Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 310: The Human Race's Eight Hundred Primordial Stages, the Golden Crow Enters the Morta

Different from the training in Fusang Kingdom, Ye Xuan was still lying dead in the ancestral star without knowing anything at this time.

Now, in addition to focusing on the prehistoric world, Ye Xuan has almost started to mess around in the real world.

I thought that going to the Rong Di Congress would bring a big improvement, but I found that I had almost no improvement after reaching the fourth level. Those beings were all defeated by him in one move.

As long as it is a fourth-level creation god, no one can beat him.

The most that can be done is that a few fourth-level creation gods gang up on him, and in the end they can defeat him a few more times, but that is also extremely limited.

After knowing that he had no experience, Ye Xuan only thought about Liquid Ji once and never set foot in Rongdi Kingdom again.

During this period, I only made one trip to the Chinese Star Territory, but in fact, I only made one trip and came back.

"Life is as lonely as snow. How did those big guys live this kind of life..."

For a moment, Ye Xuan felt a little confused. He didn't know what it would be like if this kind of life continued for a long time.

Just lying there for a while made Ye Xuan feel a little boring.

No wonder those creation gods are looking for something to do, such as serving as teachers in various places to teach students, or becoming a robber in a star field, just for fun.

Anyway, as long as it doesn't endanger the development of the country or region, basically no one will care about you.

Of course, more creation gods spend endless time making themselves more and more numb. As for despair to the point of death, that is not possible.

Although the death of the Tao heart exists, it is undoubtedly extremely rare, and the real death of the Tao heart is basically not caused by living too long, but because there is no death after living too long. A little hope of being able to advance to a higher realm leads to hopelessness in this life, and this is how the Tao mind becomes dead.

If a person is given a goal and strives for it all his life, even if he cannot advance to a higher realm, his Taoist mind will not be dead.

Many creation gods do the same thing. Of course, there are a very small number of creation gods who have extremely good natures. Even if they have nothing, they can still live happily every day.

Most of these creation gods are high-level creation gods, because if their nature is excellent, their talent will not be much worse.

"How about running over and becoming a teacher?"

For a moment, Ye Xuan had some thoughts of going somewhere to become a teacher.

This is not because I really like being a teacher, but I want to have fun for myself in my spare time, promote talents, and watch the talents who have been promoted by myself become more and more successful, which is also a unique flavor.

As for whether Ye Xuan is good enough to be a teacher, there is no doubt about it.

He has almost emptied out the databases of the entire five major colleges. In terms of theoretical knowledge, there are not many people who are better than him. At most, they are on par.

And in terms of practical operation, he is not too bad, at least it is enough to teach students.

Moreover, the requirements for teachers in the five major colleges are that they must be at least the fourth-level Creation God level, which means that Ye Xuan is qualified to apply.

After all, it is not the case that among the five major colleges, a fourth-order creation god appears every year during the freshman year. In fact, there is nothing to teach them during college. Basically, they just talk about their own experiences to help them. That's all I've learned.

Those who can get into one of the five major colleges mostly lack the information in the databases of the five major colleges, not the so-called teachers.

In fact, there are only so-called course requirements when you are a freshman, and you can't take a few classes in a semester.

After that, it’s basically freeing up the whole process. The university stage itself is about cultivating the ability to learn independently.

In fact, it is just the last preparation for society. Those who want to go in advance can do the same as Ye Xuan and run out directly to practice.

If you want stability, you can stay in school and eat the rewards from the Tongtian Ranking every week.

These are all possible, it all depends on personal choice.

The school will not block anything, nor will it force anything.

After all, everything is for your own benefit. You should walk your own path without others interfering in it.

"Forget it, only high school teachers are interesting, university teachers are not interesting at all..."

After Ye Xuan thought it through, he shook his head and threw the idea behind him.

For him, it was just a whim, and when he found that it was not ideal, he just let it go.

"I still don't have enough xinxing..."

Ye Xuan said with emotion.

What this Kingdom of God only adds is the realm of cultivation and even the enlightenment of the Great Dao, but there is no growth in character.

On the contrary, it is too easy to obtain the power of the Creator Gods, which leads to the generally bad character of the Creator Gods. In other words, there are actually many Creator Gods like Ye Xuan.

There are even some creation gods who are so rampant that they are lawless. This is actually a sign of bad character.

He lost himself in the power and became its lackey.

This kind of thing happens all the time, and people do all kinds of evil for the sake of power.

"Forget it, let's meditate and recuperate for a while..."

Ye Xuan sighed helplessly and began to sit here.

There is actually no benefit in sitting on the ground. The only benefit may be to cultivate one's character and cultivate one's own character so that one will not be so irritable and like a reckless man.


Time keeps passing.

At this time in the prehistoric world, there are many geniuses in the human race. Since the limit of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm was broken, a large number of creatures in the Hunyuan realm have emerged between heaven and earth.

This is the accumulation of many years of various races, and then it began to slow down.

Only the number of cultivators in the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian realm in the human race is growing wildly. Although it is not as fast as before, it is far beyond the reach of other races.

South Wilderness, Human Race, Sui Dynasty, Sui City.

"Your Majesty, the human race is becoming more and more prosperous. The number of human race has exceeded 300 billion. Should the population growth rate be slowed down?" The prime minister Muchen said.

Today's human race has unprecedented development and is booming. I don't know how powerful it is.

"No, although the human race is numerous, it is still far from enough compared to the dragon race and the demon race. In addition, the Southern Wilderness is so large that only 300 billion people are not enough to rule it."

What Suiren wants in his heart is not to live in peace in a corner, but to dominate the entire Southern Wilderness.

As for other places, let's talk about these things after dominating the Southern Wilderness.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Mu Chen immediately bowed his hands and bowed his head slightly.

Although he is the prime minister of the Sui Dynasty, he seems to be second to none. But in fact, he is much worse than those many kings outside.

"By the way, how many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians are there in the human race now?"

Suiren nodded and asked again.

Basically, he rarely cares about these things. What he cares about is the overall situation of the entire human race, not how many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians of the human race appear all day long.

In fact, every appearance of a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will be notified to Mu Chen, so that he can count and record it.

Of course, there is also a faster way, which is to check the luck of the human race. Those huge ones are basically the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian of the human race. Although there may be some discrepancies, they will not be very big.

"Your Majesty, the human race has 637 kingdoms today, and there are 862 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians." Muchen bowed his head and replied.

Basically, those who have reached the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian will take some of the human race from their own country and run to another place to open up wasteland.

However, there are also many kingdoms that are not separated, but two or three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians.

As for more than three, there are none, because the human race needs them to lead the human race to go further and deeper, and the territory occupied will be more vast and boundless.

"Not bad, the gap with the three tribes of witches, liches, dragons is not big..."

Suiren showed a smile on his face. Now the development speed of the human race can be said to be rapidly rising, and the people of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian are emerging in an endless stream, and there are more and more.

Now there are more than 800, and it is not very far from breaking a thousand.

"Your Majesty is wise, and the people of the clan are also striving for success." Mu Chen also said with a smile. The stronger the human race is, the more tough he, the prime minister of the Sui Dynasty, can be.

As the saying goes, weak countries have no diplomacy. You must know that those extremely weak countries are not worthy of talking about so-called fairness and due rights.

The stronger the human race is, the more confident he will be in discussing with foreign races.

Until one day when the human race no longer has to look at the faces of other races, then the human race will be truly prosperous.

Although the gap between the three races has narrowed a lot now, there is still a long way to go.

But whether it is Sui Ren or other human races, they are confident that the human race will definitely become the protagonist of heaven and earth.

And that moment should not be too far away!

After all, the human race now has more than 800 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. If they lie dormant for a few more Yuanhui, the human race will surely become the most powerful force in the prehistoric world.

"It's nothing more than the favor of the Great Dao. It has nothing to do with me." Suiren shook his head slowly, and the image of a young man in white appeared in his mind.

Rather than saying that it was favored by the Great Dao, it would be better to say that it was favored by the young man in white.

If the other party had not personally created the current prehistoric human race, how could the human race have such talent and foundation.

Let alone the achievement of so many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, even if it was not divided up by the gods of the heavens, it would be a very good thing.


The sun.

Emperor Jun and Xihe came together, riding on the Emperor of Heaven's chariot, and went straight to the sun.

"I don't know how the children look now." Xihe said excitedly. Since the canonization ceremony that day, the ten little golden crows have basically spent all their time in the sun.

Obviously, as Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they were also given names by Emperor Jun, but they could not really fly freely with the wind. They still had to follow Taiyi to learn how to behave in the world.

It is useless to talk about this kind of thing. Let them try it themselves and they will know.

Soon, the Emperor and Empress came to the Fusang tree.

The Fusang tree is a sacred tree in the sun, but now it is used as a place for cultivation by those Golden Crows.

"Big brother! Little sister!"

After seeing the two, Taiyi shouted with a smile on his face, which was quite rare.

Mrs. Yuanmu on the side also bowed slightly and said, "I have met Your Majesty and Your Majesty."

"Children, meet your father and mother!"

The nine Golden Crows also quickly bowed and bowed to Di Jun and Xi He.

Di Jun nodded when he heard this, and without saying anything else, he came to Taiyi's side.

As for Xihe, he smiled gently and said, "Everyone, get up."

Then he said to Mrs. Yuan Mu: "You're welcome, sister, we are all a family."

The reason for calling her sister is different. Just like Taiyi calls her little sister, when she calls Mrs. Yuanmu, she also calls her sister.

I have to say, sometimes relationships are so messy.

However, in the eyes of the gods, this is nothing, because they really have no so-called blood relationship.

If the gods talk about blood relationships, then the only ones who are truly descendants of Pangu are the Wu Clan. Apart from the Wu Clan, there are no real descendants of blood.

However, the descendants of blood in the ancient world are the least intimate among the most intimate relationships.

Just like the ten moons conceived by Chang Xi above the moon, although they have not yet been born, from the blood point of view, they are the daughters of Emperor Jun.

Although there was no relationship at all, it was just that Di Jun gave the other party his heart and soul.

But from a blood perspective, they are descendants of blood.

Looking back at the relationship between Emperor Jun, Taiyi and Xihe, although there is no so-called blood relationship, in fact they come from the same lineage, have the same origin, and are the legacy of Pangu's charm and the sun and the gods and demons of light. It is a combination of some residual thoughts.

This is the relationship between them, which is much deeper than the so-called blood relationship.

Just like in the prehistoric times, it is generally believed that the most authentic Pangu is the Sanqing, because the Sanqing is the transformation of Pangu Yuan Shen, and it is almost Pangu Bengu.

Compared to the blood flowing through their bodies, the relationship is infinitely closer.

Of course, the Wu clan also belongs to the Pangu sect.

To be precise, all the creatures that evolved from Pangu can be described as Pangu Zhengzong, just like Taiyi and Dijun are also Pangu Zhengzong.

"Is this Xiao Wu?"

Di Jun looked at the young man in the light curtain. Although his appearance had changed drastically, the aura and charm of his body could not be changed.

Even if it was sealed, in Di Jun's eyes, it was still as if it was not sealed.

Taiyi nodded with a smile and replied: "It's Xiao Wu. I asked them to go through the rolling world. After they came back, they understood everything. The previous Bo Lei, Zhong Lang, Shu Kun, and Ji Yao also It’s all like this. Now I understand everything and won’t make the same mistakes as in other times and spaces.”

The four names of Boyuan, Zhonglang, Shukun, and Jihuan are the names of the Great Golden Crow to the Four Golden Crows. The names of the ten Golden Crow princes are Boyuan, Zhonglang, Shukun, Jihuan, Xianrui, and Lujun respectively. , Yaqiong, Deshen, Renjing, Youwen.

The names of these ten Golden Crows also have the word "王" in them, indicating that these ten Golden Crows are all kings of heaven, princes, and future emperors of heaven.

Of course, this is how the human characters show it. The monster characters also have the character "王" of the monster clan on the side. Although the characters of the monster clan are not hieroglyphs, they deliberately imitate the human clan and add the character "王" next to their names. , symbolizing the dignity of his status.

Bo, Zhong, Uncle, and Ji are the ranking numbers, which symbolize the ranking of the Golden Crows.

The names at the back basically correspond to their respective expectations, just like the boss is Wang Jiahuang, indicating that the most noble one here is the boss.

Di Jun nodded and said: "It is indeed a good idea. Their temperament must be tempered, otherwise they will cause disaster sooner or later. But if they are tempered well, they will not be the next you and me."

This evaluation can be said to be extremely high, and he believes that his son can be comparable to himself and others.

You must know that Di Jun and Tai Yi are now the most powerful existences in the world.


After hearing this, several Golden Crows on the side were filled with passion. Emperor Jun had such great expectations for them, so how could they not feel excited.

You know, nothing can inspire a child's soul more than recognition from his parents.

"Haha! Look at Xiao Wu's performance!"

Emperor Jun laughed and said nothing more, but turned to look at the fifth prince of the Golden Crow in the light curtain.

The Western Wasteland is close to the West Sea. This is the sphere of influence of Buddhism. The area near the central part of the Great Wilderness is occupied by the Wu Clan. Buddhism can only occupy the corners.

At this time, a group of snow-white humans were urging a group of pitch-black humans to plant some plants, and those plants were spiritual creatures.

In the land on the edge of the Western Wilderness, there are not many spiritual creatures naturally raised, so if you want to get many spiritual creatures, you must plant and cultivate them.

Therefore, the white humans who are also from the Western race rely on their slightly superior intelligence to rule the group of pig-like dark humans.

These two types of human beings were all created by the ancestors of Yin and Yang. No matter in terms of intelligence or talent, they cannot compare with the perfect human race in the ancient east.

But it doesn't mean that these human races are useless. They just have a lot of talent, brains, strength, and foundation. Their talents and other aspects are far behind. Just a big difference.

Let alone trying to offend the perfect human race in the prehistoric world, even if you randomly pick any race among the myriad races in the prehistoric world, they are much stronger than them.

At this time, a figure appeared among them.

"How can these human races be so ignorant? They are totally different from the oriental human races. Moreover, they look strange and ugly. I really don't understand who created such ugly things..."

The Five Golden Crows Prince Xianrui was a little puzzled and complained slightly.

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