Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 312: The Highest and Strongest Avenue, Participating in the Eagle United States National Com

After these experiences, these Golden Crows have actually become much better in temperament, and all kinds of bad habits have really been corrected through teaching.

This is why education should be started early. If you wait until they have formed their own set of three views, it will be very difficult to change them at that time.

So, these Golden Crows have never left the sun, and they have been practicing with Taiyi all day long. Now that they have achieved the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they are experiencing the last stop of practice.

After this stop, these Golden Crows are completely liberated.

Therefore, these Golden Crows have also started their own practice.

The land of the East, the land of the Ruins, the land of reincarnation, the place of reincarnation in the Nine Netherworlds.

At this time, Hou Tu returned.

“It turns out that the Father God has never really left, and is still hiding in various places in the prehistoric world…”

Hou Tu was quite shocked, and he has not been able to completely get rid of it until now.

"The Great Dao gods and demons will not really fall, let alone Pangu who is far superior to the gods and demons?"

The God of Reincarnation saw that Hou Tu's mind was a little unstable, and immediately revealed it and taught.

In his opinion, his disciple was a perfect existence in all aspects, except that he was not too decisive in killing.

However, this was only relative to the Wu clan and the Great Dao gods and demons.

If it were for other creatures, Hou Tu would still deserve a call for decisive killing.

However, although benevolence and kindness have some restrictions on Hou Tu, they actually made her a greater achievement.

If there were no benevolence and kindness, Hou Tu would not have followed Pangu and turned into reincarnation.

If she had not turned into reincarnation, there would be no Hou Tu today.


After seeing the God of Reincarnation appear, Hou Tu hurriedly called him teacher.

The God of Reincarnation nodded, and then pointed a finger at the center of Hou Tu's eyebrows.

Buzz! ! !

A picture appeared in Hou Tu's mind, that was the scene when Pangu created the world in the past.

Understand Pangu's creation of the world, and get the Great Dao.

Hou Tu seemed to have come to the time when Pangu created the world in the past. A peerless giant appeared in her sight.

The giant was not powerful because he was much taller than other gods and demons, but because the Dao rhyme contained in him made him extraordinary.

Of course, this so-called dust is also the gods and demons of the Great Dao. If compared with the prehistoric creatures, it is no longer dust, but a precious jade.

"Is this the figure of the Father God..."

Hou Tu muttered to herself and continued to look.

I saw that there were three thousand gods and demons of the Great Dao appearing opposite Pangu, and the strength exuded by each of the gods and demons of the Great Dao was the strength of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

This made Hou Tu very strange.

Was there a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian at the limit of the prehistoric world?

But why did she learn from Pangu's obsession that the strength of the gods and demons in the chaos was only at the level of Taiyi Jinxian in the prehistoric world?

But why, what she saw now was a group of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian-like existences.

But she didn't have time to think about it, because the next moment, after the two sides finished their verbal battles, Pangu raised the Pangu Axe and chopped down at the other side with one axe.

Boom! ! !

An axe light of unknown height appeared, containing the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Power that was formed by the fusion of three thousand great ways.

The Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Power seemed to suppress all the great ways in the entire chaos, and it was a crushing from the root.

Boom! ! !

The attacks between the two sides touched each other, and an extremely bright light burst out, splitting the entire chaos, and even killing the three thousand great gods and demons, leaving only the twelve most powerful great gods and demons and the five most supreme great gods and demons alive.

"Is this the power of the Father God..."

Hou Tu was shocked by this attack, her eyes were full of fear. If this was not a scene from the past, if Hou Tu really stood around, she would have been killed by that attack.

Then, Pangu swung his axe again and took away all the remaining gods and demons.

And the scene ended here.

Hou Tu remembered this picture firmly in her heart. After seeing the roar of the ten thousand ways at the beginning of the creation of the world, it was a great benefit to her cultivation path.

"This is the power of Pangu. If he had not been exhausted from the creation of the world and rested for a while, he would not have fallen." The reincarnation god and demon shook his head and said with a sigh.

The stronger the cultivation, the more powerless he felt in front of Pangu, just like when he saw Pangu in person in the Pangu Temple before.

But the brainless guy of the light god and demon did not have this feeling. He only knew that Pangu had not really revived yet, so he thought he could bully him.

But in reality, it is far from that.

Even if it is just a consciousness formed by some residual thoughts, it can suppress this bright god and demon in an instant, or even kill it.

What is the so-called Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian who cannot be killed? When facing Pangu, it seems that everything is a joke.

What is infinite time and space?

If there is no Pangu, where does this so-called infinite time and space come from?

All infinite time and space can't escape the word "primitive". Today's primitive world plus the primitive world in various time and space are all the primitive world created by Pangu.

It is nothing more than the different developments since creation.

However, in reality, they all belong to the primitive world.

In the world created by oneself, it is a bit too easy to kill a living being.

"Father God is so powerful. We, the Wu clan, have lost face for Father God..." Hou Tu said with a slight sigh, then shook off the decadence, looked at the God of Reincarnation and asked: "Teacher, why are the Great Dao Gods and Demons, Father God and Teacher all at the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian when the world was created?"

The God of Reincarnation smiled when he heard this, and then said: "The Great Dao Gods and Demons are born to be the strongest. Now that the upper limit of the prehistoric world is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, the Great Dao Gods and Demons in the infinite time and space are naturally Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

No matter how long it happened, no matter how old that time and space is from here, no matter whether it is a time and space, as long as we, the Great Dao Gods and Demons, are shown, it is naturally the strongest."

"I see, but teacher, why is it so?"

Hou Tu said that she understood, but she didn't know why the Great Dao Gods and Demons could have such power, so she asked again.

"Because the Great Dao is the strongest and highest, no matter what time and space it is or whether it is time and space, just like what happened just now was just a scene, but as long as the Great Dao is manifested, then the Great Dao is the highest and strongest, and we Great Dao gods and demons are naturally the highest and strongest..."

The reincarnation gods and demons said with a smile. In fact, with the development of this time and space, even if you travel back to the past of this time and space, it is impossible to humiliate the Great Dao gods and demons.

The Great Dao gods and demons cannot be humiliated, at least it is impossible to bully the Great Dao gods and demons who were not at a high level before by relying on a high realm.

This can only be done if you can suppress the Great Dao gods and demons in the same realm.

But if you can do this, there is no need to travel back to bully the other party, you can bully the Great Dao gods and demons now.

But in fact, it is almost impossible to suppress the Great Dao gods and demons in the same realm.

Even Taiyi and Dijun can't do it. They just rely on their high realm to bully a small consciousness of the light gods and demons who don't have the body of the Great Dao gods and demons.

If the Light God and Demon had the true body of the Great Dao God and Demon, there would be two completely different endings. Not to mention whether they could defeat the Great Dao God and Demon alone, at least they would never be suppressed.

"I see..."

Hou Tu nodded. This was even more powerful than the concept of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

After all, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian was only a permanent proof in the infinite time and space, which prevented the other party from crossing the long river of time to kill the weak self.

But if someone recorded the weak self in those years and turned it into a scene, they could still enter it from time to time to humiliate it.

Although it has nothing to do with the location of oneself, it can also be humiliated in disguise.

But this Great Dao God and Demon actually prevented all living beings from being able to humiliate it, unless it relied on its own hard power, otherwise it would be impossible.


"This Taiyi's way of teaching Jinwu is really simple and crude. He directly sealed the realm and ran over to let them fall and learn a lesson..."

Ye Xuan looked down at the prehistoric world and found that Taiyi taught those Jinwu.

"This Yin-Yang Buddha is really miserable..."

Ye Xuan looked at the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha, shook his head and sighed.

It was almost impossible for him to get good things in Buddhism. Basically, Yang Mei and Shi Chen got them first. Unless there was a surplus, they would share a share with Yin-Yang.

But whenever something bad happened, it seemed that Yin-Yang was the one who got unlucky in the end.

Yang Mei and Shi Chen ran faster than each other, and it was difficult for ordinary beings to catch them.

So, often these two were fine, but Yin-Yang was in trouble.

It was simply the scapegoat of Buddhism...

For a while, even Ye Xuan couldn't stand it.

He sighed and withdrew from the prehistoric world.

"The human race is developing rapidly. At this rate of development, by the time the Yin-Yang Patriarch escapes, I'm afraid the human race will have caught up with the dragon race or even surpassed the dragon race..."

Ye Xuan lay on the sofa and kept speeding up the time in the prehistoric world.

Finally, it was adjusted to the level of one day outside and one Yuanhui in the prehistoric world.

After the adjustment, Ye Xuan also planned to go into the prehistoric world from time to time to investigate. After all, if the speed of time flow is too fast, there is a high possibility that some problems will occur in the prehistoric world.

One Yuanhui is 129,600 years, 24 hours a day, that is, 1,444 minutes, which is equivalent to one minute in the outside world. Almost 90 years have passed in the prehistoric world.

Although 90 years is just a blink of an eye for the prehistoric creatures, almost nothing big will happen.

But one hour is 5,400 years, and two hours is 10,000 years.

Although there are few major events in 10,000 years, there is also a probability of occurrence.

Therefore, Ye Xuan plans to run to the prehistoric world every few hours, take a general look, and come out immediately if there is nothing.


"Principal, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Ye Xuan came to the dean's office of Dazhou College, looking at Ji Fa in front of him, and asked.

Ji Fa called him over before, saying that he had something to say.

"It's like this. Didn't our Great Xia country have a national competition before? At that time, students from outside participated in our national competition. Now the Eagle United States is also going to hold a national competition. They are not the same national freshmen as us. The student competition is a national student competition, that is, all students, including senior students, do you want to participate as exchange students? "

After Ji Fa saw Ye Xuan coming, he quickly explained the matter.

This was passed down from above, saying that the Eagle United States is going to hold a national competition. They sent people to win ours last time, and this time we have to send people to win theirs.

The best candidate to win the championship is naturally Ye Xuan. After all, Ye Xuan's combat prowess is obvious to all.

So, I asked Ji Fa to ask if Ye Xuan could go.

If you really don't want to go, then you can only choose a few from the senior students.

Ye Xuan thought about it for a moment, nodded, and said with a smile: "Of course it's no problem. It's my honor to serve the country, and bullying foreigners is what I want."

Anyway, it's okay to stay in the Ancestral Star. It's better to go out and attack the students of the United Eagles.

By the way, it's also a way to see how powerful the other side's students are, and whether they are really stronger than the students of Daxia Kingdom.

After all, among the five major countries, the United Eagles ranked highest, while Daxia ranked second.

"Okay! If we really win the championship, there will definitely be rewards from the higher ups after the event is completed!" Ji Fa smiled and nodded after seeing Ye Xuan's promise.

Although he told Ye Xuan not to be too high-profile before, but now that the words came from above, he had to listen to them, so naturally those previous words were treated as unsaid.

Ye Xuan is naturally protected by the seventh-level Creation God behind his back, so even if he wins the championship, it won't be a big deal.

Moreover, this battle was held in the Creation Continent.

Although the Creation Continent is extremely vast, it can still be reached in an instant in front of the seventh-level Creation God, let alone the eighth-level Creation God.

Furthermore, the other party did not dare to kill Ye Xuan by bullying the weak, otherwise, it would be of extremely bad nature.

If Ye Xuan is really killed in such an aboveboard situation, then he must be prepared for a war with Daxia.

After all, this is a naked slap in the face of Daxia, and it also loses a peerless genius. This is something that no one can bear.

Therefore, for safety reasons this time, Zhu Yuanzhang, the dean of Daming College, led the team.


After Ye Xuan heard that there were rewards, he smiled even more happily.

Although it is the same whether there is a reward or not, it is better than nothing.

In addition, these rewards are all handed down from above, so don’t give them up in vain.

"The most powerful senior students in the entire Daxia Kingdom are going with you this time. There are four of them in total. With you, there will be five. The number of exchange students will not be too many, but five will be enough. It’s enough to beat their faces to pieces!”

Ji Fa said with a smile, quite confident in this class of students from Daxia Kingdom.

Ye Xuan nodded when he heard this. It was none of his business what the students' grades were, but he would still take care of them as much as possible.

"By the way, the mechanism this time is different from last time. Last time it was in the realm of gods. Although the God of creation could take action, it was actually the expansion of the kingdom of gods. This time they played a game where the winner was directly determined. It doesn’t matter life or death. In a one-on-one battle in the Kingdom of God, the God of Creation can take action in the Kingdom of God, but not in the outside world.”

Ji Fa looked at Ye Xuan and said seriously.

"This is no joke. You have to be careful. Although it is one-on-one, you must try to prevent the Kingdom of God from being consumed by the opponent. After all, there is not much time to rest this time. After a fight, when everyone Once the winner is determined, the next game will begin immediately.”

After all, Ji Fa is the dean of Dazhou College, so he naturally knows everything about the national competition of the United Eagles.

In fact, those who have been there or watched it already know about it.

The competitions held by these United Eagle Countries are extremely bloody. Unlike Great Xia, which has many restrictions, most of their competitions are indifferent. The competition is just a competition, and it should be as real as possible.

Even if you accidentally kill the other party, it's okay, as long as the other party doesn't surrender.

But if he surrenders, there is actually no need for the other party to hold back, and it will be directly spread out into the ring, and naturally there will be no life-threatening danger.

"Don't worry, Dean, I will be careful. If you really can't beat me, just surrender." Ye Xuan replied with a smile on his face.

It seemed like he was saying he wouldn't hold on and would surrender.

In fact, he was happy for this rule. In this case, he could kill the opponent and weaken the number of geniuses of the opponent as much as possible.

Weakening the opponent naturally strengthens one's own side.

In fact, it is not just him who thinks so, but also the high-level officials of the United Eagles. The reason for this rule is to facilitate the students among them to better deal with students from other countries.

Otherwise, we would not recruit exchange students to compete in such a competition.

The purpose is to seduce other countries to slap their own country in the face and kill the geniuses in other countries.

Kill as many as you can. After all, the foreign students who come to participate in this kind of competition and want to slap the Eagle United Nations must be extremely outstanding in their own country. Otherwise, there is no need to participate.

Just don't go there. Anyway, you don't intend to slap the other party in the face.

If you don't send out the most elite students in your own country, how can you slap the other party in the face? I'm afraid that not only can you not slap the face, but you will also be killed.

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