In the wild world.

Wu Clan, Pangu Palace.

The Twelve Ancestral Witches and the Lord of the Underworld, Hou Tudu, have gathered together, and thirteen powerful gods are sitting in a circle.

"What do you think about the thousands of Hunyuan statues recovered by Zhu Rong?"

Di Jiang took the lead and spoke slowly.

"Then how can we look at it? Take it all away and use it directly as an affiliated force!"

Gonggong said directly without thinking, then looked at Zhu Rong, who was sitting opposite with a proud look on his face, raised his eyebrows and said, "Well done!"

This was the first time Zhu Rong heard Gonggong praise him, and the pride on his face became more obvious for a while, and he was almost smiling from ear to ear.

Many ancestral witches looked at his silly smile and were speechless in their hearts. They didn't say much. After all, Zhu Rong had really accomplished a great feat this time.

"That's not right. People say that people's hearts are separated from each other. What's more, this kind of force is accepted in times of crisis. They are different from the entire prehistoric era. They are born to hug together directly. Bringing them here this time is also I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.”

Zhu Jiuyin frowned and said. He felt vaguely regretful at this moment. He regretted that he should have given them an order. After seizing the source, he could just kill those people.

But he didn't say anything, and Zhu Rong brought him over without thinking.

"Second brother, those are human words, we are the Witch Clan! People's hearts are separated from each other, they... well, anyway, not everything the human race says is right."

Qiang Liang on the side also said that in his opinion, Zhu Rong's move was absolutely successful and a great achievement.

To say the least, even if the creatures who temporarily surrendered to them had different intentions, they were no match for the Witch Clan, so there was no need to worry.

At worst, it would be over if they were all killed, which would be equivalent to not bringing them here.

"Or... if it really doesn't work, why don't we kill them all, so that they don't have the intention to cause harm to the world!"

Another ancestor, Wu Xingtian, was even more ruthless. He waved the Qianqi in his hand to indicate that he could be a vanguard.

Some of the other ancestral wizards who saw this scene were quite speechless. This guy was even more brainless than Zhu Rong...

As a result, no one took Xingtian's words seriously.

When Xing Tian saw many ancestral witches looking at him like this, he smiled a little and didn't say much.

However, Hou Tu Youyou said: "In my opinion, these creatures should be treated with emotion and moved with reason. When necessary, show the strength of the witch clan to scare them into the new world, otherwise they will escape easily.

Moreover, although the opposing forces are now united, it is only because of the situation. As long as they are given a stable world to survive, those creatures will definitely return to their previous pattern of heaven and earth. By then, , the Wu Clan takes the clan as the clan leader to mediate the conflicts between them. In this way, the Wu Clan can sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. "

The so-called Diaoyutai originated from the human race. The human race likes fishing, most of the time not for food, but purely to enjoy the joy of fishing.

He even invented a whole set of various fishing gears just for fishing. He has a good temper and can sit there for a thousand years without moving. If you ask him what kind of fish he caught, he will not say anything.

When I looked at the fishhook, I saw that it was straight and there was no bait.

In this way, being able to catch fish is really a ghost.

Although the fish they caught were mortal and beasts, it did not mean that the other party had no intelligence at all. Therefore, trying to catch them was simply wishful thinking.

Many creatures passing by had laughed at this man, but this man had a gentle smile on his face, looking at the world with a smile and not saying much.

"My little sister is right, this method is still possible!"

Di Jiang's eyes lit up, and he obviously recognized what Hou Tu said, and immediately spoke out.

In his opinion, the reason why the opponent is difficult is that there are too many people. Although the Wu clan can suppress it, it takes almost all the clan's troops to suppress it.

The opponents are all in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Although they cannot defeat any Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian in the Wu clan in single combat, there are so many opponents. Together they almost exceed 10,000. There are nearly 10,000 Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Luo Jinxian.

"In addition, before the Wu Clan's strength completely crushes the opponent and transfers to the Hunyuan Realm, they must not be exposed to the Hunyuan Realm. Therefore, they must be placed in the new world and send people to strictly guard against it. The guards must not allow monks outside the Witch Clan to enter this world, otherwise the consequences may be disastrous."

Hou Tu then added an extremely serious sentence, which is the real point.

Those are nearly 10,000 first-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian monks. Their combat power is just different due to different systems. But if they major in the system of the prehistoric world, their strength will inevitably increase significantly. By then, even if they are Because of his background, he can't defeat the Wu Clan Hunyuan one-on-one, but I'm afraid that time won't be far off.

When that time comes, if the Wu Clan is still as strong as it is now, I am afraid there will be no way to crush the opponent other than forming the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

Therefore, if you want to completely tame these alien creatures, you must prevent the other party from accessing the way to the sudden increase in strength when the strength of the Witch Clan cannot completely crush the opponent!

"What my little sister said is true!"

"What my little sister said is true!"

"Sure enough, the ancestral witch with the soul is different!"

"My little sister is really smart!"

"The empress is unparalleled in wisdom, Xingtian bows down to you!"

Many ancestral witches have expressed their opinions that Xingtian also climbed out of Houtu's ancestral witch. He used to call Houtu the empress, so he always called Houtu the empress.

Even now that he has become the true form of the ancestral witch, he is still like this.

Of course, he has always been the weakest link among the ancestral witches, but he is still an existence that many creatures in the ancient world cannot reach.

"So what will happen to this new world?"

Di Jiang looked at the many ancestral witches and spoke again.

The Wu Clan is like this. Although Di Jiang ultimately decides on any major event, they still need to discuss it more during the discussion to help Di Jiang make the final decision.

Just as what Hou Tu said made many ancestral wizards extremely impressed, Di Jiang made the final decision in an instant.

After discussing those creatures, there was only one thing left, and that was the new world.

In the new world captured by Zhu Rong, the Wu clan actually has little need for this world, because the territory occupied by Honghuang is already vast and boundless, and there is also an underworld of unknown size.

Now there is another world. This world is much larger than the world Fuxi obtained. It is dozens of times larger. It is almost as big as the territory occupied by the Wu Clan in the prehistoric times. Still a drop in the bucket.

And there are not many avenues in that world that are suitable for cultivation in the Hunyuan Realm. It is not as fast as the cultivation speed of staying directly in the Daluo Realm.

Therefore, it seems that there is not much need to guard a large number of tribesmen in that world.

But if you don't guard it, the world in that area will really be decided by those creatures.

"You can do this, send a hundred great witches to guard it, disperse it in ten places, and divide the new world into ten areas. Each area has ten great witches to guard it. If there is an accident, immediately notify the witch clan to go and put down the rebellion. ”

Hou Tu thought for a while and came up with a way.

"But if the other party really rebels directly, wouldn't we have to lose many of the Wu clan's sons?!"

Zhu Rong frowned and said, in his opinion, the lives of all the people on the other side are not as valuable as a son of the Wu clan.

"No! If we prove Hunyuan, even if the other party takes action, the most it can do is seal the Wu clan's sons, or kill them in this time and space. There is no way to really kill them. There are many people in the infinite time and space. They will be born again soon!"

Di Jiang's eyes lit up, then he thought of this and immediately smiled.

After Di Jiang's reminder, Zhu Rong also knew that he had never died, but he had forgotten that Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian still had this ability.

Therefore, many ancestral witches all felt that this was good.

"One hundred great witches, once every one hundred thousand years, whoever's turn it is to be stationed will have to go, how about that?"

Di Jiang looked around and looked at the other ancestral witches.

There was nothing wrong with what he said, so naturally everyone had no objections.

Afterwards, the matter of guarding this world was settled.

"Finally, I'm afraid I have to ask my little sister what name this world should be called..."

Di Jun looked at Hou Tu with a smile. These ancestral witches were all rough and rough, but only the younger sister Hou Tu had always been kind and gentle, so there should be no problem with the naming.

Hou Tu frowned when he heard this and thought a lot, but felt that it was not good. Then his eyes lit up and he said: "It would be better to ask the human race. The talents of those human races are extremely powerful. Even those who have not become immortals are all Those who are extremely talented are far better than our witch clan."

Regarding Hou Tu's proposal, many ancestral witches also thought it was good. Who didn't know that there were many tricks of the human race in the ancient world.

Various reforms were almost always first spread among the human race, and were eventually spread to the entire prehistoric world.

This is the talent and talent that belongs to the human race and is not found in other races.

And it just so happened that the Witch Clan had a pretty good relationship with the Human Clan, so they decided to let the Human Clan help them think of one.

Among the human race.

Cangjie looked at the visiting ancestral wizard Zhu Jiuyin with a smile. The last time he discussed marriage with the human race, it was Zhu Jiuyin who came here, so they had some friendship, so this time it was him who came.

Zhu Jiuyin was a little embarrassed by the Cangjie clan, and then he couldn't help but said: "The Wu clan previously captured a world, and now they are worried about naming it. The human clan is always very talented, and the human master is one of them. You are a leader, so I came here just to seek fame.”

The Cangjie clan may not be the most powerful being among the human race, but there is no doubt that he must be the most talented one among the human race.

Otherwise, he would not be able to create words belonging to the human race.

The talent required for this is far beyond that of other human races. This is not an ordinary talent. To be able to create a text unique to the human race, it must be someone with extraordinary talent and talent who can do it.

Therefore, in this aspect, the Cangjie family can be said to be unparalleled.

After hearing the intention expressed by Zhu Jiuyin, Cangjie smiled and nodded, saying, "Since it is the invitation of the ancestral witch, how can I refuse?"

Zhu Jiuyin was overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly imitated the human race and wanted to bow to express his gratitude, but was stopped by the Cangjie clan.

"Ancestral Witch, you don't have to be like this. It's a trivial matter. Let me see the world here before we talk about anything else."

Immediately, Cangjie retracted the smile on his face, and with a flash of light in his eyes, he spanned infinite time and space, and the place he looked at was the new world.

The origin of the world is covered with a layer of the aura of the ancient world. It is adapting to the environment in the ancient world and has not yet regained its vitality.

The new world was desolate, with nothing but objects such as the sun, moon, and stars.

There are nearly ten thousand figures in the world, and those figures are all extremely powerful beings, and they are all astonishingly close to beings like Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

These are the alien creatures that Zhu Rong conquered from the previous Kingdom of God, but now they have been brought to the new world by the Witch Clan.

And those sun, moon and stars were created by Brahma among them. They belong exclusively to this time and space. But he can't create living beings. In the past, he was able to create living beings in that world. The birth spirit comes.

A lot of the authority that belonged to him had been deprived of him, and even the blessings that had always been given to him in the past had become ineffective and ineffective.

Cangjie looked at this scene, with a slight smile on his face, and said slowly: "Since the Wu Clan is upright and the foundation of its success is in the underworld, and there are so many powerful creatures in this world, we can give it a name. Being in the underworld not only shows the strength of the witch clan, but also prevents it from falling into the prestige of the underworld.”

"And I think there are hundreds of great witches among them, but they are here to suppress the creatures in this world, right? That means that the witch clan in this world is just a force, using the name of the Netherworld underworld, but there is no direct Calling the world of the Witch Clan, if the Witch Clan survives in it, this world can be renamed the Witch World, but this is not the case. "

"The Underworld of the Earth...the Underworld of the Earth..."

Zhu Jiuyin muttered a few words in a low voice, then a smile appeared on his face and he laughed: "Okay! What an earthly underworld! In that case, let's call it the earthly underworld!"

Then, he bowed his hands towards the Cangjie family and said, "Thank you very much, Master, for giving me the name. I would like to thank you very much. If Master is willing, you can come to my shaman clan to discuss the Tao at any time!"

The smile on Cangjie's face became even brighter when he heard this. He bowed in return and said, "The ancestral witch is polite. If you have anything to ask for, I will definitely go to the witch clan."


Zhu Jiuyin laughed loudly, and then said: "This matter is over, I still need to go back to the Wu Clan quickly and say goodbye."

The witch clan has always been like this. They speak quickly and quickly. After getting what they want, they immediately want to tell the other ancestral witches this name, and then carve the words "underworld" on the portal of the new world.

As the three Dao characters of Earth and Underworld fell on the portal of the new world, this world completely got a new name.

Naturally, the underworld also belongs to the Witch Clan. Judging from the name, it looks more like a subordinate of the underworld. After all, the underworld is also called the underworld.

However, they don't care about the many ancestral witches of the Witch Clan, because except for some holy ones, almost all the rest in the underworld are people of the Witch Clan, and they are full of creatures of the Witch Clan from top to bottom.

Among them, the most powerful Lord of the Underworld, Houtu, is one of the ancestral witches of the Wu clan.

The relationship between the Witch Clan and the Underworld is equivalent to the relationship between the Demon Clan and the Heavenly Court, except that the authority of the Underworld is not as great as that of the Heavenly Court, and the six paths of reincarnation cannot be interfered with. Unlike the Heavenly Court, which can suppress all directions and can be justified. to do anything.

Even if it is to control other ethnic groups or control any force, this is what Heaven can do in name.

It's just that Emperor Jun didn't bother to do this. Emperor Jun has always been like this, leading everyone to prosper together. Otherwise, the ancestor of the stars would not have led hundreds of millions of star creatures to join the heaven and strengthen the power of the heaven.

Because he also saw what Xingchen Patriarch wanted to accomplish in Di Jun, and it would be even greater than what he wanted to accomplish.

Therefore, the ancestor of Xingchen has been practicing in seclusion these years, quietly watching the Emperor Jun guide the country and dance with the wind and clouds.

It can be said that many living beings in today's prehistoric world do not know that there was once a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian named Xingchen Patriarch who risked his life to fight against Hongjun for the sake of all living beings in the prehistoric world.

In the Zixiao Palace, that battle awakened a lot of holiness. Emperor Jun can live today, so he should naturally be grateful to the ancestors of the past for saving the way and preaching.

Otherwise, Honghuang will really fall into the hands of Hongjun, and by that time, I am afraid that Luo Hu, who is attached to Hongjun, will also be eradicated by him.

Unfortunately, if one step goes unsatisfactory, then every step will go unsatisfactory.

Today, the hero of Xingchen Patriarch has retired and is hiding in the wilderness, with no reputation, living a happy and happy life.

Luo Hu's disciples ran around in the wilderness, making many living beings frightened by the news. Luo Hu himself planted seeds one after another among the major forces, looking forward to their future growth.

As for Hongjun, he has now become the most miserable person, being suppressed and sealed in the chaos. It is not known when he will be able to break the seal and be reborn.

As for his disciples, they have all decreased due to his long absence, but those who remain are all very convinced of his existence. From another perspective, it is not a bad thing.

These disciples all have a common goal, which is to follow in the footsteps of their teacher, to explore the path of immortality, to attain Hunyuan, and to find their teacher in infinite time and space.

In their minds, teachers have all traveled through time and space after attaining enlightenment, so they can’t find them, and can’t even sense them.

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