Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 311 The Prince controls Yin and Yang!

After the Fifth Prince of Jinwu came to the Western Wilds, he found that there were a large number of human races here, just like the Southern Wilds.

However, these human races were different from those created by the Queen of Wa. Each of these human races had either extremely dark skin or white skin.

The pale skin was even a bit disgusting to look at, with no blood on the face, as if they could die at any time.

As for those extremely dark human races, they were extremely ignorant, and did not even know the most basic resistance. They were willing to be driven by the later human races created by the Yin-Yang ancestors.

The former human race was these black people, because they had the same black hair and brown pupils as the prehistoric human race, which resulted in these people having no charm and being unable to give birth to charm. They were muddleheaded.

If you say they are living beings, they are also living beings. If you say they are not living beings, they are not living beings either.

The later human race is those white people. Because they were created by completely avoiding the primitive human race in appearance, their charm was not erased this time, but their charm and background are completely incomparable to the primitive human race.

However, the Yin-Yang Liuli Medicine Buddha who created them no longer cares about these. As long as they are created and can carry the luck of Buddhism, it will be fine.

As for how they develop, it is none of their business.

They just need to get the benefits they want, that's enough.

At this time, the fifth prince of Jinwu walked among these later human races, and his appearance after transformation was the appearance of the primitive human race, which was very different from the appearance of these later human races.

Many members of the later human race were surprised, so they gathered around and approached the fifth prince of Jinwu, with surprise in their eyes.

It seemed that they were wondering why there were still human races with this appearance. Could it be that some child had mutated?

The strangeness here soon alarmed the leader of the local Houren tribe. He led a group of guards and came here. Looking at the Fifth Prince of Jinwu in front of him, he asked: "Where are you from? Why did you come to my tribe?"

This fell into the ears of the Fifth Prince of Jinwu Xianrui, but it was like a chicken's cry. The strange language was extremely harsh, and it seemed like the words of the demon tribe, but it was completely different from the words of the demon tribe.

However, since his cultivation had reached the realm of Hunyuan, he could naturally understand it.

Xianrui glanced at the other party indifferently and ignored him completely.

For such a humble existence, talking to him was a kind of defilement to himself.

The Fifth Prince of Jinwu Xianrui was very arrogant. As the son of the Emperor of Heaven, when had he ever come here, a gathering place for such lowly creatures.

If Taiyi had not forcibly sent him here, he would probably never enter such a place in his life.

This is not that Xianrui looked down on the creatures of the prehistoric world. He just looked down on this race that was almost completely devoid of spirituality. He could not see any so-called hope in the eyes of those descendants, nor could he see the possibility of their becoming strong.

Such creatures were just lowly creatures created by other saints.

In Xianrui's eyes, they could not even be considered as creatures. Apart from creatures, they should at least be like the Asuras in the Blood Sea. They were also a race created by the innate saints, and no one in the prehistoric world did not regard them as a race.

But those incomplete creatures could not be considered as creatures in the eyes of many saints.

Since they could not be considered as creatures, Xianrui would naturally ignore them.

The tribal leader saw that the other party completely ignored him, and then he became furious, and a burst of bird language came out of his mouth.


The guards shouted immediately and went towards Xianrui.

Xianrui looked at the guards rushing towards him and snorted coldly: "Hmph!"

Buzz! ! !

A flame burst out from Xianrui's body and spread throughout the tribe in an instant.

The next moment, Xianrui walked out of the tribe.

That tribe had no trace of existence, all burned by the true fire of the sun.

Whether it was people or objects, or traces of their existence, they were all gone, just as if this tribe had never existed.

Although this tribe had a small number of people, it also had tens of thousands of people.

After being burned by Xianrui, the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha, who was the father god of the creator of the later human race, felt it in the Great Leiyin Temple. His face changed immediately, and he said with anger: "Who is this thief, a mere Daluo, dare to destroy my Taoism!"

After speaking, he pointed out with one finger, and a golden light flashed and left the Great Leiyin Temple.

The Yangmei Shakyamuni Buddha frowned when he heard this, and then calculated with his hands, and then he understood it in his heart.

He shook his head slightly, and then continued to close his eyes to comprehend the great way of Buddha.

As for the time, Amitabha Buddha didn't take it seriously at all, and he would close his eyes to comprehend his own time avenue.

After the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha sent out a magical power, he also closed his eyes.

A mere Daluo Jinxian, with his finger pointing, the opponent is naturally difficult to block.

It is not a simple and casual thing to kill the opponent.

Today's Daluo Jinxian really has no such level of being able to dominate the prehistoric world as in the past. The leaders of the three tribes in the past were only at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Looking back now, any magical power can cross infinite time and space to wipe it out.

At this time, just when the fifth prince Xianrui wanted to leave, he saw a magical power transformed from the two energies of yin and yang coming towards him to suppress him.

Immediately his face changed drastically. At this time, his cultivation was only at the level of Daluo Jinxian, and he was almost completely unable to resist.

"It's over!!!"

For an instant, Xianrui's heart sank, but then he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Uncle, save me!!!"

However, at this time, Taiyi, who was located in the great sun above the nine heavens, had a calm expression, without any change at all.

Xihe Wenyan, who was talking to Mrs. Yuanmu at the side, looked over. With just a quick glance, he learned the reason for the matter. Then he didn't care about anything and turned around to continue chatting with Mrs. Yuanmu.

It was just a magical power of Yin Yang Glaze Medicine Master Buddha. Although Xian Rui could not resist, after all, Xian Rui was Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at heart, so he would not be killed by it at all. At most, he would be suppressed.

If these Golden Crows, who are born so powerful, are not allowed to suffer, they may cause some trouble in the future.

As for Di Jun, he had no intention of intervening in these matters from beginning to end. Since the task of educating the children was left to Tai Yi, Tai Yi would naturally be responsible for everything, and he didn't have to interfere.

Immediately afterwards, Xianrui was seen suppressed to the ground by the golden light transformed by the yin and yang qi.

The two qi of yin and yang turned into a big mountain and suppressed Xianrui, unable to move.

If the yin and yang energy inside had not completely disappeared, Xian Rui would never be able to get out of the trap with his current level of cultivation.

"Thief!!! When I recover, I will make you look good!!!"

Xianrui was crushed to the ground, and when he looked at Mount Xumi, he felt extremely hateful.

Obviously, Xianrui was already hating the other party because of this incident.

With his intelligence, he naturally knows who is doing this. In the Western Wilderness, the only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who can use the two qi of yin and yang in this way is the ancestor of yin and yang in the past and the future of the third generation of Buddhism. Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha.

Apart from this Buddha, there is no Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the Western Wilderness who can use the two qi of yin and yang in this way.

Sumeru Mountain, Daleiyin Temple.

The Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha suddenly opened his eyes and looked into the distance, directly towards Xian Rui, who was suppressed by his magical power.

"Strange, how come this mere Daluo was not killed, but just suppressed?"

For a moment, a doubt arose in his mind.

Just at this time, I saw Xianrui's crazy yelling.

The Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha's face became even more ugly, and then he flashed out of the Great Leiyin Temple and came to Xian Rui.

"It's you, the thief!!"

Xianrui's eyes were full of hatred, looking at the Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha, he wanted to suppress him to the ground immediately.


Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Master Buddha's expression changed. He dared to be so rampant in front of him. He raised his hand and slapped Xian Rui on the face.


There was a sound, and after the slap, the scene fell silent for an instant.

Whether it was Xian Rui who was stunned or the saints on the great sun far above the nine heavens, they were all stunned at this time.

"Strange, why hasn't this guy been slapped to death..."

The Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha didn't hold back just now, it was a really angry blow.

But just this one blow didn't kill the opponent...

This couldn't help but make him feel a little surprised, but at this moment, he suddenly felt several waves of killing intent targeting him.

He was immediately frightened and looked behind him hurriedly.

Then he followed the murderous intention and wanted to find out who was watching him behind his back.

But there were dozens of people with murderous intent, and they seemed to be gathered from one place.

For a moment, the frightened Yin Yang Liuli Medicine Master Buddha looked at Xian Rui who was suppressed by him in confusion, and immediately waved his hand to cancel the suppressive force.

Then he didn't dare to say anything and ran outside.

At this moment, Xian Rui's cold and biting words came from behind: "Where do you want to run..."

Immediately, a rhyme appeared, the cultivation realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was revealed, and a breath of the great sun emerged.

The Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha was so frightened that his face instantly turned pale and he didn't know what to do.

At this time, a voice came from the sun above the nine heavens.

"Buddhist Yin Yang Glaze Medicine Master Buddha suppressed the Heavenly Prince for no reason, and should have suppressed the Ten Yuan Hui years!"

As a sound appeared, the Chaos Bell appeared in the sky, completely suppressing the space in this area, preventing the ancestors of Yin and Yang from escaping.

At this time, Patriarch Yin Yang did not dare to resist at all. He knew in his heart that if he did not resist, he would just be suppressed for a period of time. But if he resisted, there would be no guarantee that so many big guys in Heaven would suppress him. He was killed by the town...

At this time, he already had a tearless expression on his face. He stood there, closed his eyes, and let the sun transformed by Prince Xianrui's true sun fire suppress him to the ground.

Who would have known that the person who wiped out the descendants of a tribe below him was actually the Golden Crow Prince. If he had known that this was the case, he would never have said anything even if it was an entire tribe, let alone a tribe. .

Anyway, there are still a lot of descendants in the Buddhist Kingdom. At most, they can just multiply and live for a while.

But now, the devil knows that he has provoked such an existence.

After Xianrui suppressed him, he made ten more big mouths at Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha's face and then drifted away.

This incident also taught him that he can pretend to be weak, but he can never really be weak.

And from now on, we can never look down on the other party and just kill them casually. Even such lowly creatures have the support of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

It is conceivable that among the various forces in the ancient world, there are very few people who do not have the existence of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian behind them.

What we are encountering now is just because the other party is frightened by Heaven and does not dare to take action.

But if Taiyi hadn't been there to intimidate him just now, even if Xianrui had regained his strength, he might not have been able to beat the opponent.

Buddhism, Daleiyin Temple.


Sakyamuni Buddha raised his eyebrows and sighed, looking up at the heaven with faint eyes.

The heavenly court is not deceiving people. How can there be such a fishing for law enforcement, using the prince to pretend to be Da Luo to destroy the fate-bearing creatures in their Buddhist sect?

Then, after attracting the attack of the Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha, he pretended to be weak and was suppressed, and even lured them over, and finally suppressed the Buddha.

How could anyone do such a thing? If the Heavenly Court really wants to suppress Buddhism, it can't be upright. If you do this, it will lose the face of the Heavenly Court.

"Heavenly Court is a bit too bullying!!"

Shichen Amitabha's eyes were filled with fear. He was afraid that Heaven would do the same thing to him.

When the time comes when the Ten Yuan Hui years are suppressed for no reason, it will be a loss of blood, and no one wants that.

After all, after being suppressed, it might start to derail from the prehistoric times.

In today's ancient world, magical powers and spells are emerging one after another, and the human race does not know how many magical powers they have developed.

If he is reborn after being suppressed, not only will his cultivation level stagnate, but his ability to fight against people using his magical powers will also drop a lot.

If this happens, then there is no doubt that he has fallen down the ancient echelon again.

They are already relatively weak now, and cannot even defeat the consciousness of the Great Dao Gods and Demons. If the Great Dao Gods and Demons really come, they can't imagine what will happen then.

If the gods and demons of the Buddha appear, will they have the final say in this Buddhism, or will the gods and demons of the Buddha have the final say...

From the current point of view, even the consciousness of a light god and demon cannot be dealt with, let alone the arrival of the Buddha's god and demon...

Perhaps, without the arrival of the other party's true body, as long as the other party's consciousness awakens, this Buddhist door will change hands.

"Heaven again!!!"

After knowing that the Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha had been suppressed by the Ten Yuanhui for many years, the gods and demons of light did not dare to open the seal that suppressed the other party. Instead, they felt a bit of hatred and resentment toward Heaven in their hearts.

Even the Yin Yang Glazed Medicine Master Buddha himself did not dare to resist the suppression of Heaven, let alone rescue him.

It's just a mere ten Yuan Hui, it's just a blink of an eye, it's gone.

If I run over and make a fuss, maybe ten Yuanhui will turn into hundreds of Yuanhui, or even endless years...

It's possible that even I have to get involved.

Above the sun.

After returning, Xianrui greeted several elders and said with clear eyes: "Uncle, I have realized that from now on, you must not rely on strength to bully the weak. Those who bully the weak will eventually be bullied by more powerful beings."

This time, Xianrui clearly learned the lessons from being the boss to the fourth child, and carefully avoided the mistakes made by the other party, but in the end he was defeated by his own mistakes, and it was still difficult to get rid of this in the end.

But at this time, Taiyi nodded and said comfortingly: "I have wronged you."

Neither the Golden Crow eldest prince nor the other three princes encountered this kind of situation. At most, the three of them made too big mistakes. They were criticized by the other party and could not argue, and finally admitted that it was them. ’s fault, and that’s the end of it.

However, the people they went to were all among the ten thousand races, and they were just some living beings, but their cultivation was just a little lower.

Unlike Xian Rui, he went to the extremely humble descendants of the human race, and was fundamentally looked down upon by the Golden Crows.

That's why Xianrui made this mistake.

Xianrui was stunned when he heard this, and felt warm in his heart. The previous resentment disappeared, and he said instead: "I'm not wronged."

It would be a lie to say that I am not aggrieved. Although my cultivation level is so strong, I still have to lower my cultivation level and go through such a journey.

"As a prince, you should be open-minded and learn from your father. Your heart contains all the creatures in the world. You must not have such thoughts. Whether you are humble or not is all illusion. If you are strong, you will be respected, and if you are weak, you will be humble. This is eternal. Things that haven't changed since.

There is nothing that should be respected or humbled. How weak was the human race in the past when it was first born? But what about now? The strength is extremely strong, and it is almost catching up with the demon clan.

As the princes of Heaven, you should set an example for Heaven and don't act like this. "

Taiyi said to the ten Golden Crows that after every mistake he made, he would teach these ten Golden Crows.

"Follow your uncle's teachings!"

In such a solemn atmosphere, the names of the ten Golden Crows also became a lot more serious.

Then, Taiyi nodded and said, "Xiaowu, you can go to the prehistoric world and play freely in the future. Remember not to do anything wrong by relying on your status and harm the reputation of the Heavenly Court. Although the Heavenly Court is the only one in power now, there are still some powerful forces that can replace the Heavenly Court."

"Xiaowu will follow your uncle's teachings."

Hearing this, Xianrui bowed and bowed.

"Xiaoliu, it's your turn."

Taiyi then said to the Sixth Prince Lu Jun, and then waved his hand to suppress his cultivation to the level of Daluo Jinxian.

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