Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 322: Transform the world and share the benefits

In addition, golden light shone brightly between heaven and earth.

The Heavenly Dao stood majestically, and then another portal appeared in the prehistoric world.

That portal, like the portal of the Daluo Realm at the beginning, led to another world.

The origin of the prehistoric world did not completely swallow it up, but it was swallowed up, and it just reappeared and became a subordinate world of the prehistoric world.

And this world is a world that is attached to the prehistoric world.

It is the same as those three thousand great worlds, but not completely the same as the three thousand great worlds.

The three thousand great worlds are fundamentally just a cave attached to the prehistoric world, a place of adventure secrets, and the like, which completely belongs to the prehistoric world from the root.

And this world is another world created by other creator gods in the past, which is completely different from the prehistoric world.

But now, under the swallowing of the prehistoric Heavenly Dao, it has become a subordinate world of the prehistoric world, a world generated by the prehistoric world.

However, this world is fundamentally difficult to change, and its manifestation is still the previous world of this world, but it belongs to the prehistoric world.

In other words, it is equivalent to the adopted son of the prehistoric world, and the creatures bred in it are still the same as before, that is, the son born by the adopted son actually has little to do with the prehistoric world.

But in terms of identity, it is still a part of the prehistoric world, that is, it plundered that world and increased the strength of the prehistoric world.


Outside world

"Oh my god!!! I was wondering why the student from Daxia couldn't beat him! It turns out that he wanted to seize the origin of the kingdom of God from others!!"

"It is said that if you seize the origin of the kingdom of God from other worlds, you will regenerate a world that is dependent on your kingdom of God from your own kingdom of God, that is to say, you will move the other party's kingdom of God to your own kingdom of God. I don't know if it is true or not!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that such a difficult thing would happen, and it happened in the game!!!"

Although there are many people who can beat the other party in the wild, almost every creator god will directly choose to self-destruct when the origin of the world is about to be seized, and will not let the other party get what they want.

Anyway, if the kingdom of God is seized, there is only one way to die, so basically everyone chooses to fight to the death.

And even if some people succeed, they do it very secretly, and they will not publicize it so much, because once this matter is spread, it will inevitably make many creator gods disgusted with it and choose to stay away from it.

So, this matter has become a legend.

After all, if you want to seize the other party's world origin, you must have at least a fourth-order realm to do this.

This rule has eliminated countless lives.

An Daming·Caibaodunk walked to the side in a daze, and walked down from the ring step by step.

His heart was silent at this time, and he had completely collapsed. He just wanted to find a deserted place and die there.

And the villa is a good choice.

When the leader of the Sun Never Sets Empire saw it, he just looked at it coldly and didn't care about anything.

In the eyes of all of them, it was like this, there was no use value, go and die wherever you want.

Before the cultivation realm was abolished, he was a favored child of heaven and needed to be taken care of. After the cultivation realm was abolished, he was nothing and worthless.

Instead of training the other party from scratch, it is better to give that resource to others.

Unless he has a big force to rely on, he may stand up again, otherwise, there is probably no chance.

Because with the decline of his cultivation level, his name on the list has long fallen down, and there is no God Source reward at all, so he can only rely on the God Source he saved in the past to climb up again.

This is undoubtedly extremely difficult, even almost impossible.

Therefore, many creator gods directly find a place to end their lives quietly after their cultivation level is abolished, so as to avoid asking others for help.

Many people whose cultivation level is abolished also fall at this level. Now An Dami·Kaibaodunk is also at this stage. He just wants to escape from here quickly, return to the villa, and end his life decently.

As for how he will be dealt with after death, it doesn’t matter.

He is dead, so why bother.

Ye Xuan went back to his villa directly and ignored the other party at all.

In his opinion, everything is just a matter of winning or losing. He can't blame others for his poor methods. If he can get rid of it all at once, it will be a good thing. From the perspective of national justice, one enemy is reduced, and from a personal perspective, one disgusting enemy is reduced.

Yes, enemy.

Anyone who is not from Daxia is an enemy in Ye Xuan's eyes.

Even the same race cannot be of one mind, let alone aliens?

Even if he can, Ye Xuan will not take the first step. Aliens are always aliens, and they will not give up their desire to destroy me. What a coincidence, Ye Xuan himself will not give up his desire to destroy him.

In a sense, Ye Xuan is a bit radical, but he is committed to sharing the universe.

Who can bear this temptation!

You must know that Ye Xuan actually has this qualification, and he has a chance to share the universe.

As long as you go forward step by step, you will become an eighth-level God of Creation sooner or later, defeat other countries sooner or later, and integrate the entire universe into the territory of Daxia.

At that time, even some extraterritorial star regions cannot be spared!

To expand, the essence of life lies in expansion!

Life never stops, fighting never stops.

If a race or a country is decadent, if it is stable for a long time, it will undoubtedly forget many things and slowly die in comfort.

Only by constantly setting up strong enemies can you have a sense of urgency and force everyone to work hard together and move forward together, so that you can quickly improve the strength of your country.

At least, you will not fall behind.

As the saying goes, those who love war will perish, and those who forget war will be in danger. You can't think about war all day long, um...

This is because the national strength cannot be consumed, and it may cause the surrounding countries to be afraid of you and unite to attack you.

But what if you sweep away all the surrounding countries? That won't be the end.

Moreover, the God of Creation does not have the so-called national strength that cannot be spent. No one needs to eat, drink water, sleep, etc. The reason why many Gods of Creation like to sleep is completely a personal habit, not a necessary thing.

Therefore, if a war really breaks out, there will be no so-called national strength loss, and there will be no war-loving will lead to death, but forgetting war will lead to danger.

The universe is too big. Although humans have found the continent of creation, that is, the eternal continent, no one can tell where the edge of the universe is.

Everyone only knows that the original observable universe has become a star field, and there are three thousand star fields like this around the continent of creation.

Beyond this, there are extraterritorial star fields.

Not many people have been to the extraterritorial star fields, and those who have been there have not stayed for long and returned. Although there is no one to govern there and can do whatever they want, the resources there are too poor.

The divine source veins that can be seen everywhere in the three thousand star fields have become extremely rare in the extraterritorial star fields.

Many times, not many divine source veins have been found even after searching the entire star field.

Other resources are even more scarce, and it is simply desolate and terrifying.

So, naturally, no one wants to stay there.

In the prehistoric world.

Ye Xuan appeared in the sky, and with a move of his mind, he immersed himself in the newly captured world.

The origin of the world in that world has long been formed and cannot be changed at all, but it has a trace of the breath of the prehistoric heavenly way that tightly wraps it.

Seeing this, Ye Xuan instantly understood.

"In other words, only creatures that meet the requirements of the previous kingdom of God can be born here, that is, some knight creatures."

The upper limit of this world is no longer based on the origin of the world, but based on the origin of the prehistoric world.

In other words, the upper limit of these creatures is the fourth level, that is, the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Of course, even if it is determined according to the upper limit of the origin of this world, it is also the fourth level, but not the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

There is a very small gap between the two, and this little gap is a huge gap.

It must be said that although the journey of proving the Tao in the prehistoric world is difficult, the benefits obtained after successfully proving the Tao are also extremely huge.

At this time, many sacred beings in the prehistoric world gathered together again.

This time, there were not many creatures, only a few, all representatives of various tribes.

Heaven, thirty-three heavens.

In the entire Lingxiao Palace, there were only Emperor Dijun, Emperor Taiyi of the East, Emperor Suiren of the Humanity, Emperor Zulong of the Dragon, Emperor Zuwu Dijiang and Emperor Fuxi, the person involved.

The six people sat on both sides, and Emperor Jun sat high in the middle.

"This world is much smaller than the prehistoric world, far less than the prehistoric world, so in my opinion, this world should belong to the heaven, after all, it was obtained by the efforts of the heaven."

Emperor Jun spoke first, and then looked at the emperors of the other three tribes.

In fact, this is also very fair. Each force takes turns to attack. Whoever has the best ability to obtain the world should naturally belong to him.

And there is also a very important reason, that is, this world is extremely small, pitifully small, compared with the huge prehistoric world now, it is like a little baby.

This is also the reason why the prehistoric heavenly way can swallow and refine the origin of the world in an instant. In the final analysis, the difference in the foundation of the two is too huge, so huge that it is difficult to fill the gap.

And to say that it is one in a million is actually an exaggeration. In fact, it is not even known whether there is one billionth of the prehistoric world.

You must know that the prehistoric world has experienced many times of strengthening, and then it has expanded crazily through the liquid base by more than ten trillion times.

In this way, this world is naturally much smaller than the prehistoric world.

"Since the Heavenly Court has contributed, it should belong to the Heavenly Court. In the future, any tribe that goes to war should belong to that tribe. Of course, if the creatures of other tribes want to help, it is also possible, and the resources they have obtained are also willing to give them."

Human Emperor Suiren nodded and spoke first.

In his opinion, such a distribution was the best, as every term in the province was filled with chaos among various ethnic groups.

Not every race is as huge as the Da Luo Realm, and it is said that it can accommodate many races. Moreover, the Da Luo Realm itself was born in the ancient times. No one contributed, so naturally everyone should share a share of the pie. .

Because no one can take it away, and no one contributes, there is nothing else to say if everyone shares it together.

But this newly plundered world is different. This is actually the result of special efforts from one force, so naturally it should be obtained by that force.

After all, the human race will have to take action on their own in the future, and the Suiren clan does not want anyone to jump out and say that this world will also get a share of me.

As for those individuals who enter the world to seize resources, it can only be said that if they move faster than their human race, they will get it. Anyway, after the origin of the world is taken away, that world will be completely destroyed. It collapsed like a loft in the sky.

It's a waste if it's wasted. It's better to let other people get some. It can also inspire other creatures to enter the other world and help them more or less.

Whether it is necessary or not, it is always a good thing for both parties.

"What the Human Emperor said is absolutely true. Since it was captured by the Heavenly Court, it should be obtained by the Heavenly Court. We had already planned for each clan to send out their own troops. Other clans like us also have opportunities."

After hearing the Human Emperor's words, Ancestral Witch Emperor Jiang recognized it and continued.

After the last intermarriage with the human race, some of the tribesmen born from the Witch Clan successfully possessed souls. Although they were far inferior to the Human Race in terms of talent, they were still much better than the Witch Clan.

He firmly believed that if passed down from generation to generation, the Wu clan would become better, smarter and stronger.

Therefore, he also admires the human race.

"What the Human Emperor said is true, and it should be so."

Zu Long also expressed his opinion without saying much else.

If you give it to Heaven, give it to Heaven. Anyway, you can take it back when the time comes.

As for whether you can succeed, it all depends on your own operation. If you can't do it yourself, don't blame others.

Fuxi's plan to seize the origin of heaven and earth is all seen by senior officials like Honghuang. The ideas and templates have been given. Whether it can succeed or not is a personal matter.

"Okay! In this case, then this matter will be determined in this way. In the future, whichever force comes out in the other world, it will be that force's turn. Of course, if the attempt is not successful, then it will be the responsibility of each other. I can’t blame anyone else for what happened!”

Di Jun shouted "Hello", with a hint of joy on his face.

In this case, Tianting's strength has actually increased.

Although the new world is far inferior to the prehistoric world, it is at least a world of one side. Since it is a world of one side, it can naturally strengthen the fate of heaven, and it may be strengthened to a great extent.

Immediately afterwards, he raised the jade cup and drank it in front of everyone.

"That being the case, it must be so!"

Several other emperors also quickly picked up the jade cups on the table and drank the wine in one gulp.

For those who have reached their level of cultivation and status, it actually doesn’t matter what they drink. Whether it’s fine nectar or ordinary fine wine, it’s just a taste.

Even if you just drink some wine brewed by the most ordinary mortals, it will be regarded by many living beings as fine wine and jade liquid, the fine wine of Yaochi.

After that, the Human Emperor, Dragon Emperor, and Ancestral Witch all retreated one after another.

In the huge Lingxiao Palace, there are only three top bosses in Heaven: Emperor Dijun, Emperor Donghuang Taiyi, and Emperor Xi Fuxi.


Di Jun said lightly, with a serious face.

Fuxi looked at him and felt happy for a moment. Whenever Emperor Jun looked like this, he looked relatively cold, but he usually had something to say, and what could he have to say now? It was just a reward.

And the so-called reward is in that world...

Sure enough, just as Fuxi said, Fuxi immediately stood up and came to the middle, bowed down and bowed to Emperor Jun.

Then he saw Emperor Jun saying slowly with a rather serious expression: "You have accomplished this great feat today, and you should be rewarded. Although this world is not big, it is still a world after all. Now that Donghuang has Donghuang, But you, Emperor Xi, are still alone and have no place to rule, so I will reward you with this realm, how about it?"

Fuxi was overjoyed when he heard this and said loudly: "In that case, I will thank your majesty very much!"

This world is a great help for him to comprehend the Great Way of the Universe, and can help him to a great extent to comprehend the Great Way of the Universe.

Qian is the sky, Kun is the earth, and the universe is the heaven and the earth. Now that he already owns a world, it can naturally help him understand the great way of the universe to a great extent.

Moreover, from now on, I can move the Xi Palace from the Thirty-Sixth Heaven, and by the way, I can take my sister to the new world with me, which is also a good thing.

Otherwise, being on the same level as the Emperor of Heaven all day long would be very stressful. Everything you do is done under the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven. How could it be as comfortable as being in your own world?

Just like the Eastern Emperor, he moved the Eastern Imperial Palace to the Donghuang Administrative Office early, and it became the new administrative office and the symbol of the Eastern Desolate. He was so high up that no one dared to be presumptuous, and it frightened many young people and made them Don't dare to offend.

"Well, in that case, let's go!"

After seeing this, Di Jun also showed a smile and said.

He is always like this. He is quite serious when talking about serious matters. The more serious the matter, the bigger it is. But he is quite relaxed in normal times. It makes people feel gentle when getting along with him. It feels gentle and comfortable.

Fuxi naturally understands it very well. When he saw Di Jun's appearance, he instantly guessed what might happen.

After Fuxi bid farewell to Di Jun, he did not go directly to the Thirty-Sixth Heaven to take his sister Nuwa to go, but planned to go there first to take a look.

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