Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 324 Zhu Jiuyin supports! Punch Brahma and kick Shiva!

At this time, an extremely majestic momentum appeared and resounded throughout the world.

Coming from the space channel, the man was Zhu Rong.

Behind Zhu Rong were more than 300 great witches of the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian level. The most brave and warlike among them was Huo Feng. In addition to the Great Dao of Fire, the great witch Huo Feng also controlled the Great Dao of Wind.

Fire borrows the momentum of wind, and wind helps fire grow.

Therefore, these two great ways combined together made it stand out and extremely powerful.

It is the strongest existence in the Fire Tribe except for the ancestor witch Zhu Rong, and it is also the commander of many witch tribesmen in the Fire Tribe.

"Is this the other world..."

Zhu Rong looked at this world and felt its magnificent vitality.

This world is also very profound. Although it is not as good as the prehistoric world, it is also an existence with extremely magnificent development potential. This world is also a world with great potential.

It is very possible to achieve the seventh-level Creation God in the future. As for the eighth level, it is beyond human power. Many seventh-level Creation Gods have the potential to reach the eighth-level Creation God, but there are only five who can really reach the eighth-level Creation God.

Potential and real achievement are two different things.

Few people can fully realize their talents, and those people have to say that they are geniuses in front of themselves, but limited by their own talents, they may not stand out in the vast universe.

But at least, they have defeated themselves and reached the limit of what they can achieve. Those who can do this are worthy of themselves.

"My sons! Remember, what the Heavenly Court does, then we do the same! Remember not to kill them directly!"

After Zhu Rong finished speaking, his figure disappeared into the void.

He turned into a flame and merged into this world.

When Brahma created the world in the past, he created earth, water, wind and fire, so when he merged into the flame, the Great Dao of Fire suddenly surged.


Brahma suddenly opened his eyes, watching the origin of fire become extremely majestic, his face changed, and he said: "This must be the breath of that alien creature, I can't let it do whatever it wants!"

Immediately, he flashed and jumped into the origin of the flame, and instantly found Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong's face froze when he saw this. Fuxi hid himself so that all living beings in the world could not find him, but he was discovered by the other party in an instant.

Immediately, he showed his figure and looked at the white-bearded old man on the other side, with an angry look on his face.

"Are you the creator god in this world?"

He looked at the other party's extremely tall figure, who actually had four heads and four arms, and felt the breath from the other party. In an instant, he already understood the other party's existence.

Brahma originally did not have four heads and four arms, but five heads and four arms, but later he angered Shiva and was chopped off a head by Shiva as a warning.

Among the three main gods, Shiva, the god of destruction who controls destruction, is naturally the most powerful among the three main gods, while Brahma, as the god of creation, can bless many creatures in this world, and these blessings will make the creatures in this world extremely difficult to deal with.

Although they cannot be blessed to the point of killing the three main gods, they can have the ability to face the three main gods without being defeated.

Just like Doraka, even if he faces Shiva, he will not be defeated, but he cannot cause harm to Shiva, and Shiva cannot defeat him.

This is Brahma's extremely strange ability, and this blessing cannot work with the three main gods, otherwise, he will curse and curse Shiva to death.

So in fact, Brahma is the most difficult existence among the three main gods.

Augustine Bichir was in the sky at this time, looking down at all this, with a smile on his lips.

Compared with the creatures in these primitive worlds, he is more certain that the creatures in his world will definitely win.

Because he found that although the quality of the other party's creatures was higher than that of the creatures in his kingdom, their combat power was similar.

There were more than ten thousand fourth-level gods in his kingdom, but only more than three hundred were sent out at this time, and they were evenly matched with the other party.

And the most powerful god was also confronting Brahma at this moment, and as for Doraka, he was also fighting against the great wizard Huofeng at this time.

The two gods were evenly matched. As the king of the Asura clan, Doraka's combat power was undoubtedly demonstrated. He was the strongest combat power in the entire heaven and was simply a god of war.

However, he was evenly matched with the great wizard Huofeng and it was difficult to break through. This was the reason why Huofeng stopped.

"Is this all you can do? You dare to call yourself a king? Or the king of the Asura clan?"

Huofeng said disdainfully in his heart, thinking that if the king of the Asura clan in the prehistoric world knew about it, it would be a joke.

Although it is unknown how strong the Asuras are, they are definitely much stronger than these alien creatures.

They did not feel disgusted in this alien world, because the foundation of this world can barely keep up with the foundation of the prehistoric world, and it can exist as a world in the prehistoric world.

Although the foundation is still much weaker than that of the prehistoric world, it is no longer like the previous worlds, where the prehistoric creatures will feel disgusted when they enter it, and they will not feel disgusted from the source.

This is the effect of the world's foundation. The stronger the world is and the deeper the foundation is, the more comfortable it will make high-level creatures feel from the bottom of their hearts.

If it is too low, a disgusting breath will be born from the bottom of their hearts. These extremely disgusting breaths will prompt high-level creatures to directly destroy this world, so as to avoid being disgusting in the heavens and the worlds.

It can only be said that the world is innocent, but weakness is the original sin.

The opponent's Asura clan has more than 3,000 people. These more than 3,000 gods are all fourth-level existences, and only more than 300 participated in the battle.

Doraka originally wanted to solve them one by one, but now it seems that they are evenly matched, so he said to many tribes: "Kill them!"

"Listen to the king's order, kill them!!!"

For a time, the tribesmen of the Asura clan all went to the great witches.

The faces of the great witches changed when they saw this. It was not because they were afraid of too many people on the other side, but because there were only more than 300 creatures coming to fight them before, and they followed Zhu Rong's order to fight them evenly.

But now there are so many more people on the other side. If they can still fight evenly, then even a fool should know what happened.

At this time, more than 2,000 great witches of the level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian appeared in the space channel in an instant.

This time, it was Zhu Jiuyin, the ancestor of time among the twelve ancestor witches, who led the team.

He led these creatures, which were almost all of the witches, to the front of everyone. Looking at this scene, a sense of disdain rose in his heart.

"Fight! Crush them! But don't kill them!"

Zhu Jiuyin roared, and a divine thought was transmitted to the hearts of all the great witches.

These great witches roared, and then displayed their true strength, forcibly suppressing and beating the more than 3,000 creatures on the other side.

Augustine Biqier's face changed when he saw this, and then he had an idea.

“So it was the Father’s order, so I have no choice but to come out…”

Shiva, who was in seclusion, suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes went straight to the space channel through infinite time and space.

He had not appeared for a long time, so long that the world might have forgotten him, and perhaps only the gods could still remember him.

And this world was actually not created by Brahma, but by the creator god Augustine Bichir. After Augustine Bichir created this void, he created the three main gods, Brahma, the god of creation, Vishnu, the god of balance, and Shiva, the god of destruction, just like Ye Xuan, and then Brahma created the world.

So, for all living beings in the world, Brahma is their creator god, while Augustine Bichir is the father of all gods.

In the heaven.


Shiva appeared in the heaven, looking down at Indra on the throne of the emperor of heaven, and said slowly.

When Indra saw that it was Shiva who came, he immediately stood up, bowed respectfully and said, "Lord Shiva, what can I do for you?"

Shiva's expression did not change, and he slowly said, "No matter what you are thinking, I don't care. Now the father god has ordered to conquer the other world, you need to lead the gods of heaven to kill the creatures of the other world."

Indra was shocked, nodded quickly, and quickly agreed, "In the name of Lord Shiva."

Shiva disappeared when he saw this.


Indra breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out that what he did to lead Taraka to death was actually transparent in front of Lord Shiva.

For a while, his awe of Shiva deepened. This god has never appeared in the world since his wife died. It's not that he has never appeared in the other world before, but he has never appeared in the world like today.

And Shiva has never appeared and secluded himself, but he actually knew all his thoughts and even knocked him.

Indra did not dare to neglect it, and hurriedly summoned the gods in heaven and headed towards the space channel.


Space channel.

Zhu Jiuyin looked at this world, and suddenly, a creature appeared in front of him, with a rather strange appearance, different from those who were incarnated as innate Dao bodies.

The one who came was Shiva, who was in charge of destruction, and the third eye on his forehead could spray out the divine fire that destroyed everything.

This divine fire was black, and once it was contaminated, it would burn endlessly, even if Shiva was killed, the divine fire would continue to burn.

In addition, he also had a fourth eye, which could spray out divine water that destroyed everything. The divine water was emerald green, because Shiva had swallowed a poison that could destroy the world, which caused the divine water to be contaminated with extremely strong toxicity.

Once the divine water was sprayed out, anyone who touched it would die, which was really powerful.

After seeing the other party, Zhu Jiuyin's face was quite calm. The Avenue of Time appeared from behind him, and a deep and terrifying Dao rhyme emerged. That was the Dao rhyme of the Avenue of Time.

"Time Exile!"

Boom! ! !

A vortex suddenly appeared behind Shiva, sucking Shiva into it instantly, turning into a void.

Augustine Bichir saw this, his face changed drastically, and he exclaimed: "How is it possible!!!"

Shiva is the most powerful god in his world, and now he is sucked into it at will. This is a terrifying thing! ! !

But Zhu Jiuyin did not intend to kill the other party, but teleported him to Zhu Rong.


The origin of fire.

After Zhu Rong knew that Zhu Jiuyin was coming, he also wanted to hold back these two extremely powerful gods. He knew that there was another extremely powerful existence in this world, so he planned to suppress these two gods and force the other god to appear.

Boom! !

Originally in the origin of fire, the Great Dao of Fire was amplified, and the endless flames betrayed Brahma and joined Zhu Rong in an instant.

Fire fell from the sky and fire springs gushed from the ground.

In an instant, the entire origin of fire was controlled by Zhu Rong.

When Brahma was being hammered by the other party, his most powerful blessing ability disappeared at this moment. Facing Zhu Rong, he could not bless him at all.

Of course, it was called blessing, but in fact he wanted to curse him.

"Oh? Playing with fire?"

Shiva saw Zhu Rong's majestic appearance, and looked at him calmly and teased him.

He was extremely panicked at first, not knowing why he was killed in one move by that extremely powerful creature. Fortunately, he was fine, just teleported here.

Immediately, he laughed and said:

"Then I will let you taste what the real divine fire is!!!"

After that, the eye on his forehead spewed out endless black divine fire and went towards Zhu Rong.

Zhu Rong saw this and sneered disdainfully: "I thought it was something else, but it turned out to be just the Netherworld Mysterious Fire."

The Netherworld Mysterious Fire is a flame that accompanies the underworld. It has extremely strong lethality. Unlike other flames in the underworld, this flame has extremely strong lethality, but for Zhu Rong, it is naturally just a piece of cake.

In addition to the true fire of the sun in the prehistoric world, the most powerful one is the Nanming Lihuo that he controls.

"Nanming Lihuo!!!"

A pure white flame appeared from Zhu Rong's body. It was a flame that burned to the extreme. It was the most powerful flame in the prehistoric world except for the true fire of the sun.

This kind of flame is extremely hot, causing the whole hall to be pure white, and it is extremely powerful.

Nothing in the world can't be burned. Once it is used, everything will burn.

The white Nanming Lihuo instantly wrapped up the endless black Netherworld Xuanhuo, making a sizzling burning sound.

And those Netherworld Xuanhuo actually became the burning nutrients of the Nanming Lihuo, making the power of the Nanming Lihuo even greater.

In an instant, the flame burned backwards, flowing upstream along the Netherworld Xuanhuo that was constantly ejected, and continued to burn.

Shiva was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly took off the eye between his eyebrows.

The fire of destruction that destroyed everything was actually no match for the opponent's Nanming Lihuo. The fire of destruction that could burn everything in the past actually became the nourishment of the opponent's flame.


With a sound, the eye was completely burned by the Nanming Lihuo and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The source of his control of the fire of destruction also disappeared, and from then on, he could no longer control the fire of destruction.

"Damn it!!! Since the fire of destruction doesn't work, let's put out the fire with water and see what your white flame can do!!!"

Shiva shouted, and angrily used his water of destruction.

In an instant, another eye opened wide, and a green water column suddenly sprayed towards Zhurong, who was covered in flames.

Zhurong sneered at this, and then sneered: "That's it?"

After saying that, he didn't even defend himself, and directly let the green water hit him, but it didn't work at all.

Even before the green water hit Zhurong, it evaporated and disappeared.

"Next, it's my turn!!!"

Zhurong grinned, and punched Shiva with supreme power.


Shiva couldn't dodge in time, and was hit in the eye socket by a punch, and his eyes swelled up instantly.

Fortunately, Zhu Rong only intended to delay them, and did not intend to kill them, otherwise, once the Nanming Lihuo was released, the so-called Brahma and Shiva would all die in his hands.

Seeing this, Brahma quickly reached out and grabbed a fourth-level god from the space channel, and blessed him: "You will ignore all flames, and you will be the nemesis of flames."


As his words fell, a blessing force went towards the fourth-level god.

This fourth-level god then rushed towards Zhu Rong.

Brahma looked at the other party with surprise, looking forward to his performance.

But who knew that after touching the flames on Zhu Rong's body, it dissipated directly between heaven and earth.

In an instant, Brahma's face froze, and he exclaimed: "Impossible!!! Absolutely impossible!!! No one in this world can break my blessing!!"

His blessing is actually just an application of the great way, a power of law.

But when it encounters the real avenue, it will naturally turn into ashes in an instant, and naturally become ineffective.

This is the limitation of Brahma's blessing. If he is really so invincible, then he is the strongest in the world.


On the other side.

After sending Shiva away, Zhu Jiuyin's figure disappeared in the void, turned into the origin of the world, and then flowed into the origin of the world.

After seeing him disappear, Augustine Biqier also had a panic in his heart, but no matter how he looked, he could not find Zhu Jiuyin's existence.

Because no one in this world's kingdom of gods can control the Avenue of Time, he could not see Zhu Jiuyin's hiding at all.

"Vishnu, go help Brahma and Shiva!!!"

Then he saw Shiva and Brahma being hammered by the huge creature holding the fire, and quickly suppressed the fear in his heart and turned to Vishnu.

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