Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 318 The Blood Sea Mosquito Taoist, Kong Xuan takes over the Phoenix Clan

Ancestor Styx followed and began to fly all the way towards his land of blood sea.

The land of the blood sea has long been refined into clones by him, so since he stepped into the ancient wilderness, he has been able to detect anything in the blood sea.

Now I feel that there is still a holiness being gestated in the land of blood sea. I immediately frowned and crossed the infinite distance in one step.

Sea of ​​blood.

Ancestor Minghe looked at this sea of ​​blood, and an uproar arose in his heart.


Ancestor Styx didn't know what to say for a moment. The land of blood sea in front of him actually doubled in size by hundreds of millions of times. I'm afraid it was even a billion times...

When he was in the outer demonic realm in the chaos, he knew that the world in the prehistoric world was undergoing great changes, and that the entire prehistoric world and even the chaotic world were getting bigger.

But now after seeing this sea of ​​blood, I still can't help but feel amazed.

You can't blame him, this scene is really shocking.

Anyone who goes on a trip and hears on the road that his family has become rich, demolished, and divided into hundreds of millions of houses, looks at all the people around him who have been divided into hundreds of millions of houses, and then when he returns home, he finds that his house is indeed divided. bought hundreds of millions of houses.

Even if you are mentally prepared for this, it is still difficult to resist this feeling. Let alone hundreds of millions of houses, even if it is 100 million in cash, it will still make you smile from ear to ear, and you will not even be able to sleep at night.

"Bo Xun."

Ancestor Minghe spit out softly, trying to summon Bo Xun.

For a moment, the waves in the sea of ​​blood surged.

An extremely huge figure appeared. He looked extremely ugly. He stared at the Ancestor Styx with a pair of big eyes. He quickly knelt down and said, "Bo Xun has met the Ancestor. Congratulations to the Ancestor on his successful return."

He saw it very clearly and saw the aura of the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal on the ancestor of Minghe.

Although he has reached the realm of Hunyuan, he still has a kind of innate timidity when facing the Ancestor Styx, and he does not dare to resist the Ancestor Styx at all.

After all, he was a creature created by Ancestor Styx.

And in an unknown place in the blood sea, the aura of a figure became more and more powerful.

Ancestor Styx looked at that place, and his whole body was full of blood. In an instant, all the water in the surrounding sea of ​​​​blood was infected.

Those were all his clones, and then his mind moved.

One can be passed down to ten, and ten can be passed down to hundreds.

In an instant, the vast sea of ​​​​blood multiplied hundreds of millions of times, and all of it was refined by the Styx into clones.

From then on, the River Styx is almost immortal, the Sea of ​​Blood is immortal, and the River Styx is immortal. In addition to being in infinite time and space, the Sea of ​​Blood in infinite time and space must be wiped out.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to completely kill Styx.

This move of the Ancestor Styx can be said to have shocked the world, and many creatures in the world have to admire it. In terms of the means to save their lives, they have to look at the Blood Sea Styx.

After he took complete control, he also knew who the creature conceived in that egg was.

He remembered that the sea of ​​blood had been nurturing the other person long ago, but he had been going to the Demon Realm for too long, and he thought that the previous egg had been successfully born long ago.

Unexpectedly, it is still being conceived.

"Since we are both creatures of the sea of ​​blood, let us give our fellow Taoist a ride!"

The corners of Ancestor Styx's mouth raised slightly, then he raised his hands slightly, and streams of majestic blood flowed towards the egg, submerged into it, and turned into nourishment.

This breath lasts for a year.

Buzz! ! !

The egg began to tremble, followed by a click. After the click, a shadow of a creature appeared inside. The creature was not someone else, but the shadow of a mosquito.

From now on, mosquitoes will appear in the world.

He is the first mosquito in the ancient world, the ancestor who created a race. Although it has not been created yet, as time goes by, the creatures in the world will hate this race extremely.

He doesn't cultivate the way of heaven or understand the great road all day long. He only knows to rely on his sharp mouth to suck people's essence and blood everywhere to increase his own cultivation.

In particular, Taoist Mosquito's sharp mouth is able to absorb the essence of innate spiritual treasures, which is extremely sharp.

This is a beast egg that was transformed into a beast after its death. It was immersed in the sea of ​​blood and sucked blood to improve its own strength. It can be said to be a ferocious beast, but it already has sanity. It can also be said to be a prehistoric one. Creatures.

It all depends on what each person thinks.

"My name is Taoist Mosquito. I have met my Taoist friend. Thank you so much for helping me to be born!"

The mosquito Taoist turned into a delicate-looking woman, but she was a female creature. She had a curvy figure, plump breasts and fat buttocks, and a mouth filled with densely packed sharp teeth.

Although she looks like this in human form, in fact, sucking blood relies solely on that extremely sharp mouth, not the so-called teeth.

Of course, the sharpness of the teeth cannot be ignored.

Taoist Mosquito had reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian right after he was born. This fact also made Ancestor Minghe feel a sinking feeling in his heart. Good guy, this is a higher level of cultivation than when he was born.

But then I thought about it, today is different from the past, it is normal to be born with a big Luo, so I don't take it too seriously.

What followed was a calamity cloud in the sky, but it was easily dispersed by the Ancestor Styx.

"No, from now on the blood sea can allow fellow Taoists to travel freely, but they must not absorb too much blood energy here, so as not to ruin the practice of many living beings."

Ancestor Styx nodded and said slowly.

This is both dissuasion and warning.

If the other party insists on sucking the blood sea dry without listening to the dissuasion, then I can only destroy it myself.

For a mere Golden Immortal, it is already a great blessing for him to call him a fellow Taoist, and what about sucking the blood sea's blood energy.

If the blood sea's blood energy is sucked out, then is it still a blood sea? Wouldn't it become an ordinary sea, like the rivers and lakes in the prehistoric world? At that time, should we give some territory to the dragon clan...

So, the Styx Patriarch will not sit and watch this happen.

"Don't worry, I know my limits."

The Mosquito Taoist smiled when he heard this. He could also feel the extremely powerful existence from the Styx Patriarch. He immediately said crisply: "I wonder if I can worship you as my elder brother, so that I can have someone to take care of me in the prehistoric world."

The Styx Patriarch frowned when he saw this, and kept calculating with his hands. After knowing that the other party was also a creature with great luck, he nodded immediately and said: "Since we were both born in the sea of ​​blood, and I am older than you, I should be your elder brother."

In addition to the other party's background being good, his great luck is also very important. As for whether it is acquired divine, this is actually not important. Acquired and innate is just like that. As long as the background is deep, it is enough.

"Thank you, elder brother. I greet you."

The Mosquito Taoist was overjoyed when he heard this, and then immediately bowed and said.

She was able to obtain a large background just after she was born, which is also her blessing.

"In that case, I will go out to practice." Taoist Mosquito bowed to the Styx Patriarch again, and after receiving the Styx Patriarch's nod of approval, he turned into his original form and flew high.

She was extremely fast and had twelve wings, but after all, she was limited by her cultivation level, so she couldn't be much faster.

But if her cultivation level was raised to a few more levels, she would definitely fly very fast.

Her innate cultivation was to devour the avenue. No matter how much blood and essence she devoured, she would always digest it quickly. The deeper the understanding of the avenue, the faster she would digest it.

And after each digestion, the strength of her cultivation would continue to increase.

So, at this stage, she naturally had to find some Daluo Jinxian to absorb.

Or if there was a scene with extremely rich spiritual energy in the world, she could also absorb spiritual energy to improve her cultivation.

But how could absorbing spiritual energy be as fast as absorbing blood and blood and essence...

So, if you want to quickly improve your cultivation, you still have to absorb more blood and essence from practitioners. This is the right way.

On the other side, in the south of the Southern Wasteland.

A man in a five-color robe appeared here. The south of the Southern Wasteland is very close to the South Pole. This place is affected by the South Pole, making it extremely hot.

It seems that if you live here, you will be burned to death. Creatures with insufficient cultivation do not even dare to step into the South Pole. At most, they can only survive in the Southern Wasteland.

Most places in the Southern Wasteland are actually not affected much. Only those places very close to the South Pole will be affected by it and become abnormally hot.

The man in the five-color robe is Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan has been practicing diligently since he was born. He once thought about going to worship Tongtian. After all, the Jiejiao sect teaches everyone and does not set any restrictions. You can go if you want to, and you can leave if you want to.

But he thought about it again. He is the young master of the Phoenix clan. He should restore the Phoenix clan. Not to mention restoring the prosperity of previous years, at least he cannot sink like this.

Kong Xuan took a step and stepped into the South Pole.

As a five-colored peacock, he controls the five elements of Qi by nature, and the five elements of Qi are nurtured and circulated by him, turning into five feathers, and then he refined them into five-colored divine light, turning them into a magical power.

This five-colored divine light is very powerful, and it can almost wipe out everything in the world. As long as the cultivation is sufficient, the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can also wipe it out for you to see.

Magical skills are like this, which vary from person to person. The higher the cultivation, the more powerful they are.

"The Phoenix clan, which used to roam between heaven and earth and would not fall unless it was a phoenix tree for ten thousand years, has now become such a situation, shrinking in the Antarctic and not daring to go out..."

Kong Xuan looked at the dense immortal volcanoes everywhere he saw, and his heart was chilled.

There are too many immortal volcanoes in Antarctica, so Antarctica is also called the Antarctic volcano land.

Here, immortal volcanoes are erupting all the time, and a large amount of magma is constantly erupting with the volcanoes.

The temperature of the molten lava is extremely high. If you fall into it carelessly, you will die.

Fortunately, these phoenixes are not afraid of flames and molten lava. They are born with the Southern Ming Lihuo, so how can they be afraid of these?

They can even go directly into the molten lava to take a bath. In addition, the phoenix has the ability to be reborn in the fire. If it is used, it is possible to revive with full blood.

"Who is the leader of the phoenix clan now?"

Kong Xuan shouted to the sky. He was already in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, and he was only one step away from breaking through to Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

When he was born after overcoming the tribulation, he was already in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Now that he has reached the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, his speed is not bad, but compared with those creatures of the human race, it is much later.

It's not his fault. The cultivation talent of the human race is the best among all the tribes in the prehistoric world. It can directly compare with the talents of the top innate saints, not to mention the acquired saint Kong Xuan.

With Kong Xuan's loud shout, the phoenixes in the immortal volcano in the entire Antarctic flew towards Kong Xuan.

They were not afraid of Kong Xuan, but they felt some breath from Kong Xuan, which was the breath of Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang in the past, and the breath of the Phoenix Clan Leader! ! !

Their eyes were red, and they rushed here.

Kong Xuan saw that these phoenixes were so active, and a smile appeared on his face.

But when he thought that these phoenixes were running to worship him, he saw the leading phoenix with many wounds on his body staring at Kong Xuan, gritting his teeth and saying: "You still have the face to come here?!!!"

Kong Xuan's face froze when he heard this. These phoenixes were not coming to worship him, which means that the other party did not recognize Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang at all...

This is an extremely difficult point for what he wants to do. If he can't subdue these phoenixes, how can he restore the former glory of the Phoenix Clan!

But what he faced was the collective hatred from the phoenixes.

"Get out of the Immortal Volcano!!!"

"Your parents caused us to sink into this place and we have not made any progress in cultivation. I don't know how many years it has been. You dare to come here!!!"

"For the sake of your parents' good deeds in the past, we don't want to hurt you, but please get out of the Immortal Volcano quickly!! You are not welcome here!!!"

Countless Phoenix clan members roared madly, and many of them were cursing.

All the members of the Phoenix clan are in the realm of Daluo Jinxian. Although the prehistoric world is constantly getting stronger, they can't get stronger at all, and even reproducing offspring has become extremely difficult.

This is to blame the killing and cause and effect created in the prehistoric war in the past. If not, this situation would not have happened.

Those evil retributions weighed on the luck of the Phoenix clan. The luck of the Phoenix clan was originally huge, but most of it evaporated instantly with the end of the three-clan war.

The little bit of luck that was left was suppressed by the karma and sins and could not escape.

Not to mention improving the realm of cultivation, it was extremely difficult to reproduce.

Kong Xuan was so angry when he was scolded by them. He was originally an extremely fierce god. In order to improve his cultivation, he swallowed countless creatures into his stomach in these years.

Of course, he did not dare to swallow any of the people from the four major tribes. Although he wanted to swallow them very much, he did not dare to do so for fear of retaliation.

Even the people from the small tribes who swallowed them did not dare to swallow too much at one time for fear of being caught, but they shot and moved to another place.

Over the years, he has been notorious.

But he was also quite sensible and knew not to provoke those who could not afford to offend, otherwise the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian would have come out and killed him in one move.

Just as he was about to make a move, the phoenix with wounds all over his body that could not be healed spoke up: "Go back, this place does not belong to you, this is a place full of sins. I see that you have made great achievements in cultivation, so you must not be entangled in sins. In the future, you should do more good deeds and do less sins, so as not to fall into our situation.

This sinful place should not belong to you young people, so let us linger here and die...

Perhaps, the Heavenly Dao also likes to see the Phoenix Clan die..."

Said the last sentence, he smiled bitterly, his heart full of resentment for the injustice of the Heavenly Dao.

As the three clans fought for hegemony, why did the Phoenix Clan and the Qilin Clan end up like this!

And the Dragon Clan is getting more prosperous day by day! They are all races that have experienced the war between the three clans!

But he didn't know that it was the Phoenix and Qilin clans, not the Dragon clan, that started this war. The Dragon clan was forced to fight back. Although they were bewitched by Luohou and Hongjun, that was also their own ignorance.

And this is not the point. The point is that the Dragon clan made contributions in this war, while the two clans only had sins in this war. As for why?

The reason is that the Dragon clan won, which promoted the development of the prehistoric world. The two clans, as the initiators and the defeated parties, should bear the sins of the war.

This is the prehistoric world. The winner should enjoy everything, and the loser should bear everything.

Extremely fair, this is the real fairness.

There is no such thing as the winner should be the same as the loser, that is not fair.

The development of the prehistoric world is to deduce a stronger existence, not the so-called absolute fairness. Sometimes, absolute fairness is not real fairness.

Of course, the most important point is the existence of Ye Xuan behind it. In the past, Hongjun was the only one in power. Ye Xuan needed the Dragon clan to check and balance Hongjun to avoid that kind of thing.

For this purpose, he also specially enlightened the three sacred beings, Luohou, Zulong, and Xingchen Laozu.

Although Zulong did not show much importance of this matter in the end, Luohou and Xingchen Laozu did save all living beings in the prehistoric world.

Seeing the old senior like this, Kong Xuan was shocked and his anger disappeared immediately. He looked at him with infinite sincerity and said slowly: "As the son of Yuanfeng and Yuanhuang, I should inherit the legacy of my ancestors and take on the mission of prospering the Phoenix clan."

"Your cultivation is limited by the karma of the sins of heaven and earth, but I am different. I don't have those. So, when I achieve the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I will be able to find ways to save you. By then, the Phoenix clan will have the opportunity to prosper."

"Now, do you still want to drive me away?"

After saying that, Kong Xuan looked straight at the old and young people of the Phoenix clan in front of him.

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