The reason why Fusang Kingdom can survive is not because of its strong military strength, nor because of who is backing it. There is only one reason why it can survive.

That is, Daxia Kingdom left a star field for Fusang Kingdom to develop out of humanitarian spirit.

However, Fusang Kingdom is a country that has always focused on expanding its territory. Therefore, under its competition, the West Eight Kingdoms, which originally had ten star fields, only had one star field left, and the remaining nine star fields were all taken away by Fusang Kingdom.

So now Fusang Kingdom has ten star fields, while the West Eight Kingdoms only have one star field left.

Back then, the five major countries left a total of 400 star fields for other small countries. These 400 star fields were considered the most barren land among the 3,000 star fields, and then they competed for them based on the size of their fists.

Anyway, the five major countries have done enough humanitarianism, and the rest is the matter of the small countries killing each other.

As for whether a new big country will be nurtured, the five major countries are naturally not worried at all.

It is difficult for those small countries to even produce a seventh-level god, let alone an eighth-level god.

Even if an eighth-level god is produced, it cannot withstand the joint efforts of the five major countries.

The five major countries are responsible for fighting each other, but if others want to get involved, that is another matter.

In the face of such a situation, the five major countries will naturally unite to deal with the newly born country without hesitation.

The cake of the Creation Continent is only so big, and it was divided by the five major countries early on. No one wants to share their own interests with other countries, so this is also a consensus among everyone.

As long as there is no real war that almost destroys the country, even if an eighth-level creation god is born in other countries, it will be powerless to save the situation.

The original Western Eight Countries were backed by the Great Xia Kingdom, with the Great Xia Kingdom as the suzerain country, so they were divided into ten star regions. Otherwise, it would be good to get one star region with the national strength of the Western Eight Countries.

But after that, because of the passage of time, perhaps because they had been peaceful for too long, the Western Eight Kingdoms became a little too arrogant and made some historical mistakes.

Gradually, the Western Eight Kingdoms became more and more arrogant, thinking that their country was the most powerful country in the universe, and often looked down on the people of the Great Xia Kingdom, repeatedly clamoring.

Although the Great Xia Kingdom was too lazy to pay attention to the other party, as time went on, the other party became more and more rampant, and even dared to insult the Great Xia Kingdom in public.

In anger, the Great Xia Kingdom hinted to the Fusang Kingdom, which had always coveted the territory of the Western Eight Kingdoms. The Fusang Kingdom agreed and immediately sent troops to conquer and took down nine star regions at once.

In the end, they had to beg for mercy and cry to the Great Xia Kingdom, which saved the last star region.

Otherwise, the Western Eight Kingdoms might even be destroyed by the Fusang Kingdom.

As for the star regions previously occupied by Fusang, no matter how the West Eight Kingdoms cried, the Great Xia Kingdom was always unwilling to help the other side to recapture the nine star regions, and the reason was still very fair.

They were not convenient to intervene in the war between the two countries, and now it was already very good to force them to come forward to protect them.

Although the West Eight Kingdoms did not believe it, they had no choice but to pretend to be grandsons and hide.

Because no matter whether it was the Fusang Kingdom that attacked them or the Great Xia Kingdom that came forward to protect them in the end, none of them could be resisted by them.

It was resistance, not victory.

They couldn't even resist at all...

In the final analysis, it was still because the West Eight Kingdoms were too weak. Because they were too weak and too inferior, they had to brag about themselves in various ways, looking down on this and that.

When the real war started, the West Eight Kingdoms didn't need to do anything about the enemy, their own positions were in chaos, and they were in a panic. There were even countless people who fled the battlefield directly. They really collapsed before the battle, which was already a scene only seen in the era of the God of Creation.

Among all the countries, this is the only country that has inherited the essence of fighting and running away since ancient times.

Although Fusang benefited from the mercy of Daxia, not many people in the country really think that they should respect Daxia and should not think about pitting Daxia in everything.

From the emperor of Fusang to the people of Fusang, everyone is full of hatred for all countries, especially for Daxia, the neighboring country.

It can be said that after Daxia became strong, no neighboring country wants to see this happen.

Even in almost all countries, only a very small number of small countries crushed by other big countries will hope.

Just like Fusang's attitude towards the Eagle United Nations is extremely kind and friendly, as if the other party is its own father.

Of course, this so-called father is also useful, otherwise Fusang will not easily recognize other countries as its father.

At this time,

Fuso's Prime Minister Inoue Kojiro spent a lot of time thinking about Ye Xuan's matter. He spent a lot of time to find a way to assassinate Ye Xuan.

To do this, a sixth-level creation god must be there to be safe.

There are a lot of fourth-level creation gods in Fuso, but it is unlikely to kill Ye Xuan, because there is no fourth-level creation god who can beat Ye Xuan.

Although a fifth-level creation god can kill Ye Xuan, it is probably quite difficult to assassinate Ye Xuan silently.

Only the sixth-level Creation God can do this and kill Ye Xuan in an instant, leaving him unable to resist.

However, as a general, Dairo Tanabe somewhat disagreed with this, but although he refuted the opponent, the opponent hit him with one hit, leaving him speechless.

Yes, if you can defeat the other party and discuss the matter of getting rid of Ye Xuan, you can just force the other party to surrender. It is not impossible to even ignore the other party completely.

Just watching the two arguing earlier, Taichangqing Church Onolang, who had not spoken for a long time, saw that the matter was resolved, and asked a question lightly: "Have you ever thought about the consequences of getting rid of Ye Xuan?"

After saying that, he looked at Inoue Kojiro quietly.

When Inoue Kojiro saw the other party questioning, he immediately replied: "I don't know what will happen to the other party, but I know that if Ye Xuan is not eliminated, when Ye Xuan's strength increases, or even reaches the eighth level, our Fuso Kingdom will The country is going to be destroyed!”

Church Onolang nodded, and then replied: "You don't know what will happen, do you? I know that the previous West Eight Kingdoms were just talking about it, and they fell into this ending. If we really kill that person with If there is a chance to kill the creation god who reaches the eighth level, the Fuso Kingdom will come to an end in the next moment.

As the prime minister of Fusang Kingdom, you don't even know that the other party can search us, right? "

The Great Xia Kingdom has seventh-level or even eighth-level creation gods. No matter how they assassinate, the most they can do is ensure the success of the assassination. But once they succeed, they will have to bear the wrath from the Great Xia Kingdom.

You must know that even if the sixth-level Creation God personally assassinates Ye Xuan, even if not a single trace is erased afterwards, as if it never existed, he will still be instantly defeated when facing the seventh- and eighth-level Creation Gods. Find out between.

Therefore, all they can really do is kill Ye Xuan in an instant, and then they have to face the anger of the entire Daxia Kingdom.

Inoue Kojiro shook his head, and said with confidence in his eyes: "Church-san! You are wrong! According to my understanding of Daxia Kingdom, Ye Xuan is so outstanding that he must have suffered the jealousy of many high-level officials in the country, and even Even the Protector God may want to get rid of the opponent! It's just that he can't do it for various reasons. As long as we do it, someone will definitely come forward to protect us!

Because over the years, if one Ye Xuan appears, another Ye Xuan may appear. In the endless years, there are too many people who want to take control of the power in their hands! "

In fact, his analysis of the Daxia Kingdom was indeed correct. It was indeed the case. There were many people in the Daxia Kingdom who wanted to take action against Ye Xuan, but they were stopped by Zhu Yuanzhang and others.

Whose family doesn't have a few outstanding juniors? If they all behave like this, then there will be no need to play, and the entire Daxia Kingdom will be ruined.

Therefore, in fact, in the eyes of those senior officials, Ye Xuan was just a junior that he wanted to get rid of, and it would not really break the balance.

Unless you really can't hold it anymore, you will really kill the opponent at all costs.

"Well! Then who is going to take action? Whoever takes action will die, you have decided." Church Onolang nodded when he heard this, indicating that this level of difficulty was over.

But this is obviously a life-threatening job, so who will do it?

Whoever does it will die...

Ye Xuan can be defeated in an instant, but what happens next?

All that awaits is death.

Not to mention venting his anger on the country, the killer himself must die anyway.

For a moment, the entire hall fell into silence.

"Can you please invite people from other countries to do it?" Xiao Wanglang, the emperor next door, said.


As soon as these words came out, they were immediately opposed by the three ministers.

How could this kind of thing be left to others to do? As the saying goes, things are done in a secret way.

If you want to find a reliable sixth-level creation god to die, you can tell it is impossible even if you think about it.

As for deceiving the opponent and letting him kill him, let’s not talk about the cost of dispatching a sixth-order creation god as a killer. Just talking about this deception, how can the opponent not observe and understand the background of the sixth-order target? some type of.

And with this understanding, how could he still do things that cost his life? It might be possible to sell them directly. By then, Fuso Country may not only be responsible for killing the murderer, but may even be directly punished. The country was destroyed.

Because they haven't done this yet, there is no big boss who will protect them.

After all, who would protect a useless piece of trash?

After the three ministers unanimously decided not to invite killers from other countries to do it, the atmosphere fell into indifference for a while.

I saw Ono Lang of the Taichangqing Church, who was in charge of religious beliefs, saying: "Since this matter was brought up by Inoue-san, it should naturally be handled by Inoue-san."

As soon as these words came out, Inoue Kojiro's expression changed, and he immediately said: "This kind of thing is the military's business and should be done by the military!"

Tanabe Dairo was furious when he heard this, and even brought it upon himself. He angrily rebuked: "Our military is in charge of war matters! Not assassinations! What's more, I don't agree with this matter at all. , you still want me to assassinate you, what are you dreaming about?"

These words were directed at Inoue Kojiro in front of the emperor.

Inoue Kojiro's face turned pale and blue after being scolded. He wanted to say something in response, but he couldn't find any useful words.

As Tanabe Taro said, he proposed this matter and wanted to do it himself. Why should he let others die? He also knew that Tanabe Taro would not do such a thing.

So, Inoue Kojiro gritted his teeth and said, "Then let the fifth-level Creation God try it!"

"Hehe, fifth-level? If you fail, you, as the mastermind behind the scenes, will definitely die." Tanabe Taro said sarcastically.

It is very important whether the fifth-level Creation God can kill Ye Xuan in an instant. If he fails, the other party will definitely have a lot of people to protect him. At that time, it will not be a fun thing.

When Inoue Kojiro heard this, his face lost momentum and he wanted to quit immediately. Anyway, he would die anyway, so what's the point of doing it.

Only with his own existence can the Fuso Kingdom exist. If he dies, it's none of his business whether Fuso Kingdom still exists or not.

Upon hearing this, the emperor's neighbor Xiao Wanglang immediately shouted at Tanabe Dalang: "Tanabe-san! Inoue-san is devoted to the country. If you don't want to sacrifice yourself, I won't force you, but why do you keep stopping and hitting Inoue-san's confidence?!"

He was originally quite happy to hear that the fifth-level Creation God was used. After all, success would be the best. If it didn't succeed, the one who died was a fifth-level Creation God. At most, a sixth-level Creation God would die and the matter would be over.

But being hit by Tanabe Dalang made Xiao Wanglang very passive.

Because the one who benefited the most from this kind of thing was actually Xiao Jiro, the emperor of Fuso. After all, Fuso was nominally his, and in fact, he had the most power.

If Ye Xuan rose, Fuso would be gone.

As for how many years it would take for the other party to reach the eighth level, they didn't want to gamble with their own country.

If we really wait until the opponent reaches the sixth level, it will be too late, and no one in Fusang will be able to beat him.

So the best time is actually the fourth level of the Creator God.

As for whether Ye Xuan can reach the eighth level of the Creator God, no one in Daxia or Fusang actually doubts it.

If you can do all kinds of impossible things but still can't do them, then there will be no eighth level of the Creator God.

"Hey! Your Majesty, I was wrong!!" Upon hearing the emperor's angry rebuke, Tanabe Taro hurriedly bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

The emperor has a very high status in the hearts of the people, and no one can break this.

Even if their strength has caught up with the emperor, they still can't break the emperor's mythical status.

Inoue Kojiro, who was standing by, showed a touch of emotion on his face when he heard this. He quickly bowed to the emperor's neighbor, Xiao Wanglang, and then said sincerely: "Your Majesty, let me handle this matter!"

The neighbor looked at the other party, nodded his head with a look of being moved, and said with great emotion: "Inoue-san is still the most patriotic!"

After saying that, he added: "Then let Inoue-san handle this matter!"


After the matter was over, Inoue Kojiro came to his subordinates.

Those people were all fifth-level creation gods, with a total of more than 70 people. Among these more than 70 people, there were many people who were almost brainwashed by the emperor.

Therefore, when these people were gathered together, it was very interesting. One by one, they shouted that they were loyal to His Majesty the Emperor, or they shouted that they were loyal to the Fuso Empire.

For a while, it looked like a pyramid scheme.

After shouting more than a dozen times, Inoue Kojiro began to speak.

"Next, I need a warrior, a warrior who is not afraid of death, a warrior who dares to be loyal to His Majesty and the Fuso Empire! This matter is very dangerous, almost a dead end, and it is even possible that I will die in it."

When Inoue Kojiro said this, it immediately caused an uproar.

Many people here are really just shouting, and they are not really planning to be loyal to the emperor and the Fuso Kingdom.

Of course, there are some such people.

Although not many, but there are real ones.

Immediately, in the silence of the crowd, more than a dozen people stood up and shouted loudly: "I am willing to be loyal to His Majesty! I am willing to be loyal to the Great Fuso Empire!!!"


Inoue Kojiro nodded, then looked at the rest and said: "The rest of you, go back!"

This matter cannot be told to too many people, so he plans to find a trustworthy person to tell it in the end, instead of letting everyone in the city know.

Even if everyone knew that Kojiro Inoue was going to do something big, at most they just thought that the other party might do something big, and they would not think of assassination.

After all, the target of Kojiro Inoue's assassination was at most Tanabe Taro, but Tanabe Taro was a sixth-level creator god, and it was obviously impossible for him to find a fifth-level creator god to assassinate the sixth-level creator god.

Therefore, no one would think of assassination.

Although the rest of the people wanted to know what it was, after knowing that they might die after participating, they did not ask any more questions.

Then, Kojiro Inoue started various tasks for the remaining thirteen Great Fuso warriors.

These missions are all assassination missions, but the targets are not Ye Xuan, but the existence of the fourth-level creator gods in various places of Xiba Country.

The reason why he did this was, on the one hand, to consume Xiao Xiba's strength, and on the other hand, to train and see who is the most suitable to complete the mission.

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