Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 316: The Realm of Transcendence! Ye Xuan's Sigh

"Ye Xuan, come down quickly. What are you doing up there?"

Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Ye Xuan, who had not come down from the ring for a long time, and conveyed a spiritual message, reminding him that he could come down.

Ye Xuan, who was standing on the ring, heard this and came down from the top.

He didn't know that he could come down at first, but then he saw the student from the Rakshasa Kingdom go down, and when he was about to go down, he heard Zhu Yuanzhang's message.

Then he slowly flew down from above.

Immediately afterwards, he returned to the villa nearby and waited for the next battle to begin.

At this moment, Ye Xuan's thoughts moved slightly and he entered the wilderness.

In the wild world.

Daluo Realm.

The creatures that originally attacked the Rakshasa Kingdom were all teleported back to the Great Luo Realm.

For a moment, all the forces showed a look of understanding.

They had already guessed this.

"Sure enough, we can't stay in another world for long. Every time we are about to destroy the other world, we will be teleported back. If this is the case, then what is the use of going to another world? We can't stay anyway! "

In front of a kind of big boss, Zhu Rong, who is the most outspoken and likes to complain, immediately said it in front of so many Hunyuan realms.

Di Jiang was shocked when he heard this. He rolled his eyes at Zhu Rong and said, "Shut up!"

He was afraid that Zhu Rong's words would offend Ye Xuan. After all, Ye Xuan wanted them to improve their strength and accompany him to the endless world. There was a world far stronger than the prehistoric world.

There are countless powerful creatures inside that can kill them.

Those powerful worlds make you yearn for them just by listening to them, and those so-called strong people believe that they will eventually surpass those existences.

If you don't even have the courage, there is no need to talk about protecting Honghuang. After all, those Dao gods and demons are really powerful beings that can be seen and touched.

Just as Zhu Rong closed his mouth with an unconvinced look on his face, Emperor Jun, who was above the nine heavens, said: "Please invite the leaders of all clans to discuss this matter together in the Lingxiao Palace of the Thirty-third Heaven. "

After saying that, the figure disappeared.

"Let's go, the Emperor of Heaven invites us, how can we not go?"

Di Jiang said to the many ancestral witches, and then went to the thirty-third heaven of Daluo Realm.

The same is true for other races, and even the ancestral dragons from all over the world heard the news and came across infinite time and space.

Daluo Realm, Thirty-third Heaven, Lingxiao Palace.

The leaders of each clan also took their seats one after another, with Emperor Jun sitting high at the head.

However, we are talking about the leaders of various tribes. In fact, the three tribes that Emperor Jun invited this time were only the Dragon Tribe, the Witch Tribe, and the Human Tribe.

After all, these three clans are the major forces in the prehistoric era and can affect the existence of the overall pattern of the prehistoric era.

For a moment, many creatures looked sideways at him and looked at Di Jun, expecting what Di Jun would say.

However, at this time, Ye Xuan was lying on the sofa in the empty sky, watching the scene below with great interest.

For him, this is one of the joys of life.

Ever since he traveled to this world, he felt that he was out of touch with those low-level interests. He was no longer interested in many things in the world.

After all, what could be more exciting and fulfilling than becoming a creator god?

"In the endless time and space, there are countless worlds contained in it. Maybe there are infinite ones, maybe there are countable ones. However, whether they are monsters, witches, humans, or dragons, they have all traveled to different worlds.

But the final result is the same. When that world is about to be destroyed, it will be teleported back to the prehistoric world. "

Di Jun frowned and spoke slowly.

In his opinion, he doesn't know why this situation occurs. Maybe only that existence knows...

However, they were unable to find the figure of the senior, so they had to take the initiative to find them.

Therefore, at this time, Emperor Jun wanted to lure Ye Xuan out, only to see him continue to say: "Therefore, next time, in a foreign world, there is no need to kill them all too quickly, and there is no need to rush to destroy the world. I It is equivalent to defending in the primitive world, preventing them from entering the primitive world, but exploring around in other worlds, searching for things that are beneficial to us, hoping to find the truth that cannot be tolerated. "

Di Jun's meaning was obvious. Since they solved the battle quickly every time, they might as well go slower next time. He didn't believe it. Slower times would prevent them from searching for the final truth.

Even if it is impossible, if you keep doing it a few times, or simply put off destroying the other party, you may be able to survive in this other world for a long time by relying on this method.

You can also try to give birth to descendants in this world to see if they will follow you back to the primitive world.

There are so many possibilities to try, and the initiative is in their hands.

"Your Majesty, I can give it a try, but if that supreme being comes forward, what will we do..." Han Li, one of the seventeen ancient kings who followed the Human Emperor Suiren, slightly raised his hands and spoke. road.

Although he had never met that being, he had received guidance from Ye Xuan. Later, he learned from many brothers that they had also mentored each other, and the Suiren clan and the Shi Hao clan had even seen each other with their own eyes. .

This makes them quite envious.

However, envy is envy, but this is also an opportunity, which cannot be envied.

"I don't think so. That person existed countless years ago, before the creation of the world, and witnessed the birth of the prehistoric world with his own eyes, and may even have seen the birth of chaos. However, in such a long time, he only appeared in the prehistoric world once. In my opinion, for such a small matter, he should not show up."

The ancestor of the witch clan, Di Jiang, also smiled and said.

In fact, at this time, he and Di Jun also had a tacit understanding.

Both he and Di Jun wanted to force Ye Xuan to show up.

In their words, they said so, but in fact, they had made up their minds that Ye Xuan would definitely show up.

Because Ye Xuan once said that there are many worlds outside this world, which means that the other worlds that appeared before cannot be unrelated to Ye Xuan. At least Ye Xuan knows this, and there is no doubt about this.

And every time, it is at the end that they cut off contact and returned to the prehistoric world.

Therefore, it means that Ye Xuan also wants them to defeat the one in that world, but they intend to delay time indefinitely in exchange for the purpose of existing in that world for a long time, which is undoubtedly contrary to Ye Xuan.

In other words, as long as they confirm this plan, Ye Xuan should appear.

And with Di Jiang's affirmation, Zhu Rong, who always likes to complain, has to shut his mouth to avoid complaining about his elder brother.

Zulong's eyes turned, and he immediately understood, and smiled: "Yes, how could that kind of existence care too much about Honghuang? The last time he entered it, he must have just come in to wander around."

Although he didn't know what Di Jun was thinking when he said this, it was known that an existence like Di Jun must be reluctant to die, so it also showed that they must have some purpose behind it.

Otherwise, if they really forced that existence to appear and destroy them, it would be more loss than gain, and now saying these words is obviously playing an open conspiracy, either don't show up to explain, or wait for an indefinite delay.

After all, forcing the other party to come out now and forcing the other party to come out at that time are two different things. After all, one has not been done yet, and the other has been done.

As long as you follow up twice, whether you can force the other party out is another matter.

Zulong himself also wants to know this. Who would be willing to be used like a gun every time, needing himself when needed, but throwing himself away when not needed.

However, at this moment, Shi Hao of the human race frowned and questioned: "But that world makes me feel disgusted. When I step into it, I feel a sense of disgust from the depths of my origin.

So, is it too difficult to stay there indefinitely..."

Shi Hao has always been like this, and he doesn't want to go against his own wishes and stay in that alien world like a compromise.

"Yes, yes, how can I bear it..."

For a moment, Zhu Rong seemed to have seen a fellow traveler. As soon as he entered that world, he filled the sky and earth with the Nanming Lihuo, burning a large area of ​​territory.

Only by staying in his own fire domain can he reduce his disgust.

So, Zhu Rong kept turning that world into one fire domain after another. If there weren't too many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he would have been assigned a piece of land, and he could have completely turned that land into a fire domain.

However, at this time, Suiren saw that the patriarchs of the other three tribes all chose this strategic point. Although he didn't know what their plans were, he knew that no matter how he chose, he would have to obey the majority in the end.

So, Suiren smiled and said, "In that case, let's do it according to your majesty's wishes. If anyone in the human race is really unbearable, then there is no need to stay in that world. After all, in a mere alien world, if you don't encounter a very powerful existence, there is no need for so many people."

His words were not wrong, just like in that world just now, just a thought, that world turned into a ruin.

Even the origin of the world was almost taken away...

What a terrifying thing...

That is to say, the strength of Honghuang is far superior to the other side, and there is no need to go to so many creatures.

Hearing what Suiren said, Shi Hao also nodded. As long as he didn't have to go there, it was okay. Anyway, that other world was just like that, and he had seen it.

The Great Dao was rare, and the Dao rhyme was not obvious. How could it be compared with Honghuang, not to mention the Daluo Realm in Honghuang, which was a holy place for cultivation.

On the other side, Zhu Rong's words were not recognized by everyone at all.

Immediately, Emperor Di Jun said: "Since the discussion is over, let's do this. Next time, one part will hold back the other party. There is no need to defeat the other party, just keep holding them, and the rest will search for insights in that world.

Strive to postpone the time of returning to the prehistoric world indefinitely. Anyway, there is a space channel that can go back and forth between the two worlds. If so, it is equivalent to adding another subordinate world to the prehistoric world..."

"Your Majesty, this is a great saying, we will follow it!"

Zulong, Dijiang, and Suiren also took the lead, and the subordinates behind them began to follow one by one.

Ye Xuan in the void frowned after seeing this scene.

"If we let them continue like this, what's the point?"

Ye Xuan murmured to himself, if it was true that the primitive creatures started paddling, it would be difficult for him to deal with it. After all, the next duel was about to begin.

If it really drags on like this, given the strength of the primitive creatures, who knows how long the game will be dragged on...

"That's all, I just want to find out the truth about the world, so let me tell you!"

Ye Xuan's thoughts moved slightly, and then a large word composed of the word "dao" appeared in the Lingxiao Palace.

"There are infinite worlds in the heavens and all the worlds, endless time and space, but there are only one world in the world, and there is only one world that can be transcended. After the world of living beings has achieved its transcendence, it will no longer be among the heavens and the worlds, but will come to the heavens and the worlds to coordinate all the worlds. , the only achievement that transcends the realm.

However, the world is in turmoil, and it is extremely difficult to achieve the only transcendent realm. You can only defeat one world after another. Only when you are invincible in all realms can you carry the destiny of transcendence, achieve the only transcendent realm, and become the supreme master of all realms. . "

This was Ye Xuan's explanation of the world, but in the end he did not give a reason why he could not stay in that world after defeating it.

Because he couldn't explain it for a while...

Those worlds are other people's divine kingdoms. Unless you can deprive the other party of their divine kingdom and incorporate it into the infinite worlds of the prehistoric times and become one of them, you will not be able to stay in the other person's world.

As for the Great Desolate World, there are actually many affiliated worlds, but they basically will not go to those great worlds. Those worlds are too small, too small, and too weak for the Great Desolate World. .

As the foundation of the prehistoric world increases, the highest limit among those worlds has also reached the level of Daluo Jinxian.

But if Daluo Jinxian were placed in the wild, he would be a "weak chicken" who couldn't even fart.

Of course, this is only relatively speaking, in fact it is still an extremely powerful existence.

"So this is what happened..."

"The only transcendence..."

"If we want to achieve the only transcendent world, we must first defeat all the other worlds..."

Di Jun murmured to himself, looking at this scene and speaking slowly.

Not only was Di Jun shocked, but the rest of the creatures were also extremely shocked.

This is the first time they have heard of the existence of a unique transcendent realm. What is a transcendent realm? Is it just that they have transcended other worlds and are called transcendent realms...

For a time, one idea after another came to everyone's mind.

If this is the case, then isn't this transcendent realm the strongest world? The strongest world is also the transcendent realm.

So for now, there is always the strongest world, but why is that world not a transcendent world?

In other words, in addition to being the strongest, the transcendent realm must also possess a certain factor in order to become a transcendent realm!

Otherwise, at this stage, no matter how many worlds there are that are more powerful than the prehistoric world, there is always one world that stands in the strongest position among those worlds.

And the strongest one is the transcendent realm, but now the supreme being says that the transcendent realm is the only and strongest one, and there is still a chance to achieve it in the prehistoric world. In other words, it is obvious that the transcendent realm has not really been born, otherwise there would be no transcendent realm. Got the chance.

"Beyond the realm..."

Suiren's eyes flashed, and his heart was filled with the desire to transcend the world.

At this moment, no one cares about why they can't colonize other worlds.

Compared with those, this transcendent temptation is much more powerful...

"Detachment! Detachment!!"

At this time, the eyes of the ancestral witches were almost wide open. Although they did not know what the existence of the transcendent realm was, the word "transcendence" alone was enough for them to be happy!

Even the Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, which had always been independent from the center of power in the prehistoric times, could no longer control their emotions at this time, and began to look forward to the arrival of the next different world.

Above the vast wilderness, in the void.

"These primitive creatures are so deceitful that I feel guilty..."

Ye Xuan looked at the scene happening below and thought with some heavy thoughts in his heart.

But he had no choice but to lie. If he really didn't give an explanation and the other party really continued like this, it would mean that his subsequent games would be extremely difficult.

Now that they are given a lie, those primitive creatures will no longer use this to force them. After all, they themselves are eager to encounter another world as soon as possible and defeat them one by one until they stand on the top and become the strongest. Achievement transcends boundaries.

And this completely reversed the relationship between Ye Xuan and them.

It is no longer that Ye Xuan needs them to fight for the Kingdom of God, but they will happily take the initiative to fight for the Kingdom of God.

That's the difference, a lie can do it.

"Maybe it's not that they are too easy to deceive, but that they never thought that a being like me would actually deceive them..."

Ye Xuan looked at the extremely excited primitive creatures below and thought with some guilt.

Even those ancient beings know how to disdain to lie. They are upright and upright. If they say they want to kill you, they will kill you. If they say they want to unite others to kill you, they will unite others to kill you.

Upright and aboveboard.

Except for that thief Hongjun...

For a moment, Ye Xuan felt that he was just like Hongjun, the thief, and began to do whatever it took for his own benefit.

He then raised his head and sighed, saying: "Perhaps, I am such a villain in my bones..."

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