this period, his cultivation level was even reduced to the Daluo Jinxian level, which was not very high.

Today, there are really as many Da Luo Jinxian as dogs in the ancient world, and even the realm of Hunyuan True Self is everywhere.

On the whole, today's prehistoric world is much more powerful than the world Ye Xuan heard about in his previous life.

"I wonder why senior came to heaven here?"

Di Jun thought for a while and finally asked.

Along the way, Ye Xuan just said that he would accompany him to see it, and then he just praised the sights and scenery of Heavenly Court along the way, but he did not say too much.

Ye Xuan paused and replied: "Just to see the scenery of heaven."

This is really his idea, but he doesn't have many other ideas.

Di Jun is already the most powerful being in his world, and he has nothing to teach him.

Di Jun was also the creature who helped him become a fourth-level Creation God, so naturally he had no feeling of disgust towards him.

In fact, in the entire prehistoric period, except for the Immortal Ancestor Hongjun, Ye Xuan did not have any disgusting creatures.

And the reason why he hates Hongjun is simply because Hongjun blocks his way.

If the other party does not block his way, preaches the ancient principles well, and conforms to the way of heaven, no matter what happens, Ye Xuan will not hate the other party.

In fact, this is indeed the case. In addition to caring about the human race, the others are not too involved. They are trying to correct the path of the prehistoric times.

Just like when Hongjun almost succeeded, Ye Xuan personally took action to enlighten Zulong and Xingchen Taoist. This was the only time he took action besides helping the human race.

Apart from this, he did not help other living beings in the wilderness.

In other words, not only was Ye Xuan not helping the other party, but the creatures in the wild were constantly helping Ye Xuan.

It is because of these creatures in the ancient world that Ye Xuan can reach the height he is today.

Therefore, Ye Xuan has always been very grateful.

I am grateful that the world he created is a world of chaos, and I am grateful that the chaotic world also chose him.

Di Jun was stunned when he heard this, and an incredible feeling suddenly appeared in his heart, with a look of disbelief on his face.

After Ye Xuan saw it, he smiled slightly and said: "Although I have been in this world since the beginning of chaos, I have witnessed the creation of the prehistoric world with my own eyes, and I have been overlooking everything in the prehistoric world, but I have not really entered it. "In the wilderness."

After speaking, Ye Xuan paused and then said: "This is the first time I have entered the wilderness. I have to say that the feeling of being there is really different from the feeling of looking down from above."

After hearing this, Di Jun understood and believed that it was true.

Not that he said it, this is too exaggerated.

If it were him, he would never be able to face the prehistoric period for such a long time without stepping into it.

In such a long time, Ye Xuan entered the wilderness for the first time, which made Di Jun quite amazed, so much so that he couldn't believe it before.

"Senior is so decisive, but Di Jun admires him very much!"

Emperor Jun heard this and replied respectfully.

Ye Xuan nodded. He had heard this kind of polite words many times before, so he didn't take it to heart.

"The prehistoric world is not the only one, and the chaos is not the only one. Practice hard. Only after your cultivation reaches a certain level will you be qualified to see the world beyond the prehistoric world."

After watching the Heavenly Court, Ye Xuan was naturally about to leave this place, so he turned around and said.

The figure slowly dissipated between heaven and earth, but completely left this place.

Emperor Jun was left alone in the Lingxiao Palace, feeling a little disappointed and frustrated.

"How can such a existence not make me admire..."

Di Jun murmured to himself, wanting to reach Ye Xuan's state.

Now that I have seen Ye Xuan with my own eyes, I know how big the gap between myself and Ye Xuan is, so big that even he can't see clearly.

But at the beginning, when he only caught a glimpse of Ye Xuan, he only saw a big gap between him and the other party.

"Beyond the wilderness, how can I not be yearning for it..."

Di Jun looked up at the sky, his heart filled with yearning for the world beyond the wild.

At this time, he was no longer limited to the wild world.

Although he had never regarded the Great Wasteland as his private territory, Di Jun was already different from the past at this time.

After getting the definite answer, and knowing personally from Ye Xuan's mouth that there are endless worlds, Di Jun's mind seemed to be completely opened, wider and wider than before. of vastness.

While Emperor Jun was sighing with emotion, suddenly, a line of white clothes floated from the sky.

"Fuxi has met Your Majesty."

After Fuxi arrived, he immediately bowed and then spoke again.

"Your Majesty, has that existence arrived?"

When Ye Xuan entered the ancient world, naturally all kinds of heavenly secrets could not count the other party, but since Ye Xuan left the ancient world, Fuxi, who had been in the thirty-sixth level of Tianxi Palace, immediately followed Ye Xuan. 's arrival

As for why Ye Xuan could be counted, it was because Ye Xuan did not deliberately erase his mark.

Because almost all high-level creatures know Ye Xuan's existence, and there are even many creatures among them who have come into contact with Ye Xuan's existence.

Therefore, Ye Xuan did not deliberately erase his traces in the wilderness.

And it was based on these traces that Fuxi knew that Ye Xuan had been in the ancient world and even came to the heaven. These traces did not belong to the living beings in the ancient world, nor to the gods and demons of the great road.

Then naturally there is only one possibility, and that is the supreme being that he is bound to see the other party.

After knowing the arrival of that being, Fuxi didn't even care about the chess game of heaven and earth, and flew directly to the Lingxiao Palace.

But who knows, it will be a step too late in the end.

"Yes, but he left." Di Jun nodded upon hearing this, not hiding anything.

Fuxi's eyes dimmed a little when he heard this. He clearly wanted to see the other party, but why did the other party refuse to see him?

"Is he gone..."

"Then next time, next time I must see him!!!"

Fuxi gritted his teeth and clenched his palms tightly, losing some of his previous wise appearance. He was obviously competing with Ye Xuan.

Di Jun on the side heard this, slowly shook his head and said: "Fellow Taoist, you are obsessed..."

Fuxi was shocked when he heard this, and his face immediately calmed down. Apparently he woke up instantly and regained his original state of mind.

He immediately nodded to Emperor Jun, bowed his hands slightly and said, "Thank you, Your Majesty. Fuxi will go to cultivate his moral character now."

After saying that, he headed towards Xi Imperial Palace.

This time he sat down and completely drowned out all the distracting thoughts in his mind, he had no intention of leaving seclusion.

Ye Xuan, who was far away from the ancient world, also sensed Fuxi's thoughts, and immediately smiled softly and whispered: "If you can catch me, you will be considered a powerful person..."

During this period of time, Ye Xuan has basically been dealing with matters in the wilderness, and has basically ignored the outside affairs.

As for the matters in Rongdi Kingdom, they were basically left to others.

Because Ye Xuan found that instead of working desperately on the front line, the little divine source he earned was not enough to feed the creatures in his kingdom in the Shura battlefield.

Today's Shura battlefields are also on the second level. There are some Da Luo Jinxian level monsters inside, which are relatively easy to fight. There are countless Da Luo Jinxian among all races. This place has also become the easiest place for Da Luo Jinxian of all races. A place of experience.

If those primitive creatures who had experienced training here had not died in battle, they would have basically been extremely powerful when they came out.

Because the number of monsters faced here is uncountable, countless, and endless to kill.

Therefore, Ye Xuan started to plan to lie down here with peace of mind all day long.

Fusang country, the capital of Fusang.

Fuso Star is the capital of the Fuso Kingdom. The entire planet is the capital, and the capital among the capitals is naturally Kyoto City.

At this time, in Kyoto city.

A group of big bosses of the sixth-order creation gods gathered together. There were only four of these sixth-order creation gods in total.

They are Prime Minister Inoue Kojiro who is in charge of politics, General Tanabe Dairo who is in charge of military affairs, and Taichang Qingchou Onoro who is in charge of religion.

These three people are the top leaders of Fusang Kingdom. In addition to these three people, there is an emperor above them. The emperor is named Xiao Wanglang next door.

Fusang Kingdom only has these four sixth-level creation gods. In addition to these four sixth-level creation gods, there are more than 400 fifth-level creation gods. These are all the high-level creation gods in Fusang Kingdom. Strength.

It seems like a lot, but in fact, except for the highest level six creation god, Fuso Kingdom cannot even defeat any star field of Daxia Kingdom.

At this time, the four bosses conspired together.

"Tanabe-san! Do you mean that we should not get rid of Ye Xuan? Instead, let it develop until it becomes our country-destroying enemy in the future?" As the prime minister, Kojiro Inoue had a big face. said angrily.

As soon as he spoke, it was clear that he wanted to get rid of Ye Xuan.

This was because of the overwhelming combat power that Ye Xuan caused to everyone in the battle of the God's Domain, which also exposed Ye Xuan to the world.

This time, what they were discussing was whether Ye Xuan should be eliminated.

"Soldiers should defeat each other on the battlefield! Rather than playing tricks behind their backs!" Dairo Tanabe snorted, obviously extremely dissatisfied with Kojiro Inoue.

It is not uncommon for the military and the government to have conflicts. On the contrary, it is very normal.

"Haha! Defeat the other side?! The other side is the Great Xia Kingdom! If you can defeat the other side, do we still need to discuss getting rid of Ye Xuan here!!"

As the prime minister, Inoue Kojiro obviously sneered at Tanabe Taro's words. If he could beat the other side, would he still worry about a proud son of the enemy country who has not yet grown up?

The report on Ye Xuan has been handed over to them a long time ago. It can be known that Ye Xuan is a radical hawk. If Ye Xuan is allowed to grow up, he dare not imagine the end of Fuso Kingdom.

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