Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 320: The Origin of Fuxi's Plan

"Kong Xuan has become more ambitious, but I wonder if Kong Xuan, who was said to be nearly invincible to a saint in the past, can lead the Phoenix clan out of this quagmire..."

Ye Xuan looked at the ambitious Kong Xuan below and thought to himself.

The Phoenix Clan's huge sins were half of the sins caused by the war between the three clans in the past, and the remaining half went to the Qilin Clan.

But even if the Phoenix clan has been suppressing the immortal volcano over the years, it is considered a meritorious deed to protect the creatures in the southern wilderness from the threat of the immortal volcano.

The merit gained from suppressing the immortal volcano for so many years is also constantly consuming the karma of sin. However, the karma of sin is too great. The lives killed and injured in that battle are almost useless, so this merit is nothing more than Just a drop in the bucket.

Only something that truly achieves great merit can eliminate most of the sinful karma at once, or even completely eliminate it, depending on the amount of merit.

Now, as the only existence of the Peacock Clan, Kong Xuan dominates the fate of the entire Peacock Clan, and joining the Phoenix Clan can offset a lot of the Phoenix Clan's sins.

Of course, compared with the huge karma of sin, it is still a drop in the bucket, a drop in the bucket.

If you really want to offset each other, you can only rely on obtaining great merit. Otherwise, you need to continuously expand to increase your luck to offset some sins.

But if you really want to offset this entire sin, how much territory do you have to occupy...

Fortunately, today's ancient wilderness has expanded hundreds of millions of times. No matter where it is in the world, there is still a large part of the land that is not occupied. The Phoenix clan still has a lot of land that can be occupied.

Even if it is close to the human race, as long as the human race does not occupy it first, the Phoenix clan can naturally occupy it.

It's just that the Phoenix clan is weak and may not even have the ability to defend.

Therefore, the top priority is for Kong Xuan to break through to the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal Realm as soon as possible, and then think about whether he can search for some merit, or occupy a side, and slowly consume those sins through a steady stream of luck.

Of course, you still have to continue to do good deeds and merit for all sentient beings. For example, suppressing the immortal volcano, the merit gained from this is too great.

Today's Phoenix clan can still give birth to new Phoenix clansmen for who knows how many years, just because they are useful to Tiandao and can suppress the immortal volcano.

If the Phoenix Clan hadn't suppressed the Immortal Volcano in recent years and the Immortal Volcano had completely erupted, I don't know how many lives would have died.

Not to mention the lava, even the huge dust brought by the eruption of the immortal volcano can kill countless living beings.

Those dusts are like the red sand in Patriarch Hongyun's Nine-Nine Red Clouds Sansoul Gourd, which can invade people's minds and kill people invisibly.

Not to mention those extremely lethal molten magma, which will kill you if you touch it, and you will die if you touch it.

Once it is contaminated at all, unless you abandon this body, there will be no chance to escape, and it will be wrapped up in an instant. If you do not escape in time, your own soul may even be destroyed.

At this moment, a message suddenly came from Ye Xuan's mind.

"Ye Xuan, the second game is about to begin."

This was passed on to him by Zhu Yuanzhang, the dean of Daming College. After hearing this, Ye Xuan quickly thought about it and returned to reality.

On the ring, Ye Xuan stood on it like the rest of the people.

Immediately afterwards, the order of drawing lots started. This time, Ye Xuan had to face a person from the empire where the sun never sets.

With a flash of body, the two of them entered a unique space.

This is another level of space in the arena, without interruption from others.

Ye Xuan looked at the other person's yellow hair, and vaguely began to think of the descendants of the human race in his own prehistoric world, but in an instant he put it behind his head, then looked at the other person and said: " please."


An Dami said slowly.

Immediately afterwards, the space channel between the two slowly stretched out and connected to each other.

Holy Knight in the Kingdom of God.

An Dami·Kick Blast Button transformed into a female body. This is a male body and a female form, disguised as a woman's figure.

He is the mother goddess here, the princess who raised this world.

It is the sustenance of the spirit and the yearning of the gods of the world.

One by one, the knights in white with Pegasus riding on their crotches looked up at An Dami and kicked and buckled.

Those Pegasus have wings on their backs and can fly or run. They are all white in color and look very beautiful. There is nothing that tarnishes them.

These are the most powerful group of fourth-level creatures that An Dami Kick Blast Button has.

These are called Pegasus Knights. They are the knights who closely follow the Mother Goddess Princess. They are the most glorious and supreme existence.

Any powerful knight, after reaching a certain level of strength, can become the guardian knight of the Mother Goddess Princess.

Even the Pegasus under his crotch is an extremely powerful existence, which can be equivalent to a half-step fourth-level existence.

This powerful combination makes the Pegasus Knight even more powerful.

In addition to Pegasus Knights, the most powerful in this world is the Dragon Knight, who is also called Dragon Knight. All of them are at the peak of the third level and half a step to the fourth level. If one day they can break through the fourth level, they will be promoted from Dragon Knight to Pegasus Knight.

This world does not have fancy magic, nor does it have any fighting spirit or spiritual energy. There is only the extremely proliferating power of protection.

The power of protection can be transformed into a shield to firmly guard one side, or it can be transformed into a sharp sword to become an indestructible weapon.

All this depends on how each person uses it.

"Warriors, someone wants to invade our home! Someone wants to destroy the home we depend on for survival! Someone wants to kill me. Tell me, what choice will you make when you encounter this situation!"

An Damin·Kaibaokou is a man, but he turned into a woman. This is because he has a special hobby. He also longs to be a princess and be protected by everyone, so his kingdom of God has become such a kingdom of God.

Of course, because of this, he has been ridiculed by many people.

But no matter how others laughed at him, he used his own strength to tell those people again and again that you can't judge a person by appearance. Don't think that a sissy won't hit people. Oh, no, don't think that the Knights' Kingdom is weak.

As expected, when An Daming's Kingdom of God appeared in front of everyone.

The viewing platform began to burst out with dense laughter.

"Hahaha, what's wrong with that person? Such a strong man turned into a delicate and beautiful woman!"

"Too much contrast, I want to vomit..."


"Hey, hey, hey, you are too much. I'm just pretending to be a woman. Do you have to pretend to vomit like this? You are all creators, and you still vomit? Ugh..."

Before he finished speaking, he also vomited. It was too smelly.

Obviously, whether it was him or others, they couldn't accept it.

They all looked at each other with strange eyes.

The same is true for Ye Xuan's kingdom of God. You can't see a single bit of it. It was a top secret in the past, and others can't see it at all.

Only the opponent who is fighting against it can see it, and some super bosses who are high above can see it.


In the prehistoric world, Daluo Realm, thirty-three heavens, Lingxiao Palace.

"The passage to the other world is open again, and we should lead the crowd in. According to the last agreement, this time we should go to the Heavenly Court."

The figure of Emperor Jun suddenly appeared in the Lingxiao Palace, and a divine thought summoned the whole hall of the Hunyuan Realm.

Last time, it was agreed that it would be too wasteful for the four major forces to enter together, so each time one of the forces would take the lead, and the rest would go if they wanted to, and they would not force them if they didn't want to go.

But whoever is going to send troops must send troops.

In order to set an example, the first one is naturally the Heavenly Court, the second one is the Wu Clan of the Underworld, the third one is the Dragon Clan, and the fourth one is the Human Clan.

The Dragon Clan ranked third because they were a strong and surviving race since ancient times, which was a respect for the elderly, while the Human Clan ranked fourth because they were strong people of the new generation, which was a love for the younger brothers.

The Heavenly Court was the most powerful, so it should lead by example.

The Underworld ranked second because the Witch Clan was extremely powerful.

So, this time it was the Heavenly Court's turn to send troops.

Emperor Jun did not expect that he would encounter another alien world so soon. It was only a few hundred years in the prehistoric world, and it was even a matter of a moment in the outside world.

Although Emperor Jun did not expect it to be so fast, the Heavenly Court's ability to gather was still very strong.

"This time, the Demon King Fuxi will lead a thousand Hunyuan realms to personally conquer the alien world."

Emperor Jun looked at Fuxi. Fuxi was proficient in the way of the Eight Diagrams. This thing was created by him, and it even seemed to touch another avenue.

The movement of heaven and earth, yin and yang, the five elements, nothing can escape Fuxi's Qiankun Dao and Bagua Dao.

Yin and yang, the eight trigrams, endless.

From Qiankun to the eight trigrams, another Dao is controlled, and this eight trigrams is one of the acquired Dao, the Dao created by living beings.

Upon hearing this, Fuxi immediately stood up from the side, looked at Di Jun, bowed slightly and said: "Fuxi thanks your Majesty, I will definitely comprehend that world!"

In this expedition, in addition to destroying the opponent, it is also necessary to comprehend what kind of world it is, and even try to seize the origin of the world in the world in one fell swoop.

Although it is not known whether the origin of the world will work after it is seized, it must not be a bad thing for the prehistoric world.


Di Jun nodded slightly and raised his hand and said.

Upon hearing this, Fuxi led the ten demon generals and thousands of generals who had been prepared by the heavenly court, and headed towards the passage to the other world.

Soldiers are better in quality than quantity. Even if creatures below the Primordial Realm enter the other world, they will not be able to play any role at all. On the contrary, they will cause a large number of casualties. For Di Jun, this is undoubtedly asking for casualties.

It is better to let those Primordial Realm creatures go, at least to ensure zero casualties.

According to his last observation, he found that among the creatures in the other world, except for some extremely special beings that are difficult to kill, the rest of the creatures also have strength that far exceeds Hunyuan's true self, but they do not have the true power. Reaching the strength of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he could not even achieve the immortality of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Di Jun didn't know why, but he just thought that their practice had gone astray, and that they had not taken the real path at all.

And as Fuxi personally led the ten demon commanders and thousands of generals towards the space passage, the other three major forces also came up with their own ideas.

Among the human race, only Su Ming planned to go to another world. He wanted to figure out how to get from the prehistoric world to another world.

This will involve traveling through an infinite world of chaos. In the world of chaos, there are still too many unsolved mysteries. There are many places that they have not explored. Is there anything else in this huge chaos? What about the world...

However, the Witch Clan has no plans to go there. They will be responsible for handling the next foreign world, and there is no need to go there in a big way. As for the single individual, no Witch Clan is willing to go there.

Those creatures from other worlds are really too despicable and disgusting. They are disgusting things from deep down.

The same is true for the Dragon Clan. They are just too lazy to meddle in their own business. It is just a small alien world. Heavenly Court can easily crush it.

As for the other holy beings, the four major clans did not stop their actions. The space passage was at the junction of the four clans in the Daluo Realm, and there was also a place for the casual cultivators of the ancient world to stay.

As long as they are willing, everyone can go to another world, and there is no need to worry about losing anything anyway. After all, it is full of alien creatures, and they are all killed together.

Whether it is Heavenly Court who kills the other party, or other creatures kill the other party, they are all fighting for the prehistoric era.


When An Dami Kick Bakunk saw thousands of fourth-level creatures running out of the space passage, his heart sank, his face stiffened, and he took a breath of cold air.

The number of his Pegasus knights is only more than 700, but the opponent actually has thousands of fourth-level creatures, which makes them how to fight.

"Escape? Give up?"

This thought suddenly appeared in An Dami's mind, but he threw it away in an instant.

"No, if you run away without a fight, you will definitely be reviled by the whole country when you return! No! Besides, the thousands of fourth-level creatures on the other side might be all the fourth-level creatures on the other side!"

"And they are both at the fourth level, and their strength is also high and low. Maybe the other party has so many numbers because of its weak strength. My more than 700 Pegasus knights may not be the opponents of the other party!"

"This battle is not about being completely crushed and unable to fight! In this battle, I will defeat the many with less! The weak will defeat the strong!"

An Dami's confidence was rekindled once again. He shouted loudly: "Pegasus Knight, destroy the foreign enemies!!!"

"The rest of the knights, leave here quickly, you are not allowed to participate here!"

"Kill by the order of Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

The leader of the Pegasus Knights shouted loudly, and then took the lead in charging towards Fuxi and others.


The flying dragon knights and other knights heard this and fled here one after another.

Just as the Mother Goddess Princess said, they are not strong enough to fight against that kind of existence. Instead of going up to die in vain, it would be better to watch from the sidelines.

Many flying dragon knights secretly vowed in their hearts that they would practice hard and strive to break through to the fourth level of strength in the future and become a Pegasus knight to serve Her Royal Highness the Princess.

At this time, Fuxi led the heavenly army and did not directly start the battle. Instead, he said to the soldiers: "You play with them first. No matter what, you can't kill them without my order. Instead of pretending to be indifferent." ”

"Yes, I will obey Emperor Xi's order!"

Bai Ze, the leader of the top ten demon commanders, immediately spoke up, and the rest of the people also followed suit.

Afterwards, these Heavenly Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortals moved toward each other one after another, and one or two of them held back all the Pegasus knights.

For a time, everyone was together.

Except Fuxi...

Fuxi's figure flashed and disappeared into nothingness. It was hard to find his presence in the vast world and years.

After seeing this scene, An Dami's originally high emotions disappeared in an instant, and he began to search for Fuxi's figure in this world in great panic.

But wherever he looked, there was no trace of Fuxi, not even a trace of his existence could be seen.

For a moment, An Dami couldn't help but feel horrified in his heart.

"How is it possible! How is it possible that we can't find him!!!"

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible!!!"

"This is my world, why can't I see the existence of others!?!"

"This is absolutely impossible! He must be hiding in a corner!"

"But why can't I find it?!!"

"Could it be that he returned to the previous world and left where he was..."

Fuxi is currently in this world. He has not returned to the ancient world. He has used the Great Avenue of Heaven and Earth as a cover to wrap himself tightly and hide himself in this world.

Even the creator of this world could not find his figure in this world.

Because at this moment, he seemed to have disappeared in this world.

No, not as if, but really disappeared!

The Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, changing the heaven and earth, blocking the eyes of all living beings in the world, that is extremely simple, even the creator cannot see it.

This is the power of the Great Dao, which is not something that the creator gods who can only create the world can perceive.

"Is this the origin of the world in this world..."

Fuxi looked at this world, lowered his head and muttered to himself.

In front of him was the origin of the world, shining.

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