Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 317: Kinnara of Buddhism, the Styx enters the wilderness

Since the concept of the transcendental realm spread to the prehistoric world, the high-level creatures in the prehistoric world were completely excited. For a time, the relationship between all parties has improved a lot.

The division of interests has gradually tended to be divided by the strength on the surface, rather than relying on the real strength to compete head-on as usual.

Perhaps this is the most reasonable way. Although there are more or less errors, there is still a gap in the strength on the surface in front of these big clans. Although it is very small, it is still a gap.

Therefore, this is not considered to be a pitfall for anyone. If a fight really breaks out, it may affect the prehistoric world and cause the lives of the people to be destroyed.

Moreover, this method also protects the power of each clan better, allowing each clan to develop more vigorously.

The reason for this is that everyone wants to protect their power. As people in the prehistoric world, there can be friction between individuals, and it doesn’t matter if they fight to the death, because no one will leave the prehistoric world.

But the situation is different between forces, especially between big forces. If one big force is missing, the impact on the prehistoric world will be extremely huge.

If any of the four major forces is missing, the strength of the prehistoric world will plummet. This is the common understanding of these creatures at the highest level.

That is, individuals can fight to the death, but forces cannot start a war lightly. No one is allowed to escalate to the level of forces, or to use this to provoke each other.

From this, it can be seen that it will become more difficult for the major forces in the prehistoric world to break out a war.

The main reason is that everyone is in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. At most, they can only suppress the other party. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to kill the other party, or even impossible to do it at all.

If a fight really breaks out, the casualties will still be those creatures who have not yet become Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but those creatures are their future and their new generation. If they die, it will undoubtedly cause no tribesmen to break through the Hunyuan realm for a long time.

Such a war is difficult to start, which is why the prehistoric world can live in peace for such a long time.

In addition to the fact that the leaders of various tribes did not want to start a war, this was also a very important factor.

Western Wilderness, Mount Xumi, Buddhist Great Leiyin Temple.

“Buddha, I wish to enter the Western Paradise to comprehend the Dharma, save the world, and enter the realm of Arhat.” The monk Kinnara, dressed in white, said to the Amitabha Buddha above with his hands folded.

There was a firmness in his eyes, as if he knew clearly what he wanted.

Just like at this moment, the monks around him looked at him with a strange look.

The reason why the fourteen monks were able to practice with the three Buddhas was because they saw through that it was better to practice with the Buddha than to go to any other world.

It was also because of this that they were able to practice with the three Buddhas over the years, and their strength increased rapidly.

But now, Kinnara actually took the initiative to say that he wanted to go to the Western Paradise to save those monks who knew how to live a life of drunkenness and dreaming all day long, and wanted to enter the realm of Arhat by this.

For a moment, the other thirteen monks looked at Kinnara with strange eyes, secretly thinking that this boy has really become stupid after practicing Buddhism.

What the hell is the fruit position or not? If you have the strength, what does it matter if you are a monk? Who dares not to regard you as the Buddha?

Haven’t you seen that the two Bodhisattvas, Zhunti and Jieyin, have not yet attained enlightenment because of their lack of strength, and therefore cannot become Buddhas...

After they attain enlightenment, you will see whether they are Buddhas.

These monks are originally people with clear minds, otherwise they would not stay with these Buddhas, but were deceived and ran to the three kingdoms of God.

Even Shichen Amitabha was a little surprised when he heard this. Kinnara could be said to be the most outstanding one among his disciples, although he only had two disciples in total...

"It is a good thing that you want to save them when they are in the sea of ​​suffering, but since they have already sunk into it, they must have their own fate. If they can survive by themselves, they will be in the realm of Arhats, but if they are saved by you, they will probably only be in the realm of Arhats."

After hearing this, Shichen Amitabha said calmly without changing his expression.

Arahants and the realm of Arhats are actually the same in the Buddhism they define, but Arhats are more powerful and are used to refer to those Buddhist disciples who survived the disaster by themselves, while Arhats survived with the help of others.

Although everything seems to be the same, Arhats are naturally inferior to Arhats in terms of mentality, but in fact, there is no difference other than that.

Kinnara's expression remained unchanged, his eyes were firm, and he said slowly: "If there is no disciple to guide them, I am afraid that they will only be able to sink in the sea of ​​suffering for their whole lives, unable to extricate themselves. Having an Arhat realm is always better than having nothing."

After saying this, he performed a Buddhist salute to Amitabha Buddha.

The master and disciple both called the Western Paradise the sea of ​​suffering, although the Buddhist propaganda says that the world is the sea of ​​suffering, and the Western Paradise is eternal bliss.

But in the eyes of practitioners, there is no doubt that the world is the bliss, and the Western Paradise is a steel knife that scrapes the bones and blocks the way.

"Amitabha, good, good, if that's the case, then go."

After hearing this, Amitabha Buddha stopped trying to stop Kinnara. Since he really wanted to go, let him go. Kinnara would not sink into such a place anyway.

As he spoke, he opened his palm slightly, and a Buddhist kingdom appeared in front of everyone.

That was the Buddhist kingdom in his palm, the Western Paradise.

It is said that in the Western Paradise, one can enjoy all the pleasures of the world forever and avoid all the sufferings of the world.

Anything you want to do can be done in the Western Paradise, provided that you do not harm the happiness of others, but only satisfy your own happiness.

Those many lazy creatures exist in this world, and many of them even have wives and children.

Most of them are the former human race, which is the black human race created by the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha. In order to distinguish them from the prehistoric human race, they are called the former human race.

The later human race was created by the Yin-Yang Glazed Medicine Buddha. Those who have some intelligence, but there are not many snow-white human races, look sick.

And the prehistoric human race is naturally the real human race. They can be called human race. They are the real people, blessed by nature, loved by heaven and earth, extremely intelligent, profound, and amazing.

After seeing this, Kinnara followed and entered, disappearing in the Buddhist sect.

After Kinnara entered.

Raised his eyebrows, Sakyamuni Buddha slowly opened his eyes and said: "This child will be the pillar of Buddhism in the future. I see that he has great luck, and now I can see that he has great perseverance. If he has another great opportunity, he must be the pride of heaven, and becoming a Buddha is not a problem."

These words of his were extremely praise for Kinnara, which shocked the thirteen disciples below who originally laughed at Kinnara, and even slowly developed a sense of jealousy.

Each of them secretly thought that they could enter it, but they just didn't think about entering, so he got there first.

These monks were unstable in their minds, and instantly alarmed the Buddha Shakyamuni who was sitting high above.

"You must not have greed, anger, and ignorance. These are the three taboos of Buddhism, and they are also the culprits that prevent you from achieving enlightenment." The Buddha Shakyamuni frowned and looked at the monks below.

I thought these disciples were all heroes, and they were all comparable to some powerful creatures in the East Wilderness, but now it seems that they are all people with bad temperaments. If they are not corrected, it is probably difficult for them to even achieve enlightenment.

It's not that jealousy of others will lead to failure to achieve enlightenment, but that these disciples are prone to jealousy of others on the one hand, and they don't have strong self-control on the other hand, which makes it difficult to achieve enlightenment.

If they can have strong self-control, even if they are jealous of the whole Honghuang, it's okay, but it's easy for jealousy to interfere with their normal practice.

Just like Hongjun, on the surface, he wanted to prevent sentient beings from reaching the same realm as himself, but in fact, he was afraid. He was afraid that someone could step on him, so he blocked the thought of Hunyuan and prevented sentient beings from entering the realm of Hunyuan.

This would prevent sentient beings from keeping up with him, and he could walk alone on the road with peace of mind.

The reason for this is that Hongjun was afraid, but even if he was so afraid, it would not affect his path of cultivation, and he would not be immersed in worries all day and delay his cultivation.

But where did those disciples get the kind of Hongjun? If they had that kind of character, even if their moral character was poor, their achievements would not be low.

But those people were jealous because of their bad character, which led to their poor personal morality.

"Thank you for the Buddha's teachings, Amitabha!"

The thirteen disciples woke up at once after being awakened by the Buddha Shakyamuni, and bowed to the Buddha with their hands folded, shouting loudly.

Although this was said in the words, the mind was also purified by the Buddha, but these distracting thoughts were as numerous as the stars in the sky, and they could not be eliminated. Even if the current batch was eliminated, another batch would rise in an instant.

So, in fact, it still depends on the individual's mentality.


Outside the prehistoric world, in the chaos.

With the expansion of the chaotic world, the outer demon realm also expanded by hundreds of millions of times.

Luohou stayed in this outer demon realm all day long. It seemed that he had nothing to do, but in fact, he had laid his own chess pieces in various places in the prehistoric world.

He did not expect these chess pieces to be useful, but as long as one of them succeeded, it would be a good thing.

Because for him, the price he paid was nothing. Such a cost-free investment temptation, if it succeeded, it would be a real blood profit.

Just like the current Styx Patriarch, the Styx Patriarch was earned back by his blood profit. The current Styx Patriarch has long been a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

There are not many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the Demon Realm nowadays, but there are at least nineteen of them. In addition to Luohou and the ancestor of the Styx, there are four demon kings under Luohou: the Heavenly Demon King, the Ancestral Demon King, the Evil Demon King, and the Earth Demon King, as well as thirteen demon generals: the Joy Demon General, the Angry Demon General, the Sorrow Demon General, the Fear Demon General, the Love Demon General, the Evil Demon General, the Desire Demon General, the Sex Demon General, the Form Demon General, the Mighty Demon General, the Voice Demon General, the Fine Demon General, and the Appearance Demon General.

These are the 19 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians of the current Demon Sect. On the other hand, in the Immortal Sect, there is no Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian except Hongjun. In the Buddhist Sect, there are three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians of the Three Buddhas.

This is the so-called immortals disappear and demons rise, and Buddha declines and demons prosper.

However, Luohou knows one thing very well, that is, remember not to be too rampant, rampant will inevitably decline.

Wasn't the Immortal Sect like this back then? If Hongjun didn't think about blocking the thoughts of the prehistoric times, how prosperous would the Immortal Sect be now? There are so many sacred things in the Zixiao Palace, not to mention how many Hunyuan Daluo Jinxians would there be under the sect.

By then, Hongjun would have been a true Taoist ancestor, and he would not be the thief Hongjun that everyone is shouting and beating now, and he would even be suppressed and sealed.

You know, Di Jun was just a guest in Zixiao Palace at the beginning. Even if he didn't appreciate Hongjun's kindness in the future, he wouldn't do anything to Hongjun, not to mention that Di Jun was a saint who valued friendship and loyalty.

"Teacher, when can we go back to the prehistoric world?" The monstrous devilish thoughts on the old man of the Styx seemed to have cultivated deeply in the great way of the devil.

Luo Hou, sitting high on the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus, smiled slightly and said, "No hurry, no hurry, I don't want to step into the prehistoric world so humiliatingly. I want to wait for an opportunity, an opportunity to make the demon sect prosperous, and I want to tell the many saints in the three realms openly that I, Luo Hou, am back."

He didn't want to sneak into the prehistoric world in a humiliating way like Hongjun.

He either didn't go, or he had to make a big fanfare to scare the creatures of heaven and earth.

And he felt that day was slowly coming.

Hearing this, Minghe's face changed. He wanted to say something, but because of Luohou's majesty, he didn't say it.

He felt that nothing was interesting in this Demon Realm for these years. It was more fun in the prehistoric world.

These demon creatures of the Demon Sect had more problems with their character than each other. He was already said to be decisive and ruthless in the prehistoric world.

But that was also a normal creature, but these demons transformed by Luohou in accordance with the way of heaven were more perverted than each other. They were completely perverted and had some problems from the root.

Even the ancestor of Minghe felt that he was a good person when he was with them, and even felt that he was a normal person, not as terrible as those creatures in the prehistoric world said.

Therefore, the ancestor of Minghe didn't want to stay with these demon creatures any longer. It really affected his character too much. It seemed that he was about to become a pervert. It was still more fun to play in the prehistoric world.

After all, even if the prehistoric creatures feared him, they were all the same race in the prehistoric world, but these demons were different. These demons were transformed from the body of Luohou in the past, and Luohou was transformed from the remnant of the Great Dao God and Demon.

So in the final analysis, the Styx Patriarch was a sacred creature of Pangu's lineage, while those demons were creatures of the God and Demon lineage.

In essence, there is indeed a difference.

After seeing the appearance of the Styx, Luohou nodded and said, "If you want to go to the prehistoric world, then go ahead. The Demon Sect will always be your backing, and our Demon Sect has never restricted the entry and exit of any creature, not to mention that you just want to go to the prehistoric world."

He knew that the Styx Patriarch was suffocating here, and he didn't know why the Styx Patriarch couldn't stand it anymore, so why didn't he go to the prehistoric world. He just didn't go to the prehistoric world himself, and he never stopped others.

Even those low-level demons have entered the prehistoric world, not to mention stopping the Styx.

The Styx Patriarch was stunned when he heard the words, as if he didn't hear it clearly. He thought that this demon domain was a shackle to imprison him, and he was not allowed to go out, so he was brought here, but now it seems that it is not the case...

But he did not hesitate too much, and immediately bowed slightly and said: "Thank you, teacher, the Styx will go now!"

Luo Hou smiled and nodded, watching the Styx go away.

The Styx Patriarch flashed and left the outer demon domain.

"It's not a cage to imprison me, so I stayed here for such a long time..."

For a while, the Styx Patriarch was happy and angry.

He was happy that his actions were not restricted, and he was angry that he didn't say he wanted to go out earlier.


In the prehistoric world.

The Styx Patriarch looked at the huge prehistoric world and jumped into it without hesitation. The monstrous demonic energy did not subside.

In an instant, the demonic energy in the prehistoric world surged to the sky, rushing straight to the sky, as if it was about to rush to the heaven.

Seeing this, the old ancestor of the Styx quickly restrained the monstrous demonic energy, and then bowed in the direction of the heaven, shouting: "I haven't been back for a long time, and I offended your majesty. Please forgive me."

As he said this, two big words appeared in the sky.

"No problem."

At that time, Di Jun was closing his eyes to comprehend the truth, and suddenly felt the demonic energy surge to the sky. He immediately thought that the demon ancestor Luohou had come, and was about to do something. Suddenly, a voice came from below. After knowing that it was the old ancestor of the Styx, he didn't say much, and continued to close his eyes to comprehend the truth.


Seeing this, the Styx also exhaled quickly, secretly saying that fortunately he reacted quickly, retracted the demonic energy in time and apologized quickly, otherwise the crime of the demon rushing to the heaven would be enough for the other party to suppress him.

He had heard that the Immortal Ancestor Hongjun was suppressed alive by Emperor Jun.

This is also what Luo Hou repeatedly warned them about. Don’t think that you can do whatever you want after reaching the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. There are many ways to make your life miserable.

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