Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 323 October in the sky! Brahma’s blessing!

In the new world.

Fuxi, dressed in white, looked at the world below him with extremely wise eyes. A chessboard was slowly floating in the air.

It was the chessboard of heaven and earth, on which the white and black pieces kept moving.

As the white and black pieces moved, the various rules in this world began to change. Not long after, a rather shocking avenue appeared.

That was the Dao rhyme of the Qiankun Avenue!

This was Fuxi using his supreme divine power to provoke the Qiankun Avenue in the dark and imprint the avenue in this world.

This made this world, which originally did not have the Qiankun Avenue, have the Qiankun Avenue.

As the Dao rhyme of the Qiankun Avenue appeared, Fuxi began to provoke the chessboard one after another, constantly changing the atmosphere in this world.

The original aura that vaguely disgusted him was transformed by him into a style like the primitive world with the passage of time. The scenery was beautiful and pleasant, and the aura no longer made him feel disgusted, but made people intoxicated.

This was his change to this world, and then he frowned.

"The world was called Daluo Realm before, so this world should also have a name..."

Fuxi thought of Daluo Realm, which was named by Di Jun, so the three words Daluo Realm appeared on the portal of that world.

Although he was not as good as Di Jun, this world was not as good as Daluo Realm. With his Dao rhyme, he should be able to carve his favorite name on the portal. If it is not possible, he can also ask Di Jun to come over.

With his cultivation level, it must not be a big problem.

"This world is based on protection and protection, so it should be named Tianwei Realm, guarding the heaven and protecting all spirits."

Fuxi looked at this world and said slowly.

Then he waved his sleeves, and a Dao rhyme went towards the portal of the outside world.

In an instant.

Three Dao characters were written on the portal, and its name was Tianwei Realm.

Tianwei Realm, as the name suggests, is the guard realm of the heaven, which means that the whole world needs to protect the heaven.

Although the power of the Heavenly Court is extremely strong, and there are countless people with outstanding strength, and they don’t need the protection of others at all, it is also a good thing to have such a Heavenly Guard Realm.

At least there are some things that the Heavenly Guard Realm can help a little.

The most important thing is that it expresses Fuxi’s intention, that is, he will not leave the Heavenly Court to re-establish his own power, and he will not forget the Heavenly Court after having a world.

Of course, how this world will develop depends on themselves and Fuxi.

After Fuxi did all this, he looked at this world with satisfaction, and then his figure flashed and stepped out of this world.

Heavenly Court, Thirty-six Heavens.

Wa Palace.

Fuxi went straight to the Heavenly Court, and then came to the Wa Palace, wanting to pull Nuwa to go to the newly acquired Tianwei Realm with Fuxi.

"Little sister, I got a world in another world before, and His Majesty gave it to me. Do you want to go to this world with me?"

Although Fuxi wanted to take his sister with him, after all, Nuwa had become a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian and no longer needed his protection.

So, he still had to ask her about her own wishes. If she didn't want to go, then she wouldn't go.

After hearing this, Nuwa smiled and nodded and said, "Brother, I will accept your invitation."

For her, it didn't matter where she went, anyway, there was a place in the world where she could go.

Since it was invited by her brother, she would just go with him.

Fuxi was overjoyed when he heard this, and he flew out quickly, wrapped the Xihuang Palace and the Wahuang Palace with his great magic power, and went to the newly formed Tianwei Realm with Nuwa.



Taiyin is also called the moon. When the sun doesn't come out, the bright moon is in the sky, illuminating all directions.

The yin energy on Taiyin is now extremely dense and deep.

Unlike the Sun, only two innate gods were born on the Moon. These two innate gods are both female and one of the two demon kings in the heaven.

They are the queens that countless demons dream of.

However, at this moment, there are several more gods on the Moon, but they are acquired gods.

There is a strong yin energy that condenses to the extreme and turns into a jade rabbit.

More than a dozen jade rabbits were born on the Moon. These jade rabbits usually follow the two goddesses of the Moon, Wangshu and Changxi.

The goddess of the Moon is so beautiful now, but her body is so ugly. If her body is revealed, most of the creatures of the demon clan will no longer think of marrying them.

It is fate that the prototype of such a beautiful goddess of the Moon is actually a three-legged toad, which is extremely ugly.

Compared with the three-legged crows high above the Sun, it is much uglier. It can be said that the three-legged crows are as majestic and beautiful as the three-legged crows, and the three-legged toads are as ugly.

At this time, two goddesses of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian were lying on the moon, watching the changes in the world.

"Sister, when will the ten babies in your belly be born..." Wangshu looked at his sister's belly getting bigger day by day, but there was no sign of birth, and he was very depressed for a while.

You know, the ten princes conceived by the Queen of Heaven Xihe were all born, but these ten princesses have not been born yet.

Yes, they are the princesses of the heaven.

As descendants of the blood of Emperor Jun, no matter what, they are always daughters of Emperor Jun.

The way of heaven is balanced, the two tribes of witches and demons are in opposition, one tribe controls the sky, and the other tribe controls the earth.

Now that ten Golden Crow Suns have come into the world, ten Moons must have been born.

"I don't know. I have been restricted by children all these years and cannot leave the Taiyin. I am tired of seeing the scenery above the Taiyin..." Chang Xi shook his head when he heard this, sighed, and looked down at his belly.

Over the years, she has used the technique of mirror, flower, water and moon to view various places in the wilderness, and there is no way to leave this place.

It's not that they can't leave, it's just that a lot of lunar energy is needed to give birth to these ten children. Therefore, if they leave this place, the growth and pregnancy time will be slowed down countless times, which is not as good as it is now.

Instead of running around for fun, it would be better to stay above the moon and wait until the moon is born before traveling around the world.

Heaven, Yaochi fairyland.

Emperor Jun's thoughts moved slightly, and a feeling of blood pulling him suddenly beat.

In an instant, he knew something and looked up at the direction of Taiyin.

After Xi He noticed it, he glanced sideways and asked, "Are those ten moons about to be born?"

Di Jun nodded noncommittally upon hearing this, smiled slightly and said, "That's exactly it."

Immediately, he put his hands on Xihe's hands to reassure him.

Xihe understood, looked up at Di Jun, smiled, and then said slowly: "After all, he is a descendant of your husband's blood, so just go ahead."

Although she had a strange feeling in her heart, as a mother, she knew that some things were unavoidable, and she couldn't blame Di Jun. After all, she was the one who pushed for this matter in the first place.

Di Jun is just an executor.

But now, the painstaking efforts given in the past will now be transformed into living beings, which makes Di Jun feel a little fluttering in his heart.

"Okay, let's go together!"

Di Jun nodded and then said with a smile.

Xihe's heart warmed when he heard this, and he followed Di Jun to Taiyin.


In an instant, the Yin Qi was turbulent, and the infinite Yin Qi gathered in the sky and turned into a monstrous Qi, as if it was going to obliterate some existence.

"It's finally coming!"

When Chang Xi saw this scene, his eyes showed excitement, and his face was overjoyed.

Immediately he opened his mouth and inhaled, and all the yin energy in the sky rushed towards Chang Xi, and then entered his belly.

At this moment, Di Jun and Xi He came hand in hand. Seeing this scene, Di Jun stretched out his hand and all the Yin Qi in the entire Taiyin instantly condensed into a point, allowing Chang Xi to absorb it.


Suddenly, Chang Xi's stomach deflated, and all ten moons conceived in his body appeared in the mid-air, emerging as bright moons.

Its body is the bright moon, not a three-legged toad or a three-legged golden crow.

The bright moon is in the sky, and the secret of heaven is revealed.

In an instant, the secrets between heaven and earth became extremely transparent, and some secrets that were difficult to calculate at ordinary times were actually revealed without any cover at this time.

Di Jun frowned, obviously aware of the changes in the world.

He didn't expect that these ten moons would actually behave like this, but he didn't care too much.

The so-called secret is completely transparent in his eyes, and any living being who wants to plot against him will be aware of it.

"Are there ten Daluo Golden Immortals..."

Di Jun frowned, wondering why these ten moons had been conceived for so long, but they were in the realm of Daluo Jinxian instead of the realm of Hunyuan True Self.

But then he put it behind him and didn't care about it.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty."

At this time, Chang Xi and Wang Shu also came to Di Jun and Xi He, and bowed respectfully.


Di Jun and Xi He nodded and signaled the other party to get up.

The ten moon statues also ran over at this time, and they instantly understood that their life experience was born from the blood of Emperor Jun and Xihe.

He immediately came in front of everyone, transformed into an innate Taoist body, bowed Yingying, and said: "Greetings to Your Majesty, Empress, Mother, and Aunt."

The Queen of Heaven should be the mother of all living beings, so she should be worshiped first.

"Get up."

Di Jun said with a smile on his face and extremely gentle.

Then he looked at the ten daughters and said: "You are born on the twelfth lunar month and practice cultivation. When you become enlightened, I will personally canonize you as the princesses of heaven."

"Thank you, Father!"

The girls bowed once again.

These ten moon statues were born, but they were not too eager to teach anything. After all, the moon was so gentle that even if they were born together in October, they would not have any impact on the world.

At most, it can make the Yin Qi stronger, which means that many creatures who need Yin Qi cultivation can become happier.

In the Ancestral Witch Hall.

"The bright moon is in the sky, and the secrets of heaven are revealed. Let the wise men of the clan go and make some calculations to see what great changes will happen in the world!"

Zhu Rong saw ten more moons suddenly appeared in Honghuang. Although he was a little surprised for a moment, he didn't get too entangled in anything. Instead, he directly called someone over to figure out what was going on.

He didn't learn any arithmetic like this. Instead of wasting time learning those things, it would be better to go directly to comprehend the great road.

Zhu Rong, who is in charge of the Avenue of Fire, has always had a very hot temper. Whenever he has a thought in his mind, he will make people do it immediately.

In other words, do it yourself to confirm what you think.

After issuing the order, Zhu Rong took one step forward and came to the wilderness.

At this time, a crack appeared between heaven and earth.

"Space channel! Another world?! This time it's our witch clan's turn!!!"

Zhu Rong was overjoyed when he saw this, and hurriedly summoned the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the tribe and headed towards the other world.

Before leaving, he also sent a message to some other ancestor witches.


Outside world.

Ye Xuan was on the ring. The enemy he was going to fight this time was not from the five major countries, but it was already very good to be able to get to this point.

The person who came was Augustine Biqier, the peerless genius in Rongdi country. There was an extremely powerful god in his kingdom.

His name was Brahma, the Lord of Creation and the Lord of All Things.

Under Brahma, there was a heavenly emperor named Indra, the Lord of All Worlds, the Lord of Heaven, the Heavenly Emperor, also known as Emperor Shitian.

The gods in the heavens were also called Shura, and the opposite of them were called Asura.

Asura means non-god, that is, the opposite of the gods.

In fact, Asura also possesses extremely powerful magic power and is also a god, but he is very different from those gods of Indra.

Many creatures of Asura are tall and strong, brave and powerful, and often love to fight. Most of them hold the sun and the moon in their hands, stand on the sea with their feet, and are taller than Mount Sumeru. They are a huge fighting nation.

The king of the Asura clan is called Doraka. Doraka has been blessed by Brahma. Except for Shiva's son, he is undefeated in all battles, that is, except for Shiva, he is invincible.

As the god of creation, Brahma's blessing has the ability of omniscience and omnipotence. He ignores everything and can bless any creature. Moreover, it is a golden word, similar to the law of the prehistoric world.

That is, no matter what words of blessing are said, they can come true.

But Brahma is a guy who loves to bless, and blesses everywhere, causing chaos in the kingdom of God, which is repeatedly banned.

For a time, the gods in heaven were afraid and hated Brahma. They were afraid that Brahma, as the creator god, had infinite power and they were no match for him. They hated him because Brahma was not a human son and repeatedly created some inexplicable creatures to challenge the authority of heaven.

Just like this time, a Taraka was created.

Seeing Taraka's piety, he immediately blessed him with a son other than Shiva, who was undefeated in all battles, which was invincible in disguise.

You know, Shiva has no son, and Shiva, as one of the three main gods in the world, the god of destruction, has not been born for a long time because of the death of his wife, but has been practicing in seclusion.

How can a true Shiva give birth to a son without a wife?

So, Taraka was overjoyed and didn't take it seriously at all. Everyone knew that it would be more difficult to make Shiva give birth to a child than to defeat him.

But the blessing of this guy Brahma made it so that Brahma himself, Shiva, and another balance god named Vishnu among the three main gods could not defeat Taraka. This is the BUG ability of Brahma.

His blessing can even surpass his own ability, and he likes to bless the world, which leads to no one willing to believe in him because he always causes trouble in the world.

And Shiva, the god of destruction, has never done anything to destroy the world, and he has not even caused trouble in the world. It is this so-called creator of the world who is destroying the balance of the world all day long.

As the emperor of heaven, Indra is the most powerful existence besides the three main gods.

But facing Taraka is also a bit of a headache. Not long ago, Taraka led many Asuras to attack the heaven and even beat him up.

If it weren't for the sudden appearance of a space channel connecting the other world, Indra didn't know whether he could still be the emperor of heaven or whether he would change his master.

For a while, he couldn't help but feel fortunate.

But while he was feeling relieved, he was also worried. He was worried that after the other world ended, if Shiva had not given birth to a child, would he still be able to live in this world and serve as the emperor of heaven...

"In that case, I can only use the power of the creatures from the other world to destroy you!"

Indra's eyes flashed with a trace of cruelty. If he wanted to get rid of Taraka, instead of waiting for the illusory Shiva child, he might as well use the creatures from other worlds to destroy Taraka.

After all, if the other party attacked him again, he would only be able to wait for death.

He was unwilling to let others control his own destiny, so a conspiracy against Taraka quietly grew...



Indra came here alone, looking at Taraka sitting high on the Asura throne, he bowed slightly and said: "Asura King, now the alien world is about to invade, the strength of the heaven is weak, and we can only rely on you and those brave Asuras to destroy the alien creatures!"

He didn't know whether the creatures of the alien world could defeat Taraka, but the alien world was not affected by the blessing of Brahma, so it should be able to defeat Taraka, at least there is this possibility.

For this possibility, he came to the territory of the Asuras without hesitation, and even praised those Asuras.

Seeing that the former high and mighty Emperor of Heaven had been taught a lesson by them last time, he even ran over in person this time. For a while, many Asuras laughed a lot, and it was obvious that they were quite pleased with the boasting of the Emperor of Heaven.

After all, this was a blessing bestowed upon him by the high and mighty Emperor of Heaven!

For a moment, all the Asuras, including the Asura King, laughed heartily.

"Okay! I promise you! I would have gone even if you hadn't said so! These Asuras have been waiting for a long time!"

After laughing, Doraka looked at Indra with a smug look on his face and agreed.

Although they were Asuras, they were actually no different from those Asuras, except that they had different positions.

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