Soon, it was the day of the opening of the Eagle United Nations National Competition.

Ye Xuan and his party, led by Zhu Yuanzhang, arrived at the scene, that is, stood on the ring.

There were more than a thousand people on the ring.

In addition to the more than 300 people sent by various countries, the remaining more than 800 people were from the Eagle United Nations.

From this, we can see how many foreign players the Eagle United Nations invited.

There are more than one-third of the local players of the Eagle United Nations, accounting for a quarter of the total number of players.

Each country has five places, which means that the Eagle United Nations invited more than 60 countries.

Even many countries that have not occupied a star field have been invited. In fact, this is the case. There are very few territories left for other small countries, all relying on the non-interference of the big countries and the strength of their own countries.

Many countries are weak, so they can't even get a star field. There are even more than ten countries in a star field.

The reason why those countries were not destroyed was that they were deliberately controlled by the United Eagles. Otherwise, they would have been annexed by other small countries long ago, and there would not be so many countries now.

Therefore, the United Eagles invited those small countries, and the strength of those small countries was only at the level of the third-order Creation God, which was really hard to talk about.

They were just people who came to give points to the United Eagles. When the game started, they would surrender madly and send the geniuses of the United Eagles up.

Of course, it was inevitable that there would be conflicts with their own country in the end.

Anyway, it would be some if some losses could be reduced. As for the battle lottery, it was just the secret operation of the United Eagles. Those weak ones would encounter their own personnel and send them up directly to avoid being attacked by the strong enemies of the enemy country.

And the powerful opponent countries would most likely consume themselves first, and then decide before confronting the United Eagles.

Of course, the other party would not do it too blatantly, so in fact, most of the people from other countries fought against each other, and a small part of the people fought against the students of the Eagle United Nations.

Soon, the so-called lottery session was over. As expected, it was all operated in secret. The person Ye Xuan encountered was a student from the Rakshasa Country.

As for the name and the like, it is not important. It is too long. Ye Xuan is too lazy to read it. Anyway, he will deal with it together when the time comes.

After the lottery results are over, it will be the official competition.

"The Eagle United Nations is still as shameless as ever!!"

In the surrounding entourage, there are many people from other countries who cursed.

As a seventh-level creation god, Zhu Yuanzhang arrived at the Eagle United Nations, and naturally he was received by the seventh-level creation god in the Eagle United Nations.

This is a way of hospitality, even if there is a big conflict between them, or even some hatred, or hostility between countries.

But as long as they come as guests, they have to be received, and this is a VIP.

Of course, although they are VIPs in name, in fact, they are accompanied by a seventh-level God of Creation to prevent Zhu Yuanzhang from making trouble.

The first duel came as scheduled, and the other students in front of Ye Xuan disappeared instantly, leaving only a student from the Rakshasa Kingdom.


Ye Xuan said lightly. When you go out, you must show the etiquette of a great country and not embarrass the country.


The other party also spoke in a strange language, which belongs to the language of the Rakshasa Kingdom.

However, both of them can understand each other's language, which is naturally possible after becoming the God of Creation.

A space channel spread out from each other's body, connected together, forming a space channel connecting each other's kingdom of God.


As the space channel was connected, some creatures in each other's kingdom of God instantly noticed this.

In the kingdom of God of the Rakshasa student

"Perron! Veres!"

The student of Luosha appeared in the sky, and his voice was transmitted to the whole kingdom of God.

"Father God!!!"

The next moment, Perron, who controlled lightning, the holy tree and the world, appeared in front of the Luosha student. He knelt on one knee, put his right hand on his left chest, and said with a pious face.

"Father God!"

Veres, who controlled darkness, the world of the dead, the stars, water and the West, appeared in front of the Luosha student, also knelt on one knee, with the same pious face.

"Other worlds have appeared. I need you to lead your subordinates to invade, destroy, and even eliminate all living things..." The Luosha student looked solemn, and then said: "But you need to be careful, there are many very powerful beings in that world..."

Although he had not been to the prehistoric world and did not know how powerful the existence in the prehistoric world was, the only thing he knew was that the players who could participate in this level of competition were undoubtedly extremely powerful.

Especially since he is one of the top players in Daxia, one of the five great nations, he must be a very powerful fourth-order God of Creation.

Just like him...

"Yes, Father God, we will do our best!!!"

Perron said with a fanatical look on his face. Obviously, the student of Luosha is the true god they believe in.

Then Perron said to Veres: "Suspend the war and do your best to complete the order of the Father God."

"Do you need to say that?"

Veres angrily said, and then disappeared.

After Veres disappeared, Perron's mind moved and sent a message: "Dazhibog, Svalog, lead your ministers to the space channel."

After that, Perron also went in the direction of the space channel.

Dazhibog is the sun god. Although he is the sun god, he actually rules the world.

That is to say, it symbolizes the highest power in the world. This is the sun god, the god who controls the world.

And Svalog is the god of the sky. As the name suggests, he controls the heavens and is the most powerful god in the heavens.

These two gods control the world and the heavens respectively, and above them is Perron, the god of all gods, the god of thunder and lightning, and the god of the world.

The one who controls the world of the dead is Willers. Because of the special nature of the world of the dead and the fact that he controls darkness, he is second only to Perron and much more powerful than other gods.

Therefore, Willers stood out from the gods of the three realms and became the only one who could compete with Perron.

At this time, Willers gathered his people in the world of the dead and led countless undead towards the space channel.


The world of the prehistoric world.

This time, the space channel is no longer in the heaven, nor in the human race. As for the witch race, the underworld, and the land of the four seas, it is not there.

Instead, it descended in the Daluo world. In the Daluo world, as the power of the human race grew, the three races also divided a part of their territory and gave it to the human race.

This is the respect for the powerful. They don't want the prehistoric world to have another war, and the strength of the human race can indeed get a share of it.

Although the human race was nominally one of the four major tribes in the prehistoric world, in fact, its strength is far behind the other side.

Therefore, when the Daluo Realm came, even if the human race wanted to get a piece of the pie, they had no chance to get it.

After the human race became strong, they were naturally invited by the three races to enter the Daluo Realm to establish a separatist regime.

This is the importance of strength and power.

If you are not strong enough, you can rely on a large force, just like the demon race, each relying on each other to form a huge force.

But if you are not strong enough, then you can only practice timidly in the prehistoric world and not be too ostentatious.

Now, a space channel is located at the intersection of the four races' forces.

This is not a coincidence, but Ye Xuan did it on purpose.

In the Daluo Realm, all living beings are Daluo, because the roar of thousands of ways here is more conducive to enlightenment, so some living beings with successful cultivation have already run to the Daluo Realm, even those casual cultivators, they have also practiced well in the original places specially given to casual cultivators.

The current cultivation atmosphere in the prehistoric world is very good. Under the example of the leaders of various forces, they have all come out of the idea of ​​dominating the prehistoric world.

Whether it is the top leaders of various forces or the lower-level creatures, they all want to achieve enlightenment quickly, climb to the top, and step into a higher realm step by step, with a peaceful and majestic appearance.

It must be said that after Hongjun's conspiracy failed, the future of the prehistoric world is destined to change.

The immortal ancestor Hongjun is now suppressed and sealed in the chaos, and it is unknown when he can break free from the seal and escape from it.

But when he escapes from the seal, by then, it is unknown what realm the strongest existence in the prehistoric world will be in.


In this Daluo Realm, Di Jun imitated the Heaven in the prehistoric world and used the supreme great magical power here to plunder the origin of the pure air of the sky from the infinite time and space to evolve in the Daluo Realm.

Therefore, there are thirty-three heavens in the Daluo Realm.

The three heavens were deliberately lowered to indicate that this was a branch of the Heavenly Court, not the real Heavenly Court.

Among the thirty-three heavens, the highest three heavens of the Three Pure Realms were missing, which was where the high-ranking officials of the Heavenly Court were located. The rest of the places were also fully equipped, just like the Heavenly Court in the prehistoric times.

Even the Lingxiao Palace was the same, except that the Lingxiao Palace here was called the Lingxiao Palace, and the change of one word made a huge difference.

Although the purpose was the same, it was called the Lingxiao Palace to avoid the real Lingxiao Palace, which also symbolized the difference in status between the two.

The Lingxiao Palace was the Supreme Palace of the Heavenly Court, the most noble and supreme palace among the thirty-six palaces of the Heavenly Court, and it was more important than the palaces in the Emperor's bedroom. It was the place where the origin of the thirty-six heavens was in charge.

However, the Lingxiao Palace was just a palace of the Heavenly Court branch in the Daluo Realm that coordinated many Heavenly Palaces. In addition to the status actually given to it, it had no other status. This status was given voluntarily and did not exist like the Lingxiao Palace.

At this time, Di Jun's clone was sitting in the Lingxiao Palace, usually responsible for handling the affairs of the Daluo Realm.

"Not good, there is a breath from another world, notify me immediately!"

Suddenly, Di Jun's clone sensed a strange breath and quickly notified me to come.

The next moment, Di Jun appeared here.

"Meet me." Di Jun's clone bowed slightly to Di Jun and said.

"No need to be polite. I have summoned a million Daluo and three hundred Hunyuan to come. Don't worry."

Emperor Jun wore the Golden Crow Emperor's robe, and his height was inexplicably noble.

Although he was the same person as his clone, his clone's temperament was much worse than his.


Witch clan.

"Such a grand event, how can we be absent from the witch clan? Hahahaha..."

The twelve witch ancestors gathered together, and they had gathered countless subordinates.


Dragon clan.

"I smelled a trace of rotten dragon clan breath from that world. Rush in and destroy it. The dragon clan does not need such a clan member who is causing trouble to all directions."

The ancestor dragon opened his eyes, and his huge eyes spanned infinite time and space and reached the hearts of the four sea dragon kings.

This time, he did not plan to go there himself.

Although he knew that there were other worlds outside the prehistoric world, he was not very interested in them. He knew that if he was not strong enough, it would be a waste of effort anyway.

When he becomes strong enough, even if he doesn't want to go, that existence will come to find him personally.

And he, through endless time and space, saw the dragons in that world, with wings on their backs, just like Yinglong, but much uglier than Yinglong, the only thing in common is the wings.

And the wings are actually not the same, they just have wings on their backs.

The dragons in that world are not only destructive, but also rotten, weak, disgusting, and low-level. Saying that they are dragons is an insult to the dragons.

But they are really a branch of the dragons, and can barely be regarded as dragons. This sub-dragon race is even lower than the sub-dragon race in the prehistoric world.

It's not that there is no such dragon race in the prehistoric world. It is a new species that appeared after the real dragon and the lizard hybridized, and then the sub-dragon race that was hybridized with the bat.

To be precise, it is the sub-dragon race of the sub-dragon race...


Among the human race.

The Emperor Suiren personally led more than 300 kings to prepare to go to that world. They actually lived in the Daluo Realm on weekdays and separated from the Southern Wilderness.

Because this place is indeed more suitable for their cultivation and development, but this does not mean that the human race in the Southern Wilderness will not develop, but it is still expanding there.

The newly created territory in the Southern Wilderness is already extremely vast, more than a billion times larger, which is a terrifying degree. Naturally, there are countless uninhabited territories.

"That world is a different world. After entering, in addition to killing the creatures in that world, you must also observe the essence of that world."

Suiren was instructing the kings around him. These kings can be said to be the most powerful existence among the human race.

Even though many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were born later, they were only newly promoted after all, and could not compare with these kings who had been in the Hunyuan Realm for a long time.

As for killing the creatures of the other world, this is a very normal thing. People with different ideologies cannot work together. They are not in the same world anymore, so how can there be any affection? Either I invade you or you invade me.

"Your Majesty, since there are endless worlds, why can't we stay in that world and spread the foundation of the human race to all the worlds?"

Su Ming's eyes flashed slightly, wanting to spread the human race to all the worlds.

But the last time the human race went to the divine realm, they could not stay there. After reaching the specified time, it seemed that after all the creatures from other worlds were wiped out, they naturally withdrew from this world.

He didn't know whether this other world would be the same as last time, but he wanted to give it a try.

"I don't know, just give it a try. Maybe you can't stay there. If you can, then let the glory of the human race shine on all the worlds!"

Suiren shook his head slightly and said.

In his mind, it was unlikely that he could achieve this, but if he became stronger in the future, he might be able to stay in that world.

After the mobilization of all tribes, people from all tribes headed towards the space channel.

But before the people from all tribes arrived, a dense crowd of alien creatures came out of the space channel.


One after another, the breath of the alien world began to emerge, and the breath was strong and full of strange feelings.

A body crossed the space channel and came to the prehistoric world. In an instant, lightning and thunder wrapped around it, as if it was going to tear the nearby space apart.

At this time, there was a large dark cloud blocking the sky, and the sound of lightning and thunder continued.

It was Peilong, the most powerful among the students of the Kingdom of Rakshasa. He was already a fourth-level strength.

While controlling the power of thunder and lightning, he also controlled the holy tree in the Kingdom of God that supported the heaven, penetrated the world of the dead, and reached the three realms.

Above the crown of the holy tree is the god of infinite glory and holy light, the trunk of the holy tree is the relatively calm human world, and the roots of the holy tree are connected in all directions, rooted in the world of the dead to absorb nutrients.

The crown is glorious, but the roots are dark, ugly and despised.

It is precisely because of this holy tree that Perron has the power to rule the three realms.

"Is this the other world... Why is this world so fascinating..."

Perron slowly closed his eyes, raised his hands slowly, and said with a look of desire.

"Stop pretending, old man, get out of my way!"

Behind him, a dark existence passed quickly, and then a huge figure stood up from the darkness.

The man was Willers, who couldn't stand Perron's appearance.

Just when Perron was angry and embarrassed because his good mood was interrupted, Willers also did the same thing.

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