Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 321: The battle of the seventh level, to seize the origin!

An extremely bright light appeared in Fuxi's eyes, and he reached out, wanting to touch the origin of the world.


The origin of the world flickered, but I avoided letting it touch my mind.

During the flash of light just now, Fuxi's eyes flashed with light, and he caught a glimpse of something mysterious.

That trace of magic was different, like the sky splitting, like the earth shaking wildly.

Various scenes in the world are constantly evolving in it, and he even glimpses the mutual transformation of yin and yang, and the endless thought of life and death.

"Is this the origin of the world?! It actually has such a wonderful effect! It evolves everything in the world! It can present everything in the world!"

Fuxi's eyes have never dimmed since he stepped into it. In his opinion, this is simply a treasure.

"No, this place can only evolve everything in this world, but not everything in the prehistoric times!"

Soon, Fuxi discovered the difference. He found that this could not evolve into the scene in the prehistoric times. All the things that evolved were everything in this world.

But even so, this is also an extremely shocking existence.

If there were no special means, it would probably not be possible to bring it into the wilderness.

"What will happen if the origin of this world is taken away..."

For a moment, such a voice appeared in Fuxi's heart.

He wants to know if he takes away the origin of this world, whether he can directly cause the world to collapse and be destroyed.

After all, this is the source of everything, the foundation of the world, and the origin.

Once any business is separated from its origin, it will lead to its demise.

After all, there is nothing left at all, so where can we talk about manifestation?

Just like if there is no avenue of yin and yang in the world, then naturally there will be no two qi of yin and yang...

There is no distinction between yin and yang between heaven and earth, and there are no many things about yin and yang.

"This world of knights has developed so well. It's really strange that it can reach the fourth level."

Ye Xuan looked at the Kingdom of Knights that was invaded by the primitive creatures and said with some emotion.

The world of knights can only be regarded as a low-level world. After all, the strength of knights has an upper limit and is extremely low. However, I did not expect that the changes would be so drastic.

I thought that Liu Yong's Kingdom of Knights was already a weird thing, a special one, but I didn't expect that there was someone even more weird than him.

A strong man actually disguised himself as a delicate and weak woman, pretending to be weak and innocent all day long.

Ye Xuan felt queasy when he saw it. After all, Liu Yong's Kingdom of Knights was weird and weird with all kinds of creatures, such as those angel knights riding ugly angels, such as those riding beautiful and charming ones with good figures. Demonic Demon Knight.

To be honest, many people are extremely envious of Liu Yong's Kingdom of God. The devil full of charm makes many people can't help but move their index fingers.

After all, every battle with Liu Yong is a test of willpower. Each of those demons is half-clothed, and some even have some scars on their bodies.

In Liu Yong's divine world, those with strong strength are all knights, while those with weak strength may become mounts.

As long as there is a mount, it is a knight.

Regardless of whether the mount is a living thing or not, as long as it is a mount, it is considered a knight.

From those riding angels to those riding motorcycles, it can be said that there is everything you want, only the unexpected, there is nothing they can't do.

On the other hand, An Dami’s Knight Divine Kingdom, which kicked and kicked explosive dunks, was weird and disgusting. Very few people did this.

He will be spurned by both men and women. Men will think that this person is disgusting and perverted. It is simply an insult to men.

Women, on the other hand, will think that this man is really disgusting. He actually turned into a woman, which is simply a defilement of women.

Therefore, if both men and women are displeased, they will be despised by the whole world.

The fact is exactly the same. An Dami Kibaokou has a problem with his character. Otherwise, he would not be able to do such a thing. With his idea, it would be enough to just fabricate a princess. He has to do it himself. It is simply Extremely disgusting.

"But having said that, what Fu Xi did this time is quite interesting. It is rumored that after seizing the origin of the other party's world, he can completely destroy the opponent's divine kingdom. After seizing the other party's divine kingdom, his own divine kingdom will be A subordinate world of the Kingdom of God has reappeared, and I don’t know whether it is real or fake.”

Ye Xuan looked at Fuxi below and said secretly.

Whether the legendary thing can be verified depends on whether Fuxi can do it now.

In the past wars between the Kingdom of God, no living being has ever been able to enter the origin of the opponent's world. However, someone like Fuxi who can hide his body in the enemy's creation god alive and come to the origin of the world, It has never appeared.

It is actually extremely difficult to do this.

Most of them happened in wild battles, and it was only then possible that this happened. After all, you could forcibly use the Kingdom of God to plunder the opponent's Kingdom of God. At this time, you could not tolerate the opponent's surrender.

But that's not the case here now. If they are discovered and the other party shouts to surrender, there will naturally be a corresponding mechanism to teleport the other party back. In this way, if you want to obtain the origin of this world, it will be It's an extremely difficult thing that few people can do.

After all, if the situation is not right, then surrender directly. After all, losing is always much better than losing the Kingdom of God and losing your cultivation.

It has to be said that Fuxi now seems to have found this opportunity.

At this time, the Knight God is in the country.

An Dami, Kick Bakunkou, looked overjoyed as he watched the primitive creatures below being resisted by his divine creatures.

As for Fuxi, he believed that he had gone back to the wilderness long ago, thinking that he could exterminate these creatures.

After all, they are both at the fourth level and have the strength of thousands of people. They can simply crush the game, so there is no need to stay here.

"Hey, you little creature, you are so arrogant, do you think your subordinates are as powerful as my divine kingdom creatures? Impossible! Hahahaha..."

An Dami, Kick Bakunkou, was shouting crazily in his heart, seeing that his seven hundred creatures were about to defeat the opponent.

As long as it drags on for a while, the opponent will definitely have a flaw. As long as one enemy creature dies, then you will have an extra fourth-level creature, and then you can help another fourth-order creature to defeat the opponent. .

In this way, another one was eliminated until the other party completely collapsed.

One passes to two, two to four, and with such constant increments, the opponent will soon lose.

Of course, the premise is that his creature can defeat the opponent's creature, and he has no doubt about this.

Being able to defeat the enemy with more than 1,000 level 4s with more than 700 levels 4, what does this mean? It means that the creatures of the Kingdom of God are much stronger than the creatures of the opponent's Kingdom of God.

Anyway, it was not something that those creatures could resist. He firmly believed that he would win soon.

"I don't know how long it will take His Majesty Xihuang. I can hardly continue acting. These creatures are too weak..."

While Bai Ze pretended to face the enemy with difficulty, he was actually absent-mindedly thinking about other things.

He felt that if he continued to pretend like this, he was really afraid that he would accidentally kill the other person.

outside world.

Observation stand.

"Isn't that student from Daxia Kingdom very strong? Last time, he defeated the opponent in seconds. Why didn't he take action this time? Why are he still hanging around there?"

"I don't know, is that British player that strong..."

"It's hard to say. They are both top students from two big countries. It's normal for them to fight."

In the VIP room.

"The students Zhu Yuanzhang brought this time seem to be a little unusual..."

The Speaker of the United Eagles, Little Biel Potsdam, said slowly. His eyes were staring at the outdoor arena, and his eyes penetrated endless time and space to where Ye Xuan was.

"That's natural, I might even take away your number one spot on the list!"

Zhu Yuanzhang nodded and then said with a smile.

There is no such thing as modesty in him, and there is absolutely nothing false about what he says.

Whatever he said was basically true.

Xiaobie Potsdam's expression froze when he heard this, then he softened and said calmly: "Oh? Really? This time, we also have peerless geniuses, and you are not the only one who has them."

What he said was indeed true. After inviting students from other countries, they already knew which students the other party might choose. As for Ye Xuan, he would definitely choose them.

He naturally knew that Ye Xuan was very powerful, but he still dared to say such words.

What does this mean? It means that there might be such a strong player among the United Eagles.

For a moment, Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the other party's smiling face, he suddenly understood.

"Oh, is it so?"

He didn't care what kind of peerless geniuses these were, he really didn't believe that the other party could cultivate a being more powerful than Ye Xuan.

"Of course, how could I lie."

Little Biel Potsdam nodded and said with a confident look.

At this moment, Zhu Yuanzhang became interested, and then turned his attention to the arena. There were many students in the arena. After the previous round of erosion, there were still more than 500 people left in this round. After it ends, there will be fewer ordinary people.

He just swept away his consciousness, and in an instant, the remaining players participating in these competitions in this arena in the infinite time and space understood all in an instant.

"So that's it. He is indeed a generation of genius, but it is not enough, far from enough."

Zhu Yuanzhang smiled, nodded, looked at the other person and said.

What he said is not enough means that the quality of the opponent's genius is not enough. He is not as powerful as Ye Xuan, and is much, much worse than Ye Xuan's strength.

When Xiaobie Potsdam heard this, his face darkened, and he snorted coldly: "How can you not know enough before the battle begins?!"

"How about just relying on the fact that you don't know Ye Xuan's true strength yet?" Zhu Yuanzhang, who is not an easy-going person, immediately replied when he saw the other party's expression.

"Haha! Then let's see the real chapter under my hands!"

Little Biel Potsdam didn't bother to say anything more to him. No matter how strong he was, he could always meet him when the time came. As long as two people were extremely strong, they would definitely be able to meet.

If they cannot meet, it must be that one of them is not strong enough or both of them are not strong enough.

No matter how many times they are divided, there is only one thing, that is, they will always meet at the peak in two-on-two battles, sooner or later.

And this time the battle table is divided, if Ye Xuan can really kill all the way up, then he will definitely meet the opponent in the final.

This does not mean that the Eagle United States has given up the place where the foreign students on Ye Xuan's side are located. In fact, most of them are from the Eagle United States.

This is done to ensure that from the champion to the third place, all are from the Eagle United States.

As for whether anyone can break through the top ten, let's see.

After all, the top eight will be divided after the top sixteen, and the eight people eliminated from the top sixteen will compete with each other to choose the ninth and tenth.

As for the rest of the people, they will not compete. The reason is very simple. They don't have so much time and energy to focus on the people ranked after the tenth.

The Eagle United States only needs strong people, not those who are not strong enough.


Inside the Knight God Kingdom

"Damn it, why haven't we resolved this battle yet?!!"

An Damin·Caibaodunk looked at this scene with a bad face. It was obvious that the creatures of the other kingdom of God looked like they were going to lose, but no matter how they attacked, they didn't lose.

It was always in that inexplicable state, as if the other party could be defeated in the next moment, but it seemed that they could never defeat the other party.

He vaguely felt that something was not good, and a panic rose from the bottom of his heart.

This emotion first appeared after the other party's leader, who looked very noble, disappeared, and then he forgot about it, but now it has risen again.

And as he felt panic in his heart, suddenly, a strange bad feeling appeared instantly.


Boom! ! !

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked, the sky was constantly torn apart, and the earth was constantly shaking.

In the whole sky, it seemed that something had dissipated from the source, and it began to collapse continuously.

The sky that was originally high above the sky collapsed towards the human world in an instant.

Along with it, the stars in the sky were falling madly.

The sun that was hanging high in the huge sky was dim and extinguished in an instant.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

One after another, the stars that were originally bright and dazzling continued to explode and decompose in the fall.

The explosion of stars brought great light between heaven and earth.

This is the most beautiful light, and it is also the last light...

On the earth, the tsunami was hundreds of thousands of feet high, losing the control of the original power, like a wild horse running away from the reins, sweeping towards the earth, taking away countless lives in an instant.

Boom! ! !

One after another, the flat land rose high, towering on the top of the world, and then turned red.

But streams of molten lava erupted from it, gushing out in all directions.

In an instant, the world looked like a doomsday scene.

The sky and the earth were constantly disintegrating, and some extremely terrifying scenes appeared as the world was disintegrating. The originally calm sea water and magma turned into deadly killers at this moment, violent and terrifying.

"Did His Majesty Emperor Xi succeed..."

Bai Ze looked at this scene, muttered to himself, and then said to the soldiers around him.

"The origin of the world has been taken, kill them all, and return to the prehistoric world!"

"Follow the order of the great demon commander!"

Fuxi was not there, so Bai Ze had the final say here. He was the leader of the ten demon commanders in the heavenly court. He had accumulated a lot of prestige on weekdays. Now that he spoke, no one dared not to obey his orders.

Then, the magical powers in the sky were floating, and some of them could even compete with the stars that dissipated between heaven and earth.

In an instant, countless lights appeared between heaven and earth.

But it was only for a moment, and then it disappeared along with the thousands of prehistoric creatures.

An Daming·Caibaokou in the sky was pale at this time.

He finally knew where the panic in his heart came from, and he finally knew where the other party was going.

It turned out that the leader was going to seize his world origin.

"My kingdom of God! My cultivation!!! No!!!"

An Daming·Caibaokou felt the rapid decline of his cultivation in his body. In a short moment, it was reduced to the realm of the third-level creator god. The godhead degenerated and turned into a divine fire.

The blazing divine fire was also constantly degenerating, and it degenerated along with the degradation of the whole world.

The world continued to collapse, and with it, An Daming·Caibaokou's mind continued to collapse.

Ye Xuan looked at the other party's miserable state and just shook his head slightly. He didn't know how a person who couldn't even watch the world origin of his own kingdom of God could achieve the fourth-level realm.

Although he was the initiator, he had no psychological pressure at all for this.

The other party was not from the Great Xia Kingdom at all. The collapse of the Kingdom of God had nothing to do with him. If he had the ability, he could go to the prehistoric world to find trouble with Fuxi.

Find him? It was none of his business!

Moreover, he did not feel sorry for the other party at all for the miserable state of An Daming's kick and dunk.

As for Fuxi, he had already returned to the prehistoric world with the prehistoric heavenly way.

He used his supreme divine power to communicate with the primordial world, across countless time and space, and guided the primordial heavenly way to come.

This is also the reason why Fuxi was able to devour the origin of the world. In fact, it was not Fuxi who devoured the origin of the world, but the primordial heavenly way that devoured the origin of the world in this world.

In the primordial world.

Fuxi and the heavenly way returned to the world together, and then a huge golden light followed.

This is the power of merit, which is a reward for Fuxi leading the heavenly way to devour the origin of a world. This is naturally a lot stronger for the primordial world.

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