Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 313: Eagle United Nations, national competition begins

Since Ye Xuan agreed to participate in the national competition of the United Eagles, his mental outlook has changed instantly.

His originally boring life suddenly became interesting, allowing him to cheer up and face this competition.

Then, Ye Xuan lay in his home for a few more days until Ji sent him a message to let him go to the Creation Continent.

Zuxing is very close to the Creation Continent, only a short distance away. The teleportation array of the Star Travel Company on Zuxing can directly reach the Creation Continent.

Of course, if you want to enter the Creation Continent, your life trajectory will be strictly checked to prevent those who have been infiltrated by other countries from going to the Creation Continent.

In the previous battles in the God's Domain, they actually had special personnel to find out their backgrounds. People like them who stand at the top of each star domain will basically not be brainwashed by other countries.

After all, the Great Xia Kingdom of this era is so powerful that it will not abandon its motherland for a little bit of profit.


Creation Continent

After checking, Ye Xuan successfully set foot on the road to the Creation Continent.

In just a moment, he arrived at the Creation Continent.

"The world rules here are so strong that even my current spatial attainments cannot teleport at will..."

As soon as Ye Xuan stepped into the Creation Continent, he found that the rules in this continent were much stronger than those in the Star Sea.

In the Star Sea, as long as he arrived at a place and remembered the coordinates of that place, he could use the Space Avenue to jump there at any time.

But now in the Creation Continent, let alone space jump, even the distance of teleportation has become extremely short.

Now he can only teleport a few hundred meters, which is nothing, not as fast as flying.

But fortunately, the flying speed here is not reduced, otherwise the fourth-level Creation God would be too uncomfortable here.

The Creation Continent itself is very large. If the flying speed is reduced again, then there is no need to think about swimming freely.

However, there is another way, that is, to transmit through the space channel. This is also established by Xingyou Company, which is actually backed by the top leaders of Daxia Country.

In the Daxia Country in the Creation Continent, every city is connected to other cities by space channels.

So in fact, the Creator God can reach any place quickly, so as long as he does not do something too extraordinary and is hunted by the country, basically nothing will happen.

"No, maybe it is not the attainment of the Great Dao of Space that limits me, but the realm of cultivation that limits me..." Ye Xuan then used his spiritual sense to sense the teleportation distance of the fifth-level Creator God, and found that the other party's attainment of the Great Dao of Space may not be as strong as his.

So, it should be the reason for the realm of cultivation.

The higher the realm of cultivation, the lower the restrictions will be, and vice versa, the higher it will be.

When Ye Xuan just arrived at the Creation Continent, not long after, a figure appeared in front of him.

"Here it comes."

The visitor said calmly, without any leakage of his breath, as if he was one with the universe.

Ye Xuan could hardly detect the other party's existence. If he closed his eyes, he would not be able to detect the other party's existence in front of him, just like when he hid in the Great Leiyin Temple.

At that time, he wanted to hide, and neither the God of Light nor the Three Buddhas of Buddhism could detect his existence.

Just like the person who came to Ye Xuan now, if the other party did not want to show his figure, then Ye Xuan would not be able to detect the other party's existence.

Ye Xuan smiled and nodded, and replied: "Dean."

The person who came was Zhu Yuanzhang, the dean of Daming College, who was at the level of the seventh-level Creation God.

The moment Ye Xuan came to the Creation Continent, Zhu Yuanzhang knew of his arrival, and immediately put down the affairs in his hands and came here.

"Let's go, I'll take you to see the other four students, they arrived earlier than you." Zhu Yuanzhang said in a flat tone, and then his figure flashed and disappeared on the spot.

Ye Xuan also disappeared on the spot with him, and Ye Xuan was forced to be teleported directly by him.

When Ye Xuan came back to his senses, he had already arrived at the dean's office of Daming College.

Daming College, dean's office.

There were four students inside. The common point of these four students was that they were all senior students, and they were all the best students in their respective star regions.

This time, Tang Xia from Huaxia Star Region, who ranked second in the national competition, did not come here.

Because she was not invited at all, the mechanism of the national competition of Daxia Country was different from that of the national competition of the Eagle United Nations, so this time, all that was needed were players with extremely strong individual strength, rather than the players with extremely strong comprehensive strength that were selected last time.

In the eyes of Daxia Country, luck and connections are part of strength. There are all kinds of possibilities in real battles. It is impossible to be a completely one-on-one battle, and even if it is one-on-one, there will be many other factors to influence it.

Therefore, what Daxia Country's national competition selected was a person with extremely strong luck and connections, after all, this is also part of strength.

The Eagle United Nations is different. They completely select the players with the strongest individual strength.

In their opinion, this kind of competition should be a one-on-one duel. It is clear who wins and who loses, and there will be no dissatisfaction.

Without any help from anyone, it all depends on one's own strength. The stronger the strength, the higher the ranking will be, unless one encounters some extremely powerful opponents, which will lead to one's early defeat.

According to normal strength, the stronger the strength, the higher the ranking.

"These four people are the same as you. They are going to the Eagle United Nations to participate in the national competition. They are also among the strongest people in Daxia. Let's get to know each other." Zhu Yuanzhang looked calm and didn't say much. After a few simple words, he leaned on the sofa and didn't speak.

"Ye Xuan."

Ye Xuan was also concise and said to the few people lightly.

The moment he came in, he instantly understood the strength of these people. These four people were all at the initial stage of the fourth-level Creation God, but they had been in the fourth level for a few years and had more experience, so their combat power might have improved a little.

But in fact, in Ye Xuan's view, they were just some extremely weak existences.

You should know that not every class has many fourth-level Creation Gods like Ye Xuan's class. The number of fourth-level Creation Gods born during the freshman year is very small.

It's just that Ye Xuan's class is much stronger than before, not to mention that there is a bug like Ye Xuan here. Even if Ye Xuan is left out, the strength of this class is far greater than that of the other three classes.

The main reason why the students in the freshman year were not chosen is that the four senior students have been around for a few more years and have even gone out to experience, so in their view, these people will be even stronger.

After all, sometimes, experience and background are also very important.

"Pang Bo."

A very sturdy young man said to Ye Xuan with a smile.

Ye Xuan's name has been very famous recently. It can be said that he is known throughout the country. He is not only the champion of the national competition, but also the one who beats all other contestants.

What fourth-level creation god, they can only lose in front of Ye Xuan.

"Mo Da."

A young man with a cold face and closed eyes said.

Ye Xuan also looked at him curiously. From the beginning, this person closed his eyes, as if he was blind.

But he didn't ask much. Whether he was blind or not didn't matter to him.

"Chen Yu."

"Li Xian."

The last two people looked ordinary, ordinary young men, just like Ye Xuan. If you put aside the extraordinary temperament brought by his extremely strong strength, Ye Xuan is indeed an ordinary existence among the creation gods.

There are handsome guys like him everywhere, and his body is not very outstanding. He looks like a slim and handsome man. If the God of Creation throws a brick and hits nine out of ten people, they will be like this.

Although he looks very handsome, he has long been numb in the world of the God of Creation, so he is naturally not a handsome guy.

The real way to identify a handsome guy is temperament, which is a very important sign of a person.

Just like Ye Xuan, along the way, he has long brought him a kind of arrogance from the bottom of his heart, and a sense of loneliness that is invincible in the world.

His opponents have never been in the same realm.

These four people also know how powerful Ye Xuan is, so they didn’t think about provoking Ye Xuan.

Seeing that everyone got to know each other, Zhu Yuanzhang spoke again: "You five are the contestants of this session. Except for Ye Xuan, the others should not think too much. If you can't win, just surrender. It's not shameful. Don't sacrifice yourself."

"As for Ye Xuan, if nothing unexpected happens, he will definitely be the first. This game can severely cut the face of the Eagle United Nations, so the other few people don't need to bear too much psychological pressure."

He said these words to the four people, hoping that they would not fight with the opponent madly for the so-called victory, and even try their best to use their potential and strength, and they might even lose their lives.

If the opponent is too strong and completely destroys his kingdom of God, then it is possible that he will die directly. Anyway, at least he will fall in realm.

Once the realm falls and the foundation is lost, it will be too difficult to recover his strength.


After hearing Zhu Yuanzhang's words, the four people also hurriedly agreed and said.

They dared not neglect the words of the seventh-level God of Creation, and even doubted them.

As long as the other party said, they would do what they said.

"As for Ye Xuan, don't have too much psychological pressure. I am here and will not let you be in danger." Zhu Yuanzhang said very confidently. He wanted to escort Ye Xuan personally this time, in order to prevent the other party from being desperate and wanting to attack Ye Xuan.

With Zhu Yuanzhang here, at least in the short term, they would not be able to hurt Ye Xuan, unless the eighth-level God of Creation took action.

But if the eighth-level Creation God takes action, the nature will be completely different.

That is a sign of all-out war. If it is only the seventh-level Creation God, there is still room for negotiation. After all, the strongest existences on both sides have not taken action and can negotiate.

But if the eighth-level God really takes action personally, then from now on, the credibility of the Eagle United Nations will be reduced to the lowest, and no country will believe in the Eagle United Nations again.

Even the strategic approach to the other party may change accordingly. After all, when a country loses its credibility, it will be difficult to move forward.

Unless you are a superpower that can dominate the entire universe and forcefully suppress other existences, otherwise, you will be despised by all countries.

And they sent countries to participate in the Eagle United Nations competition, but they only won the first place. If the other party gets angry and kills the participating students because of this little slap in the face, then their credibility will undoubtedly become extremely low.

At least, all countries will not send students to the Eagle United Nations again, because they are also afraid that their talented students will be killed.

Of course, although the probability of the Eagle United Nations getting angry and taking action is extremely low, no matter how low it is, Zhu Yuanzhang will not choose to entrust Ye Xuan's fate to the other party.

He wants to control it himself, not Ye Xuan's life trajectory, but to control Ye Xuan's life in his own hands and not let Ye Xuan fall here.

Of course, if you can control your own life, it would be the best, but a small fourth-level creator god goes to the Eagle United Nations, there are too many existences that can kill it.

Therefore, the so-called control of one's own destiny is extremely unrealistic.

Instead of thinking about controlling your own destiny and shouting something like "my destiny is my own, not God's", it is better to honestly rely on the strong and be protected by them.

After all, when they are not strong enough, shouting something like "going against the will of heaven" or "my life is in my own hands" is nothing more than a brain problem in Ye Xuan's view.

If someone really wants to kill them, it will be an extremely simple thing.

If they really shout "going against the will of heaven" when they are weak, if the way of heaven is really alive, a lightning bolt would have struck them and turned them into ashes.

Ye Xuan quickly calmed down. Isn't it just the so-called possibility of facing those people's killing after winning the championship? For him, these are not a big deal.

After all, there is a seventh-level creation god protecting him. If he can't even protect the seventh-level creation god, then there is nothing to say.

It is extremely difficult for a seventh-level creation god to defeat the same realm.

Therefore, if you want to kill someone in the hands of a seventh-level creation god, you need an eighth-level creation god.

"Dean, if I win the championship, will the other party give me the championship reward?" Ye Xuan suddenly thought of this question, so he asked.

This is a very important question. National competitions like this basically have extremely generous rewards, but if I don't give it to myself after I win the championship, wouldn't it be a big loss?

This is different from the reward given by the country. The reward given by the country is a surprise. For such a surprise, Ye Xuan never thought that it was something necessary.

And it can be thrown away at any time, but after I won the championship, those are the rewards I really deserve.

If this kind of reward is thrown away, Ye Xuan will feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I will definitely give it."

Zhu Yuanzhang said confidently. Apart from anything else, any country among the five major countries is not short of this reward. Instead of worrying about this, it is better to worry about whether the other party will jump off the wall.

After all, those treasures seem to be very important and rare for individuals, but for a country, especially a big country, it is even more rare.

The Eagle United Nations is a big country with 800 star fields. The country is extremely powerful, and its national strength may not even be comparable to that of the Great Xia Kingdom.

"That's good."

After hearing this promise, Ye Xuan also smiled.

After all, in his opinion, if he didn't get the reward he deserved, it would be a waste of time. In addition to making the country famous, he didn't get any other benefits.

Of course, even if he didn't get it, he would still go. After all, he would lose money, but he could make the country famous, especially when he slapped other countries in the face. Ye Xuan was very happy.


Then, after everyone arrived, Zhu Yuanzhang led Ye Xuan, Pang Bo, Li Xian, Chen Yu, and Mo Da to the national competition site in an instant.

There was only one arena in the competition venue, but this arena actually contained infinite arenas and a very vast world.

The reason for this is that this ring not only plays a role in the battle between the kingdoms of God, but also in individual battles.

In individual battles, a very vast space is needed for people to move around, that is, to carry out strategic deep-dive pulling.

In addition to these, there is naturally a viewing platform around, which is also in a state of infinite space superposition. No matter how many people come in, there are always enough seats for them to sit and watch.

There are also densely packed small buildings, and each small building is for a contestant.

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