Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 315 Depriving the Great Sun of Thoughts!

"Sure enough, it is a world that makes people addicted! If the origin of this world is absorbed, how strong will it be?" A look of extreme excitement appeared on Welles's face.

The existence of endless darkness.

Washing away everything in the prehistoric world.

In front of these extremely terrifying and dark undead, many saints from the prehistoric era had a somewhat blank expression on their faces.

These undead existed with Veles, and followed Veles into the prehistoric world. Like the tide, they were dense and endless, and soon covered the entrance to the Great Luo Realm.

Continue towards full coverage of the Daluo Realm.

Countless weak creatures became food for the undead in this darkness, being dismembered and devoured by them.

It seemed as if a doomsday scene was coming.

Endless panic appeared in the hearts of those extremely weak creatures. Even some Da Luo Jinxian could not escape the hands of those extremely powerful undead.

"Is this this world? So weak, a bunch of trash! Such a powerful foundation has been lost in vain!"

After seeing these creatures being devoured, Welles snorted and said rather disdainfully.

If they were allowed to practice in this world, who knows how far they would have reached, how could they become food for the undead under him.

The sky above Daluo Realm is filled with darkness, filling the entire Daluo Realm with dark colors.

For a time, the Daluo world fell into darkness.

However, at this moment, Emperor Jun transformed into a three-legged golden crow, shining the light of the sun on the entire Daluo Realm.

For a time, the Da Luo world was filled with light again.

Darkness is no more, and the dead are gone.

The endless undead souls hiding in the darkness also disappeared, as if they had never existed before.

Only those creatures who have experienced it personally know what horrific existence they have witnessed.

However, these extremely terrifying existences were all vulnerable to Di Jun. He just manifested himself to shine in the heavens and wiped them all out.

Welles, who had been showing off just now, his face froze, and he turned to be shocked: "Who is that person, and why can you see such authority in him!!!"

Being both at the fourth level, one can naturally see how powerful Di Jun is. However, he is not allowed to take a step back at this time.

If he really escapes in such a scene, he will definitely be killed by Father God himself when he returns.

Because Father God does not need to be too cowardly to attack other worlds. He understands this, and Peilong also understands...

"Peilong, he is the god who holds the power of the sun. You also have a sun god under your command. Let him deal with this god!" Peilong rolled his eyes and made an instant decision.

Since it was impossible for him to defeat the opponent, he would simply divert the trouble and let other gods deal with Di Jun.

Peilong's face stiffened when he heard this, and he turned to glare at Peilong and said, "I'll deal with him personally, and you can deal with other creatures!"

After saying that, he flashed and headed towards Di Jun.

Di Jun looked at the creatures below, his heart slightly wrinkled, and a feeling of disgust rose from the bottom of his heart.

This is the feeling that arises from the depths of instinct. From the origin of the avenue, from the root, I hate the other party.

Di Jun shook his hand slightly.

Immediately, the body of the god named Peilong, who controlled the holy tree and thunder, suddenly shattered, and his soul was broken, further leading to his death.

Then, with a slight sigh, an inexplicable aura rose from the endless time, space and years, erasing all cause and effect. Everything about the Peilong seemed to have disappeared, and was reappeared in the ages of the heavens. Also hard to find.

This scene fell into the eyes of many creatures, and they were filled with incredible and shocking feelings.

"This...how is this possible?!!!"

Velez said in great horror. You must know that Perron is the most powerful existence in their world, but at this time, he was actually killed by the opponent with one move! !

The next moment, countless creatures in the Kingdom of Rakshasa began to panic.

"Disgusting creatures!!!"

For a long time, Emperor Jun has given all living beings a powerful and warm image. This emperor is invincible, yet gentle and kind. He never bullies the weak and is deeply loved by all living beings.

But only those strong men who stood at the pinnacle of the ancient world who really opposed Di Jun knew how terrifying and ruthless Di Jun was.

But now, under the gaze of countless living beings, this is the first time that he has shown his disgust for a race in front of all living beings.

The mighty brilliance of the great sun shines on all the heavens, and it should have illuminated the entire heavens, filling infinite time and space with the warmth of the great sun.

However, this time, Di Jun changed his mind.

I saw the Hunyuan Dao Yun flowing out of his body, and his body was filled with a sacred and inviolable light.

Di Jun looked at that space passage, his eyes spanned infinite time and space, reaching the other side.

He saw the creatures in that world, and also saw the charm and origin of that world.

Finally, he looked at the sun that symbolized all light in that world.

Thoughts moved slightly.

A thought of infinite time and space, and a thought of the infinite sun came out of him.

It was as if the Emperor Jun in the endless time and space at this moment was blessing the Emperor Jun with the power of Dao Yun.

Emperor Jun's lips moved slightly, and he said: "I am the incarnation of the sun, shining on the endless time and space of the ages. Now in this time and space, I feel the evil of the sun and the vulgarity of the sun, so I put away the thoughts of the sun and let this world fall into darkness forever."

As Emperor Jun's words fell, an extremely mysterious chain crossed the endless time and space in the next moment and reached the other party's world.

It was a chain transformed by power, and it was the manifestation of the power of the Great Sun Emperor Jun in the endless time and space.

He is the sun, and the sun is him.

In all time and space, cut off the thoughts of the bright sun in the Rakshasa Kingdom.


Rakshasa Kingdom.


A chain transformed by power tied up the sun in the sky above the world.

As the authority came, the stars in the sky began to whimper, as if the world would fall into endless darkness after this moment.

For a moment, the world wailed, and the sun wept blood.

But all this could not stop Emperor Jun's thoughts, and could not change the fact that the sun was about to disappear.

The next moment.

The Daoyun of the sun suddenly disappeared, leaving only an extinguished sun hanging high in the sky.

Next, the world was filled with endless darkness.

Since the sun went out, only those stars were still flashing with faint light in this world.

These lights were all given by light, but they were only very faint, causing this world to fall into darkness, but it was not completely dark. In the night, a glimmer of light could still be seen.

This may be the meaning of light.


The outside world.

Seeing this, the face of the Luosha student changed, and then in an instant, the soul entered that world.

"I say, let there be light!"

The Luosha student held the power of the divine source in his hand, trying to condense and light up the extinguished sun again.

However, no matter what he did, the sun did not move.

For a moment, a trace of anxiety appeared on the face of the Luosha student.

"I say, when this sun goes out, another sun will come out!"

As soon as these words came out, the divine source in his hand turned into a stream of origin power and poured into the origin of the world.

Then, a new sun rose in the sky.

However, when the sun was about to shine in all directions, the light on it suddenly disappeared. When this sun rose, two extinguished suns hung high in the sky.

It was not until this time that the Luosha student's face suddenly changed drastically.


"This is depriving the Great Sun's thoughts from the root!!!"

"No! I have to try again!!"

Although the Luosha student was shocked, he still did not choose to give up, but thought of the last way.

"I say, since there is no Great Sun in the world, there should be stars and moons to shoulder the glory of the Great Sun, possess the authority of the Great Sun, and shine on the heavens!"


As his words fell, the world shook.

The thoughts of the origin appeared and went towards the moon and the stars in the sky.

Just when he thought that the moon and stars would completely replace the Great Sun, a mysterious breath emerged.

In an instant, those Taiyin stars that were originally shining brightly all dimmed in an instant.

Seeing this, the Luosha student looked ashen, because the other party had completely extinguished the Great Sun's thoughts in his own kingdom of God, and also cut off all thoughts of replacing the Great Sun.

The Great Sun is irreplaceable, and the Great Sun is supreme.

At this moment, the holy tree that intersects the three realms shook, and a stream of original thoughts appeared.

Then, a burst of white light shone between heaven and earth, but it was intermittent and intermittent.

At this moment, a figure walked out of the holy tree. His face was extremely gloomy, and his body was like thunder, emitting infinite light, illuminating a corner of the world.

"Damn it! He actually killed me! This is the first time in countless years that someone has killed me..."

That figure was Peilong. Peilong, as the son of the holy tree, was the incarnation of the holy tree, but he also controlled the meaning of thunder.

As long as the holy tree survives, Peilong will not die.

No matter how many times he is erased in time and space, as long as the holy tree does not perish, he will be born again and again.

And as the number of times he is killed increases, the longer the holy tree wants to breed him.

It's not that the Holy Tree is tired, but that every time the Holy Tree wants to give birth to him again, it needs a lot of original power, and if it continues to consume it, it will naturally take longer and longer.

However, this is the first time he has been born again in the endless years, so in fact, it has only been a few tens of seconds, not even a minute.

"Father God, why is there no light in the world, and it is forever in darkness?"

Perron saw the Father God on the other side. After noticing the changes in the world, he saw the two extinguished suns, and instantly understood something in his heart, and then asked the Father God.

The Rakshasa student gritted his teeth at this time. After hearing Perron's words, he replied: "It was the creature who killed you. He deprived this world of the idea of ​​the sun. From then on, the sun did not exist and the light did not exist!"

Peilong's heart sank when he heard this, and he immediately tried to dissuade him: "Father God, if this is the case, then our world will fall into eternal destruction. If they attack, what should we do!?! "

At this moment, a figure appeared in the space passage.

That was the figure of Suiren. He appeared in this world. Seeing that there was no light in this world, his heart sank.

"It's so powerful that even the thought of the sun in the world disappears when Emperor Jun thinks..."

But Suiren didn't sigh too much. Instead, he turned around and came to the center of the world, where the holy tree was.

Behind him are many primitive creatures, three hundred Hunyuan from the human race, several hundred Hunyuan from the dragon race, and hundreds more from the demon race...

This time, almost all the creatures who came to this world were in the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Before that, the creatures of the Rakshasa Kingdom in the prehistoric world had long been wiped out by the prehistoric Hunyuan.

Just when they were invading in large numbers, the Rakshasa student's face turned gloomy when he saw it. He felt that all the creatures he sent out died and disappeared.

For a moment, the Rakshasa student was furious and wanted to do something, but all he could see were fourth-level creatures, and there were thousands of them. It was unclear whether this was the foundation of the ancient times.

Just when he hesitated for a moment, thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals began to massacre in various places.

In an instant, all the creatures in the Rakshasa Kingdom were slaughtered by thousands of beings in the Hunyuan Realm.


The Rakshasa students immediately shouted words of surrender.

At this moment, those thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals almost completely destroyed this divine kingdom.

Fortunately, he shouted a little faster. If it had been a little later at night, I'm afraid the origin of his kingdom would have been completely destroyed.

outside world.

The Rakshasa student looked at Ye Xuan with a gloomy face, snorted coldly, and walked away.

In this battle, he gained nothing. Instead, he involved all the creatures in his kingdom. Only Peilong could rely on the holy tree to continuously resurrect.

In addition, other creatures disappeared immediately after being said to have disappeared. They all had to be re-gestated, and after re-gestation, they were no longer the same creatures as before.

"It's so relaxing..."

Ye Xuan smiled, his expression quite calm.

In this battle, he didn't take any action.

He originally thought he had a chance to take action, because he noticed that the other party wanted to take action for a moment, but then disappeared. He was originally ready to stop the other party.

Not a single creature like the Creation God can easily deal with it. Even those creatures from the prehistoric times will probably have to fight back and forth by then. What a waste of time.

Anyway, all the creatures in the ancient world knew of his existence, so the moment he prepared for the opponent to take action, he also took action to kill the opponent in seconds.

Then the creatures from the Kingdom of God will kill the opponent's creatures from the Kingdom of God. In this case, they can quickly push sideways.

Anyway, if the other party doesn't take action, he won't take action, and it will be as if he can't afford it.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Xuan looked around the arena and found that he was the only one on the arena at the moment, while the other students were competing with other creatures in the space on the other side of the arena.

"Am I still the first to win..."

Ye Xuan murmured to himself.

However, at this time, the arena above, which was originally very noisy, became somewhat quiet, and everyone looked at him.

None of them could understand why Ye Xuan's speed was so fast. It was said that it took a long time, but in reality it only took a few seconds to the outside world.

Everyone was wondering, why was this so much faster than those who surrendered? Could it be that he bribed the other party?

But then I thought about it, it was impossible. Neither the Daxia Kingdom nor the Rakshasa Kingdom would be the kind of people to bribe each other, because they knew that this was simply impossible. Therefore, the man in front of them was really very talented. The strength is very strong.

If the top students from the Rakshasa Kingdom can be defeated in seconds, then wouldn’t the students from the United Eagle Nations...

For a moment, everyone looked at him with rather unkind eyes.

What nonsense is there to fear the strong? Are they the strong men of their own country? Or is it that the other party has broken the boundaries of the country and can ignore the country?

Since it is neither, then it is natural to respect one's own country more, and naturally hope that students from one's own country will win.

Ye Xuan looked at many spectators in the auditorium looking at him unkindly and did not wait for him to react.

The next moment.

Figures began to appear one after another,

In just a moment, hundreds of winners have appeared, and among the hundreds of winners, only one is not from the United Eagles but a student from the Rakshasa Kingdom, and the rest are all from the United Eagles. students.

The moment those people appeared, they all looked at Ye Xuan in surprise.

Until the student from the Rakshasa Kingdom came over and asked Ye Xuan: "You can see that you have solved Freya so quickly?"

Ye Xuan was stunned when he heard this, and then realized that it should be the name of the Rakshasa student he had solved before. Then he nodded and said, "Yes, what's the matter?"

The student from the Rakshasa Kingdom shook his head, stared at Ye Xuan thoughtfully and said, "You are very strong, I hope I don't meet you."

After saying that, he walked down the ring without looking back and headed towards his villa.

He had fought with the Luosha student before, and although he was stopped by someone and the final winner was not decided, he knew that the opponent was extremely powerful.

But this time, he was killed instantly by a kid from Daxia.

This shows how big the gap between the two sides is.

He is also very strong and talented. He is a junior student. Except for him, the other students from Luosha are all senior students.

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