Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 325 Zhu Rong captures three gods, the witch clan's power increases

"I finally understand why Fuxi spent so long in this place. It turns out that the origin of this world is so mysterious!"

Zhu Jiuyin looked at the huge energy group in front of him, which was constantly flashing light.

There is a kind of avenue hidden in every ray of light, which is the light of the avenue.

In this world, the light of the avenue is countless and extremely bright.

But most of them are acquired avenues. Even so, they are extremely spectacular.

The light of these avenues makes the living beings who major in this path feel as if they are visiting the avenue in person, and can be wrapped up in it to practice and understand.

These avenues are actually the cultivation concepts of various avenues in this world, among which blessing is the most important. This is the ability of Brahma, and it is also the ability that he relies on for survival, which allows him to grant blessings all day long.

The Avenue of Blessing is an avenue that relies on the Avenue of Luck. It can be said to be the lower avenue of the Avenue of Luck. However, apart from being contaminated by the Avenue of Luck, the reason why it can be 100% successful in blessing is because Brahma is the creator god of this universe.

It gave him the ability to follow his words, which was Augustine Bichir's blessing to Brahma.

Without the support of Augustine Bichir, Brahma's blessing would be nothing more than a good wish. It might succeed, but it would never be 100% successful and would directly ignore all rationalities.

Regardless of whether it is reasonable or not, Brahma can bless success.

It's like the person he blessed can't even take care of himself. To put it simply, his blessing exceeds his own ability. This is basically impossible.

But it happened to appear, and this was also because of the ability given to Brahma by Augustine Bichir.

This is the reason why Brahma is so powerful, but even so, if Brahma himself doesn't go around killing people and granting blessings blindly, he will still be the creator god who is respected by everyone.

But now, in the eyes of the gods in the heavens, Brahma is almost notorious in the streets. No one is willing to say anything to Brahma. In their hearts, they are only afraid of Brahma's ability and his inability to kill Brahma, but they have long since lost their respect for Brahma. .

There is even a God who kills Brahma, a god who specifically wants to kill Brahma.

But, it's simply impossible for them to do it.

There are only two people in this kingdom of gods who can kill Brahma, and that is the two gods Shiva and Vishnu, who are also the three main gods.

At this time, the three main gods Vishnu, Shiva and Brahma were fighting with Zhu Rong.

Although Zhu Rong was extremely powerful, he was still fighting against three people, so he was still unable to defeat the opponent in a short period of time, and was even beaten back and forth by the opponent.

If it weren't for the fact that Brahma was too rubbish, and if he really wanted to add another powerful god, he might really be suppressed and beaten by the opponent. Although he would not be defeated by the opponent, it would not be possible in a short time. Be able to get rid of the other party's.

"Damn it! Why is this alien god so powerful!"

Brahma stared at Zhu Rong with an angry face and roared angrily.

"Fortunately, there is only one like this, otherwise, this world will probably fall..."

Vishnu said happily while struggling to deal with Zhu Rong's magical power.

The three of them are still able to hold each other back. As long as they hold on for a while, the other party will naturally disappear.

Just like when they attacked other worlds before, they would either be teleported back after killing the opponent, or they would be teleported back somehow after overpowering the opponent.

Therefore, they all believe that as long as they can persist, they will be able to survive and will not be slowly consumed to death by the other party.

In fact, it was because one of the creation gods surrendered that they were able to cut off contact with the other world and then return directly to their own world.

Therefore, their only hope now is to make the creator god of this world surrender. Only in this way can they survive.

But Augustine Bichir looked at this scene, gritting his teeth, his body trembling slightly, and he wanted to surrender in his heart, but the glory of the country did not allow him to surrender directly before the winner was decided.

Therefore, he continued to watch, and as soon as the three main gods showed signs of defeat, he would surrender without hesitation.

At this time, Shiva looked at the two main gods and secretly thought in his heart, if you know that the other party has a more powerful god, I don’t know what will happen to you.

But Shiva didn't say it. He knew very well that once he said it, it would inevitably lead to the loss of morale in the army, and then the war would be truly defeated.

And Zhu Rong has already used all his strength at this moment. The strength of the three main gods in this divine country is indeed extremely strong. If there is one main god whose special ability is ineffective against him, then he wants to use his own strength to force them. It is a bit difficult to resist these three main gods.

"Sure enough, just as the Supreme Being said, there are countless worlds in the world that are more powerful than the prehistoric world. Thinking about the worlds that I have encountered before, I have been pushed all the way. I can't even stay in that world. I can feel a very obvious sense of disgust. But in the world I am encountering now, not only do I not feel disgust when I step into it, but these creatures are still extremely powerful and can almost fight with me..."

Zhu Rong felt awe-inspiring in his heart and thought to himself.

Although these creatures are still not as good as the creatures of the prehistoric times, from a basic point of view, they are almost there, even if the gap is still very big...

In fact, the opponent Ye Xuan encountered this time was already one of the top mythological kingdoms in this universe. The potential settings of these top mythical kingdoms were at least seven levels, and even some People have eight levels of potential.

Although there are only a few at the eighth level, there are quite a few who possess the potential of the eighth level.

Many seventh-level creation gods have eighth-level potential, just like the five deans of the five major colleges in Daxia, and even Xiang Yu, the admissions teacher of Dahan College, all have eighth-level potential.

It's just that this person is immersed in so-called love and can't extricate himself, and because of the shortage of resources, he is still at the peak of the sixth level.

There is still a long way to go before becoming a seventh-level Creator God, let alone an eighth-level Creator God.

It doesn't mean that you will be able to achieve it if you have potential. There are too many factors that may appear in the middle. A few factors may not seem like a big deal in the eyes of others, but in what you encounter, It is a hurdle that cannot be overcome, forever and forever blocking my progress.

"Want to take action?"

After Ye Xuan felt a wave of fluctuations in Augustine Bichir's body, he smiled disdainfully, and then with a thought, he came to the other party's kingdom of God.

Across infinite time and space, a pair of frightened eyes stared at Augustine Bichir.

And just when Augustine Bichir couldn't help but want to kill the god covered in flames, he suddenly felt a breath of death covering him.

He quickly looked aside, but when he saw that the other person was Ye Xuan, he immediately felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

"Why is he so powerful..."

Augustine Bichir looked at Ye Xuan across infinite time and space. He saw in Ye Xuan an existence full of chaotic power. He did not dare to move, for fear that all the chaotic power would flow towards him and destroy him. He turned into ashes.

It was chaos in infinite time and space. In Ye Xuan, he saw a kind of avenue that did not belong to any avenue. It was extremely weird, but it was real.

Just when he was shocked, he quickly thought that Ye Xuan was so powerful, which meant that there were more and stronger creatures in his kingdom.

Immediately, Augustin Bichir wanted to shout surrender.

But at this moment, the heaven and earth suddenly changed, and the heaven began to tremble violently and was on the verge of collapse.

The human world is also in purgatory, and the world of the dead is not much better at the moment.

At this moment, all living beings in the three realms have become ants, and they are dying in large numbers with every doomsday scene.

Augustine Bichir's face instantly turned pale when he saw this. He quickly looked at the origin of the world and felt a sudden pain in his heart.


He was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood, only to see that there was still the existence of the origin of the world where the origin of the world usually stayed. At this moment, it was empty and there was nothing.

It is obvious that the origin of his world has been stolen, and his world will be shattered, and he himself will become a mortal as a result.

But his eyes quickly broke away from the extreme sadness and anger, and instead turned to look at Ye Xuan with eyes full of disgust and hatred.

"Damn big summer dog, I will come back!!! I will definitely come back!!! I will beat your skin and muscles when the time comes!!!"

Augustine Bichir felt furious in his heart, but he did not dare to say it out. He was afraid that if he did, he would not be able to resist the opponent's attack due to his rapidly falling state.

If the other party comes to visit, then he will only die.

When Ye Xuan saw this, a faint smile appeared on his face. This time the capture of the world would greatly increase the strength of the prehistoric world.

After all, this kingdom is also one of the top mythical kingdoms in the universe. It just means that it has not grown to its limit yet.

Although they are both at the fourth level of strength, compared to the previous world captured by Fuxi, the potential of this world is much greater. This world can truly become its own world in the prehistoric times and become something similar to Existences like Da Luo Realm just mean that their strength is not that strong.

But it was not far behind, so after capturing this world, Ye Xuan was extremely happy.

At this moment, the world of the Kingdom of God is disappearing rapidly, and many creatures are also dying quickly.

As that world falls, they will eventually fall.

The three main gods who were fighting Zhu Rong were also shouting the name of Father God crazily at this time, but how could their so-called Father God still have the mood to care about them at this time.

Augustine Bichir's heart is full of hatred and collapse at this time. His emotions are extremely unstable and may lead to collapse at any time. If he had not relied on his great hatred for Ye Xuan to support him, I am afraid that he would also be at this moment. Just like the previous Rakshasa student, he collapsed and committed suicide.

Yes, the Rakshasa student committed suicide in the villa, and was subsequently cleaned up by the staff and disappeared in this world.

Although he committed suicide, the Rakshasa Congress said that he died in the battle. After all, it sounded better.

"No need to call you God the Father. Come with me back to the prehistoric world. The origin of your world is there. The only chance to survive is to surrender to me and go to the prehistoric world."

Zhu Rong looked down at the three main gods. Even if the world around him was collapsing, and even if the source of fire he was in was constantly decomposing, this could not affect his existence at all.

He is not a living being in this world, so what does it matter if this world loses its origin and collapses on him.

Creatures that do not transcend the world must rely on that world. That world collapses because the origin of the world disappears, and naturally those creatures also fall with it.

Just like the prehistoric world, if the prehistoric world collapsed, Zhu Rong and others would still be fine, because they had already achieved enlightenment and transcended the prehistoric world.

But if the chaotic world collapses, then they will all die, because they have not transcended the chaotic world at all, just like the prehistoric world is dependent on chaos. If the chaotic world collapses, then the prehistoric world will also collapse.

Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu looked at each other, their eyes full of desire for life, so the three major gods nodded quickly and said: "We are willing to surrender to your Majesty, and please come to our rescue."

Zhu Rong nodded with satisfaction. The strength of these three main gods is quite good. Coupled with the thousands of fourth-level creatures under their command, even if they are not completely united, they are still a force on the surface. .

In addition, the strength of the Witch Clan can completely suppress them, so there is no need to worry about rebellion.

"In that case, then come with me!"

After saying that, Zhu Rong flashed and came to the front of the space passage.

At this moment, the troops of the Wu clan are all here waiting for the arrival of the ancestor Wu Zhurong. The war has long since stopped with the collapse of this world.

Those thousands of fourth-level creatures were panicked and at a loss at this moment, running around like headless flies, waiting for death to come.

It's not like they haven't thought about forcibly going to the other world to see if they can prevent their own fall, but the other party's power is too huge, and they have no chance to rush over.

At this time, an extremely tall god with a body full of flames came. His voice was like a bell and he carried the supreme Tao rhyme and said: "Those who want to live, surrender to me, and you can save your life!"

Then, three major gods appeared behind him, all bowing their heads slightly to show their piety.

Upon seeing this, many Shuras and Asuras in the heaven quickly knelt down on the ground and proclaimed their submission.

Suddenly, thousands of fourth-level creatures bowed and shouted to Zhu Rong, showing indescribable respect.

Upon seeing this, Zhu Rong was quite satisfied, and immediately shouted to many great witches from the twelve tribes of the witch clan: "Boys of the witch clan, go home!"


Many great witches shouted with great excitement. This time they made a huge profit. Not only did they obtain such a powerful realm, but they also recovered thousands of creatures from the Golden Immortal Realm of Hunyuan Da Luo.

Although the other party's cultivation system is different from that of himself and others, the other party's realm is indeed compared to the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

When he returns to the ancient times and is assimilated into the ancient system, he will surely become the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal with thousands of statues.

As a result, the strength of the Wu Clan will skyrocket, and the power of the Wu Clan will become even broader.

With the evacuation of many great witches, a space was instantly vacated in the space passage. The Asuras and Shuras behind them also rushed towards the space passage crazily one by one, fearing that they would be too late and follow them. The world turned into nothingness.

Originally, if the origin of the world was really lost, it would begin to disintegrate and die just like this world.

But because this world is still connected to the prehistoric world, the origin of this world in the prehistoric world is still there, and it can still support the consumption of these creatures.

But compared to the entire world, that side was unbearable, so this side of the world began to gradually collapse.

If the link is really broken, then this world will collapse and die in an instant, and it won't even take that long.

Soon, Augustine Bichir's world turned into a void and died completely. It was empty without any living beings and without any vitality. Even a kingdom of God no longer existed.

outside world.

On the viewing platform.

Everyone was silent at this moment. They couldn't figure out why Ye Xuan, a boy who had already stolen one of the kingdoms of the gods, hadn't raised their vigilance yet, and yet they were able to let him steal the source of the second kingdom of the gods.

At the same time, they also have a good understanding of Ye Xuan's strength and know that this guy must be an extremely powerful player to compete for the championship this time, especially such a ruthless guy.

If you defeat him, just defeat him. He actually goes around trying to steal people's origins. What's the difference between this and directly killing the opponent?

No, this is even more uncomfortable than killing the opponent directly!

Because death is just the end of the world. Sometimes, living people suffer more than dead people!

Just like now, Augustine Bichir walked silently towards his villa with a pale face.

Many people present believed that another lost genius was about to emerge.

And they believe that the culprit of all this is Ye Xuan...

However, in Ye Xuan's mind, all this is just because of weakness. In such a world where the strong prey on the weak, there is no right or wrong. The weak should be beaten.

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