Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 319: Talking about Phoenix in Phoenix Palace

After a long time, the old phoenix nodded, then turned into a figure, bowed to Kong Xuan in the air, and said:

"Feng Tian, ​​the former left protector of the Phoenix clan, greets the young master!!!"

"We greet the young master!!!"

The densely packed Phoenix clan members behind him, who looked like thousands at a glance, knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

These Phoenix clan members are the only ones left. Over the years, they have been hunted down a lot, and some have committed suicide and reincarnated.

Although there are still sins to be cleared before committing suicide and reincarnation, and it is unknown how long it will take to clear these sins, it can be imagined that there is a time limit for clearing sins. No matter how long it takes, there will always be a day to settle them completely.

After all, the sins that weigh too heavily on them are the sins of the entire Phoenix clan's luck, not the sins of a single individual. The sins of a single individual are actually very few, so few that they are almost nothing compared to the sins of a whole clan.

But if you stay in the Phoenix Clan, it will be like never seeing the day of success.

Not many creatures are willing to cling to the glory of the past and delay their own development.

But the Phoenix Clan is like this now. Too many members of the clan have committed suicide, and would rather suffer in hell and then reincarnate than stay in the Phoenix Clan today.

The Phoenix, a symbol of nobility in the past, is now nominally a lucky beast, but in fact it is still despised by its own clan.

They are all Daluo Jinxian. Seeing that the ethnic groups of their former subordinates are developing better than each other, and some even have Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, how can the Phoenix Clan, who have always been the leader of the bird clan, accept this?

It is precisely because of this that everyone can perceive what is the karma of heaven and earth, and can also deter many clans from being too presumptuous to do whatever they want.

Kong Xuan looked at the phoenixes that surrendered to him, nodded, and said, "Get up."

From then on, he was the leader of the Phoenix Clan. Although he was only the young master in name, when he led the Phoenix Clan to its peak, everyone would naturally be convinced by him.

At that time, Kong Xuan would become the real patriarch of the Phoenix Clan, just like his parents Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang.

He looked at the devastated Antarctic land, which was full of lava formed by the magma gushing out of the Undead Volcano.

The temperature here was extremely high, so high that many creatures did not dare to approach here, for fear of being affected by it. If it were not for his innate ability to control fire, he would not dare to approach here at all.

The reason why these phoenixes can stay in the Undead Volcano is entirely because of their instinctive talents.

Otherwise, in this prehistoric land with enhanced foundation, unless you have the innate ability to control fire, you can't step into it for a moment.

Even Kong Xuan, who is at the level of Hunyuan Zhenwo, cannot enter here if he does not have the power to control the five elements, let alone other creatures.

The Four Poles are difficult for creatures to enter, whether it is the attraction of Guixu in the East Pole, the temperature of the volcano in the South Pole, the sandstorm in the desert in the West Pole, or the freezing miasma in the North Pole, these are places rarely visited by prehistoric creatures.

Originally, only Daluo could enter, and with the improvement of the prehistoric foundation, these places became extremely harsh, and even the entry of the Hunyuan Zhenwo realm was extremely difficult, and could not be lived in for a long time.

Nowadays, only Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian can live in the Four Poles for a long time, unless they have the innate control ability.

Just like the Phoenix Clan in the Undying Volcano, the whole body is not afraid of heat and high temperature from the innate instinct, and even likes heat and high temperature.

Even the magma in the Undying Volcano, the Phoenix Clan can even freely intersperse it.

It's just that the deep underground is covered by an invisible film, making it difficult for them to enter, and even unable to see anything inside.

This point undoubtedly makes the Phoenix Clan very curious.

However, their cultivation level is too low to enter, so no matter how much they want to find out, they can never enter.

And it is precisely because these Phoenix Clan can hide in the Undead Volcano that they avoid the opportunity of being retaliated by their former subordinates. Otherwise, many tribes oppressed by the Phoenix Clan are very happy to beat the fallen dogs.

As the saying goes, take advantage of your illness to kill you, that's exactly it.

Although the conditions in the Four Poles are extremely harsh, it is still a natural umbrella for some special races, a natural barrier that can ensure that they are not harmed by the outside world.

At least, they will not be easily harmed by the outside world.

The reincarnation of the underworld in the East Pole Land is not a step-by-step process from the Land of Returning Ruins. Instead, the underworld ghosts pass through the Gate of the Underworld to reach the outside world, and then lead many undead souls through the Gate of the Underworld to return to the Ghost Gate, and then directly start the process in the underworld.

If the undead souls are allowed to pass through the Land of Returning Ruins in the East Pole Land, I don’t know how many undead souls can pass through, and they must have been great supernatural powers when they were alive.

At this time, Kong Xuan came to the Phoenix Palace built by the former Phoenix Clan with many phoenixes, where he could still vaguely see the former strength of the Phoenix Clan.

This Phoenix Palace was not built on the Immortal Volcano, but was moved from the original Wutong Mountain after the Phoenix clan retreated to the Immortal Volcano after their defeat.

Wutong Mountain is full of sycamores that are over 10,000 years old. Indus trees that are 100,000 years old can be seen everywhere. There are even many sycamore trees that are one million years old. The Phoenix Palace is located between two sycamore trees that are over 10,000,000 years old. above the canopy of the tree.

The canopy of the sycamore tree, which is more than tens of millions of years old, covers the sky and the sun, holding the entire Phoenix Palace high in the sky. The mist of glazed glass is constantly hanging down, flowing layer by layer along the branches of the sycamore tree.

Now, these two sycamore trees that are more than 10 million years old have also been moved to the vicinity of the immortal volcano in the Antarctic land, and they support the Phoenix Palace high on them.

Kong Xuan followed these Phoenix people into the Phoenix Palace, looked up at everything, and touched the towering pillars from time to time. He secretly thought in his heart that this was the palace where his father and mother lived in the past when they were powerful. .

The Phoenix Palace is an entire palace complex, not just one main hall. The various palaces inside also have different responsibilities. Now, with the decline of the Phoenix clan, these palace complexes have also been abandoned.

After going around and around, Kong Xuan finally led the remaining tribesmen into the main hall. The main hall was named Phoenix Hall, named after the clan name, which shows how general it is.

"My father and mother did not give birth to me. I once learned from the inheritance left by my parents that they felt the two qi of yin and yang in a place and gave birth to an egg. What was conceived in this egg was My brother."

Kong Xuan sat on the Phoenix chair where Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang originally sat together, looked at the people under him, and said slowly.

Whoever is born first is the elder brother, and whoever is born later is the younger brother.

Well, it might be my sister...

When the Phoenix clan members sitting below the main hall heard this, they all showed a hint of joy in their eyes and looked at each other. Then Feng Tian, ​​the left guardian of the Phoenix clan, stood up and said: "Young Master, what about this little Where does the young master live now?"

Kong Xuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. Sure enough, these people had a strange calculation in their minds. If they couldn't do it themselves, they might have to support the second son to control the government affairs of the Phoenix clan, otherwise they wouldn't call him the young master.

Fortunately, the other party didn't know where the younger brother was, just like he didn't know either.

Even with the feeling of being a brother in the dark, he couldn't find the other person at all.

In fact, it was really just a weak feeling, not even the slightest enhancement. It was difficult to find a direction, let alone the members of the Phoenix clan, which was even more impossible.

Kong Xuan knew that although he was the son of Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang, he was a peacock after all, not a phoenix. Whether the Phoenix clan would be willing to let him lead them was another matter.

After all, when the other party first heard that he was the son of Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang, he was furious. What does this mean? It means that Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang are no longer that kind of people in their minds. The supreme existence exists.

But it was Kong Xuan who said that he would lead the Phoenix clan, and they actually agreed with what he said.

Obviously, the purpose of the Phoenix clan is to use his hands to eliminate the sinful energy. After eliminating the karma, who knows whether they will still respect him as their master as they do now.

After all, although in name, I am the young master of the Phoenix Clan, but in terms of blood, although I was born from the head of the Phoenix Clan, I was only bred by them because of their feelings about the five elements of heaven and earth. I am not a Phoenix Clan at all. of blood.

No, a peacock was born.

And now, those members of the Phoenix clan must be looking for his younger brother to see if he is also a Phoenix. If he is a Phoenix, then he, the young master, may be in trouble...

For a moment, Kong Xuan sneered in his heart, looking at these Phoenix clan members with great disdain.

They have fallen to this level, and they still want to fight each other like this.

If it were him, let alone the son of the former clan leader at this stage, even if he was led by a foreigner, as long as possible, he would be willing to let the other party take him out of the sea of ​​suffering.

As for what will happen next, we will wait until later, instead of standing up directly before the future, as it seems to have some evil intentions.

"I don't know. If I knew, I would have led him back to the Phoenix Clan to recognize his ancestor."

Kong Xuan shook his head slowly and said, these words are indeed true. After all, for him, although there is a very weak sense in the dark, that kind of sense cannot guide him to the place where the other party is.

If this is the case, then it has nothing to do with the existence of this induction.

When the members of the Phoenix Clan heard this, there was a sense of loss in their eyes. This sense of loss happened to be noticed by Kong Xuan, who sneered in his heart.

"These people from the Phoenix Clan only have such a small city. No wonder they were fooled around by the Immortal Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor in the past!"

Kong Xuan had a disdainful taunt in his heart, looking down on these Phoenix clan members.

If he didn't need great power to achieve his goals, he wouldn't have come to these ruined Phoenix clan. What nonsense are they fellow clan members? Since Kong Xuan was born, he only had one younger brother or younger sister.

As for the rest, they are not his clansmen.

Moreover, as the first peacock in the world, his clan should be the peacock clan, not the so-called phoenix clan.

Even though he was born from a phoenix, he was just like a dragon giving birth to nine sons, all different.

A dragon gives birth to nine sons, and none of them are dragons. This refers to the nine sub-dragon clans born from the dragon clan and nine different races. These nine sub-dragon clans are the most powerful races among the sub-dragon clans, which are collectively referred to as the nine sub-dragon clans by the world. They are also often used to tease the dragon clan, saying that the dragon gave birth to nine sons, all different.

But in fact, it does not refer to nine sons, thousands of sons are different.

This sentence is actually used to tease the dragon clan for being lewd, giving birth to children at any time, and not letting go of any race they see, so that so many races are created, and so many different races are born.

Of course, they are all collectively called the dragon clan, and only within the dragon clan will there be a division between the true dragon clan and the sub-dragon clan.

As the name implies, the True Dragon Clan is formed by the combination of dragons, so the offspring are naturally from the True Dragon Clan, not other clans.

However, the Sub-Dragon Clan is the offspring of the Dragon Clan and other races. Those races are all strange in shape, with more or less dragon features, and also contain the blood of the Dragon Clan.

Of course, if the blood can be continuously purified, there is still a chance to become a True Dragon Clan, re-condense into a True Dragon Clan, and enter the core management of the Dragon Clan.

Kong Xuan looked into the distance and said silently in his heart: "My stupid brother, how long will you breed..."

If you want to strengthen the Phoenix Clan again, the effort required is undoubtedly extremely huge. It is very difficult to rely on him alone. As the saying goes, more people mean more helpers.

Kong Xuan is very clear in his heart. In the prehistoric world for so many years, he knows very well what he needs. In the prehistoric world, it is not enough to rely on one person to be strong. You need a large group of people to unite around you.

Moreover, these people must be extremely powerful. In other words, only when the Phoenix Clan develops like the Dragon Clan today, can Kong Xuan truly stand at the top of the world.

Just like Zulong, Suirenshi, and Dijiang.

These three are the most powerful beings besides the Emperor of Heaven. They are also the figures who have the final say in the prehistoric world. No one dares to underestimate these three people, and no one dares to underestimate the race behind them.

There are more than tens of thousands of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the prehistoric world, but these three can stand at the top. It is not that these three can beat the world without any opponents, but that there are extremely powerful forces behind these three.

This shows the importance of power.

The larger the power, the more a creature can stand at the top.

Many times, it is a single creature that achieves a power, and that power in turn completes this creature.

Just like Emperor Jun of the Heavenly Court, Emperor Jun entered the realm of supreme primordial chaos and made the Heavenly Court the strongest force in the prehistoric world. Then the Heavenly Court fed back to Emperor Jun, allowing Emperor Jun to continue to sit firmly on the throne of the Heavenly Emperor, and no one could overthrow him.

Unless the three major races join forces, the Heavenly Court can be overthrown.

The Dragon Clan obviously will not participate in this fight, because in the eyes of Zulong, no matter who becomes the Heavenly Emperor, it is not as good as what Emperor Jun has done now. Moreover, in his eyes, the Dragon Clan now does not need to go through any catastrophes at all, and it has nothing to do with him. Is it necessary to rush in and make the Dragon Clan stained with sins?

And the rest, whether it is the human race or the witch race, are not the existence that takes the initiative to provoke a stand. The human race is martial but peace-loving, and is unwilling to take the initiative to attack, not to mention that the Heavenly Emperor has a great favor to the human race.

And the witch clan is even more so. As long as the Heavenly Court does not do evil and harm the prehistoric world, or does something against the witch clan, the witch clan will naturally not do anything out of boredom.

As for the immortal ancestor who wanted to sow discord between the two tribes, he was now suppressed and sealed in the chaos, so he couldn't do it at all.

Therefore, in the prehistoric world today, all tribes are extremely stable.

"Go find my brother and ask him to return to the Phoenix tribe."

Kong Xuan looked at the Phoenix tribe members who were chattering below and said slowly.

When these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Then, Feng Tian was overjoyed and hurriedly replied: "I will obey the orders of the young master! We will welcome the young master back, and we will have no reluctance to do so!"

"We will welcome the young master back, and we will have no reluctance to do so!"

The Phoenix tribe members also followed suit.

Seeing this, Kong Xuan smiled and nodded, as if he was very happy with the Phoenix tribe members below.

Only he knew that he was just using the other party, and the other party was just using him.

As long as his strength is strong enough to shock the other party and can continue to shock, in the long run, there will always be Phoenix tribe members who are loyal to him.

Although Kong Xuan didn't know much about power politics, he knew that as long as he was strong enough, he could suppress the old faction and promote the new faction, and the Phoenixes promoted from the bottom would naturally be loyal to him.

Because if Kong Xuan left, the newly promoted Phoenixes would lose their power and be suppressed by the old Phoenixes again.

How many people don't want to be the supreme king?

If you can't be a king, being a prime minister is also the dream of many people.

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